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Overwhelming Growth - MonoGrass hardcore


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So yeah, that thing I said I was going to do. I got a little too involved in it, so I'll be playing catch-up in this thread for a day or two. >_>
I intended this to be more of a Sun run, since that seemed more interesting. Amusingly, this type of run seems pretty easy for most of it except for the times its hard. That said, I haven't even gotten to Florina yet, so I could be making that statement way too soon. I haven't thought too far into the future, so I don't exactly know how I'm planning on beating Shelly/Charlotte or whether or not Serra will end up being a problem. Interesting, interesting. Also, Imma girl this time. Bet you can't guess what I'll be on the third run!?!

  • Hardcore mod because fun.
  • I may only use Grass type pokemon in major battles. This includes pretty much every battle that is not a wild pokemon.
  • Similarly, I may use a non-Grass type for purposes such as breeding(though I'm too lazy to do too much of that), Frisking items, HM use, and other such things. If Cut or something is required to get into a battle, I may have a non-combatant take a place in my party to use the move as long as it takes no part in the battle.
  • I may only use 3 medicines per battle and 1 revive per battle. Blatantly stealing this from other people's runs.
  • I must win every major fight. Solaris/Arceus must respect my power.

So yeah. Getting right into it...

Bulbasaur seems the best bet to take if we want a weather run. Chlorophyll can be really nasty. We beat up Victoria and Cain with the help of the potion and move out. I find my friends Roselia and Cherubi, beat up a bunch of people, then challenge Fern.


315.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 271.png/496.png/315.png
Its really not fair to fight Fern with Grass types here. Roselia entered the fight level 13 here and used Growth 6 times. Lombre used Bubble and Absorb alot, but it didn't really do much of anything. After that, Roselia swept everything with Mega Drain and ended up level 18.

Moving on, we discover we need to clean out the plant from invading Meteor agents. We blast through those with Fern until the Aster and Eclipse fight. I've leveled Cherubi to 21 since I want to have Sunny Day available for the Julia fight. This fight might be impossible if the AI would use only fire attacks all the time. However, since it does not, we reset a few times and ultimately...


315.png + 315.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 125.png + 126.png

Electabuzz starts things off with Swift and Magmar follows with a Feint Attack on my Roselia named Thorn, taking him down to about 1/4. Both Electabuzz and Magmar have Vital Spirit, so its up to Thorn to get Stun Spore on Magmar to make this less impossible: he succeeds thankfully. Fern's Roselia uses Growth. Next round, Electabuzz gets silly and Low Kicks Fern's Roselia, which does almost nothing. I set Leech Seed on Magmar and Fern's Roselia gets some damage via Mega Drain on the Electabuzz, but it's only down by about 1/4. Magmar gets with the program and uses fire on Thorn, knocking him out.

420.png + 315.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 125.png + 126.png
Catching on to Magmar's plan, Electabuzz Fire Punches Cherubi, knocking him into the red. Roselia Mega Drains the Electabuzz for another quarter of its health or so and Cherubi sets Leech Seed on Electabuzz for Double Leeching Action. Magmar takes offense to Roselia's Growth and uses Clear Smog on it to dispel the buff. The Leech Seed does work and Electabuzz recieves a Potion. Roselia takes the opportunity to Growth again and I have Cherubi Magical Leaf Electabuzz for some more damage. Magmar reverts to using Feint Attack, once again knocking Cherubi into the red, but the Double Leeching Action heals him up again. Next round, Electabuzz Shock Waves Roselia for a huge portion of its health with a crit while Roselia drains a bit of it back with Mega Drain. Cherubi is level 21 right now and loafs around while Magmar is fully paralyzed. Leeching has brought Electabuzz incredibly low, so it gets another Potion this round. However, Roselia and Cherubi team up and knock it out with Magical Leaf and Mega Drain. Magmar uses Feint Attack and manages to KO Roselia.

420.png + 271.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 126.png
The writing on the wall is clear. Cherubi turns away while Lombre Bubbles and Magmar gets fully paralyzed. Magmar falls the following round from another Bubble and a Magical Leaf.


Julia required a bit more training. Ivysaur was still unable to 2-shot the Emolga that was stopping Roselia from just sweeping the team. I leveled Ivysaur to level 22 instead of starting over with an Ivysaur with a Attack-boosting Nature. I was about to use that method when I realized I had never seen what happened if I gave Cherubi the Rose Incense...


420.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 081.png/587.png
So Cherubi vs. Magnemite is just a puzzle that changes slightly every match. What ultimately happens is Cherubi Sunny Days and Morning Suns as needed while getting in Growths while Magnemite uses Charge Beam/Magnet Bomb/Sonic Boom. I use a Super Potion once when the sunlight fades at the wrong moment. In the end, Cherubi is left with 2 hp and one-shots the Magnemite with Magical Leaf. Emolga is sent out and Cherubi still outspeeds thanks to Chlorophyll. We try the Magical leaf and...one shot. Nice, guess I don't need Ivysaur here then. The sunlight fades.

315.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100.png/170.png/695.png/101.png
So yeah, then Roselia does his thing. With the help of Leech Seed, he easily tanks voltorb's Explosion and Chinchou's Water Guns and Electro Ball/Thunderwave combo(though I burn a Paralyze heal), then sweeps the team with Mega Drains.


So in short, Roselia is op in the very beginning, as we all already knew. Doesn't even matter what your starter is. xD However, he was kinda necessary with so few Pokemon available.

Also, I hope Genesis can one day forgive me for deciding that his use of sprites is basically the best idea since open-faced peppered peanut butter sandwiches(its really good, try it)

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Well, I had few problems there and here on regular run of this game, so I am not going to do any kind of run in near future. That means this certainly will be interesting, especially since I've taken a liking to Grass-type recently. A bunch of them are cuties ♪

But on that matter... I restricted myself to 6 Pokémon; no extra Pokémon to rotate from. Once I built the team, it has to last for entire game. It's some kind of challenge... right?

...Although there was one certain Gym that was screaming "lol better pray to RNG god".

I really hated Serra's team. Even when I grinded to the level cap, it was just pure madness.

Any plans on handling SE gyms yet?

Edited by SansTheSkeleton
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Good luck on that. :) I tend to keep away from runs that I have to strictly plan too far in advance. I'm not terrible at it, but I don't trust my sense of strategy that much. I tend to use the power of stubbornness to show me any errors I may have made in planning, then work out the kinks later. xD
As for the later SE gyms

On Shelly, I think I'll either lead with 2 Sleep Powder users, gets some Growth in, then attempt to sweep, or else have 1 Sleep Powderer and send in Acrobatics-Jumpluff as well. I think one of those should work, but we'll see.
I'm not entirely sure how hard Serra will be. I think I can just out 1v1 each of her Pokemon barring miss chance and such. I also intend to give Roserade Weather Ball, so if I set Sunny Day Roserade should be able to beat some of Serra's team as well. Still, misses will be misses, so we'll see.
Charlotte...I try not to think too much about Charlotte. I think I'll use a Rainy Day Ludicolo with Surf and maybe have Roserade Weather Ball some more. Abomisnow might be an option if the field proves too terrible as well, but I have my doubts on that. Really, I have the most fears about Charlotte. Heat Waves can be sooo strong.

We beat up some more trainers so that Thorn learns Giga Drain, then continue on to Victoria.

315.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 559.png/499.png/281.png/296.png/060.png
So, Pignite one-shots cherubi and 2-shots Ivysaur, so we just rely on Roselia again. Leech Seed + Growth keeps Roselia safe against Scraggy's Headbutts and the Giga Drains swept. Scraggy's Sand-Attacks made it take awhile, but Roselia didn't miss Pignite so it didn't matter.


With Victoria down, I claim a Hoppip as a prize. We give him the Exp. Share and continue on to the Gang Battle. The grayed out pokeball is the egg in the area. I wasn't sure what it could hatch into at the time, so I just took it.

420.png + 187.png/315.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 559.png + 559.png
I have Hoppip lead here purely for extra exp purposes. The first thing I do is switch out Hoppip for Roselia while everyone else sets up; Cherubi set Sunny Day, Stallord uses Amnesia and Dragonborn Swaggers at Cherubi(or, at least does something that makes Cherubi confused). Going with the trend, I have both Cherubi and Roseila use Growth next round. Dragonborn is having none of that and Headbutts Roselia, taking a little more than half of his health on a crit. Stallord continues the bandwagoning Iron Defense. I go for another round of Growths and the Scraggies go for Dragon Dance and Amnesia again. Enough's enough though so I go for the attack next round. Dragonborn tries to take it out of my hands with another headbutt, but Black Sludge keeps Roselia just barely alive. Giga Drain predictably one-shots Dragonborn and Magical Leaf takes a decent chunk out of Stallord.
420.png + 315.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 559.png/560.png + 559.png
Tyson, the third scraggy, gets sent out and is immediately KO'd with Giga Drain. Magical Leaf takes a bit more health from Stallord, but it takes some of it back with a Drain Punch aimed at Roselia. Big Boss enters the fight, determined to make me pay for all this humilation...but it gets taken down with Giga Drain and Magical Leaf. Stallord aims another Drain Punch at Roselia, but falls to the final round of Magical Leaf and Giga Drain.


Next, we make sure to thank Cain for saving Oshewatt by having a battle.

002.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 088.png
We have Ivysaur use Leech Seed to take care of any minimize shenanigans, but Grimer surprises me by going straight for the Acid Sprays. I'm fine with that, so we trade 2 Take Downs for 1 more Acid Spray, KOing Grimer and leaving Ivysaur with 2/3 health.
420.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 502.png
Dewott goes for a Fury Cutter, but Cherubi's Magical Leaf almost one-shots it with the power of the Mist Field. Cain tries to save Dewott with a Potion, but it's nowhere near enough for the follow-up Magical Leaf.
002.png/315.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 033.png
Ivysaur sets Leech Seed on Nidorina, but Nidorino Focuses its Energy. It follows with a critical Horn Attack, leaving Ivysaur in the red. A Take Down and Leech Seed deal some damage, but Nidorino finishes off Ivysaur with a critical Poison Tail. We send in Roselia and use Growth, predicting Cain's Potion, which he uses. We use a second Growth, but Nidorino's next Poison Tail crits Roselia down to 1 HP. Black Sludge, Leech Seed, and the Giga Drain next turn brings Roselia back up to half and KOs Nidorino.
315.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 048.png/092.png
Then the typical happens: Roselia Giga Drains and heals, then loses about the same amount of health from Venonat's Bug Bite. That repeats for another turn before Giga Drain is finally enough to KO Venonat. Roselia almost one-shots Gastly though, and its Night Shade is not even close to being enough to counter.


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So we try to fight the PULSE...

421.png/315.png/002.png/187.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 465.png
Yeah no. Knock Off 2-shots everything besides Ivysaur and no one can actually deal damage to it as it's Grass/Poison, not just Grass like I thought for some reason. xD
So we implement Plan B that I was thinking I'd only need for Florina: level hoppip till he gets Acrobatics, let him evolve to Skiploom, use some common candy, level it once more and evolve to Jumpluff, then Common Candy him back to level 25.
189.png/002.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 465.png
Jumpluff is faaaaaar stronger than Hoppip. We trade 3 Acrobatics for 1 Knock Off and 2 Acid Sprays, leaving both pokemon in the red. ZEL passes it a Super Potion, so we get in 2 more Acrobatics before getting KO'd by a final Acid Spray. Ivysaur finishes it off with a pair of Take Downs. Onward to Fern!

Along the way, we pick up both an Oddish and a Cacnea. Oddish may be another early-ish Sunny Day user and Cacnea may be usefeul vs. Radamus. I'm really not sure if I'll use either of them, but it never hurts to just train them with the excess exp here.

189.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 272.png
Ludicolo has Water Pulse, which can make setting up against it difficult. Instead of dealing with that, we just one-shot it with Acrobatics.
315.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 253.png/597.png
Now we set up. Grovyle just isn't strong enough with Leaf Blade or normal gem Quick Attack to make a dent through Black Sludge. After Growthing up, Roselia's Giga Drains burn all Fern's Super Potions and KO Grovyle. It takes 3 to knock out Ferroseed, and the Gyro Balls leave Roselia with 2/3 HP even after the healing.
315.png/189.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 315.png/496.png
Fern's Roselia proves itself faster than mine, as 2 of it's Poison Jabs get in before my Roselia gets in a second Giga Drain, knocking my Roselia out. However, Jumpluff is fine with that since that mean old Ferroseed is gone. He celebrates with Acrobatics and both Roselia and Servine faint in awe of the display.


And with Fern out of the way, that just leaves...

189.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 332.png/357.png/286.png
Jumpluff's Acrobatics one-shots Cacturne, so that's that down. Tropius is scarier however. Acrobatics knocks it into the yellow but its berry doesn't take it out of the Acrobatics-KO zone. It uses Fly though. I have faith and keep Jumpluff in, and he tanks it just barely. His second Acrobatics finishes the tree. Breloom fares as well as Cacturne.
421.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 711.png/388.png
I think Gourgeist will be too tanky to one-shot, so we send in Cherrim against it. Cherrim sets Sunlight, which immediately gets Disabled. No biggie though, Cherrim Growths 3 times, enduring the Bullet Seeds and Shadow Sneaks. Two Morning Suns brings Cherrim back to to full through another bullet seed followed by a Will O Wisp. The burn doesn't hinder the following Petal Dance though, which one-shots Gourgeist. Grotle is sent in during the tail end of the dace and falls as well.
315.png/002.png/189.png/421.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 346.png
Cherrim gets confused from the dance so I send in Roselia to challenge the Ace. Roselia gets in a Growth, but then we witness the awesome power of Rock Slide. Giga Drain does not heal Roselia enough to survive the following Rock Slide. Ivysaur gets in 3 Razor Leaves before he's taken out by all the rocks, but the Leftovers on Cradily mitigates the damage quite a bit. Jumpluff gets in an Acrobatics and falls to the rocks as well, but Cradily is both high health enough and low health enough to take a risk and try one more Petal Dance from Cherrim...which finishes Cradily!


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Lord Jumpluff is someone that you will want to have with you at all times, especially for boss fights. I never did a hardcore run, but Shelly can be somewhat difficult as some of her mons are immune to any grass status effects. Wormadam may also be a useful mon for you to pick up as it gets hidden power and psybeam pretty early on, with Psychic being an extremely useful move type and the type possibilities of HP being useful as well. Good luck with Serra though, she took me many resets and training a few new team members to beat her.

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If the RNGods are in your favor they may grant you a prankster cottenee. If that sort of luck doesnt happen then get a focus sash on a poke and land stun spore on solaris. I'm rocking a sun team. I got Breloom from the mystery egg which makes ice types suck eggs.

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Oh yes, I'm definitely feeling the Jumpluff. Jumping around never felt so good. xD
Also, I totally forgot about the Growlithe egg. Gonna have to go back and see about that at some point. >_>

So the Police Officer with 2 Growlithes was effectively a mini-boss, so that's a thing. I find myself a Sewaddle, as Sticky Web may be needed at some point, Bug STABs are good, and it's a decent attacker besides. Then...

315.png/421.png/002.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 345.png/207.png
I lead with Roselia and set 2 layers of Toxic Spikes for Tangrowth, thinking this would help defeat it. Lileep sets Ingrain and uses an Ancient Power on Roselia. Then, I hard switch to Cherrim Cherrim eats a Mega Drain. I have Cherrim Growth, but Lileep uses Confuse Ray. Not dealing with that. I hard switch to Ivysaur, who eats another Ancient Power. Ivysaur uses Growth, Lileep uses Confuse Ray. Augh. I switch back and forth twice more before Ivysaur gets in 2 Growths and one-shots the fossil with Razor Leaf. Ivysaur does the same to Gligar.
189.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 441.png
Taka goes for the ever annoying Chatot. Jumpluff sends it to sleep with Sleep Powder. A pair of Acrobatics just barely leaves it standing, so Taka tries to save it with both of his Super Potions, but that ultimately proves futile.
189.png/540.png/315.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 465.png
Tangrowth enters and, for whatever reason, completely ignores Toxic Spikes. Ugh. It morphs into PULSE Tangrowth and eats 2 Acrobatics, but it's Acid Spray has been upgraded to Sludge Bomb and it 2 shots Jumpluff. Its still really slow though, so I send in Sewaddle. A Struggle Bug does a little damage and lowers its SpA, and is probably the only reason Sewaddle survives the first Sludge Bomb. A second Struggle Bug lowers the stat even more, but Sewaddle can't take a second bomb. I have Roselia get in a Growth while Tangrowth Knocks Off the Black Sludge. We then get into a Giga Drain Vs. Giga Drain war which Roselia wins after 3 uses.
315.png/421.png/331.png/002.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 707.png
Klefki is last, but its uses Foul Play to take advantage of that Growth and finishes off Roselia. Well ok then. I send in Cherrim and have him Morning Sun his HP back, but Klefki uses Thunder Wave on it. Still, Cherrim Petal Dances, but Kelfki sets Light Screen so it doesn't deal that much damage. Klefki also gets in Reflect and uses a Foul Play while Cherrim dances. Cherrim is confused, so I hard switch to Cacnea, who is two shot with Foul Play. Ivysaur finishes the fight with Razor Leaf. Freaking keychain.


I find a good Tangela though I'm still not sure whether I'll use it, Pumpkaboo, or neither. Pumpkaboo could be a monstrously good Def wall if I go through the trouble of getting it Will O Wisp but Tangrowth requires less effort and gets Knock Off and Grassy Terrain, both of which might be helpful sometimes.
Anyway, the final PULSE awaits and I've waited too long to abuse the harsh sunlight that was out earlier...

315.png + 002.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 471.png/196.png + 345.png
To start this, Roselia uses Growth and Ivysaur puts the Glaceon to Sleep with Powder while Lileep uses a Confuse Ray on Roselia. Unwilling to risk confusion-induced heavy hits from further Growths, I have Roselia and Ivysaur focus down the Glaceon next turn with Giga Drain and Take Down. Lileep decides to be less helpful and use Mega Drain. Espeon enters with a Psybeam that takes Ivysaur into the red zone. I answer with another Giga Drain/Take Down combo that almost KOs Espeon. Lillep uses Ancient Power but hits Roselia instead of Ivysaur so it does nothing of consequence. The duo use a Super Potion on Espeon, but that doesn't keep it alive against a Giga Drain/Razor Leaf combo. Enraged, Lileep takes out Ivysaur with a Mega Drain.
315.png + 189.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 197.png/135.png + 345.png/207.png/441.png
I try to send Umbreon to sleep with Sleep Powder, but it has a Lum Berry and ignores it. Roselia Growths again to try to get around the super defenses of Umbreon while Umbreon Feint Attacks Roselia and Lileep Ancient Powers Jumpluff. Neither of my pokemon are seriously damaged from that, so we just go in and Giga Drain + Acrobatics the Umbreon. It survives in the low yellows and Feint Attacks Roselia again. Lileep decides to be annoying and use Confuse Ray on Roselia again. I'm not willing to risk that again, so I use a Persim Berry on Roselia with Jumpluff's action and Giga Drain the Umbreon for a KO. Lileep uses a Mega Drain on Jumpluff that does little. Jolteon tries for a Charge Beam on Roselia, but it does little. I KO it with another Giga Drain and a Bullet Seed from Jumpluff while Lileep uses another Ancient Power on Roselia. It gets the proc on the attack, but its too late since all of ZEL's pokemon are out. It falls to Giga Drain and Acrobatics. Gligar is put to sleep and one-shot with Giga Drain while Chatot is one-shot with a critical Acrobatics.
315.png/540.png + 189.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 465.png/707.png
Giga Drain and Acrobatics takes PULSE Tangrowth down to about half health but it Giga Drains a little back. Roselia is actually out of Giga Drains at this point, so I hard switch to Sewaddle while Jumpluff Acrobatics again. Tangrowth decides to use Growth. Its in the red zone though, so it gets Super Potioned for some health, but 2 more Acrobatics and Struggle Bug is just too much damage. Klefki is sent in last, and I I just have Leech Seed, Acrobatics, and Bug Bite slowly whittle it down through Reflect and Thunder Wave.


I head back to the department store and pick up a heat rock for this fight. Also, I train up Ivysaur till he evolves. This fight actually took a really long time to finish; partially due to figuring out what strategy worked best but alot of it was due to Air Slash having something like a 75% flinch rate alot of times. :/

421.png/003.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 211.png/031.png/317.png/435.png
Qwilfish leads with Signal Beam, but that's not enough to KO Cherrim. Cherrim sets Sunny Day, but is immediately KO'd by the mist powered Venoshock. Venasaur uses Sleep Powder on Qwilfish. This allows Venasaur to get in 2 Growths in. On this run, Qwilfish didn't wake up at all and gets one-shot by Petal Dance. Nidoqueen is sent in next, but also is one-shot. Swalot can take a hit from the dance however. The Persim berry I had Venasaur hold takes care of the confusion. Shadow Ball does some damage to Venasaur, but it's better than when it chooses Ice Beam. A second Petal Dance takes care of Swalot. Skuntank is also one-shot by Petal Dance, but it's Aftermath knocks Venusaur into the yellow zone.
003.png/114.png/189.png/003.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 545.png
Unfortunately, Venusaur is locked into Petal Dance for 1 more turn. Scolipede is next and it doesn't get one-shot by Petal Dance. Its Rock Tomb does little damage, but its Speed Boost makes it too fast for Jumpluff. I hard switch in Tangela, who tanks a Poison Tail. I use a Super Potion on Venusaur and Corey does the same to Scolipede. I use another on Venusaur while Tangela falls to a second Poison Tail. I send in Jumpluff who doesn't manage to quite one-shot the Scolipede with Acrobatics(seems 50-50. sometimes he one-shots it) and he falls to Poison Tail + Bug Bite. I send in Venusaur again who tanks another Rock Tomb and KOs the megapede with Double Edge.
315.png/003.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 169.png
The Speedy Crobat spams Air Slash non-stop here. Roselia tanks one and sets Leech Seed, which allows Venusaur to tank 2 from full health. The second Air Slash takes out Roselia, but Crobat loses a little health from leech seed. Sadly, Venusaur is not a full health and flinches against the first Air Slash. This forces my Ultra Potion, but Crobat misses it's next Air Slash. It uses it again anyway, but doesn't cause a flinch; Venusaur puts it to sleep Sleep Powder. Previous experience tells me that Double Edge isn't quite enough damage to take down Crobat from that health, so we go for Growth while Leech Seed reduces Crobat into the yellow without triggering it's Sitrus Berry. Next round, Venusaur finishes the fight with a Double Edge as Crobat thankfully doesn't both wake up and cause a flinch with another Air Slash(its happened before).


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Never doubt a giant blue dinosaur-tree! :)

Victoria is taken hostage. Both she and I take offense to that and take our anger out on the kidnappers.


421.png + 500.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 338.png + 337.png/111.png/126.png

Emboar starts with a Sucker Punch on Lunatone, immediately knocking it out. I set Sunny Day to add Flower Gift to Emboar while Solrock Rock Slides.for a little damage. Growth seems prudent so that Cherrim can one shot things and Emboar can totally one-shot that Solrock...except it decides to Fire Punch it instead of Sucker Punching it, letting it barely survive. It responds with Rock Slide, still doing a pretty small amount of damage, but Rhyhorn uses Bulldoze, knocking Emboar into the red and Cherrim into the low yellows. Emboar decides that now is a good time to Sucker Punch, but it uses it on Solrock, which is only getting Super Potion'd this turn. I have Cherrim Petal Dance, which one-shots Rhyhorn. Emboar again decides not to Sucker Punch and is taken out by a speedy Flame Burst from Magmar and a final Rock Slide from Solrock KOs Cherrim.

189.png + 559.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 338.png/125.png + 126.png

Jumpluff bounds onto the field with an Acrobatics, halving Magmar's health while Magmar Confuse Rays Scraggy. Turn out Solrock has been hiding Heat Wave all this time, but it thankfully misses Jumpluff. It does a little damage to Scraggy though, and his Payback knocks it out. Magmar's Leftovers annoyingly prevent Jumpluff from KOing it next round. Electabuzz sets Light Screen and Magmar's Fire Spin hits Scraggy dangerously hard. Scraggy, not to take it lieing down, attempts to retaliate...but KOs himself from confusion.

189.png + 297.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 125.png + 126.png/350.png

A Super Potion comes to try and save Magmar, but it gets comboed with Fake Out and Jumpluff's Acrobatics. Electabuzz's Low Kick does little to Hariyama and its Rocky Helmet does a little back besides. Milotic seems like a great target for Bullet Seed, so we take off about half its health with that. A swift from Electabuzz and a Water Pulse onto Hariyama leaves him in the yellow, but he Knocks Off Electabuzz's Leftovers, leaving it in the red. Electabuzz has Static now though, and it paralyzes Hariyama. Jumpluff finishes Milotic with another Bullet Seed. Electabuzz tries for a low kick on Jumpluff which does extremely little damage. Hariyama is fully paralyzed, so its up to Jumpluff to finish the fight with another Bulllet Seed.


Ah Victoria. Well meaning Victoria


421.png/189.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 559.png/500.png/475.png/297.png

Victoria and I both want to set up, Cherrim with Sunny Day and Scraggy with Dragon Dance. I have Cherim Growth, but Scraggy is bored and hits Cherrim into the red with Payback. Unacceptable. Petal Dance one-shots it. Emboar is next and Petal Dance takes a little less than half it's health. It's Heat Crash finishes off Cherrim, but its so low it falls to a single Acrobatics from Jumpluff. Gallade gets in some damage with Shadow Sneak, but it gets one-shot with Acrobatics as well. Hariyama survives the aerial dynamics of Jumpfluff, but it's Brick Break doesn't even bring Jumpfluff down to half. Its Sitrus Berry gives it some good healing and Victoria gives it a Super Poiton as well, but its still not enough to survive another Acrobatics.

315.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 062.png

Jumpluff is overleveled now, so I send in Roselia. Two of Poliwrath's Waterfalls take less than 2/3 of Roselia's health and Growth + Giga Drain heals it all back. Victoria uses a Super Potion after that, but Roselia just drains away the rest of Poliwrath's hp anyway.


And then finally...Shelly. Quite a few trials were required for this fight too. Ultimately, I noticed that the AI just really hates Roselia...


421.png + 315.png/189.png - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - 314.png + 284.png/469.png/348.png

Intimidate lowers my pokemons' Atk, but they don't care. Shelly starts by using Illumise's Struggle Bug and Masquerain's Air Slash to take out Roselia. This lowers Cherrim into mid yellow health, but this is fine with me; Cherrim gets off Sunny Day. Due to Shelly's Rain, this causes a Rainbow Field, overwriting the Forest and lowering the power of her Struggle Bugs. I send in Jumpluff and the power from Cherrim's Flower Gift allows it to one-shot Masquerain with Acrobatics. Illumise tries to finish off Cherrim with another Struggle Bug, but the SpD boost from Flower Gift keeps Cherrim standing and Morning Sun heals alot under Sunny Day. Yanmega is sent out, but it also falls to the awesome power of Flower Gifted-Acrobatics. Illumise once again Struggle Bugs, but it's pretty ignorable damage on Jumpluff and I just have Cherrim Morning Sun again. Armaldo's tankiness is an issue, so we send it to sleep with Jumpfluff's Sleep Powder. Illumise uses Confuse Ray on Jumpluff and Cherrim Morning Suns to no effect. Next round, I try to use a Persim berry, but for some reason the game won't let me cure the confusion. Odd. Ignoring it instead, I have Jumpluff Acrobatics the Armaldo for a little less than half its health. Illumise Confuse Rays Cherrim, who promptly hurts himself. Jumpluff Acrobatics Armaldo into the red zone, but it continues to sleep. Illumise gets off another Struggle Bug while Cherrim breaks from confusion and Morning Suns. Shelly gives Armaldo an Ultra Potion while Jumpluff continues Acrobatics-ing it. Illumise gets in another Struggle Bug while Cherrim Morning Suns again. Illumise Confuse Rays Jumpluff again(who broke out at some point, didn't record when), Jumpluff Acrobaticses Armaldo into red health again, Cherrim does nothing since he's at full health, but Armaldo wakes up and one-shots Cherrim with Bug Bite. The sun falls with Cherrim, reverting the field to Forest.

003.png + 189.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 314.png + 348.png/416.png/313.png

I have a turn, since Shelly heals Armaldo with another Ultra Potion, so I have both Jumpluff and Venusaur Sleep Powder it. Jumpluff hurts himself, but Venusaur gets the ailment on Armaldo again. Illumise uses Struggle Bug and now it does decent damage with the Forest doing things. Venusaur has the Black Sludge for this fight so I Super Potion Jumpluff with Venusaur's action and take a chance with the advantage of the Forest to Bullet Seed Armaldo and am rewarded with 4 hits. Illumise Struggle Bugs again. Next round Illumise Confuse Rays Venusaur. I go for Bullet Seed again, but only get 2 hits this time, leaving Armaldo alive. It continues sleeping though, and Venusaur gets Sleep Powder on Illumise as well. A final Bullet Seed takes out Armaldo while Venusaur Growths with a bonus from the Field; Illumise sleeps. Vespiquen is sent in and I have Jumpluff Acrobatics it down into low yellow hp. However, I misclick and go for Sleep Powder again with Venusaur instead of just KOing it. Thankfully the Sleep Powder hits anyway. Illumise sleeps for its second turn. Vespiquen falls to a second Acrobatics, but Illumise wakes and Struggle Bugs again. Combined with Venusaur's Double Edge, this leaves both of my pokemon in red hp and Illumise in the low yellows. Another Acrobatics is enough to finish Illumise before it gets off another Struggle Bug and Volbeat uses Dazzling Gleam, which doesn't KO anything. Venusaur's Double Edge and another Acrobatics is enough to finish the fight.


Hmm. In retrospect, maybe I should have split that up into more paragraphs...

Also of note, I have a level 35 Tangela and Oddish. I looked closer and realized that getting Pumpkaboo Will O Wisp actually requires going back episodes, since you can no longer tranfer TM moves via breeding, so that's out. I may go get it anyway so I can have Destiny Bond as a last ditch effort thing. Oddish is close to getting Moonblast, but I'm not sure if I need it for Kikki's Fighting Types.

Edited by Quickslip
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New Years festivities are through with, so lets continue with this. :) I didn't really have the chance to play the game that much, but the extra time certainly helped in getting the Nuzleaf and Tropius events to trigger,

First up is Fern whose being a jerk as Fern does.

542.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 272.png
I want to burn Fern's Super Potions here, so I have Leavanny start with Struggle Bug then Bug Bite to put Ludicolo into red health. Ludicolo Scalds and Rain Dances, but it doesn't burn and the Rain doesn't help as it's knocked out by another Bug Bite that I didn't think would KO it through the Super Potion Fern uses.
189.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 407.png
Jumpluff doesn't quite one-shot Roserade with Acrobatics surprisingly, so it gets off an Extrasensory. This does burn off Fern's other Super Potion though, so its fine. The 2nd Acrobatics finishes Roserade off.
315.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 254.png/497.png
Sceptile's White Herb keeps it's SpA High after a Leaf Storm, but 1/4 damage still isn't that much against Roselia, who Growths. Another Leaf Storm and a Leaf Blade each do a pretty similar amount of damage, leaving Roselia in the mid yellows, but I have him just Growth twice more. Sceptile finally gets around to showing me it's other attack, which turns out to be Dragon Pulse, but it doesn't do much with it's SpA down. It puts Roselia in the red, but a Giga Drain takes care of that. Seeing how little damage it did, I have Roselia Growth again, then give him a Super Potion to survive, then Growth again. Sceptile uses Drain Punch, and then all of it's other attacks, but it not enough since Roselia then Giga Drains the remainder of its health away. I underestimate Serperior though; it has Outrage and finishes off Roselia.
542.png/332.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 497.png/598.png
Leavanny weathers the 2 remaining Outrages, but can't quite KO Serperior with 2 Bug Bites. Fern hard switches into Ferrothorn, who easily tanks 2 more Bug Bites before KOing Leavanny with Gyro Ball. Cacturne has Low Kick though, and 2 Low Kicks beats through the Iron Barbs and single Gyro Ball.
189.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 497.png
With nothing left, Fern sends in Serperior again. Jumpluff takes it's Outrage and finishes it off with an Acrobatics.


I'm given the perfect excuse to pick up Nuzleaf and Tropius here, since I have to pass by anyway(and New Years stuff happens, so a couple days pass). Not sure the Nuzleaf fight is worth recounting, but it did have a unique fight opening, so

542.png - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - 274.png/275.png/274.png/274.png/274.png/274.png
The lead Nuzleaf is level 40, so I have Leavanny set Sticky Web just in case. Nuzleaf uses a Foul Play doing a little less than half of Leavanny's health, but it's incredible weakness to Bug allows it to be one-shot by Fell Stinger. The Shiftry's White Herb stops it from losing Speed, and I fear for a Hurricane...but it uses Focus Blast, which is not enough to KO Leavanny. Leavanny one-shots it and the next 3 Nuzleaf with Bug Bite before he levels enough to have X-Scissor. The last Nuzleaf has a Focus Sash and lives, but all it does is Double Team and fall to a followup Fell Stinger.

Cain promises a key if I can beat him in a battle, so

421.png/315.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 503.png
Cherrim sets Sunny Day. On this occasion, Samuratt gets right to the point and one-shots him with a Field enhanced Aerial Ace. It only sets up Swords Dance vs. Roseila though, so when Roselia Giga Drains it into the low yellows, Cain just uses a Super Potion. Its not enough to save it against a second Giga Drain.
315.png/003.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 089.png/034.png
Roselia sets Leech Seed before getting one-shot by Ice Punch. Venusaur is significanly tankier though, and sets up 2 Growths beneath the Sun. Black Sludge and Leech Seed keep him alive vs. Muk, and Petal Dance takes what remains of Muk's health . The last rays of the Sun allow Venusaur to outspeed Nidoking and one-shot him too.
189.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 049.png/093.png
The Mountain Field makes Acrobatics even more ridiculous than normal. Venemoth doesn't even stand a chance here and is one-shot. I'm not so sure about Haunter, so I have Jumpluff send it to sleep with Sleep Powder. In the end, it does take 2 to KO Haunter.


Last is Shade, but since I have Cacturne, I'd bet you can guess how this went

421.png/332.png - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - 479.png/623.png/681.png/094.png/477.png
Cherrm sets Sunny Day, but is two shot by a pair of Shadow Balls. Cacturne, protected by a Persim Berry, sets a Growth beneath the Sun and tanks a Shadow Ball. That out of the way, she proceeds to one shot the first 5 pokemon with Sucker Punches until it runs out of PP.
275.png/189.png/332.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 609.png
Chandelure is actually a huge problem...if I had been thinking about it rather than giggling about Cacturne, I'd probably have set up against something besides Rotom. As it was, I sent in Shifty to eat a Flamethrower while I used an Ether on Cacturne, sent in Jumpluff to Acrobatics it once just to be sure it was low enough, then sent in Cacturne to once again Sucker Punch and KO Chadelure.


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Eh, I can see it maybe being really helpful in the future, yeah. :)
Here though, Chlorophyll Shiftry would have worked just as well. Just have to set Sticky Web for Chandelure, since the Sun won't last long enough to boost Shiftry's speed there, then just do the same thing Cacturne did, subbing Feint Attack for Sucker Punch. May have to Growth twice too, but it's tanky enough to survive against Rotom, I believe.

ZEL and Solaris threaten the continued existence of the City

003.png/189.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 471.png/136.png
Glaceon is kinda terrifying, so we have Venusaur put it to sleep. Next, Venusaur Growths once, then one-shots it with Petal Dance. Flareon takes decent damage from the Dance, but Flare Blitz one-shots Venusaur. Its really low from that though, and ZEL tries to Ultra Potion it back into the fight. Acrobatics takes it back down into the yellows, prompting another Ultra Potion next turn. It falls after that though, having exhausted the potions.
465.png/542.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 135.png
My incredible laziness costs me here, because Tangrowth is not full health here. Even so, I decide to go for Growth, greatly underestimating Jolteon. Tangrowth falls to a Hyper Voice and a Thunderbolt without doing anything. Leavanny tanks a Charge Beam and a Hyper Voice, but takes it out with a pair of Leaf Blades.
189.png/542.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 089.png
PULSE Muk is evil and terrifying, so Sleep Powder is the way to go. After it sleeps, Leech Seed is next. Acrobatics hits fairly hard, but it wakes up and Sludge Waves Jumpluff. Amazingly, Jumpluff isn't one-shot and almost KOes Muk with the second Acrobatics. Another Sludge Wave finishes him though. Leavanny takes care of Muk with another Leaf Blade though.
043.png/421.png/542.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 196.png/197.png
I sacrifice Oddish and Cherrim to Super Potion Leavanny twice. Espeon one-shots both of them with Psychic, a critical in Cherrim's case. When I send in Leavanny, it sets Reflect and survives X-Scissor with yellow health that way. ZEL immediately switches to Umbreon, who takes depressingly little damage from X-Scissor while behind Reflect. Leavanny does it again, but Umbreon uses Moonlight. Another X-Scissor comes out and Umbreon uses Confuse Ray. Persim berries still don't seem to work for some reason, so I just continue to X-Scissor and hope. ZEL switches to Espeon and it eats the X-Scissor, fainting. Umbreon comes back out and Feint Attacks while Leavanny continues X-Scissoring. Leavanny breaks from confusion at some point and Umbreon Confuse Rays again, but falls on the same turn.


So, after that, I get the Ditto. With the awesome power of Ditto, I shall breed my Male Roselia into a female one, then breed that one with a Nuzleaf for Extrasensory. Also, it finally rained, so I have a lotad now. I'll go ahead and breed for one with Giga Drain so it has one decent Grass attack. Since I'm already at it, I may as well breed a Tropius that has both Dragon Dance and Leaf Blade, though I'm not sure I'll ever use it and probably won't use it in any case untill I get the Sitrus berries. This may take a while, so just thought I'd mention it. xD
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hmm well dont forget to put rose incense on your female roselia when you breed with the male nuzleaf with extrasensory because only budew can get the egg move extrasensory. other than that lotad gets energy ball at lvl 32 i think. Awesome run btw. gl breeding and with the rest of the run.

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Thanks for that, it saved some time. :)
For some reason, Bulbapedia's entry on Lombre says it doesn't learn Giga Drain or Energy Ball and doesn't mention that Lotad does.
The RNG was not kind however. It took waaaaay longer than I thought to find a decent Tropius, and even in the end I settled for bad nature and pretty bad Defense. W/e, its fine, there will be a psychologist eventually.

Ludicolo makes it onto the scene just in time...

272.png/189.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 392.png/006.png
Infernape opens with a fairly damaging Close Combat, but Ludicolo Rain Dances. Swift Swim causes Ludicolo to outspeed and one-shot Infernape with a Rainy Hydro Pump. Mega Charizard X is not so weak as to fall to a single one of these though; it counters with Wing Attack and finishes off Ludicolo. Cal decides not to use any potions, so Charizard falls to an Acrobatics.
357.png/189.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 157.png/467.png
The Rain still protects my team, so Typhlosion opts for a Hidden Power(Ice). Troipius is tanky enough(and on a good field for it) that this doesn't even drop it into the yellows and Dragon Dances. Faster even than Typhlosion now, I have Tropius Natural Gift(Chesto Berry) it. That's an 80 Base Power physical Water-type attack if Bulbapedia is to be believed. Combined with the Rain and the dance, it leaves Typhlosion in the red while another Hidden Power leaves Tropius in the yellows. Cal predictably Ultra Potions, but Tropius has Harvested the berry and uses Natural Gift again. Cal burns his last potion, but Tropius really likes this berry and Natural Gifts again. On the last round, I use Natural Gift again for some reason instead of just finishing it with Body Slam, but w/e. Magmortar is sent out and Tropius has no berry. Well poop. Body Slam does decent damage but Magmortar is not playing around and Blast Burns it for the KO. Jumpluff finishes it off with 2 Acrobatics, but ends up burned from Flame Body.
542.png/275.png/189.png/003.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 655.png/257.png
For some reason, I thought Leavanny was faster than a Delphox. Its not btw. One-shot from Mystic Fire. I send in Shiftry to give me a chance to Burn Heal Jumpluff and another Mystic Fire one-shots her as well. I have Jumpfluff try for Sleep Powder, which thankfully works. Acrobatics is next, but Delphox immediately wakes us and uses Mystic Fire! It's not enough to KO Jumpluff though, and another Acrobatics finishes the fox. Blaziken is sent out and immediately one-shot by another Acrobatics! ...except it has a Focus Sash and doesn't go down. Fire Punch KOes Jumpluff. However, its still only Fire Punch, and even with all the modifiers on it currently, it's not enough to one-shot Venusaur. The fight ends with Double Edge.


Victoria is concerned and tries to dissuade me from battling Kiki.

421.png/189.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 560.png
Cherrim starts the fight with Sunny Day while Scrafty Brick Breaks. Petal Dance knocks Scrafty into the yellow, but the Rocky Helmet does the same to Jumpluff. Scrafty decides to Dragon Dance, but Victoria decides to use an Ice Cream instead of KOing Cherrim next turn, so Cherrim takes the oppertunity to Dance some more. Ultimately, a High Jump Kick takes out Cherrim. Jumpluff takes revenge in the form of Acrobatics.
003.png/189.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - /062.png/214.png
Venusaur sends Poliwrath to sleep, then uses a Growth. Poliwrath wakes up immediately however, and uses Ice Punch, sending Venusaur into yellow health. Rather sad about that, Venusaur just Petal Dances anyway, one-shotting Poliwrath. That doesn't quite work on Heracross who finishes Venusaur with an Aerial Ace. Jumpluff's Acrobatics does the same to Heracross.
189.png/357.png/542.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 500.png/297.png/475.png
I have Jumpluff Acrobatics the Emboar...but. Well. Its an Emboar and survives while Heat Crash KOes Jumpluff. Tropius uses Natural Gift(Persim Berry) for a Ground type attack and Emboar just barely survives. It tries Heat Crash on Tropius, but Tropius is significantly heavier than Jumpluff and isn't even put into the yellow. Predicting the healing, I have Tropius Dragon Dance while Victoria Ice Creams. A second Natural Gift once again just barely doesn't KO Emboar. It uses Superpower, but its not very effective and only drops Tropius to yellow health. A Body Slam finishes the Emboar. Hariyama is sent out and attempts to Belly Drum, but its Health is too low from a Leaf Blade crit. Its Sitrus Berry heals it a bit, but a second Leaf Blade finishes it off. Mega Gallade tanks a final Leaf Blade with yellow health before KOing Tropius with a Night Slash crit. Leavanny can't quite finish it off with another Leaf Blade, so Gallade deals some more damage with another Night Slash crit. One more Leaf Blade finishes the fight. On to Kiki.


542.png/421.png/003.png - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - 068.png/106.png/448.png/454.png/560.png
Leavanny starts this with Sticky Web. Machamp makes use of No Guard to hit Stone Edge without fail, knocking Leavanny into red health. I hard switch to Cherrim, who eats the second Stone Edge. Machamp No Guards a Dynamic Punch to KO him, but not before he gets off Sunny Day. No Guard hurts now, as Machamp has no defense against Sleep Powder and is sent to dreamland. Venusaur gets in a Growth, but Machamp immediately wakes up and Stone Edges him. No matter, Venusaur still has green health and just sends it back to sleep. Venusaur gets in 2 more Growths, then one-shots it with Petal Dance. For some reason, Hitmonlee does not Fake Out, so it just gets one-shot too. Confusion attempts to set in, but a held Persim Berry takes care of it. Lucario falls to another Dance, but Toxicroak holds a Focus Sash and hangs on. It got in a Sucker Punch too, dropping Venusaur into yellow health. Venusaur gets confused, but Toxicroak is low so I just have him use Double Edge. Of course, Kiki has Ultra Potions, so this causes Venusaur to almost KO himself from recoil. Still, the Toxicroak falls. Venusaur doesn't give in to the confusion and Petal Dances Scrafty, one-shotting it but finally knocking himself out from its Rocky Helmet.
189.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 308.png
Aaaaand Jumpluff one-shots Mega Medicham with an Acrobatics crit.


I'm actually liking Tropius alot more than I thought I would...
I feel like the numbers on some of the Natural Gift combinations might be off, but I wasn't paying enough attention at the time to be sure. We'll see I suppose.
I'm so ready for this shiny stone, though. Roserade hype!
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Yeah, Jumpluff is looking extremely strong. Its ridiculous speed, good damage, and good utility is kinda silly when taken all together. >_>

Roseila evolves, which is basically the biggest thing since Jumpluff. After tracking down the Shiny Stone, I track down Cain.

407.png + 357.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 338.png/467.png + 337.png
I have my two pokemon Growth and Dragon Dance respectively. Lunatone is dumb and Moonblasts Roserade for almost nothing while Solrock uses a Stone Edge on Roserade leaving her in the red. Well that settles that. I have Tropius Dragon Dance again and Roserade Giga Drains the smart Solrock, regaining half a health bar. Lunatone once again Moonblasts Roserade for some reason. Magmortar comes out, so I have Tropius and Roserade focus it down real fast with Natural Gift(a ground type attack) and Extrasensory, KOing it before it gets a turn. Lunatone tries to use Hypnosis, but it misses.
407.png+357.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 464.png/350.png+337.png/466.png
Next round, Tropius one-shots Lunatone with Leaf Blade and Roserade does the same to the newly sent out Rhyperior with Giga Drain. Milotic also falls to a single Leaf Blade, but Electivire is tanky enough to survive a Giga Drain with more than half health. It decides to Thunder Wave Tropius. It Thunder Waves Roserade next round too before falling to another Giga Drain and a Leaf Blade.

Noibat = Cut

And after the duo came Taka. It just wasn't Meteor's day however...

272.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 707.png/472.png/142.png/441.png/419.png
Ludicolo starts the Rain Dance while Klefki uses Foul Play for a little damage. It does nothing with Prankster next turn, so it falls to Hydro Pump. As does Gliscor. And even Mega Aerodactyl thanks to Swift Swim. Hydro Pump misses Chatot, but it just decides to Heat Wave for who knows what reason. A second Hydro Pump KOes it. I'm fairly sire Floatzel has a good shot with its Life Orb and Swift Swim, but all it does is use Waterfall and get one-shot by Giga Drain.
003.png/407.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 346.png
Venusaur Growths while Cradily uses an Ancient Power. I fear that it might have confuse ray though, so I just go for Petal Dance early, knocking it into low yellow health. Another Ancient Power does little. Venusaur Dances twice more, eating Taka's two Ultra Potions, but falls into confusion. I switch to Roserade, who eats a Giga Drain. A Giga Drain from Roserade proves that Cradily is tankier than I thought, and then it uses Recover. I pray for no confuse ray as its last move. Roserade takes another Ancient Power and two Giga Drains while Growthing, then takes it out with another Giga Drain.


And then there was Solaris...
Note that hardcore Reborn changes the Solaris fight significantly, and since its a hardcore run, that's the fight I'll showcase and make look pretty. For those of you expecting the lvl 75 Garchomp fight though...

So here's another method for beating the Garchomp without Focus Sash, Destiny Bond, or Perish Song. Or possibly just a method I missed while looking around the forums, I didn't look too hard.

Tangrowth is monstrously tough. Just at level 45 it can tank Garchomp's Earthquake without any help. If you go fight a bunch of Pansages in the forest, you can find some holding Occa berries, which might also allow it to tank Fire Fang, its most commonly used attack against Tangrowth. I don't know, since I'm too lazy to find one and Garchomp leads with Earthquake often enough anyway. Or you could just fight it during a rainy day and survive Fire Fang that way. Add on that Dragon Rush and Stone Edge both have miss chances and Tangrowth has a good shot at surviving one round against Garchomp.
Tangrowth learns Stun Spore naturally, so use it when it survives w/e Garchomp uses. Solaris has 3 Full Restores, but he won't use them just to heal paralysis. Tangrowth now outspeeds, so use Knock Off, another move Tangrowth learns by itself. Those leftovers it has would make this take forever. If the RNG gods favor you and you survive another round after that, you can also just spam Tickle with Tangrowth until Garchomp gets around to finishing it off.

Next I sent in Ricochet, who has Leech Seed. Leech Seed returns a ridiculous amount of health, since 1/8 of a level 75 pokemon's health is alot. Afterward, use w/e method you find best to reduce Garchomp's attack the rest of the way to -6. I chose to just use more Tangrowths with Tickle. Then, I just tanked it, burning a berri ice cream at some point. Giga Drains and Leech Seed keep Tangrowth healthy or you can go with Knock Off to KO it faster through its -6 Def. Either way, you'll eventually win provided it doesn't crit alot.

542.png/189.png/357.png/407.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 212.png
Similar to normal Reborn, most of Solaris's team is overleveled, but only by 1-5 levels. Still, the levels are alot of added power and the pokemon themselves are no joke, so I set up. Leavanny sets Sticky Web before getting one-shot by X-Scissor. Jumpluff sets Leech Seed and tanks 2 more before falling to a third. I switch to Tropius and spam Dragon Dance and use a Berri Ice Cream and eventually Scizor uses Superpower instead of X-Scissor or Bullet Punch. I spam Dragon Dance some more and use another Ice Cream, while Scizor uses random attacks and Solaris uses a Full Restore. A second Superpower is used before I'm forced to use the final Ice Cream. Two more Superpowers and Full Restores get used before a crit KOes Tropius. This took all of Tropius's Dragon Dance PP and ~10 of its no-berry Natural Gifts, but it's enough for Roserade to tank Bullet Punches with Leech Seed. I assume Scizor is out of X-Scissors and have Roserade use 3 Growths. Its naturally Sunny today, so I don't have to bother with Cherrim. All set, Roserade KOes it with Giga Drain.
407.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 445.png/630.png/530.png/130.png/248.png
And after that, it goes as you probably expect. Roserade one-shots Garchomp with Giga Drain. Mandibuzz survives and gets in a Snarl, but Roserade has ridiculous amounts of SpA all the same and finishes it next turn. Everything else falls to a single Giga Drain each.


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Cain wants one more battle before opening the door...


189.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 049.png

Acrobatics is as strong as ever and one shots Venomoth.

407.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 089.png/503.png/034.png

Muk tries to get in some damage with Shadow Sneak, but its still not much damage. Two Extrasensories are enough to KO it. Feeling secure when he sends in Samurott, I have Roserade Growth. It uses an Air Slash, but it's only enough to barely set Roserade into red health. A Giga Drain one-shots Samurott and erases his damage. One Extrasensory is enough to beat Nidoking as well.

407.png/189.png/272.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 094.png/110.png

However, Roserade is level 46 now, and loafs around instead of Extrasensorying Gengar to death. Two Shadow Balls KO Roserade. Jumpluff gets in some damage with Acrobatics, getting Gengar to yellow health, but is one-shot by a Sludge Bomb. Still, Ludicolo takes vengence with Zen Headbutt. Hydro Pump is really strong in this rain, but Weezing just barely survives and coughs up a Sludge Bomb. Cain attempts to save Weezing with an Ice Cream, but another Hydro Pump finishes the match regardless.


Fern's drunk on victory and wants another match


357.png/542.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 598.png

Tropius starts off with Natural Gift(Fire), doing a little less than half Ferrothorn's health. Its answering Power Whip isn't particularly strong, but its Leftovers are annoying. Another Natural Gift(Fire) is exchanged for Ferrothorn's Gyro Ball, leaving Ferrothorn in the red and Tropius still green. Choc Ice Cream is used to keep Ferrothron in the game, so it doesn't fall to the third Natural Gift. After that though, the berry doesn't come back, so I have Tropius Dragon Dance. Ferrothron uses a Gyro Ball that now leaves Tropius in red health. Sadly, Tropius stil does not harvest his berry next round, so I go to get in some damage with Strength, taking some damage from Iron Barbs. Fern uses another Ice Cream that turn though, and Tropius gets his berry back. Natural Gift sends Ferrothorn into yellow health again, but another Gyro Ball KOes Tropius. Leavanny finishes it off with a pair of X-Scissors, but he levels to 46 because I am dumb. A Power Whip crit and two procs of Iron Barbs leave him in yellow health.

542.png/272.png/189.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -212.png

Leavanny loafs and is taken out with Bug Bite. Ludicolo gets in a Hydro Pump crit, but Scizor remains standing, if only barely, and one shots her with Bug Bite in response. Acrobatics is enough to finish it off.

407.png/189.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 553.png/254.png/497.png/407.png

I have Roserade Growth in Krookodile's face so it decides to use Crunch. It lowers Roserade's defense, but Giga Drain one-shots Krookodile and removes its damage. I totally forgot Sceptile was Mega Sceptile and Roserade falls to a Night Slash and a Dragon Claw, though she does some good damage with an Extrasensory. Mega Sceptile uses Leaf Blade when I send in Jumpluff for some reason, and is finished off with Acrobatics. Serperior is similarly weird, as it tries to Giga Drain Jumpluff on the only turn it gets. xD Two Acrobatics knocks it out. Roserade tries for revenge, but just gets one shot by Acrobatics. Poison Point isn't enough for revenge.


Finally, there was Aya. Dragalge one-shots 2/3 of my team with Sludge Wave and most of her things have a tendency to have just -barely- enough health to survive attacks.


003.png +421.png/407.png- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 031.png + 073.png

Tentacruel starts the fight with a Sludge Wave, heavily damaging Cherrim and denting Venusaur a little. Cherrim gets Sunny Day active and Venusaur puts Tentacruel to sleep. Nidoqueen finishes Cherrim with a Crunch, allowing Roserade to be switched in..Venusaur is now super fast and attempts to put Nidoqueen to sleep, but Sleep Powder misses. Roserade gets a Growth in under the Sun and Nidoqueen continues trimming down Venusaur with Earth Power. Venusaur tries the Sleep Powder again next turn and gets it to stick this time. One more Growth from Roserade sets her power high enough to do stuff and both the enemy pokemon sleep. With nothing else important for him to do, I have Venusaur use Growth. Tentacruel uses the oppertunity to wake up and use Blizzard, KOing Venusaur but missing Roserade. Roserade counters with Extrasensory, knocking out the Tentracruel.

189.png + 407.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 031.png/003.png/691.png+ 094.png/452.png

The Sleep Strat continues as Jumpluff puts Gengar to sleep so that Roserade can one shot it with impunity. Nidoqueen wakes up and Earth Powers Roserade for a good chunk of damage, but she's still in the green. Drapion is sent out and is scary, so Jumpluff sends it to sleep too. Roserade gets her HP back when she one shots Nidoqueen with Giga Drain while Drapion sleeps. Mega Venusaur is scary so I focus it down with Acrobatics and Extrasensory. Acrobatics + Extrasensory takes out the Dragalge that is sent in next as well, and since Drapion still doesn't wake up that turn, it gets KOed with Giga Drain + Acrobatics on the next.


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Sorry about the whole disappearing thing. I don't seem to be able to do one of these without vanishing for a week or so for various reasons. >_>
Still, I did get to play a little bit, so back in the saddle!

As some know, I can't just leave Heather with Sigmund, so...

Dr Sigmund Connal starts the fight by using Intimidate with his incredibly buff stature and menacing glare. Its super effective.

Yes, this totally deserves its own section. Sigmund just looks that awesome.

421.png+034.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 026.png/466.png+405.png
Raichu's first move Discharge, basically only hurting Cherrim and Luxray a little. Cherrim sets Sunny Day and Nidoking takes advantage of the buff to Brick Break Luxray, leaving it in the yellows. Luxray's Crunch does the same to Cherrim. It also holds a Toxic Orb and gets poisoned. Luxray is lowish, so Sigmund tosses it an Ultra Potion and has Raichu Thunder Wave Cherrim. This doesn't stop Cherrim from Petal Dancing though, and combined with a Shadow Ball from Nidoking and the poison, almost KOes Luxray. Sigmund tosses another Ultra Potion on it while Focus Blasting Cherrim with Raichi. Flower Gift allows Cherrim to tank that easily, and Cherrim one-shots Raichu with a critical Petal Dance! Nidoking Sludge Bombs Luxray, leaving it in the red with the poison from the Orb. Electivire speeds onto the field and Fire Punches Cherrim, knocking him out while Nidoking finishes off the Luxray with another Sludge Bomb.
189.png/542.png+034.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 466.png+604.png
I thought I was going to use growths, but Electivire's Fire Punch is worrisome. Jumpluff goes for a fairly important Sleep Powder, but misses and falls to Electivire's Life Orb-Ice Punch. Nidoking gets some good damage on Electivire with Sludge Bomb and Eelektross does a little damage with Crush Claw. I send in Leavanny and hope. He predictably falls to another Fire Punch, but Cain proves to be on the ball and takes out Electivire with another Sludge Bomb. Eelektross is not amused and burns Nidoking with a Flamethrower, but it survives all the same.
407.png+034.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 171.png+604.png
With Electivire out of the way, it feels safe to set up, so I have Roserade use a Growth. Nidoking goes for a Brick Break on Lanturn, but it does little with the burn active. Lanturn goes for a Confuse Ray on Roserade, but the paranoia-induced Persim Berry held by Roserade takes care of it. Eelektross Crunches Roserade, but doesn't even get her into yellow health. That out of the way, Roserade Giga Drains the Lanturn before it Confuse Rays again, one-shotting it. Nidoking does very little damage with another burned-Brick Break and Eelektross finally gets tired of it and finishes it with a Crush Claw.
407.png/357.png+503.png/089.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 479-cut.png+604.png
Cain's choice of Samurott is immediately punished by a Leaf Storm from Rotom, one-shotting it, Rotom's White Herb keeps it's SpA up besides. Roserade Giga Drains Eelektross down to yellow health, but it uses Discharge(yay!) and paralyzes Roserade(auuuuggggghhhh). Rotom keeps up the pressure with a Shadow Ball on Roserade, but Eelektross decides to Crush Claw Muk instead of finishing Roserade. Muk uses Acid Armor to get me back for that Growth turn, but Roserade gets the Giga Drain on Eelektross...however it just barely survives. Rotom Confuse Rays Roserade and Eelektross Crunches her, but Roserade still survives. Muk takes out the eel with an Ice Punch, but Roserade knocks herself out in confusion. Still, that only leaves the Rotom and Tropius and Muk weather the Leaf Storms and take it out with Strengths and Ice Punch.


Here I pick up Leafeon and Cradily. Leafeon may be helpful at some point with Charm + Synthesis and Cradily's just not weak to fire, which may be huge. I train them a bit and eventually accept Bennett's challenge.

189.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 636.png/049.png/123.png/214.png
Jumpluff starts the fight with Sleep Powder, putting Larvesta to sleep. Acrobatics doesn't quite one-shot it, but it remains asleep. Instead of allowing the Larvesta to fall, he sends in Venomoth, who doesn't quite fall to a single Acrobatics. He tries to save it with a Berry Ice Cream, but its not enough to survive the 2nd Acrobatics in any case. Larvesta gets sent back out and falls to another Acrobatics. Scyther is strong enough to withstand an Acrobatics as well and counters with Wing Attack. Fortunately, Jumpluff is also tanky enough to survive that with red health and finishes it off with another Acrobatics. Heracross's typing also causes it to fall to Acrobatics.
189.png/346.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 666.png/012.png
In truth, I forgot entirely about the mirror field when thinking of this fight. Vivillon grants itself evasion and dodges Jumpluff's Acrobatics and the recoil KOes Jumpluff. Still, Cradily's more than enough to tank Vivillon's Hurricane and one-shots it with Ancient Power. Butterfree's blinding Signal Beam proves to be too much to tank on top of it though.
407.png/003.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 012.png
Continuing the story of my mistakes, I send in Roserade, thinking Butterfree couldn't possibly be tanky enough to survive 2 Extrasensories. Turns out that each only does about 1/4 of Butterfree's health and it has Leftovers besides. Roserade falls to 2 Signal Beams. Still, Venusaur puts it to sleep and almost KOes it with Double-Edge. A Berry Ice Cream causes Venusaur to take more recoil damage, but nothing more.


And last but not least, Serra.

542.png/421.png/407.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 460.png
As with alot of other fights, this one starts with a setup. Leavanny sets Sticky Web for Froslass before falling to Mega Abomasnow's Blizzard. Cherrim cancels the hail with Sunny Day before falling to a second. That done, Roserade enters and one-shots the snowman with Weather Ball.
003.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 473.png/471.png/584.png
Venusaur sets a single Growth while eating Mamoswine's focused Earth Power(no, I don't know why it loves to Earth Power and Rock Slide Venusaur, but I will certainly take advantage of it). Thus empowered, Petal Blizzard one-shots Mamoswine. Glaceon is next, but it has evasion and evasion is hax. Thankfully, on this field Nature Power turns into Mirror Shot, and Mirror Shot cannot miss. Nature Power one-shots both Glaceon and Vanilluxe.
003.png/407.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 091.png
Venusaur tries to one-shot Cloyster with Petal Blizzard, but it annoyingly has a Focus Sash and hangs on. Icicle Spear easily KOes Venusaur, but Roserade finishes off Cloyster with Giga Drain even through the Ultra Potion.
346.png/189.png/407.png/189.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 478.png
The sun is down and Froslass is absurdly fast. I send in Cradily to eat Froslass's focus and lower its evasion. Next is Jumpluff who uses Sleep Powder and successfully puts it to sleep. However, the evasion is apparently not actually gone, since Jumpluff misses Acrobatics and crashes into a mirror. Forslass immediately wakes up and one-shots Jumpluf with Frost Breath. I use Roserade's turn to use a Revive on Jumpluff, but feel stupid when I find out that Roserade actually survives Froslass' critical Frost Breath. Surprisingly, Froslass still outspeeds Roserade even through Sticky Web and finishes her off with another Frost Breath that misses, but is reflected by a mirror. In the end though, Jumpluff lands another Sleep Powder and KOes Froslass with 3 Acrobatics, since Serra still has another Ultra Potion.


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ROFL, it just wasn't your day in that Serra fight. Great job nonetheless on beating her. As for that Mamoswine, AI is weird and doesn't like anything that's not 100% accuracy for some reason though sometimes it breaks that rule for some random reason.

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  • 4 months later...

So...about this.

It's becoming fairly obvious that I have a problem admitting when I feel too pressured by other things to keep up with commitments. I mean, that was hardly the first time I've left a thread without any warning to anyone about it, and I certainly could have mentioned it. It's a terribly bad habit to fall into and disrespectful to anyone who was reading along. All I can say is I apologize. Perhaps I can earn back a little of this trust as I finish off this run.

So, on the run: I've lost everything on it except the last save, seeing as that was the only thing I was paranoid enough to backup. This save is immediately after the Noel battle so I have no idea how the Steelix or PULSE battle went. I also don't know exactly how the fight with Noel went, but since my pokemon are still hurt and have their pp pools lowered, I can make a few guesses. Just for fun, I'll post it all here too. If you like, you can guess how you think the fight went before reading it. :)

Last hps and pps


Going off of Lord Chespin's Psychic-Mono, Noel's team was Flinchinno, Staraptor, Porygon-Z, Pyroar, Mega Lolpunny, and Clefable.

Movelists and individual strategies

Flinchinno - Hidden Power, Rock Blast, Bullet Seed, Tail Slap
Staraptor - Double Edge, U-Turn, Brave Bird, Close Combat
Porygon-Z - ???(Presumably Tri-Attack and some combination of Dark Pulse/Shadow Ball/Thunderbolt/Ice Beam/Recover/Hidden Power)
Pyroar - Dark Pule, Hyper Voice, Hidden Power, (some fire attack presumably, Flamethrower maybe)
Mega Lolpunny - ???(Presumably Hi Jump Kick, Return, Ice or Fire Punch{prob fire due to field}, and...Fake Out? Power-up Punch? not sure)
Clefable - Moonblast, ??? (Don't actually know. Focus blast/Thunderbolt/Ice Beam/Flamethrower/Calm Mind/Soft Boiled/Moonlight/Thunderwave are all options, but not sure what was there. Presumably not Flamethrower with the rest of the team already being so good at fighting grass/ice/bug types, which is the important thing. )

Tangrowth was the lead, so he went up against Flinchinno, probably purely because of Knock Off. He has no item, so I assume he had a damage reducing berry to guard against Hidden Power. Tangrowth is actually monstrously tanky, so he probably actually won the fight with the two Giga Drains assuming he didn't flinch first, and if he did flinch first but get the Knockk Off on the second turn, I assume I would've just let him get KO'd sent in Venusaut to finish the fight after Tangrowth as he is otherwise unused...but Venusaur has no damage on him and Flinchinno outspeeds. So Tangrowth probably won.

Ludicolo probably fought off Pyroar 1v1 with Rain Dance + Hyrdo Pump. Pyroar's attacks can't miss, so Hydro Pump must have hit and one-shot Pyroar and then I foddered Ludicolo against something. She may or may not have KO'd something else with that other Hydro Pump she used.

Cradily only used Ancient Power, has no item, and isn't KO'd. I take this to mean he either one-shot something with that Ancient Power + a Rock Gem, or else tanked something from a really powerful pokemon with a status reducing berry and revenge killed it. Since I'm pretty sure Staraptor one-shots everyone else on my team with Brave Bird, I'd guess Cradily went up against it, tanked an attack of some kind, then KO'd it with Ancient Power. Since I don't think Cradily is strong enough to one-shot Staraptor with an Ancient Power, I'm assuming this is where either Tangrowth or Leafeon is KO'd: I sent them in to get Brave Birded and lower Staraptor's HP so that Cradily could come in afterward and finish off the evil bird with Rock Gem + Ancient Power.

Roserade probably fought off Clefable, assuming it didn't have Flamethrower like I'm guessing. There's only one other pokemon on this team Roserade might even want to set up Growth against, let alone 2, so I'm assuming it was used here. Still, 2 Growth's on this field is +4 Stages. I think that one-shots Clefable on a Giga Drain but 2 Shots with only 1 Growth. If Clefable is the only thing Roserade sets up against, Roserade must have also revenge-KO'd something too since there is no other pokemon to use that growth against besides Porygon. Still, I don't know if if Roserade is faster or not. Hmm

This leaves Leafeon, Lopunny, and Porygon since Venusaur was a cheerleader and didn't fight. Leafeon has no chance using Charm against Porygon so he must have fought vs. Lopunny. Seems to have survived the fight too considering that Synthesis/Swords Dance/Leaf Blade use. If that happened though, why would I let Leafeon get KO'd though? Anything it outspeeds it one shots at that point. Alternatively, I used a Leaf Blade without 2 of the Swords Dances for some reason, finished setting up against Lolpunny and was about to KO it when it got a crit. Could explain the second use of Roserade's Giga Drain. Alternatively alternatively, I thought Leafeon outsped something he didn't actually outspeed. Could be possible if the Porygon is just that fast.

And then plotting the fight out...btw, I don't recommend reading all this unless you really want to. Its kinda stream of thought-y and mostly just an explanation for why I think what happened happened instead of something else

Tangrowth leads and tanked something from Flinchinno, but Knocked off the King's Rock and Giga Drained it for the KO. Noel is prompted to send out either Pyroar or Staraptor and I have no idea which it was.

If it had been Pyroar, then I'd have switched out for Ludicolo, who tanks an attack of some kind, Rain Dances, and one-shots Pyroar. This would prompt Noel to send in the Staraptor due to typing I believe. During the Rain, Ludicolo still outspeeds and shoots a Hydro Pump but misses the bird(since if it hit, there would be no need to fodder off Tangrowth against a Brave Bird). After Staraptor finishes it off, I'd have to have sent in Tangrowth, who then also gets KO'd by Brave Bird. This would let Cradily get hit with Close Combat and counter KO it with an Ancient Power. This would have Noel switch in High Jump Kick Lolpunny, or Ice Beam Porygon. Focus Blast Clefable could be a thing, but its the Ace so it wouldn't be sent out regardless.

- If it's Lolpunny, Leafeon is sent in against it and Charms/Synthesis/Sword Dances alot, then KOs with a Leaf Blade. Porygon gets sent in next and I assume I leave Leafeon on the field thinking I would outspeed due to base stats. However, Porygon turns out to be faster due to nature/IVs and one shots Leafeon...but after that, I don't see any way for the match to be concluded with Roserade only using 2 Giga Drains and 2 Growths since Roserade can't set up against Porygon since it at least 2 shots Roserade one way or another and outspeeds, and then Roserade has to beat Clefable as well without using any attacks. If Porygon were slower than Leafeon, then Leafeon should have just swept everything.

-If he sent in Porygon instead of Lopunny...well, it'd one or 2 shot both Leafeon and Roserade for a similar problem if it outspeeds. If its slower, then Roserade could theoretically use Growth and one-shot it. Lopunny would come out and Leafeon would do its thing...but then Leafeon should either beat Lopunny -and- Clefable(which can't be the case, since Roserade used more attacks) or Leafeon would lose to Lopunny and Roserade would have to beat both Lopunny and Clefable with only 1 use of Giga Drain remaining.
Ok so that's not how it went.

If he sent out Staraptor way back in the beginning...
Staraptor comes out and Tangrowth remains in to face it. It Brave Birds, KOing Tangrowth and lowering its own HP. Cradily is sent out and wins after a Close Combat with an Ancient Power+Rock Gem combo. This would prompt the AI for either Lopunny or Porygon I think, since Pyroar has a weakness to rock.

-If it's Lopunny, I'd send out Leafeon and do the Charm thing. If Leafeon wins, Pyroar comes out and I'd switch in Ludicolo, dance, and Hydro Pump. That would prompt Porygon who could KO Ludicolo, but would eat a Hydro Pump to the face if accuracy is kind. This would let Roserade or Leafeon one-shot it. If I used Leafeon assuming Leafeon is faster and Porygon actually outsped him due to nature or something, Porygon would one-shot him. Porygon can't one-shot Roserade though, who would win with Giga Drain. Then, assuming Clefable has no Fire answer, Roserade could possibly Growth twice and Giga Drain again for the win there. Possible. Alternatively, Hydro Pump missed, but Porygon does not outspeed. Leafeon can't be sent out here, since Leafeon can't be allowed to go for another Leaf Blade for the one shot since he only used 1 so that's out. Roserade could win by herself if sent out instead of Leafeon, but then Leafeon would still be alive at the end of all this, so that can't work either.

-On the other side of the coin, If is Porygon is sent out instead of Lopunny and its fast, it could KO Leafeon immediately, but that wouldn't be a win from there since Lopunny is still around and I would need Leafeon for it. If Porygon's fast and I sent in Roserade, Roserade would lose. I could send in Leafeon as a sacrifice to Max Revive Roserade, but there's no way to win the fight from there using only 2 total Giga Drains and still nothing checking Lopunny with Leafeon gone. If Porygon is slow, Leafeon still would be one-shot by it, leaving Lopunny to rampage. If Roserade is sent in instead, she could win with a Growth + Giga Drain and then Pyroar would be sent out. Ludicolo would overpower Pyroar and prompt Lopunny. Rainy Hydro Pump isn't quite enough to one-shot Mega Lopunny, so after Ludicolo falls, Leafeon would be sent in to deal with Lopunny. However, Leafeon has to be KO'd somehow here while still setting up all the Charms and Swords Dances. That would only happen if I Leaf Blade at 1 Swords Dance and don't quite KO and go for the rest. Then, Lopunny crits right before Leafeon would win. But, if that happened, Roserade would need too use only 1 Giga Drain to end the fight against 2 pokemon, so this can't work either.

Well. Guess the one route is the answer then. :)
Of course, there's always the option that potions and stuff were used, but I have no way to check on that >.>

With that considered, here's how I think the fight went:

{Imaginary Noel Vs. Picture}

465.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 573.png
Tangrowth starts the party as he's tanky enough to not fall to Cinccino's physical attacks. He remains unfazed in the face of the King's Rock multi-hit attack and Knocks Off the silly Rock. Cinccino counters with a Hidden Power(fire), but Tangrowth's berry reduces the damage to manageable levels. Giga Drain and the field heal Tangrowth just enough to survive Cincinno's next attack, allowing him to KO the chinchilla with another Giga Drain.

465.png / 346.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 398.png
Staraptor is sent in for revenge. Nothing on my team really wants to fight that in any fair way, so I just give Tangrowth an Ice Cream to dull the pain. Staraptor KOs Tangrowth with Brave Bird, but takes a good bit of damage in doing so. Now weakened, we send in Cradily, who eats a Close Combat, but counters with a Rock Gemmed-Ancient Power, KOing the evil bird.

470.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 428.png
Noel threatens with a Mega Lopunny, so we call in Leafeon. Using its crazy speed, Lopunny Fire Punches Leafeon but doesn't get him below yellow health. Charm reduces Lopunny's offensive power greatly, so much so that a second Punch fails to KO Leafeon once again. A second Charm leaves Lopunny's damage quite small, but since it outspeeds we throw Leafeon an Ice Cream next round anyway. A third Charm reduces its attack even further and after that, Synthesis and Swords Dance are spammed by Leafeon while Lopunny tries to deal damage with its Punches, but to no avail. Eventually, Leafeon just one-shots Lopunny with a terrifying Leaf Blade.

272.png / 470.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 668.png / 474.png
Pyroar is next for Noel. Respecting that speed we recall Leafeon and send in Ludicolo. Pyroar lets loose with a Hyper Voice but can't quite KO Ludicolo, who is busy Rain Dancing. With the storm overhead, Ludicolo outspeeds Pyroar and one-shots it with a Hydro Pump. Noel sends in Porygon-Z who also is hit with a Hydro Pump, but survives. With little hp left, Ludicolo falls to a Tri-Attack. We send in Leafeon intending to get revenge, but are surprise-outsped and one-shot by Porygon-Z's impressive SpA.

407.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 474.png / 036.png
Impressive though it is, Porygon-Z isn't quite strong enough to KO Roserade from full. Giga Drain, Black Sludge, and the field heal up Roserade a bit before Clefable is sent in. From here, Roserade just Growths twice and KOs Clefable with another Giga Drain, as whatever it has, it's not very effective against Roserade. Another Ice Cream may have been used here to help Roserade tank it all.

Feel free to critique that if you like, I'm certainly not perfect. >_>

But, in any case, let the journey continue...
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Oh crap, Fern. Its been too long. I completely forgot he was there and didn't notice him. Thankfully he wasn't too hard, Hidden Power shenanigans aside...
407.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 272.png
Ludicolo is once again evil with it's Ice Beam hitting pretty hard and Rain Dance countering Sunny Day. Roserade is fully capable of tanking an icy hit however, KOing with Growth + Giga Drain.
542.png/421.png/407.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 212.png
Scizor is next. Ah, set up fodder. We send in Leavanny to use Sticky Web and Cherrim for Sunny Day. Both fall to a single Bug Bite, but Roserade takes sweet revenge with the awesome power of Weather Ball.

407.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 407.png/254.png/553.png/497.png
The Sticky Web from earlier de-speeds Fern's ridiculously fast Roserade, allowing mine to one-shot it with Weather Ball before it Hidden Power(fire)s. Mega Sceptile is threatening though, as it isn't actually weak against Fire and resists Grass. The best attack it can do is Dragon Pulse though, so Roserade tanks that and sets a Growth, one-shotting it with Weather Ball next turn. Krookodile tries, but is basically a free Potion, falling to a single Giga Drain before it can act. Serperior is Contrary and so actually speeds up in the Web, but Roserade can tank either Dragon Pulse or Leaf Storm. One more Weather Ball closes the match.


Next we pick up a Skiddo, since Earthquake might be really, really needed later. And...it apparently has Pokerus.
...so we go ahead and do the honey tree Pincer-Heracross puzzle, picking up those Sitrus Berries and getting some EVs on Skiddo before heading to RadomusCain. Who took more tries than I thought he would since I keep underestimating that Nidoking/Beedrill.
542.png/272.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 571.png
Zoroark leads disguised as Nidoking while we, armed with foreknowledge, lead with Leavanny. Frighteningly, Zoroark starts with Nasty Plot while we lay the Sticky Web. Its followup Extrasensory neither KOs nor flinches however, so Leavanny gets in a Leaf Blade before falling to a Dark Pulse. Ludicolo finishes the fight with a Hydro Pump, but not before eating another Extrasensory.
189.png/272.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 015.png/034.png
Mega Beedrill is next, but stuck fast in the Sticky Web, its no match in speed for Jumpluff, who one-shots it with an Acrobatics. Through with all this, Can calls in Nidoking. Since this thing can actually one-shot my entire team, we leave nothing to chance. Sending in Ludicolo, we opt for a Rain Dance instead of going for Hydro Pump. It's Sludge Wave easily overpowers Ludicolo, but Roserade uses Weather Ball and cuts short the rampage.
470.png/407.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 089.png
Muk is next, but Leafeon's incredible cuteness and Charm lower the damage of its Poison Jabs to manageable levels. Unfortunately, I forgot that Rain Dance doesn't work well with Synthesis, and Leafeon falls after only 2 Charms from that mistake. Still, this is enough for Roserade to work with, who starts setting up Growths in the face of the fairly weak Poison Jabs and Ice Punches. At +4, Cain reveals that Muk actually has Minimize, so we start Giga Draining back the health. This takes awhile, but eventually we get full life back and KO with an Extrasensory after Cain tries to heal Muk with Moomoo Milk.
407.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 094.png/503.png
Gengar wastes no time and immediately crits Roserade down to 5 hp with a Shadow Ball. +4 Roserade is not pleased with this and one-shots it with another Extrasensory. Cain sends in Samurott last, but it falls to a Giga Drain as he probably expected.


189.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 493.png
Areceus is strong, but Jumpluff is faster. Sleep Powder sends it to sleep. When El Full Heals it, we Leech Seed it...but miss. No matter, another Sleep Powder puts it to sleep again and Jumpluff hits it after the second Full Heal. We try for a third Sleep Powder but miss; Judgement does not miss. It one-shots Jumpluff.
003.png/407.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 493.png
Arceus does outspeed Venusaur, but this cavern is not kind to it. Judgement hits as a type Venusaur is resistant to and leaves him standing. Sleep Powder sends the Ditto-god to sleep again, letting Venusaur get in 2 Petal Blizzards before it wakes and one-shots him with another Judgement. Arceus rolls the dice on another Judgement when Roserade enters, but Roserade is resistant and still stands. Giga Drain and the Leech Seed finally bring it down.


After the Arceus fight, we head to the Grand Hall to train up everyone, since I can see this coming battle being difficult. Once properly prepared...we get beaten a bunch of times since Metagross makes a good impression of a wall and Gardevoir is terrifying. Eventually though...
542.png + 189.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 579.png + 103.png/376.png
We lead with a Sleep Powder on Reuniclus, since its too tanky to one-shot, and KO the Exeggutor with an X-Scissor from Leavanny. When the Metagross enters to ruin the day, we set Leech Seed on it since it feels cheap to just double Sleep Powder. An X-Scissor leaves Reuniclus just barely in the yellows, but it doesn't wake. Metagross tries to one-shot Jumpluff with Ice Punch, but an attached Yache berry keeps our acrobatic friend alive for another round. Radomus tosses Reuniclus a Hyper Potion, but Leavanny and Jumpluff manage to focus it down with Acrobatics and X-Scissor before Metagross finishes off Jumpluff with another Ice Punch.
542.png + 421.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 687.png/199.png + 376.png
We send in Cherrim while Radomus goes for Malamar. Due to it's typing its basically made of paper to Leavanny, who one-shots it with another X-Scissor. Cherrim sets a Sunny Day to take care of Metagross, but Metagross decides to not KO it with Ice Punch and instead just deal some damage with Hammer Arm. Kinda bad actually, since Roserade can't just come in and KO it without Gardevoir being there now...still, Flower Gift proves itself again, as Leavanny now one-shots the Slowking Radomus sends in with a single Leaf Blade. Cherrim's Petal Dance doesn't do much to Metagross, but it still does some damage before the Meteor Mash KOs Cherrim.
542.png/407.png + 003.png/470.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vs. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 282.png + 376.png
We send in Venusaur here purely to draw Mega Gardevoir into using Psychic. It does so, one-shotting Venusaur. Still, its open now and Leavanny gets in a good Leaf Blade on Gardevoir. Metagross goes for an Ice Punch, but Leavanny is actually pretty tanky, only being lowered into the yellows. Leafeon enters next and together, the two Chlorophyll ability pokemon outspeed and take down the Mega! Metagross Meteor Mashes Leavanny down, but that leaves Roserade free to enter and finish it off with a firey Weather Ball.


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