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Help With Future Gym Leaders


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Hi Guys, Right Now I'm Really Stuck On Shelly, and I'm worried I'm gonna be really stuck on other gym leaders in the future, ( especially with the increased difficulty ), could you guys help me out? This is my team right now:

Trubbish: lv.31 Gentle Nature

- Sludge Bomb

- Poison Gas.

- Acid Spray.

-Toxic Spikes.

- Combusken: lv.34 Jolly Nature (With Speed Boost Ofc).

- Double Kick.

- Quick Attack.

- Flame Charge.

- Bulk Up.

Meowstic: lv.35 Sassy Nature


- Light Screen

- Charge Beam

- Psyshock

Pidgeotto: lv.28 Rash Nature

- Twister

- Feather Dance

- Quick Attack

- Gust

Also Training Swirlix And Pichu Atm but arent high enough yet......

Thanks! :)

Edited by Squishy
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You should have more mons tbh

I always capture a mon that is useful against the next Gym Leader, but that doesn't mean that it is on my team at all.

I reccomend you using her field against her.

Her field is the forest field, I guess? Idk, check this for more information

Just see the message that appears on the beginning of the battle and search in this page.

The Super-Effective isn't always the best option for beating GLs in Reborn, but a good strategy.

You should look for a mon with Flame Burst to burn the field, and then lead with him and Combusken through the battle.

Look at the double-types, there are two mons with 4x weakness to Rock on her team, Yanmega and Masquerain iirc.

But take care with Masquerain, he/she has Bubblebeam.

Hope this was helpful.

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You should theoretically be fine if you find enough shards to teach Combusken Fire Pledge, since that incinerates Shelly's field and turns it into a nightmare for her. Getting the Growlithe event is also helpful, since it has Flame Burst which does the same thing. My biggest fear for you is the fact that you don't have a full team at this point. One of the biggest pieces of advice I give to anyone starting out Reborn is ensuring they have a variety of team members at their disposal, especially in the late game. A few I can recommend currently: If you do the Aqua/Magma Gang sidequest(they're in alleyways in Lapis and North Obsidia ward respectively), you can pick up a type of the opposite team you select(fire for siding with Aqua, water with Magma). Be careful with those though, as they're a bit high leveled and are PROBABLY meant to be taken on after Shelly. Other than that, if you aren't afraid of doing a little bit of Hide and Seek + grinding to train it up, Lillipup is always solid. Gotta start the event in Obsidia Ward, btw.

Other than that, the rest of the advice here is pretty good. Shelly's team is very tricky for the unprepared, but with a little bit of knowledge, you should be just fine. Good luck, and go roast that bookworm!

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i agree with all the gentlemen who answered before me. You need to get 6 pokemons. Shelly is considered an average gym leader compared to other gym leaders. You have a good starter. Evolve it to lv 36 and then use common candy. You need a rock and flying moves.

Remember, Shelly uses double battle. So try taking advantage of that.

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The key to my victory in my Gen 1 run was setting up Stealth Rocks and Flame Burst. All of her Pokemon get cut down by 1/8 to 1/2 HP by stealth rocks, and the field takes another 1/8 to 1/2 HP from anything that doesn't fly. Also, Persian and Ampharos learn Power Gem if I'm not mistaken, and don't have weaknesses to Giga Drain and Bubblebeam.

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I would suggest Drifloom (evolves it into Drifblim at level 28) in place of Pidgeotto for the moment for flying type spot since Pidgey line learns nothing viable via leveling up except for hurricane which is very late (level 62 for Pidgeot, unless you have heart scales which unfortunately house key for move relearner is after shelly and relearn it since Pidgeot learns hurricane in level 1), plus Drifblim resists 4x to bug with its ghost/flying typing, and all three of its abilities are actually decent, especially aftermath where you go off extra damage on opponents when they make contact moves that knock you out, and unburden with flying gem makes severe dent on opponents while increasing your speed in the process, in comparison Pidgeot base stats and abilities are mediocre and are not enough to wallbreak unless mega is available in the future

Edited by TimTim
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IS your meowstic a male of a female? if it is a male meowstic try to keep the light screen and reflect when it learn i and have the ability prankster on it so it can set screen fast and smack on a light clay to make screen last longer.

Well i would get rid of trubbish and pidgeotto soon. and replace them with better pokemons. you can replace pidgeotto with either a driftblim or a swoobat with simple ability+calm mind. i would replace trubbish with a roselia you can get budew early actually now. you can make it into a roserade once you progress further.Roserade is an awesome grass type to have and your team need a good grass type. well you can also add a lotad/ludicolo in you team if you want it a good water and grass type but still i prefer having a roselia. but if you want good water type they are hard to get early since most of them are in the mid game or late game. early water types you can get are seaking/luminion/buizel(if you join team magma)/bibarel/wingull/panpour/seel( if u get the seel egg instead of cacnea egg) well there is more but the best early water type you can get is 100% lotad. but yeah i wont worry about having a water type yet you need something which can beat water not water type since you started with a fire starter. so yeah roselia would be awesome. also you can add ampharos/marrep in your team instead of pikachu/raichu since ampharose is way more useful late game plus it is tanky.


1)Get rid tubbish replace him with roselia

2)Get rid of pidgeotto and replace him with driftblim/swoobat

3)Train up an Mareep into Ampharos and add it into you team

4)You can consider adding a water type into you team best water type in the early game is ludicolo/whiscash(if you join team magma)

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