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Can you juggle?


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Can you juggle? Can you balance a spoon on your nose? Can you put your feet behind your neck and walk around like a human pretzel?

Everyone has something strange about them. A talent that isn't an art form, a skill that isn't useful for anything, something bafflingly curious that they can do.

I'm curious about what you can do because people rarely think to mention these wonderfully unique facets of who they are.

Personally, I used to be able to do the last of those skills I listed. Because I was so skinny and flexible I genuinely could put my feet behind my neck and, with a lower centre of gravity waddle around. Needless to say, it was amusing to surprise people with this.

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Idk if this is a talent but I can do this with my thumb


Also works with all other fingers too

No, It doesn't hurt

And people keep being surprised by how I don't break my finger with this

And It's really normal to me, I do it everytime :v

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not sure if these counts but...

I can run down tears at will, without being sad about anything at all

i can also do what Kuma does with his thumb.

... and also manage to drop stuff even they're given in hand to me >_>

Edited by Telos
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I can make a high pitched sqeaking sound by filling either of my cheeks with air and then releasing it at will. You can poke it while the air's in there to make it happen, or I can just let it out on my own. I can also talk in a voice using that, which people seem to find humorous. It sounds kind of like Donald Duck when that happens. I can also scream using that air, which has fooled people (On more than one occasion) into thinking cats were fighting. It's hard to explain with words, but so far I've found nobody who can do it as well as me. My Calc teacher could do a really rudimentary version of it, but he was nowhere near speech capabilities.

I can also clap reeeeeally fast, using one hand, two hands separately, or two hands together. That's about the only other weird talent worth mentioning.

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I can grab my wrists by putting my right hand over my right shoulder and putting my left hand behind my back,

From there, I can do a weird thing where I bring my elbows over my head with my hands still connected and bring my hands infront of me without breaking my arms.

I can whistle and hum at the same time.

I can do a one handed cartwheel (But I can't do a two handed one)

I can cry on command

I can crack my knuckles

I can swallow pills without water.

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I can burp without stopping for however long I want (without cola or similar beverages to help) to this day I met no one who can replicate this wonderful ability of mine.

Also I can replicate (almost to perfection) the sounds of the Xenomorph from Alien.

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