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I am totally original I swear


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Okay I lied

So yea... cuz I was bored and lotta other people are doing it Imma do it too \OoO/

So if you want to ask me anything go ahead and I'll answer everything accordingly and as complete as possible~

Ps: Bibs and Azery smell

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- Do you liek pigs?

- Do you liek bacon?

- Bibs or Azery?

- Favorite RLDR Leader?

- Do you like me???


-Oh hell yes

-Gotta say Bibs cause of past conversations tho I guess mostly back on PO and cause Azery's from Amsterdam and Amsterdam sucks

-Right now Venus but idk anything bout our little Dragon leader yet so it might change~

-Ehhhh... Sure?

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what's one + one

favorite pokemon?

what is wendel + wendel?

do you like cake?

how does it feel to be one of the "older" members of reborn too?

as of now, what's making you stay in reborn?

did you ever face the reborn league? which was the hardest leader?



An impossible question seeing as that would tear apart the very fabric of this universe if there even were 2 Wendels to make that possible


I don't really feel old per se pls am only 16 am too young to be old :c Tho there were some really great people that aren't here anymore and some that still are and there of course are new people

I honestly have no clue what does, I've had some times when I was debating of whether to leave or whether to stay and I guess I always come back? Curse you indecisiveness

As you can see from my sig I did participate in the Reborn league 2 seasons, first season I maybe fought once or twice cause the times were absolutely terrible I mean pls, 2 to 3am on schooldays? and in 2nd season I only got 2 badges from Laura and Titania. The hardest leader for me would probably be Bennett seeing as I tried him 4 times and lost all 4 ;c

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good thing you didn't leave. c:

i'm very happy aaaaahh. :D

also, when did the ducks thing start? you also became a cat at some point.

anything particular that started this?

The SpaceDuck thing started back on PO, idr how exactly anymore but it had something to do with TFS. I do know that on my birthday a then still regular gave me a birthday card with a SpaceDuck on it

The cat thing started when a girl from my class wanted me to put on cat ears as of yet to no avail And eventually I lost a bet and had to be Catdalf Litterdex for a week when I developed kitty litter magic and now I'm Christmas Cat on Steam and have the same pic on Skype

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cat wendel best wendel y/y?

what's your favorite season?

videogames you like playing?

fave genres of music? c:

Wendel Wendel best Wendel*

I guess I like fall tho I don't really pay much attention to seasons cuz weather>seasons

Currently am playing Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic which I'm really enjoying and replaying Skyrim with the DLCs and some mods, I really enjoy playing Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life, SSBM and the Shadow Pokemon games aswell

I pretty much listen to all sorts of music tho I have more trouble liking rap than any other sort and rock is the easiest enjoyable for me so I guess rock?

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Dear Wen,

Hello, my good life-long friend. I've missed you a lot.

It's been... almost 12 hours since I last saw you...

I have some questions for you. Ahem, Wendel:

) You really do like Juuzou deep down in your heart.

>What do you mean that's not a question?

)Okay, Why don't you admit the fact that Juuzou is great? c:

>Why are you so tsundere to Juuzou?

)I think you should just accept that Juuzou is fabulous (?)

>I know we've had our differences in the past but... that's just because I'm fabulous and you're not as fabulous as me c: (?)

)Do you want to build a snowman?

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Dear Wen,

Hello, my good life-long friend. I've missed you a lot.

It's been... almost 12 hours since I last saw you...

I have some questions for you. Ahem, Wendel:

) You really do like Juuzou deep down in your heart.

>What do you mean that's not a question?

)Okay, Why don't you admit the fact that Juuzou is great? c:

>Why are you so tsundere to Juuzou?

)I think you should just accept that Juuzou is fabulous (?)

>I know we've had our differences in the past but... that's just because I'm fabulous and you're not as fabulous as me c: (?)

)Do you want to build a snowman?

) Nope

> Never said anything about that :3

) Cause Juu isn't?

> Cause it's fun?

) Why would I accept something that isn't true?

>Absolutely not


How strong is your power of kinkiness?

Way above your league young padawan

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-Oh hell yes

-Gotta say Bibs cause of past conversations tho I guess mostly back on PO and cause Azery's from Amsterdam and Amsterdam sucks

-Right now Venus but idk anything bout our little Dragon leader yet so it might change~

-Ehhhh... Sure?

+10 Levels of hurt :(

On a scale of 1 to Pi how much would you say that Bibs smells?

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+10 Levels of hurt :(

On a scale of 1 to Pi how much would you say that Bibs smells?

>rekt >:3

I'd say 3.14159265359

Idk why the text got bigger but... yay?

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If I can't have a mini Wendel you're not allowed to have an Ama >:c

What does it feel like to illegally have cloned me?

Also, I noticed you're saying that your friends smell, so is smelliness a requirement for being your friend?

Do we all have distinct bad smells?

I don't understand how you've been putting up with me for so long now, but I want an autograph from Chibi

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Here's your clone children back Wendel.

And what do you think about getting your as yet nonexistent children cloned?

I'd rather people not touch my yet nonexistent offspring since I'd be very protective of them and you might have heard not to make a mother bear angry, don't make a daddy Wendel angry >:C

If I can't have a mini Wendel you're not allowed to have an Ama >:c

What does it feel like to illegally have cloned me?

Also, I noticed you're saying that your friends smell, so is smelliness a requirement for being your friend?

Do we all have distinct bad smells?

I don't understand how you've been putting up with me for so long now, but I want an autograph from Chibi

But I never cloned you Ama :c I have you instead :3

Eh no just Azery, Bibs and Fezz

Cuz luv? <3 http://prntscr.com/9d9pzr that was Chibi's reaction to when I told him you wanted an autograph but eventually he agreed to give you a little autograph, http://prntscr.com/9d9q7k

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Here are my questions:

1 Is Wendel a legit species? If it is, what is its scientific name, and will it help humanity?

2 If Wendel rules the world, what is the first thing Wendel will do or change?

3 Are you immortal?

4 Follow up on question 2, what does it mean for my kind if scenario 2 was to happen?

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Here are my questions:

1 Is Wendel a legit species? If it is, what is its scientific name, and will it help humanity?

2 If Wendel rules the world, what is the first thing Wendel will do or change?

3 Are you immortal?

4 Follow up on question 2, what does it mean for my kind if scenario 2 was to happen?

1 I am a legit ancient species billions of years old, but sadly I'm the last of my species. The scientific name is Wendellum Carpe Noctem and I am definitly not helpful to humanity

2 First thing I will do is destroy all people I don't like and then the few people I do like will be save from my tyranny

3 Yesh in a way

4 Your kind will cease to exist :3

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Why don't you forum more?

How does it feel to be Azery's brother? (At least in my head)

I'm not really interested in forum really and I forget it exists most of the time cause I'm never on it

And ew pls no that would be terrible having to live with him

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