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Sky High Rainbows and Hugging!


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Umm, Hello...

My name is Skies, I am a 15 year old female from Australia, I am fairly timid, and am not usually one for this kind of thing, so if this isn't exactly the best post, I understand

Okay, time to tell you a little bit about myself...

I was born in England, Yorkshire, and moved to Melbourne, Australia when I was only little, I have a dog and a bird and a whole ton of Goldfishies! My dog is my world, I love him with everything I have in me... I am also, despite being shy... A HUGE HUGGER! So if I hug you outta nowhere, I apologize... Hugs are nice though, now... I am also a artist, of sort, I sing and dance and enjoy painting and drawing, I might not be a good singer or dancer, but hey, at least I am trying, lol, I think of myself as a bit of a odd person, but meh, what can you do? I am usually the kind of person in school who is everyone's punching bag but, I don't mind, anyways, getting back on track, I love all my friends and all of you wonderful people I have met on Reborn, I hope I can meet a whole lot more of you, I have always loved Horror movies, but... I cannot handle them... Is that strange? I guess so, lol xD... Anyways, I have one dream, a dream I can never let go of, and that is one day working as a Vet, I admire them a lot, they way they help work with animals and make them feel better and how if it is needed to end suffering... Put them down... But let it be known, I would rather kill everyone in this world, than harm a dog, especially my little dog! If you do I might bite!


Anyways... That is me! I hope to talk to you guys and girls at a later date, feel free to PM me on Showdown or message me on here (If you can, still unsure xD)

*Hugs everyone who is reading this*

~ Skies (RainbowHugs)


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I've seen you on the sever a fair bit but nice for you to be introducing yourself here too.

And another Australian being around is always nice. SOON WE WILL HAVE ENOUGH PEOPLE TO OVERTHROW THE AMERICANS

Have a nice time here.

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Hi there Skies! Glad to see that i'm not the only one who loves horror movies but "hates" them well that used to be 2-3 years ago, but nvm that

Also, we seem to have in common the shyness (as many others here fortunately ahah), see you around c:

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Thank you all for being so nice to me and welcoming me with open arms, I know I might get a little annoying, but thanks for being so kind <3

Thanks - Felix, Mettaton (Megatron), AndSoThereIsSt3ffo (Sorry, don't know your server name xD) Pixl, Almighty Sandwich Master, Mde, EXlLnk, Arkhi, Combat Medic and Dark_Stalker.


I hope I can meet all of you on the server soon, as you all know, my server name is RainbowHugs, so if you ever wanna just stop by and chat, you are welcome to do so ^~^

~ Skies (RainbowHugs)

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V●ᴥ●V Hello and welcome to reborn, I'm sure you'll enjoy your new prison paradise. V●ᴥ●V

Yay, I got a dog recently actually, well technically he's my brother's but still, he's a bit of a nightmare but then he just stares at me and I can't just ignore it so I have to forgive him, knows how to play me at such a young age. Also hugs are nice feel free to hug..... almost everyone


It's dangerous to go alone, take this!

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I hope to see you 'round the forums
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