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Steffo's incapacity in Teambuilding continues


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Greetings people!

Welcome back to another Update of the TCU Run Been thinking about my team recently and i came up with something based on what i have and what i don't have

My main six are the ones you see in my Trainer Card (visible in my signature), it's just an idea so i need your precious advices

Moreover, here's the possibly backups that i thinked to train:

Gyarados - Moxie + Waterfall, Crunch, DD, Ice Fang

Haxorus - Unnerve + DD, Night Slash, Dragon Claw (or Outrage), Iron Tail

Heliolisk - Solar Power + Surf, Thunder, Rain Dance, Charge (it's a REALLY strange, ik, but i'm here to ask for advices so..)

Ninetails - Drought + Flamethrower, Will-o-Wisp, Extrasensory, Hex (if we'll have someday Solarbeam's TM, i'll run it)

Drapion - Battle Armor or Sniper + Ice Fang, Night Slash, Cross Poison, Toxic Spikes

Froslass - Snow Cloak + Hail, Shadow Ball, Ice Shard, *Insert 6th move here*

What do you think?

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Is the person who obsessively repeats "I'm sorry" also part of your team?

Jokes aside, I am not usre I like DD Charizard considering that you cannot mega evolve it in this game. And I certainly don't like Luxray when you can have superior choices like Heliolisk. Incidentally, I think Dry Skin is a better ability for Heliolisk, not for the rain recovery (weather is not going to be a factor anyway), but for the Water immunity which is nifty. And I mean, non-STAB Surf in Sun? how do you expect that to deal any significant damage?

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Is the person who obsessively repeats "I'm sorry" also part of your team?

Jokes aside, I am not usre I like DD Charizard considering that you cannot mega evolve it in this game. And I certainly don't like Luxray when you can have superior choices like Heliolisk. Incidentally, I think Dry Skin is a better ability for Heliolisk, not for the rain recovery (weather is not going to be a factor anyway), but for the Water immunity which is nifty. And I mean, non-STAB Surf in Sun? how do you expect that to deal any significant damage?

Yep, his name is Steve, his job is to bring Doritos and Water to my pokemon (he sais "i'm sorry" because he dropped some water on the floor. What a nice guy, he loves his job so much)

Aaaanyway, DD is a useful move for a Physical Attacker, and since i intend to run Charizard as a PA, maybe it could have been a good choice.

Luxray has a special place in my heart (like Demony, my beloved Gourgeist) and it's my favourite pokemon, so it's a must in my team.

I know there are a lot of better choices (as you said, Heliolisk for example) but i just like it too much. I expected some disappointment for Heliolisk's moveset lol, i intended to use it mainly as a Weather Support for one of my Water mons (Azumarill for example), i placed Surf in it just because nothing else came to my mind

Edited by AndSoThereIsSt3ffo
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Isn't this like your 4th topic about your team? Not that I'm complaining, glad you're keeping me busy :P (especially cause I remember almost nothing from the last 3)


-I think you got that Charizard set from me, but I'll say it again: Charizard is bad. It's somewhat useful with DD, but I'd still use a different Fire type, at least until we get the Mega Ring and appropriate stone. Want any suggestions?

-Already discussed that in your other topic, so moving on.

-Personally, I'm no fan of Belly Drum Azu, I like 4 attacks a lot more. Anyways, Aqua Ring is terrible. It provides very slow recovery and even if it was quicker, who cares, we have healing items for that. And where's the Play Rough at? Also, instead of BD (which works, but you should run BD, Jet, Waterfall, Play Rough), I'd go for either Bounce (tutor at the circus) or Body Slam (breeding). (Bounce is somewhat inaccurate, but if you give it a Wide Lens, Play Rough has 99% accuracy and Bounce has ~95%)

-I can see what you're going for with Toxic-Venoshock, but it's not worth it, Crobat isn't bulky enough for all that (but you can get somethign with Toxic spikes instead, a sturdy level 1 Pineco will do if you don't wanna bother training something and you really only need one layer for Venoshock). Instead, get a good Hidden Power (FIghting/Ground are perfect) or Dark Pulse.

-Luxray is pretty bad, mediocre Speed and Defenses. It's offenses are good, especially if you get the Toxic Orb and activate it's Guts, but you're not even using Wild Charge, so I really don't think you should keep it. If you're looking for a good Electric type, there's Heliolisk, Eelektross, Magnezone, Galvantula, Stunfisk and Ampharos that I'd say are all better (well, if you go to E12 and get Galvantula Thunder or Energy Ball).

-Mmmmmmno. It's fast, but it's got mediocre special attack and trash defenses. And you can't even get Focus Blast. The only use I can see on it would be a quick Final Gambit, but that's it (and I don't even know if FG works properly). I'd really just say swap it with something.

For other Bug types, there's Venomoth, Vivilon, Heracross, Shedinja, Leavanny, Galvantula, Scolipede, Crustle, Escavalier, Durant and Armaldo. I'd recommend you something with Sticky Web or Scolipede for Baton Pass.

Next, for your back-ups...they're better than your main team IMO.

-Gyarados is Gyarados, all you get is that one same old boring good set.

-Don't bother with Iron Tail, that accuracy is trash. Also, look into E12 breeding, my guide gives chains for Poison Jab, Dig, X-Scissor and/or Night Slash. I'd run DD, Dragon Claw, Poison Jab, Dig on it, cause Fairy and Steel are the only things standing in the way of you spamming STAB moves. Also, it depends on when you started, but if you fought Shade in E15, you have Shadow Claw, which is another, easier-to-get alternative to Night Slash (if you run SC or NS, remember to get a Scope Lens so that you have a 50% chance to crit with that move).

-Ninetales and a Rain Heliolisk, y u do dis. But seriously, Drought Ninetales + Solar Power Heliolisk tear through the game and Azu doesn't even benefit all that much from rain anyways.

I'd recommend you switch it to Solar Power and get Thunderbolt, Grass Knot (TM or breeding), Dark Pulse and Hidden Power (Ice is absolutely perfect for it).

-Ninetales is a great attacker and I'd definitely use it over your Charizard.

For moves, while it has alright special bulk, but the physical side is bad even if you get that Will-o-Wisp off. I'd go back to E12 and get it Energy Ball, maybe a good Hidden Power (Rock and Ground are perfect) and keep Extrasensory or get Nasty Plot or Dark Pulse.

-Definitely make Drapion Sniper and grab a Scope Lens, you'll be criting with Cross Poison and Night Slash 50% of the time.

On that note, Poison+Dark is pretty good coverage and Sniper crits do over double the non-crit damage, so you can look into Swords Dance and Agility over Toxic Spikes and Ice Fang. You don't even need any Speed EVs, Adamant no-EVs at +2 outspeeds even max speed Electrodes.

Or if that's not your thing, keep Ice Fang and ditch Toxic Spikes (unless you plan on using Drapion and Crobat at the same time a lot). Instead of T-Spikes, there's Dig from E12, other fang moves, Brick Break, X-Scissor from E12 and Rock Tomb.

-Just no. Froslass has alright speed, but 70s in bulk and 80s in offenses. You can try some Hail+Snow Cloak+Bright Powder thing, but I'd prefer not to get OHKOed just cause the opponent didn't get unlucky and hit.

There's other Ice and Ghost types that are simply better. Want suggestions?

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Isn't this like your 4th topic about your team? Not that I'm complaining, glad you're keeping me busy :P (especially cause I remember almost nothing from the last 3)


-I think you got that Charizard set from me, but I'll say it again: Charizard is bad. It's somewhat useful with DD, but I'd still use a different Fire type, at least until we get the Mega Ring and appropriate stone. Want any suggestions?

-Already discussed that in your other topic, so moving on.

-Personally, I'm no fan of Belly Drum Azu, I like 4 attacks a lot more. Anyways, Aqua Ring is terrible. It provides very slow recovery and even if it was quicker, who cares, we have healing items for that. And where's the Play Rough at? Also, instead of BD (which works, but you should run BD, Jet, Waterfall, Play Rough), I'd go for either Bounce (tutor at the circus) or Body Slam (breeding). (Bounce is somewhat inaccurate, but if you give it a Wide Lens, Play Rough has 99% accuracy and Bounce has ~95%)

-I can see what you're going for with Toxic-Venoshock, but it's not worth it, Crobat isn't bulky enough for all that (but you can get somethign with Toxic spikes instead, a sturdy level 1 Pineco will do if you don't wanna bother training something and you really only need one layer for Venoshock). Instead, get a good Hidden Power (FIghting/Ground are perfect) or Dark Pulse.

-Luxray is pretty bad, mediocre Speed and Defenses. It's offenses are good, especially if you get the Toxic Orb and activate it's Guts, but you're not even using Wild Charge, so I really don't think you should keep it. If you're looking for a good Electric type, there's Heliolisk, Eelektross, Magnezone, Galvantula, Stunfisk and Ampharos that I'd say are all better (well, if you go to E12 and get Galvantula Thunder or Energy Ball).

-Mmmmmmno. It's fast, but it's got mediocre special attack and trash defenses. And you can't even get Focus Blast. The only use I can see on it would be a quick Final Gambit, but that's it (and I don't even know if FG works properly). I'd really just say swap it with something.

For other Bug types, there's Venomoth, Vivilon, Heracross, Shedinja, Leavanny, Galvantula, Scolipede, Crustle, Escavalier, Durant and Armaldo. I'd recommend you something with Sticky Web or Scolipede for Baton Pass.

Next, for your back-ups...they're better than your main team IMO.

-Gyarados is Gyarados, all you get is that one same old boring good set.

-Don't bother with Iron Tail, that accuracy is trash. Also, look into E12 breeding, my guide gives chains for Poison Jab, Dig, X-Scissor and/or Night Slash. I'd run DD, Dragon Claw, Poison Jab, Dig on it, cause Fairy and Steel are the only things standing in the way of you spamming STAB moves. Also, it depends on when you started, but if you fought Shade in E15, you have Shadow Claw, which is another, easier-to-get alternative to Night Slash (if you run SC or NS, remember to get a Scope Lens so that you have a 50% chance to crit with that move).

-Ninetales and a Rain Heliolisk, y u do dis. But seriously, Drought Ninetales + Solar Power Heliolisk tear through the game and Azu doesn't even benefit all that much from rain anyways.

I'd recommend you switch it to Solar Power and get Thunderbolt, Grass Knot (TM or breeding), Dark Pulse and Hidden Power (Ice is absolutely perfect for it).

-Ninetales is a great attacker and I'd definitely use it over your Charizard.

For moves, while it has alright special bulk, but the physical side is bad even if you get that Will-o-Wisp off. I'd go back to E12 and get it Energy Ball, maybe a good Hidden Power (Rock and Ground are perfect) and keep Extrasensory or get Nasty Plot or Dark Pulse.

-Definitely make Drapion Sniper and grab a Scope Lens, you'll be criting with Cross Poison and Night Slash 50% of the time.

On that note, Poison+Dark is pretty good coverage and Sniper crits do over double the non-crit damage, so you can look into Swords Dance and Agility over Toxic Spikes and Ice Fang. You don't even need any Speed EVs, Adamant no-EVs at +2 outspeeds even max speed Electrodes.

Or if that's not your thing, keep Ice Fang and ditch Toxic Spikes (unless you plan on using Drapion and Crobat at the same time a lot). Instead of T-Spikes, there's Dig from E12, other fang moves, Brick Break, X-Scissor from E12 and Rock Tomb.

-Just no. Froslass has alright speed, but 70s in bulk and 80s in offenses. You can try some Hail+Snow Cloak+Bright Powder thing, but I'd prefer not to get OHKOed just cause the opponent didn't get unlucky and hit.

There's other Ice and Ghost types that are simply better. Want suggestions?

Currently it's the 4th i guess..one day i'll stop it i promise ahah

Btw, you always find tons of bad things in my team, i'm starting to hate you :c (i'm joking, ofc, your suggestions are pretty useful)

Well i agree with what you said, as an Ice Type suggestion maybe Vanilluxe/Glalie or Mamoswine? (even if i hate Mamoswine)

I SO support this. Venomoth is a criminally underrated Pokemon and it definitely deserves more love. I really really recommend it

Mmh, never used it

I could give Venomoth a try i guess

Edited by AndSoThereIsSt3ffo
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Currently it's the 4th i guess..one day i'll stop it i promise ahah

Btw, you always find tons of bad things in my team, i'm starting to hate you :c (i'm joking, ofc, your suggestions are pretty useful)

Well i agree with what you said, as an Ice Type suggestion maybe Vanilluxe/Glalie or Mamoswine? (even if i hate Mamoswine)

Mmh, never used it

I could give Venomoth a try i guess

I'm perfectionistic in all the useless things :P

Nah, why bother with Mamoswine if you don't like it. It's good, but you have other options.

-The first that comes to mind is Avalugg, that thing's Avalanche is stronger than Mamo's Icicle Crash.

You've got 2 options...

1)Mirror Coat, Avalanche, Crunch, Rock Tomb/Bulldoze.

2)Gyro Ball(E12), Avalanche, Crunch, Rock Slide(E12)/Bulldoze.

...cause you can't breed both Mirror Coat and Gyro Ball. The chain for GB and RS is in the guide.

For other Ice types, there's Cryogonal, Vanilluxe, Weavile, Aurorus and Lapras. I already did this, so mind if I copy-paste?

In order:

-Levitate with Freeze-Dry, Ice Beam/Frost Breath, Hidden Power, Water Pulse(tutor). There's also Solar Beam if you're using a Ninetales (sun doesn't weaken Ice moves for some reason). What Hidden Power you get doesn't really matter, Water+Ice is only resisted by Water types, for which you have Freeze-Dry.

-Weak Armor with Iron Defense, Ice Beam/Frost Breath, Water Pulse, Freeze-Dry/Hidden Power. And again, if you have a Ninetales, Weather Ball is an option for a 150 BP move. The gimmick with this one is to use Weak Armor and Iron Defense to buff both Defense and Speed to +1 (or more) and go to town, so this thing is an odd fast physically-bulky special attacker.

-We technically don't have Weavile yet, but all we need is the item from the Department Store, which we can reach in E16. Anyways, Pickpocket with Night Slash, Ice Punch/Icicle Crash. And options! Aerial Ace, Dig and Icicle Crash via Farfetch'd/Gogoat>Sandshrew/Diglett/Drilbur/Sandile/Bunnelby>Cubchoo>Sneasel, Aerial Ace, Dig, Icicle Crash/Ice Punch, X-Scissor and/or Poison Jab via Smeargle.

-Aurorus is a tricky one. Bad defensive typing and Speed make it iffy, but, if EV trained, this thing can use Rock Polsih and just sweep. Snow Warning with Blizzard, Freeze-Dry/Discharge/Charge Beam, Ancient Power/Hidden Power Rock, Rock Polish.

-There's 4 ways to run Lapras! 4 Physical attacks, 4 Special attacks, a Curse set or a DD set.

For a physical set, you've got Waterfall, Ice Shard, Avalanche/Bulldoze/Drill Run/Body Slam. 3 STABs, Ice Shard is for frail speedy things or to kill an already weakened foe, Avalanche is a mighty 120 BP move for things you can tank a hit from. And then you've got Drill Run for some coverage, or BS/Bulldoze for support.

For a Special set, you've got, Scald(E12)/Surf/Hydro Pump, Frost Breath, Freeze-Dry, Psychic/Hidden Power/Ancient Power/Icy Wind. Simple stuff, 2 STABs and then Frost Breath instead of T-Bolt because FB hits the same things TB would but also hits things like Swampert or Ludicolo for waaaaaay more. The last move is just filler coverage or Icy Wind for support.

Curse, Waterfall, Avalanche, Ice Shard. Curse is perhaps the most viable set, just because Lapras is so bulky already, and it's Sp.Def is high even without any boosts. Curse+Avalanche is a great combo and, in case something that could outspeed and kill you comes out, have enough Curses up and you can likely OHKO with Ice Shard, taking no damage.

And the DD set is just the 4 Physical Attacks set with DD instead of Ice Shard since the speed boosts make priority unnecessary.

With Venomoth, the thing is that you either outspeed, hit a Sleep Powder set up and sweep some or you get outsped and killed in one hit. The set would be Tinted Lens with Sleep Powder, Quiver Dance, Bug Buzz and Sludge Bomb (E12, Skrelp>Wooper>Snubbul>Roselia>Paras>Venonat).

It's a lot like Vivillon. Vivillon is more accurate and has the strongest move (91% accurate Hurricane) cause of Compound Eyes, Venonat is slightly specially bulkier + better defensive typing and can't be walled cause of Tinted Lens.

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Yeah, like I said, Venomoth is eitger fantastic or trash, it reappy depends on the opponent. There are other, more stable things (like Durant, that tging awept even Charlotte for me) If you're iffy on Venomoth, there's all the othr Bug types I recommended. Want any sets for those?

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The thing with Shedinja is that it works really well if you know what the foe's packing, cause of all it's immunities. And that's actually not that hard, cause Flying, Dark and Ghost are very rarely seen on something other than Flying, Dark and Ghost types (and Psychic types). Seriously, I gave myself an extra Shedinja starter and Crunch Avalugg was the only surprise I had from those types.

So you should be able to find plenty of opportunities to use it. You can either go with 4 attacks (X-Scissor, Shadow Sneak, Phantom Force (or Shadow Claw from TM (give it a scope lens)) and Dig (E12)) or what I think is better, STABs, Shadow Sneak, Hone Claws. The AI switches out very rarely, even when they have absolutely nothing to hit you, so you should be able to set up a good number of boosts pretty easily. Then just push buttons and see what happens. It sucks that you have to switch out if something can hit you and you can't kill it with Shadow Sneak, so you gotta switch out, but you can set up again easily, so it works out.

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