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etrian odyssey untold series


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alraune monsterwaifu 4 laifu its good i like it tho they did the grimore system better in the second game then the first tho, and from what im told the true floor 30 final boss in eou2 is so much weaker, mostly to make dlc floor 31 boss seem like true final boss (i cant say personally i havent fought ether of them)

also, from my personal experience, they made the stratum bosses even more tougher in eou2 then in the original (cant say about eou, never played it past 3rd floor lol). and they added a new gimmick to the dragon fights. fuck that gimmick.

what settings are you playing on (baby shit easy/standard/expert, story/classic[party?]), just curious?

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I liked EOU1, until I changed the doctors class. I figured "Hey, it's ok, I'll use items to heal or simply blitz the enemy after buffing" (I think I turned him into a bard). So I took the plunge, dropped him X amount of levels and then found out I would have to grind him up again because even in the level twenties he could do jackshit to help the party. Combined with the Ant queen to fight and the general difficulty spike of the third stratum, ended up dropping the game.

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i play both games in standard and i started both games in story mode

I am so close to starting a classic and an expert run of the first one but there is like one tiny thing stopping me from having 100 percent map completion even though all 30 floors have golden stairs

why did you stop playing the first one nico and dobby I am sorry the game was too difficult for you from my experience changing a class of a character in the main party especially in story can make the game a little harder also the third stratum what about it besides the ant queen was hard

Edited by nepeta100
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i think for map completion you have to light up the entire room map and draw most of it

and i did finish eou on standard (beat true yggdrasil cord fight on picnic, and it was actually hard and my girls were lvl 97, granted not retired yet) and yee besides ant queen and probable some other bosses it wasnt entirely difficult. thinking about going back to it on story mode expert one day.

also i personally think change classes in eou story mode (at least before beating main game) is nono just because i feel wall/medic/elemental attacker is much needed for first timers, unless you got grimore stones to cover what's needed since sometimes normal items wont cover what you need in a fight. if you need simon to do something else then try getting some attacking/buffing/debuffing grimores from enemies.

and also hyped for eov coming in whenever because there's literally no news on it besides announcement.

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so compared to the post game dragons in the first game how would you say the ones in the second untold game compare

also would you agree that blizzard king is the hardest of the three in the first untold game

Edited by nepeta100
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I stopped because each battle became a boring bout of flailing against the enemy. Plus, once you explore a floor it gets real boring just grinding against one enemy again and again and again

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eou2 dragons are tougher since in eou2 they have a core (with 10,000 hp from what i read) that comes up around when they lose about 1/3 of their health and every turn they do all party elemental attack and at first its not too bad of damage but the more turns it's alive the more damage it does, and it basically becomes another (elemental) torrent every turn, meaning that you need 2 people with the elemental walls to be able to live when the dragon uses their torrent move and the core's. but on the plus side, i noticed that drake's mirror shield is only use in eou2 right after the second ice torrent and never used again (dont take this to heart i only keep getting to about 1/3 of its hp left because fucking wail puts flavio to sleep when i need him to ice wall against core's move so i cant for sure if he ever uses it again, and accelerate has priority over this so in some fights for me it basically becomes a free turn).

and yes drake's fight is the toughest in eou only because of mirror shield but it's easier once you learned the pattern.

and i understand that grindy feel you feel sometimes but even then i feel like the boss fights are great enough to make grinding worth it maybe because getting your ass beat by the boss is a worst feeling then grinding for me. if there's still difficulty in the boss then learn the bosses weaknesses then rest your characters and put skill points into what'll be good in that fight, because it might not be levels but the skills you have (its annoying, even more at higher levels, but it makes such a huge difference i couldn't have done final eou2 story boss fight without doing that).

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i'll add on more with after the ending/final boss fight of eou2 it really pisses me off because (w/o spoilers) thing happens and then they go do thing and then it starts you out in town like normal and nothing happened and i feel like i was missing some story there


knight gets blasted off again after that sweet 2nd fight with ygg cord where he op af and then after all credits i think it shows the rest of the crew going to find knight and then after that its boop back to city and nothing is mentioned about what happened (i cant remember 100% im sure its something like this)

also off topic but im curious on what changes they'll make with eou3, assuming it gets remade, since there was subclassing, 4 floor labyrinths, an entire sea sidequests to do, 3 different story endings, and also how amazing calling that detestable name and end of raging waves sound remade (not including emd, and raging waves got remade for eo4 and it was amazing so can that be topped i wonder). in case you couldnt tell im a big fan of the music of this series.

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thats really unfortunate that the movie cutscenes are like that in this game i also really like the music in this game I have only played the untold series games currently my favorite as of now would be battlefields awakening

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i feel the same way the only cutscene i liked is when arianna looked like the purest of cinnamon rolls. and yee the true final boss usually have the best music in the game (tho the only ones that do are from eo3 eou (two if you count MIKE) and eou2 but only for story final boss of ygg cord).

spoilerish music complainant about last fights in the game

it sucks in eou2 since ur-child has heaven's governor instead of last battle and even the dlc final boss has heaven's governor too so now the only time you ever hear last battle is phase one of Overlord and that shit dont last more then like 5-8 turns. and personally i like the remake of last battle more then heaven's governor but vice versa in the original game

also shiver is the best music in eo2 (but better in the original game then the fm version in eou2)

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