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Welcome to Arcana Rush!


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If you're reading this, welcome! Once upon a time there was this clan by the name of Sakuna Uta. Some of you older folks may remember it. You newer people may have heard stories. It was a place for a close knit group of friends to battle, share laughs, and generally have some awesome conversations. Unfortunately, it didn't last. However! I am happy to announce Sakuna Uta will be revived, or rather... heh... reborn as ARCANA RUSH! I am joined by the former co-leader of Sakuna Uta, Kaito! Together we will both lead Arcana Rush in hopes of regaining what we lost!


Anyone is free to join! WOW COOL WOW! However, for you battle savvy folks, a best of 3 is an option to join too! So just say the word if you want to go that route.


-Now, this won't exactly be a competitive clan. Battling will be a thing, obviously. We're just more on the socializing. However, we do like to partake in friendly competition and are not against it.

-Lastly, we expect our members to uphold a decent track record where behavior is concerned. We won't be too strict, but if you get in serious shit you're out.

-You can always get with me or Kaito on the server if you're interested in joining. It doesn't have to be done on the forums!


I'm not a strict person, and neither is Kaito. So there won't be anything too major here.

-Respect your fellow members. Or rather, don't be an outright douche. Banter and all is fine, but if it reaches a point where someone is getting seriously peeved. Take it up with me or Kaito. If it becomes a constant problem we'll deal with it accordingly.

-Going on from that. We don't want people with horrible track records with warning points, or behavior in general. We understand people mess up and get heated, but we're not looking at those people. We're talking about those that are always in trouble for something or another.

-Lastly, once we have the Arcana Rush channel made. Anything said in the channel should STAY in the channel. We want our members to feel safe with what they say. If we find out something said in chat has been leaked then you can expect to be booted.

I believe that's about it. I can't wait to see some new faces, and maybe even some old ones! If you have any questions feel free to ask me, or Kaito if you prefer a friendlier face!








Eternal Edge






Dark Desire



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Sure. You seem like fun guys and it'd be nice to have a place outside of lobby, you know?

Battling wise, I'm middle of the crowd in just about anything. I have a passing familiarity with most mons in each tier but not team comps or any of that. I'm the guy who might fluke a win against a genuinely good player 5 times out of ten.

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My my, if Azery-kun is going to be in, then I guess I will grace you with my presence as well. He needs someone to look after him, and you guys could use having a proper lady on board. And as far as battling skills go, I think the amount of loyal peons I have whipped into shape for the Redemption League speaks for itself. Not to mention, I remember sharing some fun time with Kaito-kun in the past, so I suppose he could advocate for my position.

Bear in mind that I am lowering myself by volunteering for this membership (a proper lady should be asked to be in a group, she shouldn't have to ask herself), so please show appropriate gratefulness. Like for example, renaming the group "Cook Corporation, Reborn Branch" could be an acceptable start.

Ok now for real: as you can see, I made this post while in character. The reason is simple: I think that being in a group like this would be the perfect occasion to refine my ability to roleplay as Catherine, not to mention the fact that I wouldn't mind making new friends around this forum (I don't believe we have had any occasions to interact before, have we?). And while I am not so enthusiastic about this "entry test" being held in OU format, maybe my 5 years of battling experience in lower tiers could come in handy to help the group broaden its horizons? Heck if hand-picked as one of the 3 "starters", I wouldn't mind providing an alternative for people who take the "entry exam" (if they feel confident at OU they challenge the other guys, while if they prefer UU or RU they can challenge me at those). The only issue here is with time constraints: on wednesday I am going back to my hometown meaning that, untill january the 7th, my presence will be quite limited. On january the 7th I'll be back full time, but I will have university exams shortly after, so yeah... Although, starting with the last two weeks of february I should be able to exponentially increase my presence, peaking in the months of march and april.

And think of the fun that would come from having a character like Cat on board! Personally, I would LOVE to interact with more people while playing as her.

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xiph and kaito are baddies y/y

By baddies, do you mean absolute scrubs, then yes. Renzo's taste in anime is lame and I bet Kaito can't even finish a whole steak by himself.

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The three freebie members have been selected. I decided to let RNG decide. I've updated the intro to show who got in so far. The rest of you will have to take the test. This doesn't mean you can't hang out in the channel. Feel free to do so if you want, but to be official members you will have to take the entrance test! Any of the current members are up for challenge. Just remember either myself or Kaito has to spectate.

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By baddies, do you mean absolute scrubs, then yes. Renzo's taste in anime is lame and I bet Kaito can't even finish a whole steak by himself.

Joke's on you, I just came back from dinner. 24 oz Porterhouse polished off easy!

... And still kinda hungry, honestly. ^^;

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Joke's on you, I just came back from dinner. 24 oz Porterhouse polished off easy!

... And still kinda hungry, honestly. ^^;

I assume your broke now that you just ate a $40 steak. Double joke on you =P

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I didn't wanna join your lazy club anyways, baka.

If there's only 12 of you, do each of you rep a different Arcana? How do you social link?

I'm gonna let Kaito answer that because I came up with the Rush part of the name and have no knowledge on Persona. >>

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  • 6 months later...

Okay so I was told to update this by Mr. Fuckin' NERD(Pyrrhon), and I got the OK from Ikaru too. The member list has been updated. Now I want to explain a few things as to not make this completely meaningless. I've decided to make the best of 3 battle requirement optional. I basically consider anyone who joins the channel frequently a "member" now. But hey, if anyone wants to do the best of 3 be my guest. So the member list is more of a people who come and chat list now, though technically it is still a clan of sorts. Lastly, I encourage anyone who wants to stop by to do so. We keep Ody on a tight leash so you don't have to worry too much. All though sometimes he gets loose... Anyway, I believe that's it. If I have forgotten someone feel free to yell at me or something idk.

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  • Veterans

Okay so I was told to update this by Mr. Fuckin' NERD(Pyrrhon), and I got the OK from Ikaru too. The member list has been updated. Now I want to explain a few things as to not make this completely meaningless. I've decided to make the best of 3 battle requirement optional. I basically consider anyone who joins the channel frequently a "member" now. But hey, if anyone wants to do the best of 3 be my guest. So the member list is more of a people who come and chat list now, though technically it is still a clan of sorts. Lastly, I encourage anyone who wants to stop by to do so. We keep Ody on a tight leash so you don't have to worry too much. All though sometimes he gets loose... Anyway, I believe that's it. If I have forgotten someone feel free to yell at me or something idk.

Last time he got off it.....oh god.

Things went bad.

And when I say bad, I mean BAAADD.

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