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Cleverest Nickname You've Come up With


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Noticed that pretty much everyone here nicknames their pokemon, I never did before reborn but I've had some fun coming up with them

So, what's your favorite nickname you've thought up?

mine: Mozilla (Delphox) cuz its a firefox, applies to ninetales too.
Nevermore (Honchkrow) "the raven" reference.
Sharknado (Sharpedo) not all that creative but I still like it.
Thanatos (spiritomb) The greek god of death, cool for any ghost type
Kevin (Durant) just had to do it.
Siddhartha (Medicham)

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I have the nicknames for my Reborn 'mons in my signature, but I'll list them here anyways :^) Most of them are jokes bc I don't take nicknaming seriously at all.

GottaGoFast (Blaziken) - Speed Boost, 'nuff said.

Kafka (Meowstic) - named after that German guy who wrote nightmare fuel novels.

No Hands (Noivern) - self explanatory.

Lord Helix (Omastar) - I'm sure everyone and their mothers gets the reference.

Happiness (Raichu) - a mockery bc leveling up the happiness stat so Pichu could evolve into Pikachu was painful and I barely had enough $ for a massage.

Thugnificent (Scrafty) - named after The Boondocks character, for obvious (and stereotypical) reasons.

Also in White 2 I have a Skarmory named MetaRidley and a Lapras named 5/100 (5%) bc I spent 3 hours under the village bridge trying to find and catch one.

Edited by Arisato
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Let's see. Most of my older pokemon were based on bands, but the only particularly creative one I can recall is a Kangaskhan named Princess, so named because her father was a Nidoking.

I also once had a Skarmory named Shin Kazama, a pilot from UN Squadron/Area 88.

As for the bandy ones, I had Manowar the Nidoking (who was once my namesake here) and Gamma Ray the Yanmega (before it was cool.) Pretty sure there were other band-based names, but I can't remember.

Then some of the older and more droll ones were BeoWolf the Arcanine, and Heavy Metal the Aggron.

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Gardevoir (F) & Gallade >> Artemis & Apollo, because twins

Starmie >> Disaster, because aster means star (or something like that)

Growlithe >> The Arsonist, because she set Shelly's gym on fire

Vulpix >> Summer, she brings the sunlight

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I had a Starmie called Pulsar (because a pulsar is a star that spins and emits beams of energy, like Starmie)

I also had a Ferrothorn called Tribulus, because that's not only the name of a thorny desert plant, but is also the Latin term for the caltrop, which is the pointy entry hazard in the move 'Spikes' which Ferrothorn has.

A bit nerdy, I guess, but they kinda make sense, right...?

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I am not creative with nicknames but i will nickname them regardless for the bonds between trainer and pokemon. I nickname my pokemon based on anime, manga and tv series characters and tropes, like my Noivern having Dothraki as its nickname(Game of Thrones) etc.

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I have so many good ones from my Alpha Sapphire game since I named all the mon i caught, hatched in my effort to catch them all. In it I named all my numel, camerupt after volcanoes, all my machop and tyrogue line mon after WWE wrestlers and kung-fu movie actors, and all my petilil, flowery mon after flowers. Here's a few of my faves:

Rocky Rhodes the vanilluxe

Rembrandt the Smeargle

Duke Poochum the Poochyena

Randy Orton the Seviper

Fiesta Time! the Ludicolo

Vesuvius the Camerupt

Zorua the Kecleon

Peyton Digby/Deleeleewoop the Kricketunes

Lil Wayne the Scraggy

John Hammond the Tyrunt

Goku the Infernape

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I am soooo uncreative so...

Mufasa for Pyroar - Lion king and all

Natsu for Chaizard - Fire and sexiness

Legend for Arcanine - It was meant to be the legendary Pokemon at first xD

Mrs. Volcano for Campturpt - Volcano on its back and it being female

Hell Hound for Houndoom - Self Explanatory

Slugger for Macargo - Slug n' all, ya know

(I am doing a fire mono run of Reborn)

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I hate making puns out of pokemon nicknames simply because I'd never even name my pets with such horrid names, nor would I wanna be named like that... So wellp, nothing to add here I guess :ph34r:

Or maybe just for the lulz

Let's mention the WT pokemon I once got

Ducess Puce the female rattata

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Victor for my Emboar, cuz Victoria

Jolyne for my Pangoro, for the glory of the Joestars

Fetus for my Solosis, just because

And finally,

Frisk for my Marowak in Insurgence, because she kicks more arse than my dang Nidoking

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i basically shitpost while making up nicknames except some and i always seem to name any kind of reptile starter after my bf because he likes those kind of animals

McSlugface - Gastrodon

10 nub steve - Starmie

Prickly/Beyblade - Ferrothorn

The Hand Man - Hoopa-Unbound

AAAAAAAH - Hippowdon/Skarmory

Peekaboo - Talonflame (after this video)

Fins - Garchomp

Maxe - Bisharp (idk???)

DISGUSTENG - Thundurus

:o - Gyarados

Nooterson - Empoleon

Smol - Excadrill

Lucariofan2001 - Lucario

Marbles - Heatran

knuck knuck its knockles - scizor (doesnt fit tho)

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