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Because this definitely not a bad idea; my poorly written run of Dragon quest III

Yours Truly

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So one day I was quite bored with playing reborn; quite a shock I know, but at some point grinding ceases to give me any appeal, and so I went on a wiki walk on TV tropes, and so I found this little game called Dragon quest III, and there seemed to be a lot of hype surrounding it, and they said that this game influenced many others that use it’s character creation system, and of course I was intrigued, and I decided to play it, and for some reason or other I decided to make another log of this run; except it’s actually a story; so cross your fingers while I attempt to write a story that doesn’t completely and utterly suck.


1. One Party member per town

1a. Including the starting town

2. Have fun?

3. Whatever


Why am I inside of a forest? The last thing I remember is falling asleep; I look around the verdant forest, and while the area looks green and filled with life;

the place is empty, and there is no one around other than myself; to my south, east, and west there is nothing but a seemingly endless expanse of trees, but right in front of me I can spot a small opening, but I can’t see anything that’s past it, but while the forest smells fresh; the area itself doesn’t feel at all inviting; it almost feels like someone or something is doing their best to make me move forward, and I’d have to agree, and so I throw my caution to the wind and I pass through the small crevice.


Past the forest there is a small cliff face, and past it I can see mountains that stretch out to cover most of the horizon, and again; I cannot find anyone here, but for some reason I feel like I should walk closer to the edge, and I do; closer and closer until I am finally on the edge; at this point I’m just hoping that the voice doesn’t tell me to jump next; instead the voice asks me some basic questions to gauge my personality, and he also asked me my name; which is Cronos, and my birth month and day; which is one the twelfth and the fourteenth respectively, and the voice stops talking for a moment, and before I could ask him how to come back home;


the world shifts around me, and I pass out.


And again I awake inside a location that isn’t familiar to me at all; this is starting to feel like a weird trippy dream sequence; the area looks like a castle; with its stone walls and slightly damp interior, and I hear a woman laughing and rejoicing on how her plans has finally come to fruition, and that she will finally obtain that jewel from a rival kingdom.

I shake my head, people these days and I go down a conveniently located set of stairs only to arrive in a smaller room, and there is a wooden door inside the room, but before I can get there I can hear a king addressing his soldiers.

King: The neighboring kingdom is about to invade, and we must strike first

General: But sir; can the information we provided be proven genuine?

King: *Righteous fury* The queen told me so, and do you think that the queen would lie to me?

General: *Afraid of getting executed* No sir .



I exit the room to find a throne room, and on the throne the king is currently seated, but funnily enough I cannot find his advisor anywhere, but there is another small room next to the throne; perhaps that’s where the advisor is? I walk towards the other room to meet with the advisor in order to get his take on what is happening; the man seems distraught; it is clear that he thinks all of this is nothing but a mistake, and he asks me somethings.

Me: In my opinion yes.

Advisor: If the King made a mistake; will you still listen to him?

Me: Of Course! he's the King; he might make some mistake's but that doesn't mean that I'm not going to listen to him.

Then the advisor looks surprised for a moment, and he asks me if I am going to help them fight, but I am pretty sure that was a rhetorical question.


And so I went to the king, but after I expressed my hopes of aiding in the battle; he simply told me that I am not a warrior, and that I should probably hide; I turn and walk towards the castle’s gate feeling quite offended, but before I could reach it the scenery shifts yet again.



And I am back on the cliff edge with the mysterious voice again, but this time the voice tells me that it knows what my personality is, and that while I am clever and well liked I also tend to accidentally make people feel insulted somehow.


After telling me that it rather rudely told me to “wake up”, but not before telling me to stop making other people feel foolish because it will only make me look like a fool; because everyone else is smart as well, and that while I am clever; I'm not that clever.



My mother shakes me awake; as it turns out; today is my sixteenth birthday, and the king has requested me to go to his castle; which is quite odd as I have never went there before, but if the king request’s me to go to the castle; then something important must be happening.


For some reason my mother insisted that I go there with her; it’s like she thinks that I don’t know where the huge easily recognizable castle is located, or maybe she just wants to see me off, and we finally arrive at the draw bridge, and she says goodbye, but not before reminding me to watch my behavior around the king; like I needed to be reminded to not be a complete and utter fool.


The castle’s insides are of course stone, and the floors are tiled with a purple stone, and for some reason some *genius* decided to place a red and gold carpet right next to some potted plants, and an indoor river, and yet it has somehow remained unstained.

There are of course guards inside the castle, but they repeat the same things over and over again

Guard: Welcome to castle Aliahan x ∞


I back off from him, and I walk towards the throne room; which traditionally is located above a set of stairs that are located in the center of the building, and of course; I am one hundred percent correct.There are red banners on the walls, and the entire room is illuminated by candlelight; the floor is again colored a deep purple, and right in front of me there is an expanse of red and gold embroidered carpeting, and on top of it; there is a medium sized red and gold throne, and on top of it there is the king; who is again wearing red and gold; his beard is long and white, and his face looks old, but there is still a bit of a spark inside of him, and he would be dancing if the situation wasn’t so depressing, and if he didn’t think that doing so would break his hip.

Beside him there is his balding and fat advisor; who is wearing an outfit with the colors red. gold and green; more specifically green pants, and red and gold everything else; he is currently standing because no one has given him a seat; he does not look very comfortable.

The king skips with the introductions and pleasantries; except for telling me congratulations on my sixteenth birthday.


King: Congratulations on your sixteenth birthday!

Me: Well I know that you’re the king and everything, but is that it?

King: Also your father's dead, and I am hereby asking you to perform a potentially life ending task for me

Me: On my sixteenth birthday? Really?


King: Well ignoring your rudeness; have you ever heard of the saying “desperate times call for desperate measures?

Me: Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?

King: Well the demon Barathos is about to destroy the world

Me: Well what do you expect me to do about it

King: Stop him

Me: How?


King: Well I don’t really know; you’re the hero

Me: Well my father was a hero

King: and so was your grandfather, and your great grandfather; you are a descendant of Erdrick right?

Me: Well yes but-

King: And so you are a hero; just like your father


Me; You mean my father; the one who fell into a volcano while trying to “Save the world” or something

King: Well none of us really had a choice here; do you really think that I wanted to be the king?

Me: Yes?

King: Well actually you’re right; I did want to be the king, but anyway you know go find the demon; kill him or banish him or something, and take the stuff from that chest over there; oh and get some companions or something it’s quite dangerous out there.


I sigh; it sucks to be the hero doesn’t it? And so I opened the chest; hoping against all hope that there will be something useful there, but instead there are several sticks and what appears to be a club; there is also some lightly padded clothing, and a purse which has exactly fifty gold coins inside of it; this is going to suck isn’t it?


Me: And may god save us all

And so I exited the castle, and the first thing that comes to mind is that I need an ally; someone I can depend on, and the king and his advisor had repeatedly told me of a small tavern where one could get some; although I have never entered it for obvious reasons, because I was underage, and also because I wanted to be a cobbler when I grew up, but life is change, and if the situation is as bad as the king says it is; then I don't think anyone will mind


After a short walk I have arrived at the tavern; which looks surprisingly respectable now that you think about it, and it’s only a few steps away from my house! And I entered the tavern with high hopes, and feeling like I might somehow be able to recruit someone great to the king’s (and therefore my) cause, but rather unfortunately the only person in the entire tavern that would join a group with a level one character is a lone jester; a woman by the name of Marie; she has told me these following words as a reason for her accompanying me.


The room is tiled with purple stone, and it is moodily lit by candlelight, and our “hero” is currently sitting on a small wooden stool, and in across him there is a small rounded wooden table, and there is also a woman; her long blonde hair is topped by a pair of bunny ears, and for some reason she is wearing a one piece swimsuit; she notices me staring at her, and she asks me.

Marie: Would you like to hear a story?


Our Hero replies by simply nodding his head, and she continues with.

Marie: Now I am sure that you want to know why a woman like me would choose a job class that is as lowly as a jester, but the story will be a long one, and I would like us to get moving as quickly as possible; so I am only going to tell you of the most important points.

Marie: I come from a long line of proud and powerful masters of magic called Sage’s, and I have been found to be the most promising of my generation, but before I can officially begin my studies I must perform a certain task; you see it has always been my families tradition to go on a certain pilgrimage to a certain tower, but the catch is that we cannot use our magic’s for the entirety of our journey, but instead we must start over from the bottom; so to speak; by travelling there as a jester and bringing joy and laughter to some, and fear and screaming to some, and I have made my way to your city of Ailahan where I will begin my journey to the tower.

Marie: So; do you have any questions?

Cronos: No not really; except for one thing; why aren’t you travelling alone then?

Marie: Because there is no particular reason why I should throw away my life in doing so; my family doesn’t really care about how I get to the tower; only that I arrive there, and that I haven’t used magic at all in the journey; I think it’s a test of self control myself.

Cronos: Well all of that sounds nice, but why me?

Marie: To be perfectly honest you are the only person in the entire city that wanted to take on a Jester as a companion, and I have heard of your mission, and I respect it, but most of all I know that your mission will involve us passing through most; if not all of the region in the process.

Cronos seems confused, and he asks: How do you know about my mission anyway? I haven’t even stepped out of the town’s walls.

Marie: News travels fast, and besides; what else would the king ask the son of a hero to his castle on his sixteenth birthday?

Cronos, uncertain: To; give me a birthday present?

Marie: Well this would probably be the worst birthday present ever if it was; so how soon can we get cracking on out adventure?

Cronos: How about right now?

Marie: While I would love to get started today; its night, and you know what they say about nighttime travelling

Cronos: What?

Marie: Well that’s when the more dangerous monsters are prowling and looking for some traveler; who is out way past his or her bedtime; to eat; so if you’ll excuse me I am going back to my room in the inn, but I’ll see you tomorrow alright?

Cronos: Okay then; We’ll meet up in front of the gate when the sun rises.

Marie get’s up to leave, and she walks swiftly towards the stairs, and our “hero” is staring at her the whole time; it’s actually kind of creepy now that you think about it.

Edited by Cronos5010
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