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It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year~ Holiday Party 2015 Edition!


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um...so is the auth just ame, dan and inzo or does that include everybody that helps out?

im confused :S

Auth includes Admins, Server Mods, and Global Moderators. So basically anyone that has a title of Administrators, Staff, or Globals Mods under their avatar, they are ineligible.

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Well considering no one likes me it wouldn't anyway ^^. But good to know.

*whacks Kuna with newspaper* No you don't >:c

Is the tour OU or Ubers? It just specifies Ice/Grass/Fire/Water+Delibird. I'm guessing OU since it's like the main tier, but confirm please.

We're working on getting a tier made; consider it OU for now. Also, dual types are fine; you just have to have a Delibird and must use those 4 types

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Auth includes Admins, Server Mods, and Global Moderators. So basically anyone that has a title of Administrators, Staff, or Globals Mods under their avatar, they are ineligible.

*demands list of ineligible *

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....I guess I have to come now....thanks Sini you're a reeeeeal champ.

Jack Frost: Sheep - This brotha from down unda deserves a friggen nom so he can stop complaining about it. (I know, you're not really complaining.)

Snow Queen: Lost Lore - She -also- hasn't been nommed by anyone else...(unless it's in a spoiler I'm too lazy to click on right now.) and SHE LOVES THE HOLIDAYS. (If I have to go to this party so do you.)

Polar Monarch: This is a small group and I don't now many who are best suited for this position, but I would say Kurotsune is the best fit here. This person and I may seem standoffish...a lot....but xe is a fantastic person.


Rookie of the Year: I'm not the best at keeping up with the new neighbors, but I would like to say David (NasDav) -....or bandwagon with Chubb if NasDav isn't as much of a newbie as I think he is.

t3rrawr: If you win this award you should feel awful - but Jelly's shitpost game is the most consistent, so there's....that.

MVP: Bob the Etesian. For those of you that don't know who Bob is, he's the guy with all the breeding advice and in-game team expertise. ...He may have been nommed before though.

FGOTY: .....let's go with Se7en. I intend to play it when more episodes are out, but based on the hype alone in it's development and the sheer amount of this community that pitched in, it sounds like a hit. WOO Bandwagon.

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  • Veterans
  • Jack Frost: Myself Nope, definitely not me. Going with Jan for this cuz wynaut
  • Snow Queen: Lewd Queen Lost. No way this Lewd Queen is not getting nominated for this :]
  • Monarch: I'd say the return of Dobby but Kuro's here sooooo...SHIA ;)


Rookie of the Year: MAH BOY Chubb. This guy's really helpful around p much everywhere he posts, if a bit hyper active but he's a rookie and a good one.

MVP: Uhhhhhhhhh, I dunno, I'll just go with Bob because he's the most consistent and he's cool yeah?

t3rrawr: I wouldn't be surprised if early me would be eligible for this lmao, going with Zim, he makes the freakiest of stuff when he's bored, trust me....

FGOTY: It'd be a bit absurd if I nominated my own game now wouldn't it? Going to just stay with Se7en :P

Let's see if people are smart enough to keep me away from the nominations list now...

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I nominate Ark for best music

Rose for best valley girl

Tacos for best gay

jelly for best posts

Mael for best avatars

And Dan for best :]]]]

Okay fine, here:

Polar Monarch: Mikzal

MVP: jelly

Server Ace: Zumi

T3RR4 4R4WR3D: Winter

btw, I knew I forgot something. We're not going to have a Reborn Christmas mascot then?

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Vinny, what idea did you have in mind for mascot? We can probably make it work

Definitely not Weavile >.>

Rookie: mde/Chubb, can't decide

MVP: Prolly Etesian

Fangame: Se7en, cause It'll be wrong to nominate the game I'm working on *CHECK OUT POKEMON DARKNESS* ahem, 'pologies

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I nominate Kamina for snow queen. I don't need to nominate anyone for the T3rr4 award since we all know Jelly is the king of shitposts. He should be unlocked to except his award btw, He got locked for shitposting a few days before it was clarified as allowed so I don't see why his warning points were justified.

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