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Okay so since someone (I forgot your name sorry) suggested to create my own page. I finally beat Shelly but I am still looking for a replacement for my noibat. Any suggestions?

PC Pokémon:








Party Pokémon:

Monferno lvl 33

Flame wheel

Mach Punch

Rock Smash


Emolga lvl 33

Shock wave

Charge beam



Persian lvl 31

Fake out




Noibat lvl 29- BAD

wing attack




Simipour lvl 33




Screech ​​

Trubbish lvl 31

Sludge Bomb​​

Acid Spray

Take down

Toxic Spikes


Any other suggestions on my party pokemon??​

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hmm well i would replace emolga with a mareep/ampharos since emolga has meh stats compared to a ampharos. plus ampharos is a way better late game electric type than emolga. Ampharos learns good moves by itself and is tanky. yes ampharos is not that fast but having a bulky electric type can be useful.

Well you can replace noibat with a woobat/swoobat it is kinda awesome with the simple ability. simple + calm mind = crazy SpAtk and Spdef boost. Plus it is a decent psychic type which can be useful for the other gyms after Shelly. You can bring noibat back into you team later on when he can evolve into noivern. but yeah at the start of the game noibat is just trash/ support pokemon.

Trubbish,Simipour and persian will soon become useless because they cant carry you in the mid way of the game.

You cant get a good water type yet at where you are at well actually you can but since you used up your water stone on panpour to get a simipour you cant get ludicolo anymore unless you are willing to mine them shiny rocks like mad(soft reset like hell until you get a water stone) but oh well there are better water types you can get later on the game. well you can replace you simipour with crawdaunt/barbaracle/Quagsire/gastrodon

I would replace trubbish with a roselia since roselia is way better in many ways. you can get budew by now. plus roselia can evolve to roserade once you get a shiny stone later on the game. problem with roserade/roselia is they don't get good poison type moves since there is no tm sludge bomb in reborn yet. you can go back to older episodes to breed tm onto pokemon just head over to this thread --->Here<--- but you can get venoshock TM which is awesome on roserade/roselia as they get toxic/toxic spike so you can combo these moves to get a 130 BP venoshock.

Persian can be replaced with a dark type/ghost type. Yamsk/Cofagrigus are good and tanky ghost type. They can take hits well ad they can help you in a few gyms coming up. you can also grab a skuntank/stunky/drapion. why these pokemons because they only have 1 weakness and can do decent damage. Hmm other dark types you can consider adding into your team to replace persian would be Scraggy/scrafty but the problem here is scarggy and scrafty are kinda hard to get unless you have a pokemon which can beat 3 pangoro's which are lvl 50.

Also it is always good to have a team of sub pokemon which can be swapped in and out of your team. So you would have choices and don't need to stick with just 6 pokemon. If you do not know where to find the pokemon i listed head over to THIS thread and if you want to know where to find Item head over to THIS thread

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Judging from your team roster, i would assume you hadn't completed the Mystery Egg sidequest(the rounding up all the cops thing while hunting down Team Meteor in Rodochrine Jungle thing), otherwise i think any Mystery Egg contents might be a good fit for your team. Dont worry about replacing Noibat tho, since Emolga still assumes the role of flying types in your team for now until better flying type emerge, but if you need a flying type, Drifblim has a unique typing of ghost/flying(on windy day helping the lost boy sidequest), and i would suggest Diggersby with ability Huge Power(double the attack stat) to replace Persian(even Technician will still , since Persian is no longer suffice as a normal type as you go further into the playthrough.

Per what Luna said, Stuntank/Drapion are pretty great especially with latter for boosting moves like hone claws, and it gets access to toxic spikes which fulfill the role of your Trubbish. I would like to know more about your mons' ability to gain a better insight. Reminder that mons ability can sometimes helps in battle(same species with different abilities, a superior ability one will rise above, for instance what Luna said about Simple Woobat in contrary to Klutz Woobat, which later doesnt have any use in battle where former wields two stages of boosting move instead of one in the case of calm mind and amnesia)

P.S use ability capsule if you get an undesirable ability on a good permanent mon on your team with otherwise bad ability.

Edited by TimTim
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