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How rude of me - 32 posts and I haven't even introduced myself yet!

My name's Ryan. I favour fire Pokemon, enjoy battling with Trick Room teams, have played through Reborn a few times and am currently working my way through Rejuvenation. I also pick up a pencil once in a while and post stuff to the fanart thread.

Anyways, enough about me. I just wanted to say I think it's amazing how community-driven Reborn is, and say to everyone who's had a hand in building the game: you're all awesome!

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Hi there, welcome probably isn't the right term for you so we'll leave that there.

Uh as usual if you have any questions feel free to hit me up (though I doubt you do) and make sure to drop by here in order to claim your free hat.

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I noticed you have a ghost type avi.

I noticed you chose the best fire type in the game.

(Because it's ghost type)

I like ghosts x.x


I LOVE ghosts...

In a romantic way........................

Anywho,welcome to the forums!

Hope to see you around... more :3

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Well met Ryan.

Late-welcome to Reborn!

...Ryan? To avoid confusion, I'll just refer to you as GenY, if that's all right.

If it isn't I'll do it anyway.

Anyway, 32 posts, but enough for me to notice you around. So there's nothing much to say here.

Just remember the server is here if you haven't been there yet, and you're late for your conversion. Blue chandelure go WOLOLO \o/ now you're blue

Continue to enjoy your permanent stay!

I'll see you around o/

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