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Angry Old Man


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Hi, everyone. My name is Erick. I'm one of Reborn's longest standing users at this point clocking in at nearly 5 years (entirely too long if you ask me). I was contemplating leaving, but I've decided to stick around for a little while longer. I'm probably gonna be more active around the community. For those of you that know, I fucking hate AMAs. The trend is so god damn annoying, but this time, I'm gonna be that asshole that starts the wave.

Feel free to ask me anything from reborn related questions to personal shit. I'm an open book.

Included with each answer will be whether I hate you or not (Idea courtesy of Kurotsune)

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Since this is all my fault, I volunteer as tribute!

During your long expanse of time here, what would you say was the most defining - Be it interesting, annoying, or anything of the sort, as long as it caught your eye - moment you've witnessed/experienced?

Also, does senpai notice me?

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  • Support Squad

You have some of the nichest avatars and signatures I've seen, using actual people instead of drawings or photos like the weeb asking this question, your sig being the most notable one I can remember cuz short term memory. Who are some of these people, where do they come from? My guess is KPop but I'm not sure.

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You're a person of strong opinions, i like that and i respect you for your viewpoints, since i agree with most of them.

What is the base of these ideas? What is the moving force behind your judgments? Basically, what do you think is 'bullshit' and what do you think is 'right', and why?

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Since this is all my fault, I volunteer as tribute!

During your long expanse of time here, what would you say was the most defining - Be it interesting, annoying, or anything of the sort, as long as it caught your eye - moment you've witnessed/experienced?

Also, does senpai notice me?

The "most defining" is kinda hard. Though, being banned twice is definitely up there. I was able to come back with an entirely new frame of mind. Other than that, little talks with Aim here and there have gone a long way.

Do I hate you:

Nope, you're lowkey on of my faves.

What is the thing you like the most?

I know I posted in the "favorite thing" thread saying hentai, but my actual favorite things are cacti and tea.

Do I hate you?:

Nope. You remind me of my Russian friend Vlad. Y'all are very very similar.

Why did you originally come to Reborn, what's made you consider leaving as of late, and if you could, what is the one thing that you would like to change about the community?

I used to server hop on Pokemon online. Eventually came upon this little server, became their league champion, and left. I noticed Reborn one day and saw that they had a league of their own. I signed up, got my ass kicked and stuck around for the company.

I've kinda wanted to leave for a bit because I just felt like I've A) been here too long 2) Grown apart from the place I once called home. I've since realized that home is what you make it, and now I intend to be more involved around here.

As for something I'd like to change:


Do I hate you?:

Nope. You're also lowkey one of my faves. (Gj the other night btw)

You have some of the nichest avatars and signatures I've seen, using actual people instead of drawings or photos like the weeb asking this question, your sig being the most notable one I can remember cuz short term memory. Who are some of these people, where do they come from? My guess is KPop but I'm not sure.

All over the place, tbh. Often times, they come from my blog.

Do I hate you?:

No, even if you do listen to nightcore

is mad lemon the best shitpost why or why not

Literally the best post on this forum

Do I hate you?:

Not in the slightest. DD top 3 mod

which kpop groups do you listen to?

I haven't been listened to some for a while, but I used to listen to lots of them. :s

wew lad

SNSD, 9Muses, Sistar, AoA, Red Velvet, Apink, Orange Caramel, Secret, and f(x)

Do I hate you?:

I've seen you around the forums and actually like you. Kudos.

You're a person of strong opinions, i like that and i respect you for your viewpoints, since i agree with most of them.

What is the base of these ideas? What is the moving force behind your judgments? Basically, what do you think is 'bullshit' and what do you think is 'right', and why?

The moving force behind many of my opinions comes form wanting things to be different. Wanting actual substantive change. Valuing the lives of myself and those around me that much more. It's 110% about ensuring the best for people in general.

Do I hate you?:

Can't hate someone with a Mandela quote in their siggy

I'm mostly just wondering if you hate me or it's more of a "if you could just shut the fuck up sometimes" kind of thing.

You cool, fam. We don't see eye-to-eye on certain things, but that's just life. The fact that I talk to you shows that you alright in my book.

Do I hate you?:

Read what I said, dingus.

did r7 exist when you first joined

Which one of the older members should be here right now to witness what this place become?

Rule 7 was "Respect the hat" when I joined. That's a bit of a hard one, though. I reckon Geo would get a kick out of how Reborn is now.

Do I hate you?:

You A1, and I've grown to like you more as the Welcome Squad's antics have calmed down

Can I sign up to be a member of the mad lemon cult?

You know what you have to do.

Do I hate you?:

You love Lemon. I love you.

If there was one thing about Reborn that you wish you could bring back, what would it be?

delete the game

The league, and Amethyst's direct involvement with the community. (I know it's two, but fuck you) I really miss getting my ass kicked AND I miss having Aim around. Now she's like this weird enigmatic figure to all the newbies (edit) instead of the loveable goofy but crazy smart lady that she was when I was on the come up.

(19:27:28) +Amethyst: I just fucked up.


Do I hate you?:

You really gotta ask? I think you know that I like you.

What's made you stay all these years?

Don't get me wrong, I like you being around and it would suck if you left imo but I'm just curious since you've been on and off active, y'know?

Fuck if I know. I've typed up my goodbye post like 5 fucking times. Get me off of Ms. Liddell's Wild Ride.

Do I hate you?:

Fuck you, Andy.

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Oh man I'm kinda nervous to even ask this, but it's something that I'm generally curious about:
From what I've read of your posts, it's pretty clear that you're not happy with how Reborn is nowadays as a whole.
I'm wondering which specific factors have contributed to that the most?
Is it how the focus of the site has shifted from the league to the game? Or the growing size of the community, as opposed to it being, well, smaller? Or the behaviour of individual/groups of people?
As one of the pesky newbies I only know a small fraction about how things used to be, and I'm honestly curious about what people perceive to be the biggest changes.

I'm a literal Ama, so feel free to hate me for this uncreative joke already.

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I have seen you around the forum(and the nightclub). I can say you are one of people with strong opinions, which i'm really like honest.

I can say too that you had some negatives feelings to the forum? Which is alright for me.

And here goes to my question. If you were an admin(or the guy so is responsible to make the rules) in reborn forum, what rules would you change or add?

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I've actually wanted to learn so many of these things for a while now. You're definitely one of the most intriguing members on this site, so I'm really interested to see all of these answers. I actually have a couple questions to ask, but since most of my biggest questions have already been asked, I'll ask some more minor questions.

1. Where did the name Neo come from?

2. Country or city?

3. If you could meet any person but only say one sentence to them, who would you meet and what would you say?

4. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

5. And finally... Mad Lemon or #pigswag?

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Oh man I'm kinda nervous to even ask this, but it's something that I'm generally curious about:

From what I've read of your posts, it's pretty clear that you're not happy with how Reborn is nowadays as a whole.

I'm wondering which specific factors have contributed to that the most?

Is it how the focus of the site has shifted from the league to the game? Or the growing size of the community, as opposed to it being, well, smaller? Or the behaviour of individual/groups of people?

As one of the pesky newbies I only know a small fraction about how things used to be, and I'm honestly curious about what people perceive to be the biggest changes.

I'm a literal Ama, so feel free to hate me for this uncreative joke already.

Biggest contributing factor:

I'm a whiny nostalgic piss baby that's been complaining since '13.

Probably just the shift in attitude around the forums. Some of y'all are so :DDDDD about everything it's weird to see. Lack of personality across the community is definitely something that's made me shy away from reconnecting.

Do I hate you?:

It takes balls to come here as an ama and ask me things. I like you.

Did you ever play Pokemon Reborn itself? And if no, do you ever plan on doing so in the future?

Also what is your Rap Album and Song of the Year?

SOTY: Drill Time - Slim Jesus

AOTY: Speeding Bullet2 Heaven

I tried the game like once early on. Got bored because I barely even play Pokemon nowadays and stopped.

AOTY: TPAB/Doc 2.5

SOTY: Hello - Erykah Badu ft. Andre 3000

Do I hate you?:

One of the few people that seems to enjoy the same kind of hiphop as I do around here. I'm looking at you, Jericho

In which way would you say the Reborn community evolved from, say, 4-5 years ago to now? Other than that there are more members.

community a shit

A lot more fractured. Like, more little groups all under the same Reborn umbrella. It's neat seeing little sub-communities.

Do I hate you?:

Named after my favorite fruit. 2good


Do I hate you?:

Music Man's friend > Music man.

but I like music man too

I've actually wanted to learn so many of these things for a while now. You're definitely one of the most intriguing members on this site, so I'm really interested to see all of these answers. I actually have a couple questions to ask, but since most of my biggest questions have already been asked, I'll ask some more minor questions.

1. Where did the name Neo come from?

2. Country or city?

3. If you could meet any person but only say one sentence to them, who would you meet and what would you say?

4. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

5. And finally... Mad Lemon or #pigswag?



2: City. By far. I need internet, not bugs and bullshit.

3: Malcolm X: "Thank you."

4: Africa > Europe and USA

Free people globally from the bonds of systemic racism.


Don't do this to me. Lemon is a prime meme. #pigswag is the best emote on this forum

Do I hate you?:

You're actually one of my faves.

Okay I am also a little nervous posting here.

Would you prefer it if no-one who was attracted by the Reborn game was here or that everyone who was attracted by the game was here?

Don't be nervous, friend.

By here, I'm gonna assume you mean Reborn in general. I've met a lot of cool people thanks to the game. Not only that, but I feel like the game gave Reborn a whole bunch of new life that it really needed.

Do I hate you?:

You seem cool, fam. I don't dislike you. We'll see if I can like you with time.


snsd for life

i'll definitely listen to some of the others when i have the time \o/

and yus! i'm liked. i can go to sleep happy

also, if it helps, i think of ame as a toaster, or a kitchen disaster on heels. c:


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couple questions, one of which is way more important than the other- I'll leave that judgment to you as for which.

  • Will you be upset if I actively (not one-trick-pony tier but you know) play AP Sona mid lane - assuming there are at least 3-4 other friends with me - because it's not hard like Azir the only thing I have basically unshakable confidence in?
  • I stumbled across these one way or another (parodies, mashups, vines, etc); would you be able to give me more stuff like this either from the respective artists or just in general?

    the feels and/or reality here man it's good

    honestly this is the only nicki minaj song I've actually listened to myself, and it's not like I blindly hated her, but I heard like 4 seconds of this song in a vine and went to check it out and didn't actually know it was her

    let's not talk about why I know song or you'll be disappointed in me more than you may have ever been. this beat tho

    i'm sorry

EDIT: also after posting this the page refreshed and I saw your signature again; I actually recognise it for once, AND the song it's from, do you love me yet

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delete the game

The league, and Amethyst's direct involvement with the community. (I know it's two, but fuck you) I really miss getting my ass kicked AND I miss having Aim around. Now she's like this weird enigmatic figure to all the newbies (edit) instead of the loveable goofy but crazy smart lady that she was when I was on the come up.

(19:27:28) +Amethyst: I just fucked up.


Do I hate you?:

You really gotta ask? I think you know that I like you.

It's not that hard to find that. You just gotta dig a little deep. (And yay, I'm not on your shitlist)

I guess a followup question(s) is due.

Who was your favorite league leader? How far did you get in the league? Who was the most challenging leader for you? Additionally, was there a specific pokemon that you would crown the "MVP" of your league challenge team?

I don't want to make a new post already without another valid question or something so I'm going to steal yours thanks tacos; if his favorite leader wasn't Titania he was wrong.


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