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As everyone knows, 2015 is coming to a close! This year probably has been filled with ups and downs, but what I'd like to know is; What was your best and/or what was your worst memory of 2015?

For me the best thing probably has to be that I graduated and got accepted into the game dev study I'm now studying for. And also, my new laptop! A thing that was less fun though was that I've suffered from a ton of mood drops ever since I graduated, but I try not to let those get in the way of having good times as well.

And you? What was your best/worst memory? And what's your resolve for 2016? Can be anything; from Reborn-related stuff to personal life!

May 2016 be a great year for all of you c:

Edited by Zumi
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Okay um my memory is pretty bad but hell, finding this place was a pretty damn good thing. It's not exactly a stretch to say that i'm now addicted to Reborn and i'm really quite attached to all of y'all funky people. It's been an awesome time and although i may have been procrastinating a lot more since i arrived here i've thoroughly enjoyed it and i think this is getting too sappy now oops.

Again, my memory is pretty terrible but um.... i lost my charger to my computer the other day and with that i lost my shit and yeah I wasnt kidding when i said my memory is crap

Anyways, have an AWESOME 2016 everybody!

Edited by wytch_doctr
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  • Support Squad


Best memory? Probably card game memories. Like calling cheat on everyone in the game of the same name then coordinating with my friend next to me to slam down all my cards at once and have him follow me quickly so no one could call me on it. Or going from most of the deck in my hand and somehow beating a guy with 2 cards in Threedown, a bit of a custom game we got going on. Doing that is very hard.

Oooh, and experiencing this years plethora of stories. To The Moon, Tales of the Borderlands, Shigatsu wa kimi no us, OPM, SMT Devil survivor overclocked, Undertale etc. This year was a good year for stories.

Worst memories? It's not been a good year for living. Two of my grandmothers passed away this year, a family friend who may as well be one of my grandfathers was diagnosed with leaukemia and a boy I knew died because of a random aneurysm.

My resolution for 2016. I don't make resolutions on a yearly basis. Seems kinda arbitrary.

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Best: knowing that your friends are treating you like real family

Worst: take a guess

It hasn't been all bad this year. I've definitely hit my worst moment this year, but in the end I'm still here. In life, that's all that ever matters.

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For the best?

Hm i think it's when i joined in reborn server in summer.

The server is a great place to let me get more active around here and well have some really fun times.


It wasn't so long ago. It was when i got rather really angered and annoyed by a fight with my parents, spefically mother that it made me pretty depressing.

Some of you may remember in the hunger games server that happened. I was trying to hold it, but the result i did go out and needed some alone time. Thanks for support through.

It helped me in the end, but still i didn't like that experience and it's definetly not the last one.

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Best: Actually starting to use the server. I knew it existed, but never used it. I like being alone, but also like human interaction sometimes, so this is a nice compromise and something I really enjoy.

Worst: Eh, probably the car accident I was in earlier this year. Backed my mom's car up into someone else's. Thankfully, very little damage and no one was hurt.

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Best: Coming here and meeting everyone (yay for typical answers :D)

Worst: Sitting through people at my school being racist idiots after all of the tragedies this year.

Resolution: Stop getting angry at people who are completely ignorant and rather than snapping at them explaining things.

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Best: For me, it would be graduating high school and getting accepted into college. Also actually joining the forums in the summer as well.

Worst: Well, I lost many close friends due to my lack action. Also, seeing my grandmother's condition worsen over the course of the year.

Resolution: Try to be more outspoken and passionate about certain things. Also try to work on building confidence you can start by hitting the gym, you bum!

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Not to be too much of a downer... but this year was more than awful. It was sorta an ordeal for me and my entire family. Between Financial issues, medical stuff... ugh. I Really don't know how I've not gone off the deep end. This has probably been one of the shittest years of my life. I say this having been through the throes of depression. This year reminded me of that... because I think I nearly slipped back into it. It did at least show me... just how far I've come as a person.

So, without further ado...

Best: It reminded me just how far I've come, how much I've grown and how wonderful the people around me are and can be. There's a lot of people I'd have to thank here for that, but most definitely there's one person I do. Pretty sure she knows exactly who she is. She's been around helping me out and just hanging out when I'm really just at my lowest. It's probably thanks to her I've not slipped straight back into where I was in my schooling years. I'm sure a lot of know her, but I think I'll avoid naming names. While she's done so much for me, it's not the recognition for that which is what matters. She knows how much she has, I don't need to put a name to it. But, it's that which really helped me get through this long long year. I always had someone to count on, someone to look forward to speaking to each and everyday, someone I could always unload my frustrations of the world on and she wouldn't mind. It was that which was the best for me this year. I've never really had someone I could rely on so clearly and so well. So, it was that feeling, that comfort of knowing I had someone I could very much rely on. So, thanks for that. It's taken such a pressure off of my heart, and my chest and m very soul. Thank you soooo much. I can never thank you enough.

Worst: Well, a lot of things really. However, the worst... was all the surgeries my dad has been through of late. First, a Quintuple bypass. His heart was in terrible shape and we only really found out... when he had a heart attack while driving my brother to work. Well, technically... it had happened 2 weeks prior, but he only felt the effects then. As a result, the old codger drove himself to the hospital and got there just fine with my brother calling off for the day to stay with him. However, he's still not really healed properly from it. The hole in his chest keeps getting infected and we don't know really why at this point. Worse, after his surgery at one point he stubbed his toe. Normally... one wouldn't really be so worried. But his immune system was under so much strain and was so weak... it got infected rather quickly. It got so bad they had to amputate his toe to prevent it from spreading elsewhere and it was the only real option at that point. So, needless to say this has really been just... not helping with all the other issues I've been having mentally, socially etc... it's just the giant topper on a pile of shit that was this year for me.

Resolutions aren't something I believe in. They are too short term and are meaningless. We are people and we grow over a long period of time. The things people pick for these, are always too overreaching. They are life goals, or at least goals that will take much longer than a year. As a result, they always fail. Instead, I choose to always look forward and just improve myself day to day.

However, to not be a party pooper... Let's just say, I want to finish Dream on Another Shore. I want to wrap up that story and move onto something new, maybe something completely different. Perhaps something a bit more actiony, or something not even in Graterras. We'll see. We'll see.

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  • Global Mods


-Joining Reborn.

-Lantern festival.

-Getting third place in a game of laser tag

-I learned how to make brownies (first attempt failed because they weren't cooked long enough, second attempt succeeded)


-Tour of ice cream factory


-I fell and skinned my knee and it took 3 weeks to heal.

-Laptop developed problems around May-June (beeping when it turns on; have to keep pressing the power button until it decides to load up properly. every day.)

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Well, I'm trying to pick just one memory but it's proving harder than in most years. This year was overall one of my best years in recent history, so I hope it's 'kay if I pick multiple things.

The worst of 2015 for me would be the incredible stress I've been put through especially by my parents.

They were "just worried for me" alright, but interacting with them has been Hell for nine out of twelve months (and some previous years). Their constant badgering me about things I had no control over (for example waiting for the results of my university applications) and trying to meddle with things that weren't theirs to take control over, not to mention the degrading comments and insults... well, I mean, sure... go ahead and tell me that you think I'll never get far in life and don't have what it takes to study. It's not like I'm trying to recover from depression and attempting to gain at least an ounce of self-esteem. Who needs self-esteem anyway?

I sure hope that 2016 won't have any of these exhausting moments where I'm curled up against my best friend at 4am, crying because my parents decided to have a go at me again for being lazy, ambitionless, selfish and unlikable. I sure can do without mom telling me she's surprised I have friends.

The best of 2015... there's a surprising lot to choose from, considering how stressful everything was. But here's a couple of things:

- I joined Reborn in April/May (depending on whether we're talking forums or showdown here), and oh dear am I glad that I did. I met so many amazing people here who I'd probably have never met otherwise, and I'm thankful for every single one of you. Both the game and the community have brought me a lot of happiness.

When I got here I was unsure if I'd stay, because I find it very difficult to try and integrate myself into new places, and I haven't become an active member of an online community in seven years. But I was determined to find a place here, and it paid off.

- Meeting my boyfriend. I mean, this one is kinda Reborn-related, but it certainly deserves special mention. I still can't believe I get to be with such an amazing person, and I'd never have met him if it weren't for this site and the game it spawned. I wouldn't trade those pun-filled 4am calls, silly running gags and the loud duck quacking in the background for anything. By the way, if you're reading this: You're still banned to the couch for the Tess thing. How dare you.

- I got accepted at WWU Münster, which is the uni I wanted to go to ever since I decided I wanted to study. After several stress-filled months, getting my letter was the most relieving thing that happened all year. It also meant I got to move out of my parents' house, and finally have a place all for myself. Which is another very relieving thing that's doing wonders for my mental health.

Last year I legitimately thought that I was never going to make it into uni ever. One year later, my wish came true.

- I applied and got accepted for a fairly important role on a site I've been member of for seven years now, and it's been extremely fun and rewarding so far. I never had the confidence to try out for it earlier, but I'm glad I did this year. It feels amazing to give back to a community that's been kinda like a second home for me. Also, my fellow team members are real sweethearts and I'm feeling very comfortable around them. This year seems to have been a good year for making friends <3

As difficult as the year started out it's kind of incredible for me to look back at how things used to be, and how far I've come. When I consider what place I was in a mere year ago, I find it hard to believe that I can really be as happy as I am now, and that things really did get better.

I didn't fully believe this until recently, and to have it come true is an unbelievable feeling.

For the next year I want to work on reducing my anxiety issues. I'm still a nervous wreck around people a lot of times, and it'd be nice to eventually be able to talk to others more comfortably. I mean, I can't always wait for others to make the first move, right?

Edited by Ama
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  • Developers

Y'know, this has been a pretty good year for me. I suppose you could call it a year of oppurtunities.

The two main best things that come to mind are getting into do maths at university which, while said uni wasn't my first choice, I've ended up absolutely loving it and am so glad I ended up where I am. For so many reasons, though, the other is that I ended up on Pokemon Reborn's Dev team. So much good has come from that. I've met cool people (even if I still don't know them as well as I'd like :x), I've learned some useful skills, I've discovered a hobby which both challenges me and is fun, and probably most importantly, I just love the idea of being able to work on the game that I've already gotten so much enjoyment out of, and be a part of it.

As for worst... Well, as I said, it's been a pretty good year. Some health issues from a few years back reared their head near the beginning of the year, but they were nipped in the bud early and I've been pretty great on the health front all year, other than getting the flu way too often. Otherwise I suppose it's just the feeling of regret I had that I had unfinished business with some of my friends that I didn't get to resolve before they moved away for university.

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To be honest this wasn't my best year. I had a lot of bad news dropped on me and a lot of death in the family.

But that's not to say some good things didn't happen. I managed to meet and get to know a very awesome person and grew very close to them. Now we're dating and it's great. I also had some fun with my friends.

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My best memory is uh, when I confessed to Dan I guessss, and maybe when I got stuff from overseas frens on my birthday is a second.

EDIT: Oh yeah, when I first came out as trans online early on in the year

My worst memory is pretty horrible and not something I want to share.

Edited by Alicirno
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  • Veterans


  • Actually getting to a certain level of maturity. Not a complete arse anymore.
  • Finally fixing up my grades which started dropping last year.
  • Learning how to cook something other than microwave food without lighting the kitchen on fire/burning the food.
  • Releasing a fangame, even if it's in a very early stage.
  • Learning how to be satisfied with what I do.


  • Had quite a few fights with my parents and family in general about my attitude and morals. It didn't go that well so we're a bit strained at the moment.
  • There were a few deaths in my family as well as the death of a guy in my school I was really good friends with.
  • My procrastination fell to an all new low.
  • I've got a few health issues currently though nothing too serious, there's one that's been persisting for a VERY long time however.

That's...pretty much it. It's been a wonderful year here, outside of here...eh. I need to start liking things more and not acting all gloomy and reclusive I guess.

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Just one week more and then 2016 :3


- Joined the forums

- Made new friends (here in the forums and in "real life")

- These friends made me a better Kuma (like a Kuma 2.0 keks)

- I lived many good memories with these friends and with my family


>> Some of my nightmares came true

- I was attacked by a dog (a big one)

- I was robbed for the first time

- My dog died ;-;

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Worst - I failed one of the classes in the major I'm taking back in the Spring semester. I tried to hide it from my parents for a while and things sucked. :(

Best - I got an awesome internship this last summer. I met a lot of awesome people and learned a lot. Also it looks like I'm going to be able to go back again for another internship for summer 2016. Yay!

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  • Finally starting to bring my grades up from the shitfest that was freshman year.
  • Forged some really good friendships that I think may actually last.
  • I got the lead role in my school's winter show.
  • I was offered the position to forum moderate.


  • Almost attempted suicide, resulting in me seeing my father cry for the first time.
  • I made the awful decision to step down from my position as forum auth, which I truly do regret.
  • Lost a group of friends in an incident I had absolutely no control over or any involvement in.
  • Having no choice but to sit and watch as Alzheimer's destroys my grandmother and see its progress every holiday.
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