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Your favorite servant?


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Hello there everyone. \o Just making this here topic cause I'm curious for everyone else's favorites in the series.~ So you can just do your favorite servant in general or of each class or both of course and maybe a reason why if you feel like it~

So here are mine:

Favorite in general is Miss Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus for the sheer reason of her incredible cuteness, her personality and of course: her singing. By that she also is my favorite Saber.

Archer: Artemis is easily my favorite for the mere fact of: Grab some Greek mythology, take my favorite goddess of the pantheon, add a cute bear and some boobs and bam, instant liking.

Lancer: Lancer's gotta be Elizabeth Bathory cause she and Nero would make a great duet during a karaoke night, she's cute and she treats people like pigs.

Rider: Rider is a tie between Santa Alter and Francis Drake, Alter because she's santa, cute, has a santa hat, used her Excalibur Morgan to shoot her sleigh into the stratosphere reindeer and all and she pretty much forces you to be her master plus damn that girl can eat and Francis for the mere fact that everyone who can take that much from Shinji as a master and not just outright kill him deserves some damn respect.

Caster: Now caster's definitely Tamamo-no-Mae cause she's cute reaccuring things with my servants hue, is a foxgirl and you can tell her you like her ears in Fate/Extra

Assassin: Jack the Ripper only needs 2 words: Murder. Loli.

Berserker: Berserker's a 3-way tie between Asterios, Kiyohime and Tamamo Cat. Asterios because he's huge and a fucking minotaur, Tamamo Cat cause she's cute and apron and Kiyohime because she's top waifu material as long as you don't lie to her.

So those are mine, have fun with your servants \OoO/

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I'd recommend putting this is the Animation and Manga section, since more people know about the anime than the VNs/Grand Order

Saber: Okita Souji <3 Souji-chan is mai waifu Sorry Arturia, the clone is better

Archer: Euryale. Much kawaii, many rolls Also Artemis is my favorite goddess too, which is why I hate Orion with a burning passion

Lancer: Cu. Woof. Cu is just fucking hilarious and also badass despite suffering

Rider: Medusa. Super well-built character who also happens too be a badass owo

Caster: Medea Loli/Medea. Medea Loli is adorable and all, but adult Medea is an extremely good character. In fact imo she's the best character in the whole series as development goes. These two are sort of both my favorite servant of all time

Assassin: Tie between Death Loli and Phantom of the Opera. On the one hand Death Loli is great, on the other Phantom of the Opera is also great

Berserker: Can I cheese it and say Arcueid? Gonna have to go with Herc here. As great as Vlad has been for me in GO, Herc is just so damn adorable. Add to that his insane badassery Srs, no matter how BS Gil is, he didn't deserve that win >:c Also Illya is his master so by proxy he's doubly adorable badass

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Here is my list of favourite each class

Saber: same as yours to be honest

Archer: Emiya, i like his cynicism and he is cute in Extra CCC(though as nameless hero)

Lancer: Oji-san Lancer Hector, he is the first silver servant i summoned from gacha and he was a true warrior in Trojan War being an ordinary human rivaling those from Argonauts which were mostly demi gods.

Rider: Marie Antoinette and Ushiwakamaru, former has historical sentimental value and sympathy from me as being a woman who was born in wrong place wrong time and i like her voice acting/seiyuu, latter is my first rider from summoning and has a cool design as well

Caster: Medea, probably stemming from Fate Stay Night

Assassin: Charles Henri Sanson, inevitable fate from being executioner and physician at the same time, a complex character

Berserker: I am apparently drawn to damaged people, Lancelot is one of them and for his conflicted feelings towards his king, not to mention as being my first gold servant

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Thats easy. Alexander the Great(Rider) of course. is bad he died at last but he was really cool. Also i liked Hercules (Berseker), i actually didnt like any saber or caster (exept mydia i think). Nice Archers are Atalanta and Emiya. From Lancers i ll say Leonidas and Hector. From Assasins i would say probably Stheno and Kojirou Sasaki.

Edited by Pausaunias
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I'd recommend putting this is the Animation and Manga section, since more people know about the anime than the VNs/Grand Order

Smart idea but idk if that means I have to do it one way or another or if I have to ask an auth to do that hurray for me never foruming \o/

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well lets see

Saber: Nero who who else could it be she's adorable, not only that has some of the best abilities i've seen and most of her abilities are because she's says so( i love her ego)

Archer: well Gilgamesh as most would know(the version before the whole grail spilling on him and stuff) his ego is amazing and is the reason for most of the stuff he pulls off.

Lancer: will have to say Cu he's just a badass

Rider: Iskander and Medusa both are just awesome.

Caster: Look at my Pic other then Tamomo its Shakespeare he's just fun.

Assassin: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde don't quite know why i just like them

Berserker: Herc and Lancalot both are just awesome and if they weren't berserker ther would of won.

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Saber: I've only seen really enough to know about Arturia really since, well... she's the one in Zero and most of the Fate Routes I've seen. ((I know diddly about Heaven's feel since I've just never gotten around to the VN...)), if I do say though I do realy enjoy the ideas behind the others I know exist out there... just... baaaaaaaaaah I need to get around to more Fate Stuff I just got other stuff on my plate.

Archer: Once again... the one I've seen most of is Gil... but screw that pompous bastard. ((I actually like the character, but not a way that I like him... if... that makes sense... probably doesn't.)) I kinda like EMIYA a lot though. ((and look... I don't care about spoilses since this is directly about Fate if you've not seen it by now It'shard for me to dance around this and talk about it so I'm not going to bother XD. If you're here you should know this might happen.)), but I really like the twist there even though I saw it coming from a mile away, like it was pretty obvious to me... then again I've always sorta been a master of figuring out a servants identity.before they mention it explicitly in the series. I just really like the parallels etc to Gil and just well a lot of what EMIYA does in the plot and how he drives both the more normal routes the first with his sacrifice, the second him actually doing so. I dunno he's just an interesting and breaks the mold in a way that he's memorable to me.

Lancer: I'm guessing most will say Cu here, and I like him too, but not as much as I like Diarmund. Just something about how that arch went in Zero I just felt so bad for the dude... he got stuck with such a piece of excrement as a master. If any servant just got cheated, it was him. He might not be one of the craziest servants... hell... he's one of the more modest for sure he's nowhere near as broken ass op as a lot of the others, but it's the whole ordeal that happens in Zero that makes him the most interesting to me. The scene in Zero where he basically curses Kirisutugu well... really the world at that point. Because daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn... that was a powerful scene. Nothing sticks out to me more in Fate really, and I'm not sure why but that scene was... well crazy ((also...Diarmund didn't know how bloody cursed the Grail really was but holy hell... he got that one on the head XD.)). It sticks out to me more clearly than any other scene because it jsut got me like... man... XD.

Rider: Alexander. No if ands or buts ((though... this is probably the case since I've not really seen the route that Medusa is just like... awesome as hell in a.k.a Heaven's Feel. Also... anyone else noticing a pattern? No? Just me?)) anyway, the probably next big standout scene to me was the battle between Alexander and Gil. And even though I knew he had to lose... man was I so rooting for Alexander to kick that shiny bastard's ass. I think I actually cried a little XD. Like such a well done scene, that final sprint down the bridge while he was just impaled by more and more weapons. That death was the most uuuugh... it definitely got me cause Iskander, is one of my more favourite servants for sure. ((maybe not my favorite of favorites but one of them for sure.))

Caster: Medea, she's just so well written and realized in the series I've seen at the moment Her part in the UBW is just well she has a very good character arc there imo, and she's just interesting to watch the whole time. She's a great character and probably one of the Casters I actually like since that class is typically my least favourite... actually... nvm

Assassin: Sasaki Kojirou, not only because I really really like the character, but also because I really really don't care for any other Assassin. Seriously... my least favourite class just cause the ones I've really seen are boring as hell. Oh, I will shout out Phantom though... I don't play GO... otherwise I might pick him since that is just so intriguing to me XD. ((Phantom of the Opera is like... my favourite musical or at least one I like a lot.))

Berserker: I used to not like this class a lot... then I somehow ended up making 8 million of them for the Fate Related RPs around here. ((seriously, that was some fun. Made one for Macbeth holy hell that was so entertaining.)) So it's easily my favorite class now... which I'm imagining isn't super duper common. Easily my Fav is Lancelot though... mostly cause I knew 100% who he was right when I saw him XD. Just everything added up so quickly, with the strange way he treated Saber the thing that expelled all doubts ((that I didn't really have after knowing he could turn pretty much anything into his NP, but still.)) I'll be honest... it's really jsut that I knew exactly who the ehck he was the second I saw him that makes me like him so much... because I felt super smart XD. Even if it was probably easy lololoololol.

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Saber: Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus. This is a bit of an odd choice for me because I don't like genderbending, I don't like overpowering servants that should not be powerful, I don't like saberfaces, and I don't like her dress. So why the hell is she my favorite saber? Firstly I really like her personality. I'm the kind of guy who loves getting compliments, and she lathered them on thick, of course I responded in kind and we had a great master servant relationship going. Also, I got into Fate through Fate/Zero, and Extra was the first game I played. Therefore Nero was my servant, similar to how a lot of people feel about Arturia thanks to the visual novel. If the earlier points I raised were changed to suit my tastes but their personality stayed the same (male or female) I have no doubts that this servant would be in my top 5 overall.

Lancer: Cu, no Scathach, no Cu, no Scathach, no Cu, no Scathach, no Cu, no Scathach. In all honesty though, as much as I'd love to say Cu I have to give it to Scathach. Immediately after watching Fate/Zero for the first time, I wondered about which servant I would like to summon if given the chance. I mused on that for a while before arriving at Scathach. Let me be hipster for a second by saying I liked Scathach before it was cool. I liked Scathach before she was announced for Fate/Grand Order, hell I liked Scathach before I even knew the name Cu Chulainn. I've been waiting for this servant for over 3 years now, and you can imagine my excitement when I learned that they were finally designing her.

Archer: Arjuna. This is another story reminiscent of my history with Scathach. Instead of Fate/Zero though my fascination with Arjuna as a servant came about after learning of Fate/Apocrypha. This was the point at which I thought about creating a whole team of 7 servants, much like the black and red factions in Apocrypha. Obviously for this I needed more than just Scathach so I went looking for more recruits. Arjuna is someone I found while trawling Wikipedia one day, completely independent of looking into Karna's backstory funnily enough, and the more I read of this badass demigod archer, the more I was convinced that he would make a fantastic servant. By the completion of his legend I didn't even bother thinking about other archer candidates, I'd already found my man. So yeah, another one that I've been waiting for a long time for.

Rider: Achilles? I don't really know, there aren't any rider class servants that I'm particularly attached to. I don't know the first thing about Achilles' personality in Apocrypha but his skills, parameters, noble phantasms, design, and source legend are no joke. So yeah, until a rider comes along that really catches my eye I'll go with him.

Caster: Solomon? This is another case of "I don't have any servants of this class that I particularly like so bleh" but Solomon is a servant that has been regarded among Fate fans for years as the most likely candidate for the strongest caster class servant, and it looks like they weren't wrong. He's been hyped for years now, and I was certainly among the crowd that were interested to see what he would be capable of. Cu Chulainn. Can't be arsed to say why but you all know I love him.

Assassin: Semiramis. Li Shuwen gets an honourable mention as a runner up ('cause that guy is crazy cool) but Semiramis is the one that takes Assassin home for me. I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her, but she's powerful, ambitious, driven, highly intelligent, and her Hanging Gardens of Babylon noble phantasm is downright insane. Plus there's the fact that she has the second oldest servant origin thus far, and is an assassin that uses magic. 10/10 for her design as well, that was on point and drew me right in from the get go. Semiramis is awesome.

Berserker: Lancelot. Berserker is a class in which I feel there aren't many "cool" servants, but Lancelot is definitely one. Just the way that he fights as an expert in all forms of warfare, even though he's absolutely insane is fantastic. His stats are also as crazy as his mental state when you factor in Protection of the Fairies, Arondight, and Mad Enhancement. They go right past Heracles, it's no wonder Kariya was drained when Lancelot pulled that sword out. Awesome design, awesome abilities, and my favorite Fate/Zero servant.

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