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Is it ok that my emboar has only recoil damage moves?


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Fainting barely even reduces happiness. Damage has no effect whatsoever on happiness. I'm pretty sure the only thing that does significantly downgrade happiness is the bitter medicines.

I'd consider a fighting move like Hammer Arm though. STAB is a 1.5x boost, versus just 1.2x from Reckless. Flare Blitz is the only move that will benefit from both.

I'd also consider replacing Take Down with Sucker Punch if breeding is an option for you. Sucker Punch helps Emboar get an extra strike in before going down to faster opponents (ie. all opponents, Emboar is super slow).

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Emboar's main thing is high damaging recoil moves, probably the main reason it has so much hp in the first place. As others have said though you'll probably want sucker punch on it to take on psychic types and patch up it's speed as well as running Hammer arm for a strong stab.

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  On 12/15/2015 at 4:24 AM, DJWongTong said:

Emboar's main thing is high damaging recoil moves, probably the main reason it has so much hp in the first place. As others have said though you'll probably want sucker punch on it to take on psychic types and patch up it's speed as well as running Hammer arm for a strong stab.

Yea, it's basically a lot like Rampardos, it's giant HP stat is more for soaking up it's own recoil damage than really giving it bulk. ((both have horrid defenses, are slow and have questionable defensive typing.))

And yea I'd recommend Hammer Arm as well, through breeding it can get Superpower, but in-game I think Superpower's drawback are a bit too high for the extra damage. After all it drops attack and Defense. Attack is one of Emboar's few good stats and it's defense is already bad on a mon weak to EQ and other common Physical attacking types, that's not good for longevity. As mentioned, It's speed is already pretty garbage at around base 65 ((which is about fast enough to outspeed some walls and more defensive mons it's at least got that going for it.)) so lowering, doesn't matter. While Fire and Fight have a bit of overlap, it's good to mention that while both net Steel and Ice, Fire gets Grass and Bug ((Bug being of the most importance since it hits Bug/Steels hard being it's only weakness.)) and Fighting netting Normal, Dark and Rock. ((Rock being super noteworthy being a normal weakness of Fire though FIghting type negates that weakness it's still worth mentioning.)) I'd say a Fihgting STAB is a really good option for you. It also gives you a move that won't wear you down for using it, that can be super handy in a pinch.

Sucker Punch is another very good suggestion by folks since it is literally Emboar's only access to priority so... kinda forced to use it if you want it. It further negates the downside of Hammer Arm, making that move even better since it has no real drawback. Further the Dark Coverage really helps deal with Psychic types, otherwise big trouble for Emboar. It also gives something to smack Ghosts with super effectively, especially those that would resist your Fire STAB. ((or be Flash Fire Immune too... Chandalure...)) so it's another good option if you got the patience to breed it on.

Another good option... if it's released would be Wild Charge, it's another recoil move yes, but it allows Emboar to deal with Water and Flying types more effectively. I'll say it a bit of a middle ground between Head Smash and Take Down that you have, it would replace either. It's better at dealing with more and deals much less recoil to you, but it misses the sheer power of Head Smash. This point could completely not matter though since... the TM for it has to be out and I having not played Reborn... have 0 clue if it's out... I have a feeling it's not since it wasn't mentioned yet looool.

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Yep recoil moves are good especially head smash and flare blitz

As the others say use sucker punch for psychic but i havent seen a tm of it in the game

If you want it, breed to get it

If want it to be a speedy sweeper get flame charge back

That move made me sweep 2 gyms in reborb :)

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Recoil damage is a game mechanic, risk counterweighting reward, friendship is a completely different mechanic, an alternative evolution method mostly. And certainly it matters zilch to Emboar.

  On 12/15/2015 at 3:24 AM, damurdara said:

My emboar has flare blitz, head smash. and take down. Because I wanted to make use of its reckless ability. Do these moves affect friendship? Because I would hate if i were ordered to hurt meself.

Noice trolling tho.

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