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Fortress of Steel(Steel Mono)


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I intend to build a steel mono singles for mono type competitive, and the following are my team line-up

steelix.gifSteelix @ Steelixite

Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 Atk / 56 Def / 200 SpD
Brave Nature
- Heavy Slam
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock
- Roar
M-Steelix for my physical tank, EVs invested in both defenses to maximize longevity and Roar to prevent setting up from the likes of calm mind Reuniclus, although Toxic might be better on it
metagross.gifMetagross @ Life Orb
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Rock Polish
- Meteor Mash
- Zen Headbutt
- Ice Punch
I run Metagross as my fast physical sweeper with rock polish as boost, Ice Punch to check ground types
klefki.gifKlefki @ Leftovers
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Spikes
- Play Rough
- Toxic
- Magnet Rise
Spikes for entry hazard besides stealth rock from M-Steelix
bronzong.gifBronzong @ Light Clay
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 248 HP / 8 SpA / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Light Screen
- Reflect
- Trick Room
- Flash Cannon
This is my primary dual screen set, and TR to make use of poor speed of Probopass and Steelix
durant.gifDurant @ Life Orb
Ability: Swarm
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- X-Scissor
- Iron Head
- Stone Edge
- Crunch
Durant will help check opposing dark mono with powerful physical attackers, especially given i have two psychic types on my team
probopass.gifProbopass @ Air Balloon
Ability: Sand Force
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD
Modest Nature
- Sandstorm
- Flash Cannon
- Earth Power
- Power Gem
I would like Probopass to fill in as my special attacker, and Power Gem to run check on fire types and Earth Power for opposing steel mono if ever encounter one

Any feedbacks or critiques would be gladly appreciated

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Are you restricting yourself to not use Legendaries? Heatran and Jirachi are pretty good members to have on a Steel-mono.

I feel your team is pretty defensive - and lack a bit of offensive power. Probopass doesn't really hit too hard even with max special attack, so I would suggest to replace it with Magnezone. Your team doesn't have any answers to super physically defensive Pokemon (e.g Skarmory and Ferrothorn) - and Magnezone can help trap and defeat them.

Excadrill is another mon I love using on a mono-Steel team - be it a Choice Scarf set, SD set or a defensive set. I don't feel Trick Room is that important to your team, so you could replace Bronzong for it.

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I would probably replace Bronzong with Jirachi seeing as Jirachi is superior in term of being special wall per your advice, and Magnezone is going to replace Probopass as special sweeper, and Excadrill for Steelix spot since i have Klefki as utility, and mega evolution will go to Metagross, thanks for the suggestions :)

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M-Steelix: This set is generally good, it has a lot of offensive presence and can set up Stealth Rock easily thanks to it's great bulk. I think Roar is a better choice than Toxic as it deters setup sweepers, and with Stealth Rocks and Spikes can do a decent amount of damage. You could use Dragon Tail instead of Roar as M-Steelix has an attack of 383 with a positive nature, which could help rack up damage more easily, but Roar can hit through Protect and Substitutes so it's just a matter of preference.

Metagross: This set mostly makes sense, but it's mostly walled by other Steel-types. As one of the primary offensive Pokémon on your team, I'd replace Zen Headbutt with Earthquake for better coverage. If you run Zen Headbutt, there are 47 Pokémon that can resist all of Metagross' moves, while if you run Earthquake only Surskit and Shedinja can resist all three moves. Also, STAB Zen Headbutt has 120 base power and 90% accuracy, while Earthquake has 100 and perfect accuracy, so the difference in power is somewhat negligible considering that you'd want to use Meteor Mash as a primary STAB anyways. However, if you need something to check Fighting-types, then Zen Headbutt isn't a bad option.

Klefki: Klefki can setup spikes, which aids sweeping (see Bronzong) and help M-Steelix with it's phasing. Priority Magnet Rise is a good idea, as opponents may switch into a supposed check (i.e Earthquakers) only to find that their "check" wasn't really a check at all. Toxic is a good move on Klefki for steallbreaking the opponent's walls, as this team somewhat lacks offensive power. As Klefki doesn't have much offensive power, in place of Play Rough you could run Foul Play because it uses the opponent attack stat. If you're worried about opponents with status moves, Klefki can also run Taunt in place of Play Rough.

Bronzong: I'm assuming Bronzong's main niche on your team is setting up dual screens, so perhaps having a setup sweeper could be helpful. The Steel-type doesn't have a ton of those, but one option that comes to mind is Scizor. Scizor can make use of the screens to setup Swords Dances, and can also utilize Trick Room as it's rather slow. Even after the Trick Room ends, it can sweep with Technician-boosted Bullet Punches and make use of the entry hazards on the field. Bronzong has Levitate, obviously helping with Ground-types. Another option for Bronzong is to replace Trick Room with Toxic, because as stated before, this team is rather defensive and this prevents being to reliant on Klefki for stallbreaking.

Durant: While I like the idea of having a fast Steel-type to combat the semi Dark-type weakness on the team, I feel this would be a role better filled by Scizor. Just by running numbers through Pokémon Showdown's damage calculator I can see that against a Gengar (my chosen test subject), a Bullet Punch from Scizor does 90.7% to 107.3%, while Durant's Iron Head does 101.1% to 119.3%. So while Durant does a little more damage with Steel-type moves, Scizor can setup with Swords Dance and deals more damage with it's Bug-type moves (although it's much slower without priority). If you really want to have Durant, you could have a set with Hustle and Hone Claws. After a single boost, Durant's accuracy drop from Hustle is negated while also having a boost in attack from Hustle and Hone Claws.

Probopass: Even with maximum investment and a positive nature, Probopass doesn't really hit hard at all. It has good defensive stats, but a horrible typing which in even more detrimental to your team as it's a Steel-mono. With an air balloon it temporarily negates one of it's weaknesses, but it still has a 4x weakness to Fighting moves. For a special attacker, some good choices are Magnezone or Lucario. They both are useful for checking opposing Steel-types, but Magnezone can also trap them. The problem with it is that it still has a 4x weakness to Ground, meaning that is has to rely on Bronzong for synergy. Lucario has a better speed stat and can boost with Nasty Plot, but has subpar defensive stats. Also, while Lucario is fast for a Steel-type, it's base 90 speed leaves it out paced by a lot of threats.

Overall, your team is a bit defensive in my opinion and could do with a bit of offensive power.

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I think skarmory is a very valuable asset in any team, not only a steel mono. It can be a hazard setter, hazard remover, tank, stall and has good coverage with flying against the fighting types. Other than that i feel like the team is pretty solid. Ferro would be strong too, and personally i prefer Klef as the screen setter and a more offensive Trick Room Bronzong.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You might want to have a heatran on your team and/or a doublade. Along with skarmory you have a trinity of immunities so you will have better pivots and opportunities to set up. Magnezone with magnet pull is a skarmory counter which physical steel types tend to strugle against so you might wanna consider it.

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