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Introduction and Detail about Edge! Learn about me, and feel free to Ask Me Anything!

Eternal Edge

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Hi my name is Edge and I consider myself completely irrelevant to the community these days except for the few connections I've made with some people.

I've been around Reborn since 2011 when Ikaru and Inuki invited me to come here. I earned my way into becoming a mod and admin rather quickly and then after a year I became a co-owner of Reborn. That ended around mid to late 2014 between a falling out I had with auth over how they treated certain member(s) and my increasing inactivity due to offline life getting busy.

I came back to authing earlier this year in order to help get Vanilla Minecraft going again and I was more than happy to help out. Slowly I started seeing the same patterns as before though, and after yet another disagreement with how things had been handled I decided to step down again. Currently I sit online everyday, sometimes chatting and usually reporting issues to Ame or Dan when I see something. At the moment I don't think I want to auth again unless there are some serious changes considered or if Ame desperately needs my help, which currently the staff look fine so I don't forsee the latter happening.

In the end it's all good though, I don't harbor any negative attitude towards the staff in general, just certain auth who I don't believe are doing or did their jobs to a satisfactory level. Myabe that's just me being me though.

ANYWAYS this isn't a thread to complain about staff. I was just giving a brief (lol?) introduction to what influence I had in Reborn. I feel like the level of detail I gave was necessary to really see my side of things though since this thread is about me :]

Now on to a little more detail about myself personally. I've never been afraid to share information about myself and as such many of you know (or will now know) my name is Andreas Schmidt and I currently live in Virignia. I was born in Germany and moved to the US in 2000, living in NY until this past summer.

In middle school I started singing in chorus and doing theatre though mostly backstage stuff until High School. That time of my life is when I really began coming out of my shell and becoming who I am today. Theatre helped me start to move past my social anxieties I had developed due to bullying in earlier years of school. I've been in Aladdin, Once Upon a Mattress, Once on this Island, The Music Man, Little Shop of Horrors and others that I can't remember right now. My favorites have probably been being Jafar in Aladdin and The Dentist in Little Shop. Even though I have done music related things for most of my life now I still hate the sound of my own voice when I sing and cannot move past that. I could sing in front of entire audiences but not admit to myself if my voice is good. It's weird.

Video games have always been a huge part of my life. If I remember correctly my first video game ever was Super Mario Land 3, which actually gave me nightmares back then haha. Other than that I played your generic Kirby, Mario and Tetris games. Once I got my GameBoy Color and played Pokemon my scope of games really began to explode. I started playing everything from Pokemon to Final Fantasy to Zelda to Call of Duty. I really began exploring many genres. I found that RPGs, especially Japanese ones, were my favorite genre of games. Final Fantasy 6, Golden Sun and Persona 4 are currently my favorite games of all time.

Reborn has always been a place of great joy for me. I love all of you on at least a platonic level if I've gotten to know you a bit. But I would be lying if I said Reborn hasn't also given me one of the darkest times in my life. Some of you might remember when I dated a certain member for a while here and some of you may not. Out of respect for them I will not disclose any information about them other than explaining why they brought a dark time to my life. It was quite possibly the realest emotional connection I had ever made to someone. Sure I had loved other people before, but not quite as much as this person. Well as these things go it didn't last. For the longest time they let me blame myself for what had happened and it plunged me into a deep depression that I honestly may have not survived had it not been for Amethyst, Ikaru, Inuki, Scarlet, and countless others of my friends who supported me at this time. Eventually I came to find out that said person had actually been cheating on me, which drove me into anger and really cracked me on an emotional level that I'm not sure I'll ever really recover from. That being said I do hope I'll love someone this much again one day, but it will not be easy.

I think that after all that I should lighten up the mood of this post a bit. Currently I live decently content because having a job allows me to get whatever games i want to distract me from life and the stress work can cause. As much as I complain about not feeling like I have a purpose here in Reborn I doubt I will be leaving any time soon. Something about this place makes me not want to leave, and I can't exactly explain why.

I'd like to invite you all now to ask me anything so that I may combine the recent two trends into one with my post!

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Hi. That was a very detailed post :D

You said you did musicals and stuff. Do you prefer playing evil, crazy characters (like the dentist) or the good guys.

Also, just checking- you used a post randomizer to get that many posts right?

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Which internet slum did you hang out in before you were invited to reborn?

Which video game boss do you associate with the most?

What were you doing in your backchannel, Edge of the World, that you've had since PO times? Whenever I popped in for a look, nothing was going on.

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why are you so lame?

jk How long do plan on growing your beard? Or.. if you shaved it since last time i've seen your webcam on twitch, why did you shave your beard?

because i'm absolute trash

I shaved before No Shave November and plan on keeping the beard I have now around where it is.

When exactly do you plan on flying yourself to New Orleans to come visit me? Also, why do you smell?

Whenever I have the time and money to friend. With the holiday season on top of us the airline business gets super busy =( and you don't ave a room for me so I need to have money for a hotel at least =P

because it's one of my 5 senses

how does it feel to have toriel left you

should you cosplay asgore? c:

but for reals,

how does it feel to have an awesome beard?

how does it feel being one of the oldest members of reborn?

if you have one wish, what would you wish for?

how are you today?

do you like cake? c:


maybe. I like Asgore a lot so I'll consider it

I like my beard a lot c=

It's honestly a little bit awkward to be one of the oldest memebrs here. I often assume everyone is around my age but then realize they're like 16 usually. It's weird.

I'd wish for financial stability. Living paycheck to paycheck is not fun.

I'm alright I guess. Tired because work is exhausting but alright.

I like cake a lot yes.

Hi. That was a very detailed post :D

You said you did musicals and stuff. Do you prefer playing evil, crazy characters (like the dentist) or the good guys.

Also, just checking- you used a post randomizer to get that many posts right?

I actually like playing Villains a lot. It's very fun to act so out of character for myself.

I edited my post count when I was an owner actually. Subtract 1000000 from my post count to get an accurate number

Which internet slum did you hang out in before you were invited to reborn?

Which video game boss do you associate with the most?

What were you doing in your backchannel, Edge of the World, that you've had since PO times? Whenever I popped in for a look, nothing was going on.

Before Reborn I was on Furcadia with Ikaru and Inuki. We had some friends there and played YuGiOh a lot there >>

Before THAT I was on a little Text Based RPG known as NewAge3 <<

Best last hour?

I'm not exactly sure what you mean with this and feel like I'm missing a reference ;;

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How do you like your new(ish) job? Do you get to go anywhere interesting?

I AM so much better than you Jeri <3 You can only dream of being as good an auth as I used to be Kappa

No but real talk, I enjoy my job a lot. I haven't had a chance to travel yet because while I DO fly for free, I do not have a place to live for free or have food for free when I get there >>

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