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Slash's Guide to Planning Your Awesome Pokemon Fan Game


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My name is slashtiki.

A while back around last year, I made a guide that went more in-depth to the mechanics and game design for Pokémon games. However, as times went on, my views had changed and I learned more on game design concerning Pokémon that I hadn't before. That and I really didn't like what I have written for the guide. I felt as though I was misinforming the masses on some subjects. Being driven to a corner on the guide, I decided that because of the mistakes I made with the guide and the fact I couldn't write more of the guide, even if I wanted to…

It was time to rewrite it.

For the most part, it has changed, but there are a few parts that I kept the same. As per last time, I will update this guide as time passes.

I hope you enjoy your lesson in Pokémon Game Design!

Slash's Guide to Planning Your Awesome Pokémon Fan Game!

Previous : ??? | Current: Introduction | Next: ???


It has become such a massive name in recent years that it's almost ridiculous. Outside of the obvious juggernauts that are the games, there's the anime, the trading card game, the merchandising, the movies, the animations, fanfictions, forums, discussions, and yes…

Hacks and Fan Games.

You can also state that these so-called "Hacks and Fan Games" have been showing up more and more in media, that they could be considered cult classics in their own right. And you would be right. These mediums to new experiences in Pokémon remains to be some of the most popular parts of any Pokémon-related forum. And since we're in Pokemon Reborn forums, it's obvious, isn't it?

Many members joined for the sole purpose of either playing hacks and fan games or making them themselves.

As such, more and more members are willing to put their ideas out there. However, most of the new hackers lack a concept or idea for planning out a game, let alone Pokémon game design in general.

Therefore, the amount of poorer ideas for Pokémon games are absolutely staggering. Great ideas they may be, but the lack of planning and piss poor execution creates hacks and games that are less in quality.

And that's where I come in.

You cannot make a game- or let me rephrase, a GOOD game, by going through the motions. A good plan is needed and oftentimes, it tends to get skimmed over.

Just know that this guide will cover Pokémon Game Design as a whole, not specifically to Hacking or Game Development. Whether you're a ROM Hacker or RPG Maker XP programme, then you'll reap some enjoyment from this guide.

So whip out that Microsoft Word… or LibreOffice… or Notepad… a sheet of paper, because I'm about to endow thee on the things that you need to know to make a Pokémon game that's worthwhile, fun, awesome, and fair in every way!

Just to note, I am NOT teaching you how to use tools, ROMs, RPG Maker XP, Pokémon Essentials- basically anything that actually helps build the game. There are plenty of guides and tutorials that will show you the ropes. Who knows, you might learn something new.

Next: Your Vision

Edited by slashtiki
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Slash's Guide to Planning Your Awesome Pokémon Fan Game!

Previous: Introduction | Current: Your Vision | Next: ???

Your Vision


So You Wanna Make a Pokemon Game...



I’m pretty sure there’s an extremely foreboding and awe-inspiring quote about vision, but I don’t really want to bore in the first… sentence of the guide.

You must have found yourself just sitting down and having a good old cup of… whatever you like. And you just so happened to be watching your favorite YouTuber, [to be inserted here], when all of a sudden, it hits you! Your game idea! Your Pokemon Game idea! One that will reach all corners of the internet! One that will make you a star! You will be remembered! Treasured! Absolutely beloved by all! By tomorrow, next week at the latest, you’ll be swimming in stardom. Man, lucky you.

Too bad none of that is true.

I’m going to have to ask you to take your hands off that keyboard for just a sec. Trust me, I betcha you have this super awesome idea that is probably super awesome. Perhaps this super awesome idea is so super awesome, that just thinking about it will just create this super awesome game with a super awesome following. If this is what you’re thinking right now...

Let me tell you something that’s about to blow your mind…

No game is completed overnight.

Hell, no game is even conceptualized overnight.

The people that are successful- chances are they worked days upon months upon years to get where they are. If you think making a Pokemon game is easy, or that you will be the different snowflake amongst the thousands of failures… I do not think this guide will be quite for you.

However, if you are determined enough to learn and see why you may be incompetent at the moment, then by all means read on.

So You Wanna Make a Pokemon Game...

It’s time to expand on that vision! You may be asking yourselves questions like:

“Is this jerk ever going to teach us anything?”
“Why am I even reading this still?”

“Where do I start in planning?”

And to that last question I say, when you start out a game, I do have a philosophy when it comes to planning. You start from what you know and expound on it later. Case in point, if you’re going to start planning, start from the ideas that come to your head. Record allllllllll of your ideas, and yes I do mean, ALL OF THEM!

“But Tiki-senpai, how do I even record an idea?”

That’s easy. You see, you start by any old device that you have lain in front of you. I know it’s your phone, tablet or computer screen. I think you can always start things off by jotting the basis of your game on some programs, such as:

  • Microsoft Word
  • LibreOffice
  • Notepad
  • Jotterpad for Android
  • Memos for every single phone

I will recommend that you, at the very least, attempt to organize your thoughts. After all, the basis of reliable data comes from constructing your thoughts into meaningful information. It’s a business strategy, don’t argue with me. And if you don’t know how to organize… you’re not going to have a good time making a game. Just putting it out there.

So take a deep breath and look at all the ideas you have. It sure is a lot huh?


SHUT UP! I’m getting there. I-I-I’m sorry I yelled at you. Don’t leave me, please. Anyways, I want you to look at your ideas and give an evaluation.

What is the scope of your vision?

You see, all visions have a scope. They all have this “overreaching” quantity to them that can range to small to extremely huge. Try to be realistic. Ask yourself if you can actually make this game? Of course, you can make it with enough determination (I’ve been playing too much Undertale). But ask yourself if it’s within your skillset?

“Is there limits to your capabilities in order to produce this game?”

“Is this all that’s going to be in my game?”
“Will you need a team?”
“If you tried to make a team, will these ideas be sufficient enough in order to attract attention?”

Now I gotcha! Your vision is a very important aspect of your game. After all…

Your vision is your game.

It’s the thing that hundreds of thousands of people are going to play. Will it be fun? Is this satisfactory to your ends? Now look down at your notes of ideas and tell me if these fit those criteria.

And tell me that these ideas don’t fit the criteria of a great fan game. It’s lacking. It’s short. It’s not even a page long. Think about it- just for a second. Whenever you see the biggest and hottest “fangame” idea to reach the forum pages, they aren’t even more than a few paragraphs short from ten, are they? (Yes, Idea. As in, has no progress done on it whatsoever)

  1. Your game’s first ideas are born.
  2. You post a vague and most likely uninteresting idea, pleading for help.
  3. No one jumps on the bandwagon.
  4. You bump your thread, threatening to shut it down.
  5. No one jumps on the bandwagon.
  6. You wonder why you even bother in the first place for something that will never pay you.
  7. Your game dies.

It’s an honestly vicious and cruel cycle that I see happen all the time. Now look at your plans again and tell if that’s worthy of other people seeing at this moment. Now tell me that you still need more work to do. Good.

Vision, Scope, and Determination are the three fundamentals to every game.

And don’t tell me there are not.

Every game had a clear vision of its end goal.

The creator had the knew the scope of the game, as well as, their limits and capabilities. They knew what they needed to do in order to make the game.

And they had the determination to fall through with creating it.

Before I can teach you anything, understand those three things. Then you can start on your game. No sooner. Got it?


Now I should really start telling you about what makes a good Pokemon fangame… good. What to do. What not to do. Some humor. Some life lessons. Something that will help you on the first steps of making a game. Ready?

Next: Plot

Too bad, I’m starting anyways.

Edited by slashtiki
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