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Hi everyone this is very surprising... but I am going to do my best to be the best I can in everyway possible, so any advice i will embrace. Also I am glad to start convo's with "Slut and Cloud" and I am looking forward to having a great time with you all.

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Nah, you're fine, he's just doing his job as a forum mod << >>

Welcome though; I read your To-do list topic, and I have to say, you seem pretty cool- looking forward to you finishing that up because to be honest I couldn't hope to put together a list like that and actually do it...

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Well thank you for the support on my list, to be honest it is just a thing to get people to start getting interested on doing things other than playing Pokemon Online, so that they can come on to the forums and actually have something to say. With everyone's passion for Pokemon it gets boring at times when all we do is talk about that... Otherwise I believe that this is the greatest server/forums out there other than Realgam Tower, but there is a long story to why I am not there. The only thing I wish were different was on the trainer cards I wanted to be able to put my sprite on there but like they are automatically made and I have made my trainer card using Photoshop but it will not let me keep it for every time I post. That makes me sad...

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