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Raccoon Meets World (Blind ramblings - Partially streamed playthrough)


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So, since I've started getting into the Reborn game, I figured I might as well post my journey in a slight creative-writing format.

I'll be streaming a lot of this playthrough at http://www.twitch.tv/vandaeron but I'll try to do the boring stuff off-stream, and keep the stream to only advancement. I may do some boring stuff on stream, but only if I think it'll be brief and enable me to continue safely. I don't have any set time or duration in mind for streams, but I'll do a status update thingy each time I start, and say so in Showdown too.

This is a blind playthrough, so I'm going to be trying to get as many pokemon as I can, but not knowing everything (and deliberately avoiding information resources) means I'm probably going to miss some stuff. Don't tell me if I have, or might in the near future.

This first post will cover my journey so far (~10 hours) in a more summarized fashion than the rest will be.


My arrival in Reborn City was... well, about as gentle as it could have been, given the circumstances of the landing. I got acquainted with some relevant people, picked up my first pokemon (a Totodile,) and set about catching what I could. Fortunately, there were several species hiding out just outside, so I had myself a small army right from the gate. I got myself a Pachirisu and various Normal critters, and headed out for Peridot.

What a dump. I don't really like judging people or their choices, but... wow. No wonder people are leaving. Still though, through the wave of hobos and way-too-young would-be gangsters, there were still some legitimate people looking to do what they can. One guy was protecting a pool full of rescued pokemon, and then this other elderly guy had done the same with Grass and Bug pokemon in his garden.

It was a real ordeal getting through Peridot safely, but through it all, my pokemon got a lot stronger, and the team had plenty of opportunities to refine itself. Gulpin and Poochyena made their way into the team and came to prove themselves quite well!

Then I finally got down to business and joined the attack on the factory Team Meteor was hiding out in. Even though Fern is a jerk and his Budew is a monster, he was undeniably a valuable asset to the assault. Eventually, we brought the whole operation down, though the supposed-leader managed to escape.

Then came time to earn my first badge, against Julia. I took some time to toughen up, expecting the worst. But... honestly, she didn't give me a super hard time. It's possible I had over-prepared, but I don't think I had gained so many levels to change how the battle turned out that much. Well anyway, a badge is a badge.

Oh, and somewhere between the Meteor incident and Julia, Pachirisu found me a Nugget! In Peridot! How in the world?! Pickup is gonna have to be a staple in my party the whole way, now. Unless it comes down to having something much more powerful.


Afterward, I moved on to the incident in Obsidia. Wasn't much I could do without taking the long, long way around through the slums, so I did. There I learned about magic healing shurikens, and about people making big fusses about little issues. And boxes.

Found my way through, then down to Coral (and made a special trip back to pick up an egg left down there. A truly sad state of affairs.) Went through the obligatory scene and friend battle, then made my way back.

That Tangrowth monster seemed like a pretty big ordeal! But ultimately, between Pachirisu's paralyze and Gulpin's Acid Spray/Sludge combo, we took it down quite handily! Day saved, etc. etc...

Then I lost to a pair of Mightyenas. ._.

Then, this morning, I went back and prepared some things, and cleared up some side stuff in established areas. Rescued the Day Care, found the first two locales of Lillipup and Zangoose (WANT,) saved Igglybuff, found Espurr, traded Furret and Bibarel, etc. Just some loose ends cleared up, and some levels gained.


Next time? Onyx! Excitement! Presumably Florinia! More engaging writing style! Hopefully!

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