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Reborn Playthrough List


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I'm weird and like to look at what's been done/how it was done, so I threw this together. May it help any who want a list for some reason.

These are sorted by type of playthrough then date of the thread's first post. The more recent the thread, the higher on the list it went. If the playthrough is still going, that's mentioned at the end of its listing. If it stalled at a certain point without further posts, the last major battle is listed instead. If the playthrough was completed, there is nothing where either of the above would have been mentioned.

If a thread didn't make it to at least the Julia fight, I didn't list it. If it had fewer than 2 pages of posts, I likely missed it. In addition, I probably just plain missed others in general. I'll try to find those later when I update this, but feel free to point any out or any mistakes in the list itself.

Reborn Playthroughs

Normal Playthrough



Reborn: Hardcore

Normal Playthroughs



Reborn on Youtube

Episode 15

Episode 14

Episode 13

Episode 12

Episode 11

Episode 10

Episode 9

Episode 8

Episode 7

Episode 6

Episode 4

Edited by Quickslip
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That's a pretty great directory! Go on and continue it whenever you can, if there's anything left out, and you can also add youtube playthroughs too I guess.

Btw my run is before the Noel battle. But I is lazy and my team is hella underleveled.

I hope it gets pinned too.

Edited by Odybld
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Fixed the two above mistakes, thanks you two. :)

...and you can also add youtube playthroughs too I guess.

Seems reasonable enough, I mean, how many could there possi-holy crap."

OK, I had no idea this was that popular of a lets play. xD I've added ~half of the ones I've found to the list, because that is alot of videos. I'll add the other half over the next day or two. Then, I think I'll section the items by what Reborn Version the starting video uses, as that list looks like it'll be a giant eye-sore otherwise.

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You might wanna double check. Here's mine. I'm not entirely sure if there was a Reborn playthrough before mine in terms of written, but this is one of the most earliest ones.

http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/?showtopic=3446 (I kinda did a few extra things after defeating Terra, but I'm still trying to get my computer fixed. :( )

Oh, and it was just a normal playthrough, nothing too special like Hardcore or Nuzlockes or anything.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This game can be really complicated if you don't know what to do and worry about missing things, especially if there are no return points or missable things. after I had a point-of-no-return-missable at a game once and had to start the game from the start I started using walk-through as helpers.

Thank you for posting this.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

Just noting that this should be up to date for the forum section as of this time again. The Youtube section is probably horribly out of date, but I did add a couple there too. Also added the rule about not listing anything that didn't at least make it to Julia. If that doesn't seem fair to a decent number of people I'll add them, but you'll all have to speak up. I'm under the current impression that they were generally not well received.

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