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Your new year's resolution


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I didn't see this topic yet, probably because it's not the 31st of december yet, but I don't know how many of you fine people will lurk this place at this very day.

So I have started this thread and I ask you beautiful people:

What is your new year's resolution?

Is there anything really important to you that you wish to get done next year or is there an issue or a challenge that you wish to tackle?

Either way:

Edited by UnprofessionalAmateur
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They actually asked this as the QotD today, but my new years resolution is to finally try to keep up a diet c:

Ah goddammit, me >_< Didn't read QotD. But meh, then this is a topic for more than just today ~ ^^

Keeping up a diet is a bit difficult, I know that. Failed a few times because I have no time for this. Still, in a way, this is also a wish of mine. Losing a pound or two would do no harm ^__^

I'll just copy paste my QoTD one \o\

I second Zumi, I AM FAT LIKE A BEAR n̶o̶t̶ ̶r̶e̶a̶l̶l̶y̶[/size]

Sometimes I look at myself and think: "...Could be more slender." I simply want to be fabulous ~ Edited by UnprofessionalAmateur
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I'm just going to leave this here... Also, Zumi... you do remember you asked people this question in the Best/Worst Thread you put up right? Like that's where I'm grabbing this from... least I think it was you who posted that thread.

Resolutions aren't something I believe in. They are too short term and are meaningless. We are people and we grow over a long period of time. The things people pick for these, are always too overreaching. They are life goals, or at least goals that will take much longer than a year. As a result, they always fail. Instead, I choose to always look forward and just improve myself day to day.

However, to not be a party pooper... Let's just say, I want to finish Dream on Another Shore. I want to wrap up that story and move onto something new, maybe something completely different. Perhaps something a bit more actiony, or something not even in Graterras. We'll see. We'll see.

In short, Resolutions... are a bunch of poppycock. As Jeri so accuratly meme'd... we should be working on it every day and not waiting until a certain time to think about it. Further, we need to stop picking goals for a year THAT CAN'T BE DONE IN A YEAR. You only set yourself up to fail, to give yourself yet another opportunity to think negatively about yourself. If we work on a day to day basis though, you'll find those little victories pile up. You'll honestly feel much better if you can take pleasure in day to day bettering yourself, learning something new, not eating that whole cake((look I'm exaggerating here.)), Getting jsut a bit further on your daily walk. And maybe, one day, later down the line you'll do those crazy things. But Take victories in the the day to day. Always feel like your awesome. Set goals that can be achieved by breaking up that HUGE life altering one, into bite sized chucks. Take your time. YOU GOT A LIFE AHEAD OF YA!!! So long as you move forward, you'll get there, no need to rush and do everything at once, or even in a single year! Live your life, and enjoy your small victories. Because you'll be much happier that way instead of dreading if you will be failing something for the year constantly.
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There's no harm in setting some goals~ It doesn't have to be anything hard and fast, like you can't start it til New Years day, or must finish it before the year ends. It doesn't have to be anything more than something to keep in mind to strive for. Everything in life is only what you want it to be.

Anyway, my goals for the year are to find myself a job I can sustain without doing serious damage to my body or mind (as my last two attempts had,) to break off some of my layers of anxiety and be a bit more sociable, and to try to get back up to pace with my programming projects.

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Blegh. I'll just copy the one I made on the QoTD,

Ooohh!! I actually made a list for this actually! But it's pretty long and sorta embarrassing...heheh...

I'll be reading more, and I'm probably gonna work out. Maybe start saving some money, all those things.

I'm also gonna pamper myself more, coz I can be too hard on myself sometimes. And of course, more studying.

AAAAaaa 2016 is gonna be the year I get my shit together *yells really loud at the calendar!!!!!!!*

(I hope I actually stick to my plans, though...)

I really do hope I stick to my resolution. ><

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Incidentally, I've a shitton of new years resolutions. That said, I don't believe in the exercise.

Whatever you're planning on doing "next year" just start doing right now. The new year resolution thing is doomed to failure the same way as putting something off to "next monday" or "tomorrow" is; Because you're never really going to do it. You're stalling.

So to quote actual cannibal himself, just do it.

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[something smart about New year's resulutions being pointless]

Kidding. I like making resolutions because they make things feel less vague to me, and deadlines shake me up and make goals appear more realistic to me. Giving myself a time frame in which I want to accomplish something makes it seem more tangible to me, which is really good because it feeds my determination.

My goal for the year is to work on my (currently pitiful) skills at approaching other people, as I still have a huge problem with "taking the first step", so to say. I've come to a point where I'm more at ease when talking to people who initiated contact with me, but I'm still awful at starting conversations myself.

There's still people on here and elsewhere who I think are really cool and who I'd love to get to know better, so I hope I'll get that little problem worked out.

I'm satisfied with the progress I made with my communication skills in the past year, so this is the next logical step.

I also want to save up enough money to be able to afford a vacation in Greece this year.

I went to visit one of my best friends in Latvia last August, and it was a great experience.

I have another close friend who lives in Athens and I'd love to finally meet her. And hey, I mean, there's also someone from this very site who lives in the same country, eh?

Edited by Ama
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