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What's the hardest game you've ever played?


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Hm, I'd say Touhou or Jigoku Kitsetsukan would be the hardest I've played. Though I managed to clear Touhou 10 Mountain of Faith and Touhou 13 Ten Desires, and one normal run in Jigoku Kisetsukan with arguable the easiest character to use, it took me a lot of determination and motivation to keep myself to keep retrying.

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God Hand is super awesome because I love bootleg games. Ever played Minority Report, @Godot?

I'll give Resident Evil 1 (The original one) credit because dang, it's all about management. And probably the first game where I actually learn to use the map.

I'll give 3 some credit too because killing Nemesis on hard on all encounters (Or at least 8) also came down to Management. Namely, "bullet" management. The other ones (Till 4) were okay, imo. Outbreak was hard? I don't remember that one.

No comments on Silent Hill.

I never played minority report. As for RE1 the puzzles where random AF. You also had to deal with Micromanagement and be fully aware of what zombies you killed, where you killed them, and which ones won't respawn as Redheads. Aka super zombies. Also, tank controls, nuff said.

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Any Pokemon game.

In all seriousness though, Persona 4 and Shin Megami Tensei IV are two of the hardest games I've ever played. Some of you may be scoffing and saying they're the easiest games mankind had ever created but I have yet to beat either of the games and have rage quitted many times. I have never died and retried to defeat a boss and failed so many times in any other games as much as this one (yes, even Dark Souls). Of course this probably just means I'm bad at video games~ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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I'm not sure it's quite fair to call the difficulty of a memory testing game not real difficulty. Memory, quick recall, and keyboard coordination are skills you can train just as much as reflexes and tactics.

That said, I would have say Super Hexagon was the hardest game I actually enjoyed. I think the Touhou game's I've played are harder, but I don't really want to put that much effort into memorizing allllll those levels and patterns. xD Not quite as enjoyable to me; I'm not that good and its just a game.

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Master of Magic on Impossibly difficulty.

All the wizards on this difficulty in this really old MS-DOS game have end game spells and cast them on the first 10 turns of the game, turning your empire growth into a riddled hell. If one finds you, be prepared for an endless barrage of armies, magical beasts, and debilitating spells.

The key to winning on impossible is to have a race that can make shamans and be ready to purify the land incase a chaos mage casts Great Wasting, which covers six land squares on both worlds in corruption, cutting any benefit a city gets from that area. While surviving, you need a Hero/Champion unit that has good rolls on its abilities and equip it with top of the line items that can allow it to cut down anything it faces. That is the only way I have beaten it. It's a test of endurance, resource management, and extreme amounts of patience and RNG

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hmm, when I was a child, zelda "links awakening" was tough as hell, because we didn't figure out that you could push the stone in the worm palace so we searched the other available places for an item we may had missed or so x)

or in "ocarina of time" in the deku tree, we didn't figure out that we could climb the vines like a ladder.

(or in "majoras mask" being faster than the postman, which I later found out is impossible)

hmm, nowadays... I don't play that many games... And those I do (like minecraft, battle realms, some for gba emulator, some for n64 emulator, lol) are not that hard, hmm.

Maybe LoL, if I've to say one, while choosing support champ and others ignore and take support too, so we got like 4 support, 1adc, and almost all solo lane or failing at jungling

Or I take Braum and 2 tanks go top, 2 adc/apc mid and I go bot alone vs Ashe and Leona.

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Currently playing a SL1-Challenge on Dark Souls, got to NG+ now because I felt like I needed a challenge. Almost everything kills me with one hit and my damage is abyssmal unless I sacrifice a ring-slot to get more atk on low health, which I have to reach somehow before each attempt.

This made Orny and Smough, who are notoriously difficult, a goddamn nightmare. And I still have this cycle and five more to go to beat this game's NG+6 with SL1. I am afraid that I will go hollow ~

I also started to play Touhou again, trying to get through without continue to finally unlock the extra-boss, Flandre. Though my reaction speed is so bad and I cannot memorize a pattern to save my life and playing easy-mode won't unlock the boss (not that I would play on easy ~___~). Dodging the rain is easier than this.

I guess I am just a videogame-masochist, because I enjoy this torture somehow :3

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Dark souls is pretty straightforward once you master the controls and unlock the games hidden easy mode - magic.

Osu! is stupid hard. Anyone that's played it will understand my pain and watching professional players beat it makes me feel like my existence is limited.

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Halo 2 Mythic difficulty. Yes, that's a thing.

Halo 2 Solo LASO? That's not even possible, the entire level restarts if you die and if even one beam rifle shot just nicks you a little...

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Harvest Moon: Magical Melody? 90% of my time in that game was spent broke and hospitalized

Probably Dark Souls, even though I was astonishingly better (I played the second game first). Four words: Tomb of the Giants.

Actually, wait. The hidden levels in SNES Super Mario World, the ones after you connect all of the Star World levels. I STILL haven't beat those.

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Oh boy, where do I start? Disgaea 1 was awfully brutal after having started the series with 3, an entry which is significantly more forgiving, Although that was more getting used to than difficulty. SMT III & IV were both pretty hard, as was Digital Devil Saga (Never got round to playing II, but I 100%'d number 1. Including the nigh impossible superboss.) If you go for combat completition, the three Arland Atelier games can be very unforgiving, but that's more about planning than difficuly, I played Fire Emblem Awakening on Lunatic, which was pretty mental...

I think I'm gonna be weird though, and say Infinity Blade III, for ios. At higher levels, the reaction time and oft sheer attrition needed to be victorious is crazy, but it's one of those games I enjoy so much I still go back to from time to time.

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Halo CE, Halo 2, and Halo 3 on Legendary

Impossible Game, can never beat level 3 and onward

KH Dream Drop Distance Critical Mode

Armored Core Last Raven (well, first playthrough of the whole game is hard but once you beat it and unlock some parts it's not so bad)

Metroid 1, stupid hard

Mega Man 1, some of the levels are really annoying to go through......then there's the Yellow Devil ._.

Edited by IronWraith
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For me one of the hardest was trying to play through FFX without level grinding - got about as far as the second Seymour fight before finally giving in. I actually have no idea how you can even win that fight shy of being massively over-leveled from where you are supposed to be

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I would proabably go with Super Ghouls and Ghosts and the old "Resident Evil"

Super Ghouls and Ghosts is one of those old games for the SNES almost arcade-like because of how simple they are but its waaaay too hard, its sort of like a Super Mario way of gameplay but harder, trust me. I've been able to get to the middle of it only by saving with the emulator every two steps (and plenty of times I lost the save because I saved on a death-death situation) and I know its the middle because once you get to the first "end" they send you back to the start to get a weapon that is super slow and can only shot once until the shot gets out of camera and you have to repeat everything.

And I consider the old Resident Evil (Any before RE4) the hardest for me because, come on, fixed cameras on the worse places, controls more complex than they should, limited ammo against hard enemies that can come back as faster enemies, and limited saves.

I guess I would also add Zombies Ate My Neighbours (also for SNES) because god there's no end to its lvls and each one gets more filled with deadly enemies

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