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Who is your Pikachu


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I'd say Mismagius or Sharpedo..~ (Mono Ghost and Mono Dark)

And on the games...

Platinum; Luxray (Damian)

Soul Silver; Ampharos (Amphy)

White; Zebstrika (Sebastian)

...It seems that I love my Electric type pokémon..~ ; v ;

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  • 5 months later...

I used to use Zoroark as lead, but it was risky. so I switched him with Scrafty. In the games, I loved having the starter as lead. I always trained with just my starter, but now, I've been kinder to my other pokemon. On occasions, I put Darkrai in lead, too.

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  • 2 months later...

Mamoswine. I picked up that tub of lard when doing research for a good set when the male-only verson was first released via password on PGL. Since then it's been on practically every one of my teams, usually as a lead.

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Fuck that joke it was never funny in the start.

Dude, that remark doesn't belong here. At all.

Anyway, Zebstrika has snuck into the list of Pikachus for me. So Butterfree, Heracross, Blaziken, Probopass, and Zebstrika.

I should make a team out of that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Online, any Pokemon that I've deemed reliable and trustworthy over my battling career. That said: Fuu, Nova, Dante and Astaroth (Crobat, Jolteon, Donphan, Houndoom). Those guys always seem to come through in the clutch when I need them to, taking hits they shouldn't have survived or pulling off incredible sweeps. That or just getting the crit when it matters most. My little Fuu is especially good at that <3

Out of every Pokemon of my favorite type (Ground), probably my Flygon, Jade, or Dante again.

If I were to live in the Pokeworld there'd be no doubt about it: My first and favorite Pokemon, Charizard. Maybe a Venusaur if someone got to the flaming lizard before me. And if neither is available, I'mma get mahself a Zubat.

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Oh, we're doing online, too? Fine.

In 3rd gen it was Salamence hands down. It crushed everything. The only thing that was crushed in 4th gen was my heart when Salamence was banned, but I found another awesome Pokemon in Espeon, who oddly had been chilling in NU. 5th gen rolled around, Salamence wasn't banned, they both got kickass new abilities, and it was all swish.

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