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Ladies and gentleman, i need help


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I have been creating multiple teams for an oncoming tournament that requires the knowledge of DPPt OU, BW OU, and all tiers of ORAS from Ubers to NU. Unfortunately, nobody plays old gens anymore so i cannot know if those teams are viable. Can you give me some tips?

DPPt teams:


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BW teams:


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ORAS OU teams:


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ORAS UU teams:


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ORAS RU teams:


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ORAS NU teams:


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Because of the size of the topic, I hope you will forgive the lack of images. If you have an idea to improve the teams, put the number of the team and comment it. Thank you.

Edited by SJMistery
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello! I'm rather new to this site, but I have had some experience with building teams, so I'd like to make my contribution if it is proper to do so here and now:

These first regard Team No.4 (the one with pinsir). I'll present my views sequentially:

1. I appreciate the logic of Feint on Pinsir, but even with its effects of lifting protect, it has only a pathetic 30 base power (only about 60 after Aerilate and STAB). At +2, Feint misses out on many OHKOs that Quick Attack nets, such as on faster attackers like Latios after Rocks + one round of LO recoil, etc. It might seem situational, but it's actually more practical than feint in many circumstances.

Also, Close Combat over Earthquake might be a good idea. The extra power is usually worth it. Plus, it allows you to actually do some damage to Rotom-W, which can annoy your team greatly. And Hyper Cutter is actually better than Moxie as a pre-mega ability in my opinion, since Pinsir is rarely going to stay non-mega for any length of time to utilize moxie (especially as pre-mega quick attack is terribly weak) and the ability to not be Intimidated on the switch can be more beneficial.

2. This team loses momentum with Empoleon, and has no real way to deal with fast electric types like M-Manectric, Thundurus, etc. A fast defogger that checks electric types like Latias or Latios might be better. I'd recommend standard LO Defog support Latias, ( 72 HP / 184 SpAtk / max speed timid with Defog, Healing Wish, Psyshock and Draco) as it alleviates pressure on the easily-worn-down Rotom-W and also provides Healing Wish support as a quick safeguard to revive Pinsir while also acting as a back-up for Keldeo. Just watch out for CM Raikou (which is a bit uncommon, but still potentially a threat).

3. Since you now need a rock-setter, I would think that the best fit would be Offensive Earth Plate Landorus-T over Serperior. Since you're using Pinsir+Talonflame (aka BirdSpam), Serperior seems like big bait, especially as it cannot really do much to opposing Talonflame switches (The Coba berry doesn't do much unless you pair it with HP Rock, which might work to bait Talonflame or Thundurus, but it's very situational in my opinion and has nothing to gain elsewhere)

So a set consisting of Stealth Rock, EQ ,U-Turn, and Stone Edge with a spread of 72 HP / max attack / 184 Speed and an adamant nature can help, as it can deal with Excadrill, secondary-check Talonflame and is also powerful enough to soften things up for Pinsir, which is a very solid win condition. You can Also try Knock Off or Smack Down for utility. It also does well with Rotom-W and Scizor as a VoltTurn core.

4. Minor nitpick, but that 4 SpAtk on Rotom-W isn't really useful, and 252 HP makes you take more from Stealth Rock. Running 248 HP and 8 speed lets you outpace adamant Crawdaunt, while taking out some bulk to put in 44 speed for jolly Azu (rare, but may also be worthwhile).

And that's that. I think the team is very solid, and with your own powerful priority users and maybe with these suggestions, you should be able to deal with most threats. I certainly hope that you can try things out and see if they help you with your issues.

Of course, Happy New Year as well! I'd like to be of more help once I use a few more of your teams, if I can.

Edited by Viridescent
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Viridiscent: I never liked the latis as deffoggers, but after trying latios i realized the Choiced set works wonders here to eliminate electric types. Scizor proved to be nothing but a burden and got replaced by AV Excadrill that not only removes the electric weakness but also the Flying weakness, as well as providing a secondary hazard control, wich was really necessary with that double x4 rock weakness. Empoleon does not remove momentum tough, scald works wonders anytime. Also replaced EQ by Close Combat, after checking that +2 CC can break through Jirachi. Feint never has made me miss a KO until now, and killing Talonflame and Weavile after rocks at +2 is very well worth the ltiny power drop. An attack with +2 priority with the extra benefit of breaking through Protect is just too good to pass it up, even at the "cost" of a 10 BP drop

Neosong: Kingrda is supposed to work as this on an emergency but as i have never been able to test the team i dunno. I'll give a try to that.

NickCrash: I will do that the day i feel like loosing to almost anything. Substitute empoleon totally sucks in OU.

Edited by SJMistery
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  • 2 weeks later...

For team No12 (UU), I'm worried about how it's gonna play against Sableye. Sure, Azelf can Trick it if it switches in and Coballion can sub if it switches in again, but 1on1 all of your team bar Empoleon gets straight-up trolled by it. Everything gets burned, Azelf gets Taunted and hell, even Empoleon gets Taunted and can't use its utility moves.

-I can't think of a fool-proof solution to that. The smallest changes you could do is give Azelf Dazzling Gleam and keep it intact as a revengekiller, give Mence (and maybe Mamo too) a Lum Berry and give Beedrill Protect.

-Or you could scrap Azelf in favor of Memento Whimsicott, which can Taunt and beat Sab 1v1 and use Stun Spore and/or Memento to stop opposing sweepers in their tracks and let you gain momentum to set up one of yours. Whimsicott has some on-paper defensive synergy with Empoleon as well, taking the Fighting, Electric and Ground hits and letting Penguin absorb the Flying and Poison hits.

-Or you could run Florges over Azelf who funtions as a cleric that Heal Bells your team if it gets burnt and also can beat Sableye, but then you have no revenge-killer.

-Or use something that won't mind the burns (Infernape over Coballion or Arcanine/Guts Heracross over Mamo).

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never got to test the team after the sableye drop. I will look for using Dazzling Gleam and a Lum Berry on Salamence, anyway the only purpose of the Dragon Fang is to fool people into thinking it is choice locked (in fact, on the first tests Salamence used to have a Lum Berry but it never got statused so I ended getting rid of it). Also will consider using Infernape and Cross, tough the stall-breaking job Cobalion does is pretty lucrative.

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252 Atk Salamence Dragon Claw vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Sableye: 169-201 (55.5 - 66.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

+1 252 Atk Salamence Dragon Claw vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Sableye: 255-300 (83.8 - 98.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252 SpA Azelf Dazzling Gleam vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Sableye: 160-190 (52.6 - 62.5%) -- 98.8% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252+ SpA Azelf Dazzling Gleam vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Sableye: 176-208 (57.8 - 68.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

Mence does the job if it doesn't switch in the Wisp or the Knock-off, Azelf does put just enough pressure on it if Timid, I guess. Knock Off is the biggest fear of both, since Azelf can't revengekill other opponents as well without the Scarf and loses a big chunk of health too.

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