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[Resolved] How do I beat Aya?

Cool Girl

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How do I beat her, I've tried so many times! Help! Here's my team, so far:


Adamant Nature

Ability: Speed Boost


Blaze Kick

Bulk Up

Double Kick



Brave Natue

Ability: Guts


Baby Doll-Eyes


Feint Attack



Adamant Nature

Ability: Motor Drive



Electro Ball


Volt Switch

Let me know what I should do!

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Firstly, there is a thread for gym leader help so if you need help with any other leaders post it there.

In terms of how to beat Aya, the first thing I would say is get more pokemon. You've gotten to a point in the game where Blaziken can't just sweep through teams and you realistically are going to need more than 3 pokemon in the game.

In terms of a pokemon for Aya specifically, I would consider gothitelle. You can get a gothitha back in the Beryl mansion and psychic type pokemon are really helpful against Aya. Her Drapion won't be effected by it though so you'll need something to deal with it.

A camperupt wouldn't be a bad idea as it has lots of moves that can hit both opponents and could be very helpful against venusaur. It would be a little less helpful with its ground as some of those moves get reduced by the wasteland field (although not all of them).

But pretty much, get yourself more pokemon and you should have an easier time.

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Okay! I'll put Gothitelle on my team as support until I get more pokémon. The reason I don't have a lot of pokemon right now is because I'm doing a kind of challenge run where the only Pokémon I can use are event pokémon. Still, thank you for your advice. I appreciate it!

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Female Meowstic puts in work with psychic, found in the house where you have to pay the street rat to access.

Adding on to the Camerupt point, it learns Earth Power which is not resisted by the field, so that may be useful too. it's found next to the Peridot Train Station when it's rainy/stormy and you have to have a PokeSnax in your bag

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By winning.

Nah but seriously, those three seem decent (especially Guts Facade Ursaring), but you need a full team of six in order to stand a reasonable chance against most of the boss battles in this game.

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If you stun tent in the beginning and bulk up blaze then you may stand a decent chance but yeah more mons more fun. Head back to the beryl ward and do the growlithe egg event. You could get a pretty decent mon from the egg ranging from azurill to the ever so dangerous Axew.

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