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Psychic OU


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Tell me what you guys think about the team here.

Ninetales (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Drought

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Flamethrower

- SolarBeam

- Nasty Plot

- Hidden Power [Fighting]

Victini @ Choice Band

Trait: Victory Star

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- U-turn

- V-create

- Fusion Bolt

- Brick Break

Celebi @ Leftovers

Trait: Natural Cure

EVs: 232 HP / 240 SAtk / 36 Spd

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Thunder Wave

- Energy Ball

- Earth Power

- Recover

Medicham (M) @ Focus Sash

Trait: Pure Power

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Hi Jump Kick

- Ice Punch

- Fake Out

- Bullet Punch

Gallade (M) @ Focus Sash

Trait: Steadfast

EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Swords Dance

- Ice Punch

- Drain Punch

- Earthquake

Jirachi @ Leftovers

Trait: Serene Grace

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Hardy Nature

- Charge Beam

- Stealth Rock

- Shadow Ball

- Iron Head

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Why does you're Jirachi have the "Hardy" which does nothing? Also I would suggest the common T-Wave Iron Head set. It makes up for speed allowing you to disband the Spd EV's and give them to something else like maybe Sp.Def. Also it would be alot better to have a full sp.atk set on Jirachi seeing as you have Sp.Atk EV's on it and it gives you the best.

Now for Gallade.

No psychic type move. Psycho Cut. EQ has no seen use. Fire types could be easily disposed of normally by Drain Punch or in Infernape and Blaziken cases Psycho Cut would do it. Ice Punch is fine to defeat Flying types. Focus Sash. Really? Focus Sash should mainly be put on leads however I see you're reason as you would like to get SD up but. Priority Moves! I do not really have one in mind but I highly recommend something else.

Medicham hm?

Well I really like Medicham especially with the Ninjask boost. My fighting type move was DP so I could gain lost HP back from Posion or damage. Para would cripple this so much along with others so I would recommend Lum Berry maybe.


No NP? I would highly recommend it. Celebi's bulk allows it to 9 times out of 10 get Nasty Plot up. Energy Ball should probably be replaced with Giga Drain or something for even more HP recovory which helps Celebi last in the long run. Seeing as you have Ninetales why not Solarbeam?

Victini looks ok but anybody else can correct things.


This (in my opinion) should be a Sp.Def wall as Ninetales is supposed to be that. Standard Ninetales set (at Smogon.)

All around a fairly good team but I would maybe suggest Slowbro in there if you stand by Ninetales being a Sp.Atk'er. Espeon might be good for getting hazzards away and it can be a fair staller or a sweeper if you like. Up to you. Try my changes fine by me. Don't fine by me. Importable and descriptions please...

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Also, I get that ninetails is used to support victini but I don't feel like there is enough else on your team that will take advantage of it so I don't fully see the point (celebi can also switch into many water attacks aimed at vicitini). There are probably other better psychics that can fill that spot

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Well thank you guys, the main reason I have Ninetales as a lead is because most times it sweeps off the bat. I will try out Shirinui's idea for awhile since my team is on a losing streak but if anyone has anymore ideas I'll take them.

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Oh lord.

Welp. I've had many people tell me that I am a very good team rater so here we go.

First of all, you need desciptions. Badly. It is truly impossible to excessively rate a team accurately without descriptions, Because, for right now, I have no idea what each Pokemon on your team does, why it has said moveset, and what it does to your team. All I can conclude is a general observation of what they do.

Agreeing with others, I don't really see what Ninetales specifically does for the entire team. Yes, I see it supports Victini, but you must bare in mind that you cannot slap a weather pokemon on a team and only let it benefit one Pokemon. It has to benefit, in at least one way, the entire team. k lets get started.

Your Ninetales set looks pretty fine. I have no problem with offensive ones, but bare in mind that in the weather-dominant metagame it is essential that you keep Ninetales alive, so you must play very carefully with an offensive one due to the large amount of bulk not implemented into the set. I like your Victini, Choice Band destroys everything. Next.. your Celebi definitely wants to have Nasty Plot. With it's bulk, it very unwise not to use Nasty Plot unless you have a very specific reason to not use it which you have not stated due to the lack of descriptions, yet again. Not only that, Celebi is a fine check to Rain teams, and having Nasty Plot allows you to hit Pokemon very hard you normally wouldn't be able to hit hard in the first place. Moveset should be something like: Nasty Plot, Leaf Storm, HP Fire, Recover. Now, lets be honest, what is the point of Gallade AND Medicham on your team? Two fighting types are not advised because of the plethora of things introduced in this metagame that can hit them very hard. Your going to want something very different. You can choose to swap out Gallade or Medicham, your choice. A suitable replacement is, as recommended earlier, Slowbro. Slowbro will arguably be your best check to Excadrill and maybe Garchomp, whom both absolutely ram through this team without a sweat. A standard set on a sun team will utilize Fire Blast to kill Ferrothorn and Excadrill, also hitting other types like Forretress very hard and supporting your team very well.

Now here's an interesting suggestion, SubToxic Heatran. If you replace Medicham with the suggestion above, replace Galllade with this one, or vice versa. SubToxic Heatran is actually well-known as an underated threat to this metagame, but is very deadly on a sun team. I've used one before, and trust me, in the right hands it is vicious. 252 SpAtt/ 252 Spe/ 4 HP is the EV spread for it, utilizing it's somewhat decent speed to outspeed threats that generaly think they can outspeed Heatran, Sub on the switch, and Toxic. This speed outspeeds the standard nonscarf Politoed, I believe, allowing you to Sub and Toxic, stalling it out. Its moveset should be Sub/Toxic/Flamethrower/Earthpower to provide the best coverage Heatran could get with this team. Flamethrower hits surprisingly very hard when the sun is out. Bare in mind, though, it takes a very experienced and dedicated player to use this set correctly, you can't just expect to throw it in and kill everything. It takes patience, but trust me, it works.

Your Jirachi.. I think it should be choice scarfed. If you plan to use this team with the suggestions I've made, you have nothing to defend from powerful special attackers like Latios or Reuniclus. ScarfRachi handles both easily. ScarfRachi always outspeeds nonscarf Latios, usually 1-3 shotting it with Iron Head, plus the 60% chance to flinch with Iron Head, very annoying. Jirachi itself is one of the few general counters to Reuniclus due to its unique typing and very good all-round bulk. It's moveset should be: Iron Head/U-turn/Trick/Ice Punch to provide very good coverage and makes it a great team member. Also, I think you should lead with ScarfRachi, as it scouts very well with U-turn and hits general leads very hard like Tyranitar. It can also Trick it's choice scarf to things like Chansey and Ferrothorn, rendering them almost useless.

Overall, this is a very general team with potential, and good luck. Also don't mind any spelling errors I may have made, I had to type this fast.

I might edit more when you put descriptions. xD

Edited by Aero
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