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How many hours do you have on your current save file?


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I'm kind of obsessed with breeding Pokemon and the only reason I would catch/acquire a Pokemon at times is to breed it or use it as an egg move fodder.

As of now, I have a titillating game-play time of 535 hours and 50 minutes. I only got this much in-game time because of above reason and I sometimes sleep at night with my laptop and the Game window open. o_O I only have 346 Pokemon owned in my Pokedex with 644 seen. I don't have plans of completing the current available Pokemon yet but I guess I will sooner or later depending on Pokemon availability. My boxes are full breedjects but I am hesitant to release all of them because I felt attached to them for me to set them be free. But I've released most of them now so i guess I have to move on. :3

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  • 2 weeks later...

Time: 117h 37m

Seen: 547

Owned: 185


I think a large portion of that time came from breeding my Aggron and Nidoking and raising them up to the level of the rest of my team. I wanted a male Aggron with Rock Head and Head Smash, which took some work which included the grinding of a Rampardos to raise its level high enough for Head Smash in order to pass it to Aggron. I was also breeding the Nidoking for nature and ability, but I quit when that one hatched out as a shiny with an Attack boosting nature. Figured it was good enough ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

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