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....Totally Forgot

0 Jordinio 0

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So yeah, I kind of completely forgot to make an introduction thread.

.....my bad?

Anyway, glad to be here. And a few things about me? Well, let's see;

The name is Jordan, the nickname Jordinio came into existence due to playing football/soccer constantly as a child and my friend deciding to make my name a pun on Ronaldinio's name. I'm 22 years old, as of the first of November.....god I feel so old, it won't be long till' I'm calling kids 'young whippersnappers'. I've been playing pokemon since I was 4 years old, I can vividly remember playing Pokemon Red on my big fat and chunky grey colored gameboy. I'm a massive Charizard fanboy, have been ever since he appeared in the anime and he'll forever remain my favorite pokemon. I work with a Call Center......so if you end up phoning up one day and find yourself with a terribly rude agent, that's probably me. I'm a laidback kind of guy, I love to take things at my own pace. Sadly, my own pace is getting swept up in the great tide known as life lately. Okay..let's finish this of with my nationality I guess, I'm Scottish, love my haggis, relish the breeze from my kilt and suck with the bagpipes.

Anything I missed?

Reborn is a game I've enjoyed since discovering it. Although, with life so hectic lately I'd only been able to play off and on for a while. It's only recently I've been able to play it through.

And again, it's great to be here. Seems like a good community to get involved with.

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V●ᴥ●V Hello and welcome to reborn, I'm sure you'll enjoy your new prison paradise. V●ᴥ●V

Yeah I also took a long time to make mine, though I wasn't really active when I made it.


It's dangerous to go alone, take this!


I hope to see you 'round the forums
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Whatsup Jordan

Welcome to the family

Here is a lil something

They call him Jordinio.

Named after Ronaldinio.

Because he is so good at soccer bro.

So good you would think he is a pro.

I bet his friend even made a video.

He feels so old.

Calling kids Whippersnappers.

While he gives them some crackers.

But in return he will ask some gold.

Charizard fanboy.

Playing red on his gameboy.

Playing pokemon is something he can enjoy.

He prefers doing things at his own pace.

Don't piss him else you will get a punch in the face.

Let him be and we all will get blessed by his grace.

Don't think you can go now.

That's something we won't allow.

So enjoy your stay.


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