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My team is strong, but I feel like it is missing something...

Guest MegaMagikarp

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Guest MegaMagikarp

This is my second Reborn run. Whereas my first was carefully picking a fighting my way through, this one is more indulgent and really having fun terrorizing. I usually am somewhat averse to OP and abused Pokemon (most of which are not available) and I prefer getting creative to break the game.

I do not mind set ips but I typically fancy hard sweepers tbh. Now, my current team is Magneton (not yet evolved), Typhlosion, Gardevoir, (scrappy) Exploud, Pangoro, Excadrill (thank you mystery egg), Barnacle monster (forgot the name), Victreebell and Swalot. For the most part my team is indestructable, but I do like having fun and experimenting with others. Right noe, I have minimal ice coverage (Exploud has ice fang) and no dragon coverage (dont want Noivern, sorry). I also lack a lot of flying or bug. I use to have a Fearow on my team, but he has such a shallow move pool that I got bored. Honestly, I could make it through the end of E.15 with this alone; I am just looking for something fun to add on. Any suggestions?

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Personal favorites of mine:

-Flygon: Everybody loves Flygon

-Butterfree: Check out my Gen 1 Monorun to see why

-Omastar: See entry for Butterfree

-Crobat: Because it was a nightmare for us when it belonged to Corey, so share the nightmare with your enemies

As for ice, I am not sure where you are, but some I consider good include Lapras, Dewgong, and Mamoswine.

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If you want a dragon coverage and you happens to grab an eevee from event, Sylveon would be a great choice with its decent special attack and defense(110 and 130 base stat each), plus it works well as either support, defensive or offensive sweeper. For ice type, i would suggest Walrein, it also works well as mixed attacker and thick fat ability offers extra fire and ice resistance and aqua ring/stockpile(egg move) to prolong its lifespan in battles, while also deals quite a lot of damages with 95 base special attack, it also gets signal beam from breeding with dewgong for grass coverage.

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if you are looking for a good flying type archeops,dirfblim and swoobat a good choices. Archeops is hard sweeper well basically archeops is the definition of physical sweeper high atk and high speed it kills a lot of stuff and has decent coverage and move pool. Dirfblim is more of a bulky tank set up flying type. swoobat is a set up special sweeper with simple ability it can set up fast.

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Your team has a noticeable ground weakness. None of your pokemon resist it, and Earthquake is a move that can really rip through teams. I reccomend getting a grass type to deal with Ground pokemon, as well as to deal with those bulky water-ground types. Also Ice coverage isn't as important if you have fairies. But Ice is always a good thing to have.

Some specific recommendations:

Toxicroak over Pangoro - Toxicroak has always been a great pokemon, and now it can destroy fairies as well. It also gets Dry Skin which will help immensely when we fight Amaria. +Fighting + Poison coverage

For your Ground weakness, how about Ludicolo? It gets swift swim and has fantastic typing. You might want to breed a few moves like Ice Beam tho. (Pre Episode however)

Remember to keep it in mind that you should be wary of strong ground types. :]

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i got vullaby in my mystery egg that really solved my flying type problem

how bout trying vespiqueen tanky flying/bug type but if you prefer flying types that can use FLY

I would suggest this pokemon I kinda lean towards the not so hype

dunno if items are available in reborn

- farfetch'd with Stick

- dodrio with sharp beak

- drifblim

- unfezant

- Swoobat

you can also check my team maybe you would like to go for it :D

hope it helps

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A mention has been made of your Ground weakness, and I can fully recommend Ludicolo if you're willing to go back and breed for Ice Beam. On the other hand, if you want to fix up your bug coverage later in the game when it starts to matter, any of the Bug Types available in Route 1/Aventurine Woods are fantastic and I fully recommend them. Galvantula, Heracross, and Pinsir are all VERY solid, with Pinsir being the clear weakest of the three but still good enough. As for your ice coverage naturally, Mamoswine is VERY good, and you can get it pretty quickly after you evolve Swinub into Piloswine.

EDIT: you will need a heart scale for Piloswine to learn Ancient Power, as a heads up.

Edited by Ssbmfreak36
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Of all the bugs, I'd definitely have heracross as I've found that to be very useful once you get it, as well as it being one of the better leads you can have for the 3 meteor double battles you have back to back (Just make sure Heracross has speed EV's and you should be right).

Props to you for having barbaracle. It is an absolute monster of a pokemon, regardless of what anyone says about any other water sweeper. The power boosts that thing can get from fields + tough claws is great, not even taking into account shell smash.

It's a bit hard to say what you should have for a flying type, as despite how good some are at sweeping, they mostly have serious issues with bulk. I like Noivern for tailwind support in doubles, but otherwise maybe wait until you get to route 3/4 where you can catch starly, and then get a staraptor.

A different poison type would not go astray. Either nidoqueen or nidoking are solid choices because of sheer force boosted sludge wave (corrosive field can be pretty useful). Dragalgae is nice if you don't have issues with slow pokemon.

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Mamoswine is a professional badass. 130 base attack and some nice bulk to go with it. Breed it with a Smeargle to get Avalanche (since you probably don't care about going first, or Icicle crash if you do) along with Ice Shard. It will make a big impact on Charlotte and Blake late game thanks to Thick Fat.

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