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[CW: Light Novel and Feedback] Heartless Souls: Requiem of Ages Past {New Chapter 5 now released!}

Raindrop Valkyrie

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I've decided to take a break from Dream for a bit since I'm not overly sure how to continue it at the moment. However, I also wanted to take a bit of a break from Graterras, a universe I've been writing in nearly 8 years now a world I've been created throughout my career in High School up until now.

I realize I start a lot of these CW things cause I'm bored... that's.... interesting I suppose XD. Today I wanted to play around more with the idea of Heartless Souls, my more recent entry in the RP forums, of stories from the perspectives of the Monsters in Fantasy rather than the people. Because let's face it, a lot of the time we're stuck on that side of the fence. We get to see the monsters but we never really get to see them made well... uncomfortably human. To the point we realize that they have lives, families feeling emotions,maybe like those of our own. This Idea I really really want to play around with toss around and see where it goes. because it's interesting to me. Stories that cast these types of characters always intrigue me. Medievil and oooooold game about a Knight who was disgracefully killed in the first battle of a war redeeming himself, Undertale ((pretty sure I don't have to say what this is right now.)), and things like the Light Novel and it's anime adaption by Madhouse... Overlord. It's an idea that just really has a lot of room to be played with and I find it interesting enough to write about.

For those that are particpating in the RP... don't worry this probably won't affect it a hell of a lot but might explain some things about how Castle DOur came to be and ideas in the Monster Culture that I may mention. However this tale takes place before Dour even existed so it's a looooooooooooooooong time ago. It could still possibly have a profound effect on the RP though if you guys would like.

Shameless Self-Plug for the RP ((look... it's my thread and they are related so...deal with it.))

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Link for the OOC of the RP: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18950

Plot Synopsis: Under construction, I''m waiting until it has a significant bulk to put this together.

Story Link: -> Click here to reeeeeeeeead it!!! <-

((Chapters are in order. the full file is at the end.))

Current Chapter: 5, The Pause of Heartache, When the World Stops.

Next Chapter: 6, Untitled

Estimated Completion of Next Chapter: Honestly, after the last time I have no idea. I'm hoping that I can speed up my time between chapters though... so I'll be hopeful and say a week, but I dunno really.

Feel free to leave your feedback I'd love to see it and it could really help me improve! Please post it in this thread. I will be handling it here. Also feel free to discuss the work here as well XD. I'm probably not going to give a lot of answers but I would be more than happy to answer questions as I see them ((but not give so concrete an answer you can't sorta figure things out your way and take away something unique form the Experience.)) Tell me what characters you like, who you don't like what you think may happen etc... ((and yea right now it's early so I get there's not a lot to go on right now XD.)). Just have some fun! ((Besides, it might gimme some sweet ideas/springboards for later use or to use in other things I write!))

For now, Hukuna Sensei... out~

Much Important!!!!

Typo Rule: If you notice typos... TELL ME WHERE THEY ARE. Ahem... not yelling, just need to make sure that is clear. I don't remember every single line of this work by heart and I certainly can't easily fix them if you just say, "There's Typos!" and then precede to not give me any information. If you're going to bring them up tell me where they are etc... ((especially since I at times utilize false typos, Usually in dialogue text most commonly so it's a bit tough for me to discern if you mean those, or you mean actual ones.)) So, if you are going to bring up typos point out where they are somehow that I can easily discern where they are. If you want to pm me a big old list of stuff like that's filled with them do that as well, that way I can easily correct for errors and get them squared away if they are actually typos etc... But seriously, no more "eh, there's lot's of typos", cause that isn't helpful to me. It just tells me they are there. I'd rather not comb through the entire piece to find them ((especially since I'm pretty bad at noticing them at times.))

In Short, if you're going to comment on typos tell me where they are located. Thank you. Even a small amount of information would be more helpful then just mentioning they exist and sending me on a wild goose chase. If you help me box them quickly... well I can get back to writing more of this for you guys.


So, I've got myself an Editor now, who's mostly, going to make sure my releases are less typo ridden messes of stuff. Weeeeeeeeeee! Anyway she so kindly offered to help me out on that front so, I hope that this will make future releases a loooooot less laden with errors etc. Please do remember that it's thanks to her that I'll be able to maintain a higher quality in my releases but also have more time for them as well making it much easier for me to get new updates out quicker.

So, put your hands together for the editor on this project Rosesong~

The above typo rule still applies. Still PM me about it if you feel the need to do that rather than in the thread for whatever reason. Thanks you for your time and I hope you enjoy the story.


Below is housed a empty sheet for the purposes of well... picking your brains a bit. For those that do read Heartless, I'd ask you take a few minutes to answer this sheet for me. It'd be just divine lol. It will really help me out and help me to get a bearing on what people are feeling etc... I'm not going to ask that you update it every chapter ((that'd be a little crazy of me.)) but I'd certianly like folks to fill it out at leeeeast once. Seriously, it's means a bunch to me if you would take the time to quickly fill this out for me when you've just came off reading the story., or let it simmer a bit to think on it. Either way, I'd love if you guys did this for me. Thanks. Hukuna Sensei, Out~

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Woo! More Heartless Souls content for my reading pleasure~

I really enjoyed getting a lil more background on the Free Races and the Damned, it's really interesting to think that the Underdark tried to work out a compromise with the humans. But I guess we know how that turns out, huh?

One thing thou, I noticed quite a bit of typos throughout the story that you might want to go back and skim through the chapter to fix, but other than that it was a nice job. Can't wait to read more about Heartless Souls' history.

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Weird, other than stuff I intentionally did, I've not really seen any. ((Like example a lot of Amelia's speech pattern is deblirate. Like Meself, she's supposed to say it that way. Like that is done that way to make it easier to tell it's her talking and not Ivo, but aslo since it's a more rural area so I din't want them to speak all proper-like))

EDIT: And yea, after running the spell checker and combing through it twice, I didn't find any but those I intentionally did but 1. ((which was I put an a rather than an s at the end of a sorts.))

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By the way if you see them in speech one can assume I'm probably doing it on purpose ((there'll be some that aren't though I think it'll be obvi when they are just flat wrong though XD.)),

Also, feel free to pm me like a biiiiig old message of all the ones you happen to find in a Chapter if you want. Typos... sorta go everywhere for me...and I miss them a lot cause I'm just uuuugh bad at that stuff. so Yea Always feel free to point them out. I need the help I can get in that department. ((if I was an actual writer, whatever poor soul was my editor would hate me. Sadly that's still true cause I have to edit my own stuff and I hate me so, we covered I guess XD>))

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This was great. First time in a while I've enjoyed reading that's not in an RP. x3 Well technically it is related to an RP but those are minor details :Pwell not really minor since it's based in the same world as the RP, don't ruin this Q~Q

For some reason I really enjoy reading Ironheart's lines. I don't know why I find it weird I just do. Also Astor seems like an interesting lizard dude. Personally, while I think Ivo is interesting, I'm more curious about Astor and Ironheart. Though it seems like Ironheart won't be that important to the story line. Hopefully I'm wrong! ^__^

Anyways, you've done a great job and I can't wait to read more~

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  On 1/7/2016 at 6:12 AM, EXLink32 said:

This was great. First time in a while I've enjoyed reading that's not in an RP. x3 Well technically it is related to an RP but those are minor details :Pwell not really minor since it's based in the same world as the RP, don't ruin this Q~Q

Well that's good. It it might be based in the same World doesn't mean you have to really play in the RP to enjoy it, at least imo XD.

  On 1/7/2016 at 6:12 AM, EXLink32 said:

For some reason I really enjoy reading Ironheart's lines. I don't know why I find it weird I just do. Also Astor seems like an interesting lizard dude. Personally, while I think Ivo is interesting, I'm more curious about Astor and Ironheart. Though it seems like Ironheart won't be that important to the story line. Hopefully I'm wrong! ^__^

I'm not entirely sure on Ironheart, I've not really planned that far ahead. The way I write tends to be more free form and I plan as I go. It feels more organic to me moreso then other types of writing. So I don't plan out a lot ahead of time. I like to flow around and do as I like and really take the story somewhere interesting and what not while I go. I plan out some things in my head for sure, but typically I end up going with my gut and if something feels go in the moment I write that! I wouldn't say Amelia has 0 chances of seeing more use for this reason. I could have her show up again. But honestly right now I couldn't tell you even if I wanted to if she'd pop back up. Mostly for the reason that well, I've not planned that out yet. SO I'm just as in the dark as you are in that regard XD. Which for me unlike a lot of other writers, is that's fun as hell to me. I love not knowing and figuring it out. It's like a puzzle to me, so it's really great and I enjoy that mystery.

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So, I have completed the 2nd chapter. ((Yea that was fast for once.)) But its because I legitimately am enjoying writing this little series. It's a very fun series for me to write for certain. It's a bit low energy for me as well since the characters are of a type I like to right. Maybe they aren't super duper original on my part, but they are still pretty fun and enjoyable for me to write as of now. So, anyway without further ado, I hope you enjoy the next Chapter. All you need to do is go to the link it's been updated already! You can just scroll done past Chapter one it starts at page 9! I'd love to know what you thought of it, maybe how you thought the character felt etc... I'll warn ya this is a pretty Conversation based chapter in fact it's entirely just conversation. So, I hope you are okay with that sort of stuff XD. Anyway, do enjoy and tell me what you think. Hukuna-Sensei out~

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Finally finished reading it. Yay~

Anyways, this chapter was good. A little more slower pace and more character development than the other chapter. It's interesting seeing the bond between Astor and Ivo grow. I can see Astor's killer instinct becoming a problem later on, heck it could be daid it already has after he cut Ironheart's arm off. x3 Same with Ivo's carring personality. I don't think anyone I know would burst into tears after hearing Astor's story, which IMO seemed a little over the top. But all in all they both seem very interesting

Great work, I loved it!~ ^_^

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  On 1/11/2016 at 2:35 PM, EXLink32 said:

Finally finished reading it. Yay~

Anyways, this chapter was good. A little more slower pace and more character development than the other chapter. It's interesting seeing the bond between Astor and Ivo grow. I can see Astor's killer instinct becoming a problem later on, heck it could be daid it already has after he cut Ironheart's arm off. x3 Same with Ivo's carring personality. I don't think anyone I know would burst into tears after hearing Astor's story, which IMO seemed a little over the top. But all in all they both seem very interesting

Great work, I loved it!~ ^_^

Keep in mind they've been working together for a looooooong time. Like going on a few years at this point. It wasn't until now she really confronted him about what she believes is him throwing his life away to something he doesn't want to do. She knows that he left his tribe before in his life to get away from being what he was, and Ivo, feels guilty for what she believed to be her misunderstanding what he wanted. ((the funny thing is, Astor sees the reverse. He though she tricked him.)), After years of seeing that person every single day of your life ((because he's your bodyguard he's always around you.)) if you felt guilty about forcing him into something you thought he didn't want, and you could see how much pain he was in anytime he had to do something like that, ((there's a reason he instantly regretted doing what he did to Ironheart, he knew it was wrong.)), I'd think you'd get pretty emotional when after all the years the built up emotions came flowing out when you finally confronted that person about it.

Keep in mind, it's also hard to flip between two characters minds in a conversation like that, so it'd be hard for me to get across just how Ivo was feeling without showing it. Because I wasn't writing the scene from her point of view. It was from Astor's. So, I have to show more outward things to get it across that Ivo is clearly upset because she thinks Astor is wasting his life doing things that she knows he doesn't enjoy and that she feels highly guilty about it because it's her fault he is stuck where he is. So, I think it's pretty logical she would, it was a release of emotion that had pent up for muuuuuuuch too long because she just couldn't talk to him about it until now. So, I had to make sure the reader knew this despite not seeing everything the two had been through. It was very very justified for that to happen. Trust me on that part.

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  On 1/11/2016 at 3:27 PM, Hukuna Fulmine said:

Keep in mind they've been working together for a looooooong time. Like going on a few years at this point. It wasn't until now she really confronted him about what she believes is him throwing his life away to something he doesn't want to do. She knows that he left his tribe before in his life to get away from being what he was, and Ivo, feels guilty for what she believed to be her misunderstanding what he wanted. ((the funny thing is, Astor sees the reverse. He though she tricked him.)), After years of seeing that person every single day of your life ((because he's your bodyguard he's always around you.)) if you felt guilty about forcing him into something you thought he didn't want, and you could see how much pain he was in anytime he had to do something like that, ((there's a reason he instantly regretted doing what he did to Ironheart, he knew it was wrong.)), I'd think you'd get pretty emotional when after all the years the built up emotions came flowing out when you finally confronted that person about it.

Keep in mind, it's also hard to flip between two characters minds in a conversation like that, so it'd be hard for me to get across just how Ivo was feeling without showing it. Because I wasn't writing the scene from her point of view. It was from Astor's. So, I have to show more outward things to get it across that Ivo is clearly upset because she thinks Astor is wasting his life doing things that she knows he doesn't enjoy and that she feels highly guilty about it because it's her fault he is stuck where he is. So, I think it's pretty logical she would, it was a release of emotion that had pent up for muuuuuuuch too long because she just couldn't talk to him about it until now. So, I had to make sure the reader knew this despite not seeing everything the two had been through. It was very very justified for that to happen. Trust me on that part.

Oh, I thought they just began their journey. Misunderstanding on my part. >_<

If they were as you say, then yes it would make sense.

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Other than my personal bias against starting with the action (or dialogue in this case) then building the setting from it's not a bad start. I kind of got out of class early and had nothing better to do so...I decided to read a bit of this. And yes, I can see the typos here and they are strong (most are pretty obvious so I won't try to point them all out). This line's my favorite to poke fun of though:

*Click* The blade hit its sheathe with a mechanical click as it locked back in place.

Nothing is particulary wrong here, but mechanical click is redundant as the following sentence should be describing the clicking sound (aka removing with a mechanical click will let the sentence read a lot better).

I'll get to finishing the chapter before continuing my comments, but it seems my old writing habits die hard (I used to do a ton of critiquing a few years back so...it's a bit of a bad habit to do this).

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I personally did that to make it confusing for the person reading it, so that they were feeling what the humans were feeling to some degree. Because they were definitely confused startled etc... by Monsters showing up and then trying to talk to them, so for the reader it was meant to make the fact that he moved and cut off her arm take them a little more off guard.

And yea I see your point there. ((and personally, I'd rather like if you just sent me a pm with all the typos so that I can fix them XD. I'm not really the best at noticing them at times.)) is a taaaad awkward of a line for suuuuure. probably will change that lol.

EDIT: I did a little bit of line clean ups for Chapter 1. Mostly general flow stuff the idea hasn't changed at all. It's just to make it read better.

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Oh Huk, don't take the personal bias thing about how it starts to heart. It's just seen it done so many time horribly that I don't care to see it all that often (and it leaves a lot of confusion and not in a good way). If I found something wrong, I would've said something. (And trust me, that is nothing compared to when I see someone use present tense. You do not want me to go on a rant about that).

And as for typos, you'll have to forgive me as it's just a general rule for me not to do super simply one like a missed capitalization and only point out easily missed or jarring ones like that *Clink* one I mentioned in my previous comment. If I had a dollar for every person who wanted me to point out their typos because they were too damn lazy to proofread through their work, I wouldn't have a part time job. I also did catch on to the dialogue as I kind of know when something is an error and when it isn't there. It used to be my strong suit after all. I'll PM a couple to you when I notice them (after Rose does it though).

I must say I really like the clash of personalities between Ivo and Aster. I'm enjoying what I'm reading, but I never really judge a book by it's first chapter. I'll try to read chapter two sometime tomorrow...well technically today but you get the idea.

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  On 1/12/2016 at 7:03 AM, Commander said:

And as for typos, you'll have to forgive me as it's just a general rule for me not to do super simply one like a missed capitalization and only point out easily missed or jarring ones like that *Clink* one I mentioned in my previous comment. If I had a dollar for every person who wanted me to point out their typos because they were too damn lazy to proofread through their work, I wouldn't have a part time job. I also did catch on to the dialogue as I kind of know when something is an error and when it isn't there. It used to be my strong suit after all. I'll PM a couple to you when I notice them (after Rose does it though).

Of course but with me, it's not that I'm lazy and don't want to do it, it's just legitimately hard for me to. Like I'm just very bad at spelling etc and I have trouble with it at times since I don't notice them. ((despite how stupid it'll sound it's hard for me to see a capital H and notice it's not supposed to be capital.)) I actually did a few proofread checks myself and boooooooooom still a lot of them. So... I jsut very awful at it. There's a reason I personally say that I value Substance/message over proper grammar etc. One being that I legitimately believe that, but 2 because it is pretty difficult for me to weed all that stuff out. It's always been an issue for me. Like always with typing. I actually only type them up cause it's convenient for sharing. I much prefer hand writing my stuff since I can't make those errors anywhere near as often. ((however, then I get a lot of spelling errors... since... I spell by ear and not remembrance. Like I sound out the word rather then commit it's spelling to mind and I've always been that way. Memorization is just really freaking hard for me, and there's a reason I always say my memory is bad... because it is legitimately bad lol.)) So for me I really really do actually need the help on it. Because I have a lot of trouble and struggle with it. I'm probably going to be the only writer on the planet who will eeeeeeeeeeeeeever admit that that, but it is true. There's a reason I hated that they always graded on correctness rather than substance in school, because I was constantly told "If this didn't have any mistakes it'd be more than A worthy." and to me that was saying, "You got your message across crystal clear and it was a good read, buuuuuuut because you made a single typo all of your work doesn't matter." That always pissed me off. Because I always hands down had the best work out of pretty much my entire class, and because I made a little mistake it would be invalidated almost entirely. I was sick of my papers being an example of work that people should do, and also told that at the same time it didn't deserve the highest grade. It was infuriating to me lol. Because it's legit an issue I've always had and struggled with. I was put on a pedestal but then told I didn't deserve to be there constantly. It was really, really annoying and was the epitome of mixed signals.

But yea, I totally understand why you don't it's not hard feeling or anything it's just sooooomething I suuuuper struggle with so it's frustrating to me. I need the help at times. Since it's difficult for me lol. It's mostly why Rose offered to help me out in the first place since I was talking about it to her ((and a few other folks)), but it was of her own volition I didn't ask her too XD. She just wanted to help me out.

  On 1/12/2016 at 7:03 AM, Commander said:

Oh Huk, don't take the personal bias thing about how it starts to heart. It's just seen it done so many time horribly that I don't care to see it all that often (and it leaves a lot of confusion and not in a good way). If I found something wrong, I would've said something. (And trust me, that is nothing compared to when I see someone use present tense. You do not want me to go on a rant about that).

I didn't, I was just commenting why I did it in case you didn't know. That and I like to explain why I did something. In that instance confusion was important to get across how the scene should feel, and to make that part where he slices of her arm even that much more confusing for the reader. Since it just happens and you've got no idea why. It make you think Astor might be a terrible terrible character and then it switches the perspective to him directly for a moment after it happens while he laments that decision. It makes a sorta emotional roller coaster, from confusion, to shock, to maybe a bit of symphony. All without needing to show how it escalated to that. It's a attempt to hook people in after all. They don't have the full of what's going on, they'll want to know.

I can definitely see how people do it wrong as it's done wrong often, it's usually a mess and chaotic, but when you need to sow chaos it's perfect because the confusion makes real tension and it makes it easier to get a reaction to something. It's about using your tools in scene set-up correctly.

  On 1/12/2016 at 7:03 AM, Commander said:

I must say I really like the clash of personalities between Ivo and Aster. I'm enjoying what I'm reading, but I never really judge a book by it's first chapter. I'll try to read chapter two sometime tomorrow...well technically today but you get the idea.

That's what honestly makes them interesting to me. They are a lot like my other characters in ways and they aren't anything personality wise, off the wall. However, they are forced into dealing with each other and it's the tension and dynamic created between them that makes them very fun to write.

  On 1/12/2016 at 4:08 AM, Rosesong said:

Kuna, you're too nice to me. As for those of you that are reading this project. I will be proofreading this story tomorrow, so don't comment about typos until Wednesday. Thanks!

It's impossible to be too nice to someone lol. Besides you really really helping me out, like immensely. Means the world to me, so thanks lol <3

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Whew that's a lot of background knowledge in a single chapter, but I suppose it works in your favor here. Still, I'll wait until seeing the third chapter before giving out my complete thoughts (one thing I've learned is to never really judge a story until you get really deep into it). I PM'd you all the little comments stuff (curse you no copy and past abilities), but I'd say it was kind of lackluster on my behalf there. But yeah, you've got yourself another reader here.

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Nooooo problem. Here's hopin' I get the next chapter out pretty quick for ya then lol. I'm going to take a break for today while we get a bit of editing going and then I'll get back onto Chapter 3. Alright? Alriiiiiiight.

Probably be a biiiiit more background since I plan to write the next Chapter more from Ivo's perspective. I kinda want to be able to flop between the two. We'll see if I end up keeping it that way or not though.

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As a note regarding the proofreading to anyone that may have comments: I fix common spelling, capitalization, grammar, and punctuation errors while keeping the integrity of the style that Kuna writes in. All sentence structures are left intact solely for that purpose

Also, I am human and miss things ^^;

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Alrighty, major proofreading of the first Two Chapters completed ((Thanks to Rose~ <3)) and some Flow and wording edits have been done for most of Chapters 1 and 2. There's a few pages that haven't been done yet for Chapter 2 I think it's the last 4 pages just since it was getting late and me and Rose had to get to sleep lol. But yea for the most part we got a bunch of work done and smoothed out a lot of the lines making them a lot less clunky. Hope that really improves the feel of this first two Chapters for the REaders. I'm going to get back to some more work on Chapter 3 and square away some more of it.

Fun Fact: The pronunciation of the Town name Grownever can be either of the more common ones I'm sure people have thought of. Whether you say Grown Ever, or Grow Never ((personally, I say it Grow Never)), as either way the joke I'm going for works. Since "Has anything Grown ever?" or the idea that nothing ever grows there. ((Grow Never.)) Hence why they had a huge grasp on the FIshing, and hunting spots in the area. Because they cannot actually grow food ((it's a pretty shitty situation for them since they are trying to get it so that things will etc.)) since I'm not sure I'll revisit it to much thought it might be fun to explain that name since I kinda liked it XD. We'll see if we revisit it though, we'll see. I don't got 100% of this bad boy planned to I don't even know the future or path it will take. It's kinda fun for me though, since I could go anywhere! Weeeee!

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  • 3 weeks later...

ALright, now the 3rd Chapter has been released! It was a bit long coming so I hope I haven't lost you guys too much here. Anyway, please thank Miss Rose for doing wonderfully on the editing job on such short notice so I could really get this out nice and quick! I realy hope you enjoy the chapter and I hope you give it a read. Please, let me know your thoughts on it~

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  • 3 weeks later...

Chapter 4 has now been released ((probably will announce it a few times since I finished at night again so yea... wanna make sure folks see it and what not so bleeeeh gotta do all that junk again XD.)) anyway, thanks to Rose again for helping me edit up the Chapter and get it to top quality beofre releasing it to the public. You're really a great help, thank you so much~

Now, please, do enjoy. And tell me what you think! I really want to know that you guys think of the new chapter and stuff.

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  • 1 month later...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! new chapter! ANyway, it's pretty nice to have gotten the time to write this... thinking this is one of my favourties chapters of soemthing I've written in awhile. I just really like this one personally. It feels like I did a pretty good job on it. I honestly have no earthly idea, but eh... I feel like I did pretty well for a change. Anyway, feel free to discuss! ((and of course give me some criticism.))

Oh and for those that have been reading my stuff ((or playing in it for that matter.)) back since the Original Graterras days... well I got a little treat for you. I hope you enjoy it XD>

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just cause I'm curious... and would like to see what people are thinking, I've been thinking of doing a questionnaire on Heartless, and... despite the fact no one will probably ever take the time to fill this out... eh.... I'm doing it anyway. I feel like picking your guys brains and seeing what you think of stuff. So, I'm going to write up a few question here ((and maybe add a poll for some of the more interesting things.))

Question 1: Which character is your favourite so far and why are they your favourite?

Question 2: Who is your least favourite character so far and why?

Question 3: Which Chapter ((of the current written ones)) is your favourite, and why?

Question 4: Which Chapter is your least favourite and why?

Question 5: What character would you like to see more of, and why?

Question 6: What in this world would you like to learn more about, and why?

Question 7: What do you think of the dynamic between Ivo and Astor? Does it feel interesting, real etc?

Question 8: What do you think of my Writing style in general? What do you think it does well, not so well etc...?

Question 9: What do you think I can improve on in coming chapters?

Question 10: What would you like to see in the future? ((basically, where would you like to see the story head.))

Question 11: If a character were to die... who do you think it would be? Why?

Question 12: Which character is the most interesting to you? ((doesn't need to be your favourite, though it very well could be.))

Question 13: Which character is the least interesting to you?

Question 14: What do you like most about the setting? ((I know it's probably a bit sparse at the mooooment... but I'd still lvoe to know what you think.))

Question 15: What do you like least about the setting?

Question 16: In Chapter 5, I shifted the perspective from Ivo and Astor to a different character, did this feel unwelcome, or was it a welcome change of pace? ((Please, if you do answer this one, explain thoroughly. No single words, or one liners lol.))

Question 17: What character do you consider to be the main protagonist? Why? ((acceptable answer is possibly one than character.))

Question 18: Do you think I'm rolling out updates to slowly, or do you feel they are decently paced, or somewhere in-between?

Question 19: ((Moreso for funsies, feel free to skip.)), Have you read Dream on Another Shore? a.k.a, my other CW forum project. If so, briefly... what did you think of it?

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  On 4/5/2016 at 9:45 AM, Hukuna Fulmine said:

Just cause I'm curious... and would like to see what people are thinking, I've been thinking of doing a questionnaire on Heartless, and... despite the fact no one will probably ever take the time to fill this out... eh.... I'm doing it anyway. I feel like picking your guys brains and seeing what you think of stuff. So, I'm going to write up a few question here ((and maybe add a poll for some of the more interesting things.))

Question 1: Which character is your favourite so far and why are they your favourite?

Question 2: Who is your least favourite character so far and why?

Question 3: Which Chapter ((of the current written ones)) is your favourite, and why?

Question 4: Which Chapter is your least favourite and why?

Question 5: What character would you like to see more of, and why?

Question 6: What in this world would you like to learn more about, and why?

Question 7: What do you think of the dynamic between Ivo and Astor? Does it feel interesting, real etc?

Question 8: What do you think of my Writing style in general? What do you think it does well, not so well etc...?

Question 9: What do you think I can improve on in coming chapters?

Question 10: What would you like to see in the future? ((basically, where would you like to see the story head.))

Question 11: If a character were to die... who do you think it would be? Why?

Question 12: Which character is the most interesting to you? ((doesn't need to be your favourite, though it very well could be.))

Question 13: Which character is the least interesting to you?

Question 14: What do you like most about the setting? ((I know it's probably a bit sparse at the mooooment... but I'd still lvoe to know what you think.))

Question 15: What do you like least about the setting?

Question 16: In Chapter 5, I shifted the perspective from Ivo and Astor to a different character, did this feel unwelcome, or was it a welcome change of pace? ((Please, if you do answer this one, explain thoroughly. No single words, or one liners lol.))

Question 17: What character do you consider to be the main protagonist? Why? ((acceptable answer is possibly one than character.))

Question 18: Do you think I'm rolling out updates to slowly, or do you feel they are decently paced, or somewhere in-between?

Question 19: ((Moreso for funsies, feel free to skip.)), Have you read Dream on Another Shore? a.k.a, my other CW forum project. If so, briefly... what did you think of it?

Let me get back to you on question 1-17 later, i am still on chapter 3 OTL, about question 18, i think your progress is decently paced, good work takes time, question 19, not yet, will do after i finish Heartless Souls

Edited by TimTim
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