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New Reborn Playthrough/ Team Update


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Well, I think I'm going to restart Reborn! Mainly because I've played up to where I can in the most recent version! Soooooooooooooo... anyone have any recommendations for a starter? This WILL be a Team Showcase/Update thread though!

Current Location: Abandoned Power Plant ((Shade's Gym))

Problems: None

Best Moment: My Meganium using Petal Dance to BLAST through 3 of Shade's Pokemon!

Current Team:

Salad - Meganium Lv.39

Ability: Leaf Guard

Magical Leaf


Petal Dance

Poison Powder

Storm - Manectric Lv.39

Ability: Minus



Thunder Fang

Ice Fang

Corona - Camerupt Lv.40

Ability - Anger Point

Lava Plume

Rock Slide

Flame Burst

Earth Power

Lilac - Meowstic (F) Lv.42

Ability: Infiltrator

Light Screen


Shadow Ball


Lily - Swoobat Lv.41

Ability - Simple

Air Slash


Heart Stamp


Vinette - Scraggy Lv.40

Ability - Shed Skin

Brick Break


High Jump Kick

Fire Punch

Currently Training Up:

Aromatic - Aromatise Lv.33

Quaker - Donphan Lv.31

Sherbet - Cubchoo Lv.26

Slammer - Hariyama Lv.34

Suki - Mawile Lv.34

Edited by MistDrop
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o_o Dude, that would be so hard to do! And how do I do put my current save file in a safe place?

Okay before you start your "new" run of Reborn...Locate your current Game.rxdata (The one you have right now that you finished episode 15)...copy it and put it in another safe folder

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You could also rename your save file by adding some like "MAIN" in the middle of it, so then Reborn doesn't recognize it as a save file and will try to start a new one. Then when you want to switch back to your main file, you change the name of the new file, and revert to main file back to the game.rxdata name so it is playable

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hmm just train up tune up he should be able to beat fern and rini with fury cutter spam. also you can always us a trubbish since trubbish is kinda useful early game. also hariyama this thing out right destroys rini's Cradily.

Future members to consider adding into you team:

Mareep/Ampharos, Swoobat, Numel/camerupt, Buizel/floatzel, Lotad/Ludicolo

A good fire and electric would be good on your team but right now you will need a good water type i would recommend lotad/lucicolo since it can be obtain kinda early and you can get water stone early even without mining rocks. you can also always go with buizel if you want an early physical atk water type but i find lotad to be the optimal/best early game/late game water type you can get early. plus u can get numel and lotad if you make the weather rainy.

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Hm, well I suppose I should update it now, since I'm actually now in the Jasper Ward. And where the heck can I find Lotad and Buizel? I know that you can find Numel at the Train Station when it's raining, and Mareep can be found after the events in the Jasper Ward. Swoobat, I would have to think about. Also, how to you find that Teddiursa that's in the Peridot Ward?

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Answer to your question: Birds sit on electric wires and get fried if they get grounded (touch one of the poles), hence the electric weakness. They also fly to avoid the cold because they have thin bones and have trouble flying, so ice weakness.

Lotad is in the Coral Ward during rain.

Edited by Felix the Cat
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windy day = delta stream effect. Delta stream= mega Quaza ability which nullifies super effective moves on flying types. electric,ice and rock will do normal dmg on flying types in delta stream or in windy weather for reborn.

Lotad: coral ward on rainy days

Buizel: reward if you join magma gang and complete the cadbury side quest.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Than dont join magma gang. i m in the planning phase my water mono run on reborn hardcore and i consider not joining magma gang even if i can get 2 water types if i join magma gang because i just dont like magma gang as aqua gang XD. So my point here is join which ever gang you like dont care about the pokemon you can get from joining the gang.

why join magma gang when the better water type is lotad/lombre. unless you want a physical water type if so i rather wait till you reach azurine island/ reach kiki to get barbaracle/Quagsire. which are way better water type than buizel/floatzel.

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Yay! You see things where I'm coming from! The reason why I don't want to join the Magma Gang is that I have nothing that would be Super Effective against Fire Types. I do have Donphan, but it doesn't have Magnitude yet! And also yes, I am using Donphan again!

Edited by MistDrop
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