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Thank you noivy for showing us, the new members the history of this community!

no, seriously, you brought up so many points of things i didn't even know about!

like i knew there was a reborn league once like a zillion years ago, but i didn't know there was a comic!

also, welcome back to being an active member again!

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Eyy, Noivy! You're one of those members that I always considered part of the "old crew," but you're one of the ones I've heard from the least, so I'm glad we'll get a chance to finally get to know you. I'd heard the name +Infinitas thrown around a few times before, but I never knew it was actually a comic about what would be come the Reborn game. Neat info and glad to see you returning to activity!

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I am so relieved that you're not leaving too because that would be too much for my heart, 2 people leaving on one day >> Anyway yay you're not going to be lurking as much so that's a plus \o/ Glad you wrote this up cuz many members might not know the history of things here, and I didn't know the much of the history before I joined in 2012 so that was pretty interesting.

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It is interesting to learn about how Reborn came to existence and became what it is today, makes me appreciate Reborn and every effort and time invested into Reborn by dev team even more, thank you Noivy for the lesson, see you around in the forum :)

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Back then this place was called "Poke-Place: Reborn"(and I know Amethyst is probably recoiling at the thought of even thinking of that name when it had to happen. I think all of us can agree, "Poke-Place" sounds a little too kiddy for the general im/maturity of this site), because originally before even the PO server, there was a place called Monkey Pro League,where the first league of the community was hosted (I'm going to call it season one of league). I am not 100% sure when the change from this to PO happened, that's up to the ancient members aka the few remaining active members older than me to inform you of.

As for this stuff here it was just called MonkeyPro, the league however started there and the change to PO happened in 2010.

As for some more info on Reborn it actually had its own forum even before MonkeyPro Where we just called it Pokeplace ~

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