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I have some questions about the re-make of the influence of our decisions in the story, I'll start a new file when E16 will be release, i have some questions:

Will there have change in the story so far ? I mean, obviously if there are it would be minor changes obviously but will the experience from the start of the game to E15 could change, even slightly, if we start new files ?

Is it a reputation system or will our choices with one character will only have influence in our relationship with this character ? Let me put a theorical example: Will the choice we make in our relation with Julia will also influence our relation with Florina ?

In what extand could the end of the story be influenced by our choices ?

Thank you !!

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I found this while playing episode 9 but when I went back in episode 15 it wasn't there anymore. Why was it removed?


As before, I'm not part of the dev team but I do have the answer for that; the short version is that it was a huge inside joke from a very long time ago, and Ame is trying to cut down on those for the newer players / people not in this community, since the game's not just for a specific group of people anymore.

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Are the other games (especially their storylines) in the Pokemon series canon to Reborn? Some of the regions were name-dropped, but that doesn't really confirm anything. Also, was Arceus degraded to 'ancient alien' status instead of universal creator deity? He seems to have crash landed per meteor, not a very elegant entry.

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I have some questions about the re-make of the influence of our decisions in the story, I'll start a new file when E16 will be release, i have some questions:

Will there have change in the story so far ? I mean, obviously if there are it would be minor changes obviously but will the experience from the start of the game to E15 could change, even slightly, if we start new files ?

Is it a reputation system or will our choices with one character will only have influence in our relationship with this character ? Let me put a theorical example: Will the choice we make in our relation with Julia will also influence our relation with Florina ?

In what extand could the end of the story be influenced by our choices ?

Thank you !!

I'm not part of the dev team, but the story has honestly remained the same other than some dialogue changes to avoid confusion and to add some details in. Kiki's Lecture being changed is one of the few things I remember, then again it could've changed depending on the option you picked. Anyways, the only reason to replay the game is from a gameplay standpoint as the teams from Radomus back to Julia due to the implementation of field effects and AI changes. As for the reputation system, I think it might be better to wait when someone gets a guide (which won't happen until the final episode if this is used at all) due to how easy it could be to screw up. Of course, it's going to be at least a year before it's relevant. (Ame can correct me if I'm wrong).

Are the other games (especially their storylines) in the Pokemon series canon to Reborn? Some of the regions were name-dropped, but that doesn't really confirm anything. Also, was Arceus degraded to 'ancient alien' status instead of universal creator deity? He seems to have crash landed per meteor, not a very elegant entry.

Reborn is as close to the other regions as Unova is to Kanto. Just a fun little fact I remember from long ago, but Reborn is located just west of Orre hence Agate City and its location. There are some tie ins, but don't expect Team Rocket or some character from the other games to make a cameo appearance as Reborn is also its own thing. As for Arceus, my legendary lore knowledge isn't the best, but I do know it has been alluded that Arceus is indeed an alien Pokemon who created the Pokemon world. It's very ambiguous as we don't know the extent of Arceus's powers, but I'm leaning more towards he was able to create life/some legendaries, not earth, which eventually led to the world in which Pokemon reside. The use of Meteors isn't that far fetched either as we have proof Pokemon can travel through the use of Meteors, supposedly Clefairy used this too given Mt. Moon has a few craters in it, and even Lunatone and Solrock support this with Meteor Falls, that we can't outrule that possibility as being impossible.

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It's very ambiguous as we don't know the extent of Arceus's powers, but I'm leaning more towards he was able to create life/some legendaries, not earth, which eventually led to the world in which Pokemon reside.

We do however know that Dialga and Palkia are extremely powerful, as in being able to create and destroy universes (see Gen 4). The Shinjoh Ruins event in HGSS shows us that Arceus is, at least in some circumstances, capable of creating Dialga, Palkia or Giratina (which is powerful in its own right, having control over a dimension of its own) anew.

You are clearly underestimating the Lord Arceus' true power :3

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Re: are other games canon to Reborn. The attendant in the Silph Co. building says the upper floors are off limits due to security reasons in the Kanto region, referring to Team Rocket's attempted takeover.

If that's a question, I think so. For instance, Bugsy's existence is mentioned since Shelly is his younger sister.

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I'm gonna need to ask three questions, each in its own post (plz don't hate me for wasting precious posts and indirectly contributing to global warming):

First, when do you think you'll battle in the satan flower field?

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I'm gonna need to ask three questions, each in its own post (plz don't hate me for wasting precious posts and indirectly contributing to global warming):

First, when do you think you'll battle in the satan flower field?

This seems like an odd thing to ask here, given it is questions for the dev team, and at least Ame, Inuki and Dan would know. If you want to discuss it with other members who aren't in a dev team, this thread works better. However, if you're just interested in what those of us who are in a dev team but aren't in the know think, never mind :D

I personally think that we won't see this field until the E4 (or if we do it won't be in a gym battle- it will be in a random outdoor environment). I think it could used by Laura or Bennett depending on which one is in the elite 4.

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This seems like an odd thing to ask here, given it is questions for the dev team, and at least Ame, Inuki and Dan would know. If you want to discuss it with other members who aren't in a dev team, this thread works better. However, if you're just interested in what those of us who are in a dev team but aren't in the know think, never mind :D

I personally think that we won't see this field until the E4 (or if we do it won't be in a gym battle- it will be in a random outdoor environment). I think it could used by Laura or Bennett depending on which one is in the elite 4.

Thank you. And I think BOTH Laura and Bennett might be in the Elite 4 (if El is fired for working with team meteor). Correct me if I'm wrong (please).

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I'm not sure if this has been asked, and if it has feel free to ignore me. How did the idea of Chrysolia Forest come about? How were you able to program all the shenanigans that occur in there (the moving trees, etc.)?

I'd like to know this as well. I was watching a Reborn playthrough, and Chrysolia Forest was the final thing that completely sold me on playing the game myself.

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As before, I'm not part of the dev team but I do have the answer for that; the short version is that it was a huge inside joke from a very long time ago, and Ame is trying to cut down on those for the newer players / people not in this community, since the game's not just for a specific group of people anymore.

Aww :(

Honestly, its not like you need to know the inside joke to appreciate it as in-game flair/fun. I love seeing small touches like these in fangames.

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Will you change the learnset of some Gen V and VI Pokémon to be able to learn Rock Climb (and Whirlpool, if that stupid HM makes a return) via TMX (aside from those who already learn it via level-up), or will you stick strictly to the HG/SS (currently canon) learnsets for these moves?

It will probably just be teachable to the HGSS set + anything that learns it through levels/breeding.

Does Radomus's father tell him "Hi Radomus, I'm Dadomus"?

I hope so.

The look on Radomus's face would probably be worth gold, but what i'd really love to know is what kinda dad joke would Radomus make?

That'll depend on what sort of hats he's got in his back pocket.

Can we expect more move tutors in EP16 / some future episodes? Really need Foul Play for Umbreon and Hyper Voice for Sylveon.

The goal is that by the end of the game move distribution, including tutors, will mimic what's available competitively in the current gen.

(so yes.)

I found this while playing episode 9 but when I went back in episode 15 it wasn't there anymore. Why was it removed?

What Ikaru said-- but in addition to that because for those that didn't know it was an inside joke, it hurt the perception of the characters involved. Saphira's really not a model type. That's genuinely not part of her design, but new players coming in and seeing that naturally accepted it as a thing for her.

I'm not sure if this has been asked, and if it has feel free to ignore me. How did the idea of Chrysolia Forest come about? How were you able to program all the shenanigans that occur in there (the moving trees, etc.)?

honestly i dont even remember how i got that idea, it was when I was drawing the region map (which preceded any intention to actually make a game), and I started thinking to myself about the story of this area where space was distorted because ??? and it caused the rail to break apart and trapped people there.

when i was making the map/puzzle itself (...turned out a lot smaller than i'd originally envisioned tbh...) my goal was to take that area and turn it into a place where people could get lost, feel like they were walking in circles... which, in fact, they were, but that was also the way to progress... and feel that they, like the conductor, were trapped. it turned out pretty well excepting the small size and the lag.

that puzzle is not a shining example of effective coding though. it's basically completely overfit to the map so when you step on certain spots it just activates one of a number of switches to make trees appear or not. if you were to break sequence (not possible without debug/cheating) it could get really messy.

Will there have change in the story so far ? I mean, obviously if there are it would be minor changes obviously but will the experience from the start of the game to E15 could change, even slightly, if we start new files ?

Is it a reputation system or will our choices with one character will only have influence in our relationship with this character ? Let me put a theorical example: Will the choice we make in our relation with Julia will also influence our relation with Florina ?

In what extand could the end of the story be influenced by our choices ?

almost all dialogue was edited. the story stays the same. maybe some minor differences, don't remember.

there are a number of choices that influence multiple characters. oftentimes at the cost of each other.

the ending won't change dramatically based on relationships. certain story choices will unlock different or more scenes up to an alternate ending. the alternate ending can be reached in post-game if those choices weren't made-- but it'll be a lot of work.

Are the other games (especially their storylines) in the Pokemon series canon to Reborn? Some of the regions were name-dropped, but that doesn't really confirm anything. Also, was Arceus degraded to 'ancient alien' status instead of universal creator deity? He seems to have crash landed per meteor, not a very elegant entry.

Games are assumed canon. Details are left fuzzy for breathing room.

Arceus created world-- but it had to have come from somewhere, even if the method of his arrival was created retrospectively.

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It will probably just be teachable to the HGSS set + anything that learns it through levels/breeding.


not to mention the fact that my 6th gen monorun would be over, as no 6th gen Pokemon can learn the move through breeding or level up...

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not to mention the fact that my 6th gen monorun would be over, as no 6th gen Pokemon can learn the move through breeding or level up...

Worst case scenario, when the game is finished, it'll be open to community modding and surely someone will be able to change learnsets and you can do it then. Personally I would just temporarily bring something that can learn it wherever it's needed and avoid using it in battle. A death in a nuzlocke rendering you unable to proceed is different from a limitation of the challenge itself. And even then, all themed/challenge runs have rules set by the player in the first place and make exceptions for HM slaves anyway. I don't expect Ame's design choices to change so one person can proceed with their themed file, and you probably shouldn't either.

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I'm not sayng it should change for some guy's file to proceed with the story, I'm saying it should because Diggersby.

Diggersby not being able to learn Rock Climb is a crime against Diggersby. And also a sin against Lord Goomy, because Goodra should probably be able to learn it as well. Along with Chesnaught, Gogoat, Pangoro, Barbaracle, Xerneas, and their respective evolutionary lines. Except Goodra's.

Brb making a similar list for gen 5 Pokeymen, because they didn't get the Rock Climb HM either.

EDIT: Okay, the list of gen 5 guys who would probably learn the move if they had the HM would be: Emboar, Samurott, Watchog, Stoutland, the monkeys, Gigalith, Excadrill, Conkeldurr, Seismitoad, Sawk and Throh, Scolipede, Krookodile, Darmanitan, Crustle, Scrafty, Carracosta, Mr. Bigglesworth, Sawsbuck, Galvantula, Ferrothorn, Haxorus, Beartic, Mienshao, Druddingon, Golurk, Bouffalant, Durant, the Swords of Justice, and all their respective evolutionary lines. Except maybe Emboar's and Seismitoad's.

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Since the reputation system can't take into account choices made in already existing save files, could it be possible to have a list of the choices that now influence reputation ? That way people who know how to modify save files could update their save manually. Cause I don't want to miss this for my seven runs (yes I love this game x) )

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Mde I had the darkest thought.....Ame might do something that depending on our choice will decide if Laura or Benett is E4!

I would actually like it if the game did that.

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they both could use the new field quite easily so it wouldn't be too game changing (although for me Benett would never see the rank of e4 when that time comes on my watch)

I don't get how people are saying that bennet will use the field quite easily. I kow how he can use it once set up but I don't see how we he can set it up without completely gimping himself. You don't expect him to use parasect or illumise right? I mean illumise will die when you sneeze on it at that lvl. Or do you expect rototiller/nature power crustle?

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