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Help with a new RPG

Eternal Edge

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Specifically jRPG and handheld if possible. I want something I can play on the go and on work breaks which is why I prefer handheld. Anyone have any good suggestions? I have a 3DS (not NEW or else I'd be picking up Xenoblade) and a PSVita. For reference, I've played all 3 Golden Sun games, every Final Fantasy main series game, Persona 4 Golden and some of Persona 3 (it just hasn't pulled me in yet), and every Pokemon game.

Please give some suggestions for other things I should check out, I'll add anything that I forgot if someone mentions it to the main post~

jRPGs I've Played:

All Main Series Final Fantasy Games

All Main Series Pokemon Games

Persona 4 Golden

Persona 3

All 3 Golden Sun Games

Every GBA-onward Fire Emblem Game

Tales of Symphonia, the Abyss, Graces (not completely), Verperia

Eternal Sonata

Chrono Trigger

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Shin Megami Tensei series, really any of them

Heard Bravely Default is pretty good, though i haven't touched my copy yet. Bravely Second is coming out soon

Monster Hunter Ultimate 4 (unless you wanna wait for MH X)

DS (not sure if you can find copies of these):

Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift

Radiant Historia, sorta like Chrono Trigger with all the time travel and jazz.

Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier, really enjoyed the characters and the story

The World Ends With You

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Thirding The World Ends With You.

Seconding Shin Megami Tensei AKA Death to my Play Coins

Seconding Bravely Default (Maybe in part just because of the title screen)

Now, as a fun activity, let's see if someone will mention Undertale, despite it not being a JRPG, and how it appears you've obviously already played it.

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I'd recommend Soul Sacrifice Delta for PSVita. It's a great game for plot, dark atmosphere, and fun gameplay. It's also perfect for playing on breaks, as it's broken down into short missions rather than a free roam game. I'd definitely suggest looking into it. Mael and Godot both have played and enjoyed it too, if that's worth anything to you.

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This person explicitly mentions having a PS Vita, and none of you recommends Disgaea (any iteration of the franchise really). I hate you all.

I mean, I was going to say Disgaea but you beat me to it.

Seriously, Disgaea has a lot of bang for your buck, a lot of replayability and content, provided story isn't a BIG thing for you. I found Disgaeas story to be a formality and the gameplay the biggest focus. Think Fire Emblem SRPG shticks but no permadeath and a difficulty scale that rises exponentially. Then keeps rising, because the game goes up to lvl 9999.

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Then keeps rising, because the game goes up to lvl 9999.

And then there is Land of Carnage, where the actual level of enemies is higher than the cap, but since the number that expresses the level cannot go over the cap, they make up for it by giving insane stat boosts to enemies that hit the cap. And THEN there is the "Stronger Enemies" bill which... You get the idea. It's funny, if you think about it: you can clear the main plot of any given Disgaea with your party at a level ranging anywhere from 70 to 90, yet once you do that ther is still so much left to further and further power up your characters... In a NG+, facing the main story with your party at post-game level, using the Stronger Enemies bill to get the enemies to match, can result in some seriously epic battles lol.

Anyway, Disgaea 1 and 2 exist for PSP, which IIRC means that you can download them from the store and play them on your Vita in reverse compatibility mode. As for Disgaea 3 and 4, they exist for Vita, so just go buy them (and this summer Disgaea D2 should hopefully join them on the Vita library).

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