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  • Forged some really good friendships that I think may actually last.

Damn straight, I'm there for you now.


-Started that sweet, sweet college life

-Delved further into Glitch, Indie, and Progressive House

-Remained dedicated to Reborn the whole year

-Got to be very close with my best friend, Telos


-Started playing League, signaling an addition, whoops ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

-Unsuccessful in learning to disarm arguments, a major goal of mine

-Not sure this list is accurate, so there my be topics missing

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Best memory:

Nothing that memorable happened. My grades improved greatly, so that's good, I guess. And my family was actually supporting me all the way??!!?!?!?! Crazy!

Reborn also happened. Even though it was practically just yesterday, I'm already this attached to this site.

Worst memory:

I was back stabbed by the people who I called my 'friends', both irl and on the internet and was reminded of how much of a pathetic failure I am.

OVERALL this year certainly had its ups and downs, maybe a lil bit too stressing. IGN rates this year a 4/10.

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  • Veterans

Errr, people seem to be making lists so i guess I could make a proper list this time as well despite having already made a few points. But yeah, I'll just jot down a few more things I guess!


+ I graduated from high school (with my highest grade for my finals being for math for some reason???? what the fuck)

+ I got accepted into an university to study for game development, more specifically visual arts which I'm super happy about!

+ I finally learned how to use FL Studio properly so I can make better music

+ I got a properly working new laptop after my old laptop's hard drive broke in April (note: please do not buy a compaq ever. please. love yourself)

+ Got 5th place and the 1st people's choice award in the flower parade this year after having a pretty stressful building season, which was awesome!

+ I joined Reborn, which made it possible for me to meet a ton of amazing new friends and people, which I'm really happy about.

+ My art improved over the year, which is a good sign as well!

+ I found out about some amazing games which have given me a lot of joy and for which I've drawn a lot of things (Fire emblem Awakening and Undertale mostly)


- Depression and mood drops really brought me down during summer, mainly due to anxiety for starting out at a new school without knowing anyone there.

- I lost some pretty good friends due to that someone betrayed the trust I put in them multiple times, which caused me a lot of stress and trust issues with some people.

- I still haven't fixed my sleep schedule (oops)

- I'm still as bad as keeping up a diet as I was at the start of the year

I really hope that in 2016 I can finally get off my ass and actually keep up a diet so I can start losing weight, as well as maybe overcoming some of my insecurities about myself and get out of the somewhat depressive slump I've been in for the past few months. Let's hope 2016 is a better year for all of us ;w;

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  • Support Squad

In hindsight I should also say getting accepted into a uni was cool too. Oh and I started writing and dedicating to a story instead of sitting on my arse saying I'd do it. Hooray for procrastination.

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-Had my insomnia's frequency cranked up by 11.

-New family issues (though only the topic is new).

-Had to do the majority of my first year of computer science with a busted laptop.

-Had to repeat my first year of computer science.

-Had an infection close to the kidney that made almost a month go to waste.


-Am starting to actually be semi-frequent on the Reborn server. Still not there too too often, but that's still better than my old frequency of "never".

-Got to get somewhat closer to a good number of people here.

-After playing the game for god knows how long, found someone to play Risk of Rain multiplayer with (now just gotta get to it).

Yeap, only good things that happened happened in December. Here's to you, 2016! Don't worry too much about being a good year, your predecessor didn't set the bar too high. Still, please do try.

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This one is going to be pretty personal, because I have to blow off some steam somehow somewhere. Sorry in advance.


I have to be optimistic for this, each passing years gets worse.

- I have made the decision to move out of my father's house to be more independant in life and because there has been a lot of tension since a few years.

- I wish to study media design because it seems like the right choice for me.

- Finally finished the most important part of the concept for my fangame and I am finally able to continue working on it. Now I know it will be released in the far future of a thousand years^^


- Wished to search for some new friends this year, still an extremely lonely person now. For a while I was content with being happy, but I believe that being truly lonely is one of the worst things that can happen to a person because it feels like a slow death.

- Stopped to care about a lot of things because of above I guess.

- I wish to leave my social circle behind and start anew, but I don't know how. I have lost most of my social skills.

- Heavy mood swings. Sometimes, I am happy and I can let these trivial things of life distract me. Other times I literally cry myself to sleep.

- Very little sleep.

- Attempted to drown my frustration with alcohol, showed up drunk in school once. It is no solution, I know.

- This month I had my 20th birthday and there was christmas. I couldn't care less about either and it makes me feel even worse. I wished for nothing this year, got some money and some other stuff. Materialistic wishes don't make truly happy, they never do. Gave my father a present though, but that doesn't make me feel good because I wanna and I am gonna move out 2016.

- I feel like being an ass towards those who treat me worse than others compared to being my normaö peaceful self.

- Maybe I am slowly descending towards madness or something :/

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Joining Reborn was definitely one of the best things I did this year. I made some new friends here, and I've also made some in real life. I've also regained my passion for programming, and my life is finally starting to change in the way I want it to.

Worst. I had constant mood swings for most of the year, and I hurt everyone involved. And I burdened one person in particular, and I'm still not sure how to make it up to them. I also had a lot of suicidal thoughts. I didn't attempt suicide, but the year was painful. But that's over now.

Here's to the end of this year! Hopefully 2016 is a good one!

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The best was getting into the first not-hopeless-feeling relationship of my life. It didn't work out as a relationship, but we're still just as close without having to rely on that label.

The worst was working a job that really messed me up mentally, and taking way too long to assert myself and leave.

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  • Finding Reborn
  • Moving out of the college dorms
  • Going home for breaks
  • Choosing to be an English major
  • Meeting a really cool skeleton


  • Getting Episode Seven spoiled for me

All in all, seeing that the worst thing that happened to me was a spoiler, I have to say I'm pretty happy with this year. My family is healthy and happy, and that's really all that matters.

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This year feels like a very long one for me so I've had quite a hard time remembering the best and worst stuff that's happened to me. Overall it's been a really great year so here goes.

Best :

- Joined the Reborn Showdown server (Yes yes cliche, i know deal with it).
- Passed out of high school with great grades.

- Joined one of the best engineering colleges in the country in a course which i'm really interested in after a lot of hard work.
- Got around to cycling after god knows how many years. That beautiful feeling.
- Upped my tennis game. Had lost a lot of practice. Regularly played this year and got much better.

- Hackmons Cup

Worst :

- Having the anaesthesia wear off while my toe was being operated upon.
- Lots of instances of family fighting with each other, always had to intervene.

- Was smack-dab in the middle of a national crisis (tbh it wasn't really that bad of an experience).
- Hackmons Cup

My New Year's resolution for 2016 is to be a better person in general. Honestly, i'm not too happy with my nature and behaviour and would definitely want to change that. Here's to hoping for a great year ahead :D

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- Getting out of high school. Dear fucking Jesus I hated that place.

- Enrolling in college, where I finally met people I can call irl friends, more or less.

- Not leaving this place. I originally intended to do that, around the end of September - beginning of October this year. Scared that college work was going to be too much. Whaddya know, it isn't.

- Meeting new people here. Yes, I know how this sounds, but I really got to meet a lot of new people here this year, some of which I've grown really fond of.

- Hackmons Cup

- Hunger Games simulator f u zumi

- Being praised multiple times for my writing in Dutch.


- Seeing a girl I really liked getting taken by another guy because I was too afraid to ask her out.

- Becoming aware that I have a really low self-esteem.

- Hunger Games simulator still f u zumi

And my New Year's resolution: being less lazy and procrastinating less. So basically the same as the last three years. HURRAY.

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Best:be active here and make friend!Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon!got active on other side and make more friend :3I got better at drawing Pokemon but still on paper

worst:English teacher make me felt like garbage,Oris ;(

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