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Sigh. I guess I'll do it too.


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Yo, name's Koumei. However I have went by Xiphera, Eren, and also Renzo in the past. I have been a member here for about 4 years, well soon to be 4 years. My anniversary is next month. I'm far from the oldest member, but it's safe to say that I've stuck around for quite some time. In my time here I've been auth, and I helped out with the Reborn league when it was still running. Before that I was a challenger and I was the 7th(?) person to beat the league in Season 2, the 4th to beat Season 2 X-League, and the 2nd to beat Season 3 Reborn league. The chance to beat Season 3 X-League never came up because it was axed. I was in a small clan named SU( Sakuna Uta) where most of my friends here were made. Now I am basically one of the few that remain here from that clan. I mostly lurk the forums now, but I've picked up activity server side here and there. I do play games. My biggest addiction being League of Legends. I'm looking forward to a few titles next year such as Uncharted 4 and Ratchet and Clank. I love anime and manga, though I generally prefer manga for ongoing series. Anyway, I shouldn't reveal too much. This is an AMA after all. Ask and I'll answer.

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When will the bass drop?

When you aren't a smelly nerd.

How many nicknames do you have on me?

Somewhere around 10 as of now, but I'm working on getting more.

remember that time you sent that spider close up

and ame banned you

and i hated you for a day or two

good times.

Yes I do. I laughed pretty hard at that and it was worth the ban. Good times indeed.

Why did you step down as auth here, were there any external factors that influenced your decision, and what is the one thing that you're truly grateful to the community for?

I stepped down because I didn't feel as if I would do a great job, and because I had rather do other things than babysit the server. However, that's not to say I wouldn't do it now. It's not up to me though. If I'm grateful for anything it would be the friends I made while in Sakuna Uta. I had some really good times with all of them. Each day was a different experience, and there were so many times I laughed until my stomach hurt it's unreal. Other than that this place helped with my depression and has continued to be a good part of my life ever since I joined. I've met some awesome people. So yeah.

if you were to be auth and make just one change here, what would you do?

Ban Kamina.

What are you doing?

Being a swag dorito lord. You know, the usual.

What's the 1000th digit of "pi"

A ham sandwich.

Keep em coming.

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on a scale of 1 to 10,

how much do you want to be jack frost?

what anime and manga series do you like the most?

how did it feel to have once been an auth? was the job tough? was it pressuring?

Scale of 1-10? I'd say somewhere around 8. As for my favorite anime and manga. It's Blue Exorcist for anime, and Tokyo Ghoul for manga. I wasn't auth for all that long but I'm sure if I stuck with it I might have come to enjoy it. I wouldn't say it was tough. It's just something I didn't want to really do at the time, and nah it wasn't pressuring.

oh shit you're renzo lmao i can't keep track of name changes

ANYWAY, would you smooch a ghost?

Do you have any favorite music or good music you'd recommend?

I enjoy some EDM and alternative rock as well as pop and pretty much anything from the anime I like. The only genres I don't care for are Country and Rap.

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What do you think of Plutos categorisation?

I don't feel one way or the other.


what video games do you mostly play?

also, if you were given one wish, what would your wish be?

how are you today?

do you like cake?

I mostly play League of Legends, or did. Played a bit of Fallout 4 and that new mystery dungeon game too though. I'd probably wish to be extremely wealthy tbh. Any other thing I would wish for requires money anyway so I might as well get rich that way I can, in a way, have all my wishes. As for my day... it will be much better once I'm in bed sleeping. Yes I enjoy some cake, just not a lot. More of a pie person.

Am I a disappointment?

Choose one Leader: Helen, Haley, Olivia, Venus



And I couldn't care less about Haley or Helen. Venus seems pretty fun, and Olivia was okay I guess.

If you could only play one game for the rest of your life what would it be (you don't have to be playing to constantly, you just can't play anything else)?

Probably League of Legends since I already do that with it.

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what do you love most in life?

That's really hard to answer. I really don't know so I'll take a rain check on that one.

Can you explain your name changes?

Well Xiphera was some OC I made when I was around 12, but I really only made the name and didn't do much else. It was a name I could get anywhere so I just stuck to it for online purposes. Eren was because I like the spelling, and the character. It's pronounced the same as Aaron too so it worked out. Renzo was because I really enjoy Blue Exorcist as it is my favorite anime, and he happens to be my favorite character. Lastly, Koumei is... well truth is I don't know. It's a guy from Magi and I like Magi. Not much to it.

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