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It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year~ Holiday Party 2015 Edition!


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Developers, however, are eligible.

:o Nominate me for everything.

In seriousness, I'm pretty sure everyone I'd have put a nomination forward for has already gotten one from someone else. That said, looking forward to all the festivities.

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THE GUARDIAN THAT IS BLIND FOR SNOW QUEEN because if Mik and DD are up for polar monarch then this can happen too


And I'm going to need to figure out a new title now that Polar monarch is gunna be given to someone else

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Ok Dobby, here's the problem. Dan is already nominated for Jack Frost, and we're only letting users be nominated for 1 of the 3 categories; therefore, he is ineligible for Snow Queen unless he wishes the nomination to be changed, which he does not

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Might wanna change that nomination from Trevo to Trevore (If you want to, that is. Either way, I don't really mind).

Anyways, since it's that wonderful time of year, I'll get on with the festivities too! I nominate...

Jack Frost: Vinny

Snow Queen: Elsa Amethyst (Seriously! WHY is she not nominated for anything yet?)

Polar Monarch: SHIA

Now for the Rebornies! I nominate...

Rookie MVP: Chubb

MVP: Sparky

Server Ace: Commander

T3RR4 4W4R3D: Jelly

Best New Fangame of 2015: That depends... Are we going by released, or developing? Since I'm involved in a few of the more developing ones, I'll actually go with Desolation.

Annnnnd there's my votes!

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Ok Dobby, here's the problem. Dan is already nominated for Jack Frost, and we're only letting users be nominated for 1 of the 3 categories; therefore, he is ineligible for Snow Queen unless he wishes the nomination to be changed, which he does not



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A couple o' quick notes. First off, about Reborn Royalty.

There is an amendment to the time of the festivities. Pending approval from my fellow party organizers, Voting will now take place between 6:30 and 6:50 PM EST. That's two hours ahead of the previously announced time. Reason being, this change is aimed at increasing the magnitude and prestige of the award, in contrast to last year where everyone had partied their faces off by the time the three wonderful monarchs were crowned. Not to mention, this is way more convenient for our European friends.

Remember that, as with every year, winners will only be chosen from those who are on the Showdown server when the final votes are tallied, or have been on the server since the festivities started! Can't have our dear royals being AWOL, can we? I'm also looking into prizes for Reborn Royalty, but I will say nothing before then.

Lastly, I am not eligible to be nominated for any category of the Reborn Royalty.

In addition, in regards to the Rebornies. These will still take place at their regularly scheduled time of 8:30 PM EST. As for auth eligibility, here's the major change. Auth eligibility now takes into account the auth roster as of September 1st. This means that LidaRose, Arkhidon, and DerpySimon are now eligible, while Hunter and Tacos are not. The reason for this change is so that recognition can still be given to those who gave what they did to the community to earn their position as a role model among the rest of us. In addition, given the magnitude of the awards, your presence at the event is no longer required to win the award.

That's all for now, please be sure to direct any questions you may have to me! I will be happy to answer them. You can reach me on Showdown, Skype, Discord or via forum PM.

EDIT: There seems to be talk of an award for Server Auth and "Best Auth" etc. Rose and I have talked it over, and we have decided not to incorporate an award for server auth. The awards in their entirety will be for Members, Familiars, Veterans, Aces, Voiced Aces, and Staff who have been appointed after the 1st of September.

Along with that, Leaders and Administrators (Amethyst, Ikaru, Blind Guardian, Godot, and Jericho) will not be eligible to vote on Rebornies. They will be able to nominate for Rebornies as well as nominate / vote on Royalty (and of course, be royalty as well)!

EDIT 2: False alarm on the OP; you actually can win both Reborn Royalty and a Rebornie.

To recap:

  • Reborn Royalty voting moved ahead two hours.
  • Auth who have been auth since or before September 1st can not be nominated for Rebornies; and top 5 auth can no longer vote for them, either. Shanco can also not be nominated for Reborn Royalty.
  • No award for server or forum auth.
  • Everyone is eligible for Reborn Royalty, including new members.
  • Upvote 2
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Here are my own nominations: (I can not vote)

DobbyTheElf for Jack Frost

Alexus (KosherKoneko) for Snow Queen

Catherine Cook for Polar Monarch

Rookie MVP - SHIA

MVP - Rosesong

Server Ace - Captain Breakfast

T3RRA 4R4WR3D - Acquiescence

Best new Fan Game - Aura

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Can I nominate the site banner? The Status wall? The Ace + symbol?

Give me something!

Or you could vote Clarice for Polar Monarch

Eh, I can't really make any nominations because all the ones I would wait...Rainbow Dash for Snow Queen. Anyways, I'm surprised I even got nominated for something. Pretty much can't say anything else, but I'll fortunately be able to make it to the party this year (yeah!).

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