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Believe in it...your pure salt lens is right


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I put the title as a placeholder until i decided on an actual title and then decided to keep it I'm sorry

Heyo! I've been a rather frequent lurker on the forums for awhile, and then my brother was like, "You should just make an account and post stuff" or something like that, and i was like, what the hell? I SURE WILL!

And then I actually did... a month later. I'll try to make this short, so let's go?

Before I tell you about myself, a little history because you're probably curious about why I'm here. I discovered Reborn last month, where I was bored and wanted to play some Pokemon fan games bc I was going through a brief Pokemon frenzy. I actually played Rejuvenation V5 first and rage-quit bc of Reborn-style Keta (Hawlucha pls) before moving on to Reborn hoping it would be "easier". (You're probably scoffing at me right now. Yes, I know; I was horribly, horribly wrong.) Reborn then proceeded to take over my life for the next few weeks as I desperately fought and raged at every turn. Despite how many years got shaved off of my life due to excessive salt, though, I ended up enjoying myself immensely, and was sad when I finally finished up E15.

ANYWAYS. About me. You can call me Zen (or Aidi, or whatever you want). I have two siblings and a dog who is simultaneously and angel and a demon, I'm 18 and currently suffering going through college, I live in Washington, blah blah blah. I used to be an avid manga reader and anime watcher, but I'm lazy so now all I bother keeping up with is Pokespe. Nowadays I play a lot of video games - right now I'm mostly invested in Persona 3 Portable, Persona Q, Battleblock Theater, Dark Souls, and of course Pokemon. I love writing, and I'm looking to contribute to the Reborn fanfic community (eventually). I'd also really like a writing buddy, just to toss ideas around and to help motivate my lazy butt to write, so hmu if you're interested! Or just hmu in general.

Another thing of note, I have really bad social anxiety. It's not that evident here, bc the internet is a wonderful thing where you can be anyone you want, but I probably won't post that much. I'll do my best to post as often as I can.

Err, yeah. Sorry if I repeated myself anywhere. I hope we can be friends~ Oh, and Happy New Year!

p.s. cain is #1 waifu I MEAN WHAT? OKAY BYE.

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Hi there Zen! Welcome to Reborn!

Writing is really cool! If you are interested in that check out the creative writing section where you can see and share your work!

If you want to get to know some people a bit better why not check out our showdown server where you can chat with everyone!

Hope to see you around and welcome once again :D

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Weeeeeeeeeeeelcome to the forums!

No need to social anxiety here, also, many people here actually have it, so don't be afraid, we're all F R I E N D S \o/

Enjoy your stay here in Reborn, and when you have time, pass by our Showdown Server! So we can know you more, yayz ~

Happy New Year! ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

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Hi Zen! Welcome to the forums :D Don't worry about raging at Reborn, all of us have done it at some point or the other some more than others

Anyways, make sure you check out the community rules to the left and do check out the Reborn Showdown sever, it's a fun place to talk and battle.

Have fun and enjoy your neverending stay at Reborn :D

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Welcome to the Pokemon Reborn community!! With any questions, you can ask Daniel, Jericho or me. You can also make a topic like this. Someone will be there to help you out. Anyway, I hope to see ya around! :]

Check this out~

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Welcome to Reborn! Community rules on your left, search bar above that, Showdown server above that. Try not to confuse the search bar with the status bar below the rules, as it's a common mistake. I hope that you enjoy your stay here on the forums!

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  • Veterans

Before I tell you about myself, a little history because you're probably curious about why I'm here. I discovered Reborn last month, where I was bored and wanted to play some Pokemon fan games bc I was going through a brief Pokemon frenzy. I actually played Rejuvenation V5 first and rage-quit bc of Reborn-style Keta (Hawlucha pls) before moving on to Reborn hoping it would be "easier".

Nowadays I play a lot of video games - right now I'm mostly invested in Persona 3 Portable, Persona Q, Battleblock Theater, Dark Souls, and of course Pokemon.

> Persona Q

HEYYYY I BOUGHT THAT GAME THIS WEEK ACTUALLY and im really enjoying it and im glad you like persona. good. very good

also you should try playing rejuv version 6 tho tbh i helped make stuff for rejuv and its actually a pretty fun game *bricked*

Anyways, hi Zen! Welcome to Reborn-- Hope you enjoy your stay here c:

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Ehehe, thanks for the warm welcome, you guys! I'm definitely glad that I finally got around to making an account. I'd totally respond individually to all of you bc that's a thing I do but that would be long and annoying and repetitive probably but I'm super grateful, everyone who dropped by!

Welcome to Reborn!!! Happy New Year's!!!

Also, would you like a gif for that salt?


THANK YOU FOR THE GIF BC THAT WAS BASICALLY ME IN EVERY MAJOR BATTLE/GYM BATTLE IN REBORN. Especially Blake and Fern seriously that was the worst double battle ever

Welcome to Reborn! Make sure to check out the Showdown server and have fun!

cain is #1 waifu ikr

Anyways, have some music!

he needs more love tbh where all the cain fans @

Well hi there! Don't be afraid to answer to these posts to start battling your social anxiety. I know it's not that easy but try and do your best and if you really are too anxious to post then now then I hope it gets better and there's nothing wrong about that. People here are really nice and supporting and will always welcome you. I forgot to that so yeah! Welcome to Reborn! Hope you'll stay a long long long time. Don't be afraid if you see a PM of mine xD

I'm definitely going to start off by going around and answering random posts, to help familiarize myself with the forum rules and stuff. I don't mind PMs, feel free to message me about anything!

We'll get along juuuuuuuust fine. Nice to meet ya Zen.

If you play/have played any of those you should totally PM me jussayin'.

> Persona Q

HEYYYY I BOUGHT THAT GAME THIS WEEK ACTUALLY and im really enjoying it and im glad you like persona. good. very good

also you should try playing rejuv version 6 tho tbh i helped make stuff for rejuv and its actually a pretty fun game *bricked*

Anyways, hi Zen! Welcome to Reborn-- Hope you enjoy your stay here c:

YES YES PERSONA Q IS SO GOOD. Persona in general is good too. yes. yes.

And I actually have played V6 on casual mode bc im a scrubby casul dont tell anyone! I finished act 1...last week? Something like that. I was pleasantly surprised with the improvements I saw from V5, and I had a lot of fun! I should have mentioned that on my original post, actually. I'm eager to play V7, since I saw it's nearly finished!

Again, thank you everyone! <3

Edited by Arisato
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