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Commanding the Reborn Server Successfully


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This post has been talked about for ages and in the works for an equally long time, and finally, the auth team is happy to present a comprehensible list of commands that can be used on the server. For the sake of clarity, I've separated the commands by groups so that you can find the needed command quickly and efficiently. Just a note, when using these commands, you do not actually have to use the brackets ( [ and ] ).

Personal commands:

  • /nick [username] - Change your display name without logging out or restarting the server
  • /avatar [number 1 - 293] - Change your display avatar
    - Alternatively, just click your name in the top right corner and click on your avatar to bring up pictures to select from
  • /whois [username]- Find information on a user; their rank on the server, the rooms that they are currently in, and their rank in those rooms
  • /ignore [username] - Ignores all messages from the indicated user
    - Please note that you cannot ignore messages from Staff members
  • /timestamps [all/lobby/pms], [minutes/seconds/off] - Places either hh:mm, hh:mm:ss, or no timestamps within the lobby, PMs, or both
    - Alternatively, you can go into settings at the top right corner and change this
  • /me [message] - Place a message into the chat in third person
  • /die - Leave a room; a message can be placed after this command but is not necessary
  • /idle - Do not accept battle requests from other users
    - Note: Auth challenges will still go through
  • /unidle - Accept battle requests from other users
  • /showjoins - Show who enters and exits a room
  • /hidejoins - Hide who enters and exits a room
  • Group chat commands:
    - /makegroupchat [groupname] - Creates a temporary private group chat
    - /invite [username] - Sends an invitation to a specified user to join the group chat
  • Highlight commands:
    - /highlight add, [word] - Adds a word to your ping list
    - /highlight list - Lists all words that ping you
    - /highlight delete, [word] - Deletes a word from your ping list
    - /highlight delete - Deletes your ping list
  • Away commands:
    - /away - Adds the bubble letters 'Away' to your display name
    - /away [description] (Max of 10 characters) - Adds bubble letters with the word specified
    - /back - Removes bubble letters from your display name
  • PM and Mailbox commands:
    - /message [username], [message] - Sends the specified user a message, either going to the mailbox or popping up in PM
    - /viewmailbox - Views the status of your inbox, will tell you how many messages you have and how many are new
    - /viewmessage [number] - Views the message at a given slot and marks it as read
    - /delmessage [number] - Deletes the message at the given slot , updates the number of the rest of the messages
    - /invite [room name] - Invite a user to a room
    - /blockpms - Do not accept PMs from other users
    - Note: Auth PMs will still go through
    - /unblockpms - Accept PMs from other users
  • Ladder commands:
    - /records - View win/loss/tie ratios
    - /records [username] - View someone else's win/loss/tie ratios
    - /clearrecords - Reset your win/loss/tie ratios
  • Autojoin commands:
    - /adj - Automatically join a room when logging on the server
    - /ladj - List rooms being autojoined
    - /radj - Remove a room from your autojoin list
Informational commands: ( Note that those with voice and up can broadcast these commands by replacing / with ! )
  • /data - Get details on a Pokemon, item, move, ability, or nature
  • /details - Gives more information than /data
  • /weakness [Pokemon] - List all of the resistances and weaknesses of the indicated pokemon, with bolded ones being even more resisted or weak to
  • /effectiveness [attack], [defender] - Give the effectiveness of a particular move against a particular pokemon
  • /dexsearch [parameter], [parameter], etc - Search for Pokemon that fulfill the selected criteria
    - Search categories are: type, tier, color, moves, ability, gen, recovery, priority, stat
    - Valid colors are green, red, blue, white, brown, yellow, purple, pink, gray and black
    - Valid tiers are Uber, OU, BL, UU, BL2, RU, BL3, NU, BL4, PU, NFE, LC, and CAP
    - Types must be followed by 'type' (ex. 'water type')
    - Inequality ranges use the characters '>=' for '≥' and '<=' for '≤'
    - Parameters can be excluded through the use of '!' (ex. '!water type' to exclude water types)
    - The parameter 'mega' can be added to search for Mega Evolutions only
    - The parameter 'NFE' can be added to search not-fully evolved Pokémon only
    - Parameters separated with '|' will be searched as alternatives for each other (ex. 'Trick | Switcheroo' searches for Pokemon that learn either Trick or Switcheroo)
    - The order of the parameters does not matter
  • /movesearch [parameter], [parameter], etc - Search for moves that fulfill the selected criteria
    - Search categories are type, category, flag, status inflicted, type boosted, and numeric range for base power, pp, and accuracy.
    - Types must be followed by 'type' (ex. 'water type')
    - Stat boosts must be preceded with 'boosts' (ex. 'boosts attack' for moves that boost the Attack stat)
    - Inequality ranges use the characters '>' and '<' though they behave as '≥' and '≤'
    - Parameters can be excluded through the use of '!' (ex. '!water type' to exclude water types)
    - Valid flags are authentic (bypasses substitute), bite, bullet, contact, defrost, powder, pulse, punch, secondary, snatch, sound
    - If a Pokemon is included as a parameter, moves will be searched from its movepool
    - The order of the parameters does not matter
  • /randompokemon - Generates random Pokemon based on search parameters
    - Uses same parameters as /dexsearch
    - Adding a number as a parameter returns that many random Pokemon
  • /coverage [move 1], [move 2], etc - Provides the best effectiveness match-up against all defending types for given moves or attacking types
    - Adding the parameter 'all' or 'table' will display the information with a table of all type combinations
  • /statcalc [level], [base stat], [iVs], [nature], [EVs], [modifier] - Calculates what the actual stat of a Pokémon is with the given parameters
    - Only base stat is required for command
    - Inputing 'hp' as an argument makes it use the formula for HP. Instead of giving nature, '+' and '-' can be appended to the EV amount to signify a boosting or inihibting nature
    - Ex. '/statcalc lv50 100 30iv positive 252 scarf' calculates the speed of a base 100 scarfer with HP Ice in Battle Spot, and '/statcalc uninvested 90 neutral' calculates the attack of an uninvested Crobat.
  • /groups - Explain the symbol by a user's name ( +, %, @, & )
  • /faq - Link to Reborn FAQ and Showdown FAQ
  • /rules - Link to Reborn rules and Showdown rules
  • /intro - Links to the basics of Smogon's competitive battling format
  • /roomintro - Display the room intro
  • /formatshelp - Display information about Smogon's tiers and banlist
  • /othermetas - Display links to information about other metagames
  • /learn [Pokemon], [move, move, etc] - Display whether or not a Pokemon can learn a move, as well as how it learns it
  • /analysis [Pokemon] - Link to Smogon's analysis of the Pokemon
  • /calc - Link to Smogon's damage calendar
  • /uptime - Tells how long the server has been online
  • /pick - Randomly choose between two or more options
  • /staff - Link to the Reborn Staff List
  • Dice commands:
    - /dice [max number] - Randomly picks a number between 1 and the number you choose
    - /dice [number of dice]d[number of sides] - Simulates rolling a number of dice
    - /dice [number of dice]d[number of sides][+/-][offset] - Simulates rolling a number of dice and adding an offset to the sum
    - /dice [number of dice]d[number of sides]-[H/L] - Simulates rolling a number of dice with removal of extreme values

BreloomBot commands:

  • .neko - ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
  • .glitter - (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
  • .goldilocksvictims - ʕ ·ᴥ·ʔ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ ʕ·ᴥ· ʔ
  • .renzo - +Koumei: You're a disappointment
  • .arbys - Aaron: Life is a pointless endeavor. Eat Arby's.
  • .rose - ❀♪
  • .pig - (∩◕(oo)◕∩ )
  • .pix - Cynesthesia: Pixxxxx~ ^.^
  • .swag - #öc xXSWAGNEMITE#YOLO420Xx #öc
  • .lost - +Lost Lore: If it's r7 I guess you can blame me for it
  • .hat - ▄███▄ Radomus: I simply choose the right hat for the right job. Isn't that sensible? ▄███▄
  • .acqui - +Code: PIRULUK: I'm an innocent young girl and have no idea what you're talking about.
  • .helix [question] - Ask BreloomBot a yes/no question and receive an answer
  • .say [message] - Make BreloomBot say your text for you

Room staff commands:

  • Room driver:
    - /warn [username], [reason for warning]- Warn a user
    - /wall [message] - Announce to the room
    - /modlog [username] - Search the moderator log of the room
    - /modnote [message] - Add a note to the moderator log
  • Room moderator: ( Can use all Driver commands )
    - /mute [username] - 7 minute mute
    - /hourmute [username] - 60 minute mute
    - /unmute [username] - Unmute
    - /roomvoice [username] - Appoint a room voice
    - /roomdevoice [username] - Remove a room voice
    - /modchat [off/autoconfirmed/+] - Set modchat level
  • Room owner: (Can use all Driver and Moderator commands)
    - /roomintro [intro] - Set the room introduction that will be displayed for all users joining the room
    - /staffintro [intro] - Set an intro that only room staff can see
    - /rules [rules link] - Set the room rules link seen when using /rules
    - /roommod [username] - Appoint a room moderator
    - /roomdriver [username] - Appoint a room driver
    - /roomdemod [username] - Remove a room moderator
    - /roomdedriver [username] - Remove a room driver
    - /roomdeauth [username] - Remove all room auth from a user
    - /roomban [username] - Bans user from the room
    - /roomunban [username] - Unbans user from the room
    - /modchat [%/@/#] - Set modchat level
    - /declare [message] - Make a large blue declaration to the room
    - !htmlbox
     - Broadcast a box of HTML code to the room-  !showimage [url], [width], [height] - Show an image to the room
    - Poll commands:
    -- /poll create [question], [option1], [option2], etc - Creates a poll
    -- Requires % @ # & ~
    -- /poll timer [minutes] - Sets the poll to automatically end after [minutes]
    -- Requires % @ # & ~
    -- /poll end - Ends a poll and displays the results
    -- Requires % @ # & ~

    Hangman commands:

    • /hangman guess [letter] - Makes a guess for the letter entered
    • /hangman guess [word] - Same as a letter, but guesses an entire word
    • /hangman display - Displays the game
    • /hangman create [word], [hint] - Makes a new hangman game
      - Requires % @ # & ~ to use
    • /hangman end - Ends the game of hangman before the man is hanged or word is guessed
      - Requires: % @ # & ~
    • /hangman [enable/disable] - Enables or disables hangman from being started in a room
      - Requires: # & ~
    Poll commands:
    • /poll vote [number] - Votes for option [number]
    • /poll results - Shows the results of the poll without voting
      - NOTE: you can't go back and vote after using this
    • /poll display - Displays the poll

    Battle commands:

    • /modchat - Only allow those ranked +%@&~ to speak in the battle room
    • /forfeit - Instantly end the match, giving the victory to your opponent
    • /addplayer - Makes a user eligible to take the place of one of the two current battlers. Also allows them to talk during battle modchat

    Redemption League commands:

    • /leaguechallenge [Leader name] - Places you in a queue to challenge a Redemption League leader
    • /removeleaguechallenge - Removes you from the queue to challenge a Redemption League leader
    • /queue - See the current queue for the Redemption League

    That's all there are (for now). Go out and command the server like a master!

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Thanks rose! I didn't know we even have a hangman command lol

Keep up the good work!

I think the hangman commands were added recently, because I don't think I've ever seen anyone play hangman on the server before yesterday(well, today for the people on the other side of the Atlantic).

Edit: Apparently the commands have been around for a while on the main Showdown server, but were only added here recently. I just assumed they were new altogether.

Edited by aquawaffle
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