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Nim's (Mis)Adventures in the Reborn Region (A Psychic-type Hardcore Monotype Run)

Lord Chespin

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So, in case you haven't noticed, Version 7 of Pokemon Rejuvenation is almost out. So, in the spirit of the game, I decided to do a psychic-type monotype run... as Nim! Yes, I actually edited the files so I can play as Nim. Here, look:



So, yeah. Just think of this as clones, or an alternate timeline, or whatever you want to believe. All I know is, I'm gonna have a bad time with Luna, Shade, and Shelly.

Anyway, here's the team so far:

655.pngHarry (Male) - Lv. 56

308.pngDhalsim (Male) - Lv. 56

282.pngEbony (Female) - Lv. 57

344.pngStarman (Non-binary) - Lv. 55

678.pngRon (Male) - Lv. 55

576.pngDraco (Male) - Lv. 56

Here's the Pokemon in the PC:

097.pngNeville (Male) - Lv. 33

337.pngLuna (Non-binary) - Lv. 28

326.pngChubb (Female) - Lv. 37

122.pngGinny (Female) - Lv. 44

518.pngFlak (Female) - Lv. 45

124.pngElsa (Female) - Lv. 55

121.pngShepherd (Non-binary) - Lv. 55

528.pngHermonie (Female) - Lv. 55

Here's the bosses Nim has to fight:

101.pngJulia (Defeated!)

346.pngFlorina (Defeated!)

169.pngCorey (Defeated!)

313.pngShelly (Defeated... Miraculously!)

609.pngShade (Defeated... Somehow!)

308-m.pngKiki (Defeated!)

445.pngSolaris (Defeated!)

691.pngAya (Defeated!)

478.pngSerra (Defeated!)

036.pngNoel (Defeated!)

493-fairy.pngEl (Defeated!)

282-m.pngRandomus (Defeated!)

Spr_3r_000.pngLuna (Undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngSampson (Undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngCharlotte (Undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngTerra (Undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngCiel (Undefeated)

And finally, here's some fanart of Nim by our very own Zumi!


Wish me luck! /(>M<)7 (Get it it's a Wobbuffet no okay)
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Finally a Psychic run! Good luck ~

Yeah, I was planning on doing one eventually. Thanks for the luck!

Can you get Lunatone before Shelly?

It'd make the fight much easier at least

Unfortunately, no. I get it just after Shelly. I do get a Swoobat, though, so I guess that works. Good luck on your Nuzlocke!

oh my god, yes. good. i mean i haven't even played reborn in its entirety yet but the fact that you're playing as nim already makes this so good

i can die happy now

Well, I'm glad to make you happy! Thank you for helping to make Pokemon Rejuvenation!


Update #1: Yer a Wizard, Nim!

Well, the first couple of battles were... varied. The battle against Cain was fairly easy; Nim's starter, Fennekin, took it out with just three embers, taking minimal damage in the process. Victoria, however, was significantly harder. Her Tepig resisted Harry the Fennekin's attacks, so even though he managed to land two critical hits, Nim had to use a potion on Harry so he could survive long enough to beat Victoria. Oh well. Anyway, time to find new friends!

The team so far:

653.pngHarry (Male) - Lv. 8

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I was actually planning on doing a psychic monotype, but you are one brave soul for picking the one type that kind of got screwed over. Good luck on this run because there are so many checks to psychic types.

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I was actually planning on doing a psychic monotype, but you are one brave soul for picking the one type that kind of got screwed over. Good luck on this run because there are so many checks to psychic types.

Oh. Well. That's... comforting. Thanks for the luck, I guess. I'm gonna have a bad time, aren't I?



Well, Fern was harder than I expected. Nim led with one of her newer team members- Hermonie the Woobat- and he led with his Lombre. Hermonie tanked a growl and a bubble and whooped its butt with three mighty gusts, taking it out and prompting Fern to send out his Servine. Servine got off a leer, a growl, and a vine whip, but even though Fern healed it with a potion, Harry (who I swapped Hermonie out for) managed to take it down with a relentless barrage of embers. Then came Fern's Roselia... and this is where things got tricky. Nim sent out her second new team member- Ron the Death Eater Espurr, and while Roselia set up a growth, he did some damage with a confusion. Sadly, he got poisoned by a poison sting, and even though he managed to get off two more confusions (one of which was a critical hit), he still fainted to another poison sting and a mega drain. Nim's bad luck was compounded further when she sent out her Bidoof (a temporary team member that she's going to trade for a Munna), which only did chip damage with a rollout before fainting to a mega drain. Luckily, Harry was able to come back out and did massive damage with a critical-hit ember, ending the fight! With Fern down, it's time for Nim to meet up with Julia and storm the Mosswater factory!

The team so far:

654.pngHarry (Male) - Lv. 16

677.pngRon (Male) - Lv. 13

527.pngHermonie (Female) - Lv. 15

399.pngBidoof (Temporary Team Member) - Lv. 13

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Looking good!

Hey, thanks! I like your avatar, by the way. Anyway...

Update #3: Meteor Sighting

Well, the first fight against Aster and Eclipse was rather easy. Nim led with Harry, Fern led with Roselia, and Aster and Eclipse led with Electabuzz and Magmar. Roselia tanked a feint attack and a shock wave and paralyzed Magmar with a stun spore, but fainted the next turn to a fire punch; Harry, meanwhile, tanked a feint attack and hit Electabuzz with two embers. Fern sent out his Lombe next, and while Harry tanked a low kick and fired off an ember at Electabuzz, Magmar was immobilized by paralysis and Lombre hit both of Aster and Eclipse's Pokemon with a bubble. Pretty much the same thing happened the next turn, except instead of targeting Harry with a low kick, Electabuzz slammed Lombre with a fire punch. Aster and Eclipse healed Electabuzz with a potion, but Harry managed to burn it with an ember! Lombre, meanwhile, got off one last absorb before fainting to a feint attack from Magmar. Fern sent out his last Pokemon (Servine), and it hit Electabuzz with a vine whip and tanked a feint attack while Aster and Eclipse used up their last potion on Electabuzz and Harry hit Magmar with a psybeam. Poor Harry fainted from a shock wave the next turn, and Servine fainted to an ember after getting off a leer, prompting Nim to send out Ron. Ron got burned by a fire punch, but still managed to take out Magmar with three psybeams while tanking a clear smog; meanwhile, Electabuzz just fainted from burn damage, ending the fight! With the Mosswater Factory in ruins, it's time for Nim to take on Julia!

The team so far:

654.pngHarry (Male) - Lv. 18

677.pngRon (Male) - Lv. 20

527.pngHermonie (Female) - Lv. 18

517.pngFlak (Female) - Lv. 20

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Update #4: The Battle of Peridot Ward (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Boomies)

Hey! Sorry for the lack of updates; I've just been stuck on this battle for days. Seriously, this may have been the hardest battle I've ever done in Pokemon Reborn! Fortunately, though, eventually the stars and planets aligned, and Nim managed to beat Julia! On TEH URN, Nim led with Harry, and Julia led with Magnemite. Magnemite did some damage with a charge beam, but Harry tanked it with 29 HP to spare, and retaliated with three embers, taking it out and making Julia use up all of her super potions! Up next came Julia's Emolga, so Nim sent out one of our newer team members: Flak the Munna. Miraculously, Emolga decided to use two quick attacks instead of the far more damaging acrobatics and charge beam or the more disruptive nuzzle, allowing Flak to 2HKO it with two mighty psybeams! Up next came her Voltorb, so Nim sent out Hermonie (now a fully-evolved Swoobat), and another miracle happened- rather than blow up or use charge beam, Voltorb used sonicboom twice, allowing Hermonie to tank it and do massive damage with three confusions, ending it! Up next came Julia's Chinchou, and Nim sent out Ron. Ron stole the Chinchou's evilolite with a covet, but then got paralyzed. Nim used a paralyze heal on him and then had him fire off a psybeam while the Chinchou landed a charge-boosted electro ball; miraculously, Ron managed to land a critical hit, doing massive damage and leaving it to be KO'd by another psybeam! Up next came Julia's Heliolisk, so Nim sent out Harry again. It was kind of a joke; Harry tanked a parabolic charge from it and did massive damage with two flame charges, taking it out! All that remained was Julia's hardest Pokemon: Electrode. Nim kept Harry out, and he did a surprising amount of damage with two embers while dodging a charge beam before fainting to a sonicboom, making the Electrode use up its sitrus berry. Nim decided to send out Ron next, and he did some damage with two psybeams while Electrode set up a magnet rise and a charge. Ron then just barely survived a charge beam with just 2 HP, and did some damage with a covet before Nim healed him with a super potion, allowing him to tank a charge beam and dodge another. He then ended the Electrode with one last covet and survived the aftermath damage, ending the fight! With that, Nim earns the Volt Badge and moves on to the Obsidia Ward!

The team so far:

654.pngHarry (Male) - Lv. 20

677.pngRon (Male) - Lv. 21

528.pngHermonie (Female) - Lv. 20

517.pngFlak (Female) - Lv. 21

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Update #5: Mind Over Matter

Well, compared to the nightmare that was Julia, Victoria was way, way easier. Nim led with Hermonie, and she led with Scraggy. Hermoine landed an air cutter, doing massive damage, but then got hit with a sand-attack, allowing Scraggy to get a free turn to heal while Hermonie missed an air cutter. Luckily, the next turn, she landed a hit, taking Scraggy down! Up next came Victoria's Makuhita, so Nim sent out Flak, who managed to ouutspeed and one-shot the Makuhita with a mighty psybeam! Victoria sent out her Kirlia next, and Nim sent out Hermonie again. She managed to land an assurance while Kirlia set up a double team, then used assurance two more times while Victoria tried healing Kirlia; it was futile in the end, though, as Hermonie was able to KO Kirlia with her relentless barrage! Victoria's Pignite came out next, so Nim sent out Flak again; Flak managed to survive a flame charge and did serious damage with a psybeam, then KO'd Pignite with another psybeam while Pignite set up a sunny day (making a rainbow with the existing rainy weather). All that remained was Victoria's Poliwag, so Nim sent out Ron. Poliwag didn't put up much of a fight; it just used a mud shot and a rainy day before fainting to two mighty psybeams! With that done with, it's time to enter the slums!

The team so far:

654.pngHarry (Male) - Lv. 21

677.pngRon (Male) - Lv. 21

528.pngHermonie (Female) - Lv. 21

517.pngFlak (Female) - Lv. 22

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Update #6: Slum Showdown

Well, despite having the type advantage, the Scraggy Gang wasn't all that bad! The Gang led with Dragonborn and Stallord the Scraggy, and Nim led with Hermonie and our newest team member: Neville the Drowzee! Neville used poison gas on both Scraggy and tanked a heabutt from Dragonborn while Stallord set up an amnesia; Hermonie, meanwhile, did serious damage with a mighty air cutter. The next turn, Hermonie managed to take out Dragonborn with an air cutter while Neville injured Stallord with a headbutt and Stallord set up another amnesia. Tyson the Scraggy came out next on the Gang's side next, and got hit with an air cutter and fired off an ice punch on Neville; Stallord, meanwhile, tried hitting Hermonie with a drain punch, but didn't do much damage and was slammed by an air cutter and a headbutt. Hermonie then managed to land an air cutter on both Stallord and Tyson, taking them both out! All that remained was Big Boss, the Scrafty leading the Gang. Poor Neville fainted to a payback, but Hermonie was able to do some damage with an air cutter. Nim sent out Ron next, and he stole Big Boss' leftovers with a covet and tanked a payback while Hermonie tanked a brick break, allowing Hermonie to do massive damage with two air cutters while Ron ended Big Boss with a mighty covet! With that over with, it's time to head to the Coral Ward!

The team so far:

654.pngHarry (Male) - Lv. 23

677.pngRon (Male) - Lv. 22

528.pngHermonie (Female) - Lv. 23

517.pngFlak (Female) - Lv. 22

096.pngNeville (Male) - Lv. 19

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Update #7: Walking Cain

Well, I had to reset a few times to make sure circumstances during the second Cain fight would go the way I wanted, but I managed to beat Cain without much trouble! On TEH URN, Nim led with Neville (by accident), and Cain led with Grimer. Neville did only scratch damage with a headbutt and took some serious damage from a shadow sneak, so Nim swapped him out for Ron, who tanked a shadow sneak. He then tanked a second shadow sneak and did massive damage with a psybeam, then took it out with two more psybeams while Cain used up his potions! Up next was Cain's Oshawott Dewott, and Nim swapped out for Hermonie. Dewott set up a focus energy and did some serious damage with a razor shell; however, Hermonie managed to do massive damage with three mighty air cutters, taking it out! Up next came Cain's Nidorino, so Nim sent out Flak. Flak tanked a double kick and did massive damage with a psybeam, then took out Nidorino with a psybeam after it tried setting up a focus energy. Cain sent out his Venonat, so Nim sent out Ron again. Poor Ron only got off a single psybeam before fainting, so Nim sent out Harry to avenge him. Despite the rain weakening his ember attack, he still managed to take out Venonat! All that remained was Cain's Gastly, so I swapped out to Flak again; Gastly set up a curse, but that proved to be its undoing, as it weakened it enough to get KO'd by a mighty psybeam! With Cain down, let's go save the Obsidia Ward!

The team so far:

654.pngHarry (Male) - Lv. 23

677.pngRon (Male) - Lv. 22

528.pngHermonie (Female) - Lv. 23

517.pngFlak (Female) - Lv. 22

096.pngNeville (Male) - Lv. 20

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You should go get Spoink, it'll help a lot as More pokemon = More power.

Don't worry, I got it. Say hello to Chubb the Spoink! Anyway...

Update #8: Only YOU Can Prevent Forest Fires!

Well, the first PULSE Tangrowth battle wasn't too bad at all! Nim sent out Harry, and he managed to set up a fire spin while tanking a knock off. Harry then fired off two psybeams while tanking another knock off and an acid spray. Luckily, Harry managed to confuse Tangrowth with one of the psybeams, causing it to injure itself and leaving it weak enough for Harry to finish off with one last psybeam! With the Obsidia Ward saved, it's time to go on out and get Nim her second badge!

The team so far:

654.pngHarry (Male) - Lv. 25

677.pngRon (Male) - Lv. 24

528.pngHermonie (Female) - Lv. 24

517.pngFlak (Female) - Lv. 23

096.pngNeville (Male) - Lv. 22

325.pngChubb (Female) - Lv. 22

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I'm just waiting for Ginny, Gandolf, and Sabrina.

Oh, we'll get there eventually. I'm probably going to name my Gothita Ebony Darkness Dementia Raven Way (or EDDRW for short), too.


Yeah, I thought you'd like that. ^_^ Anyway...

Update #9: U Mad, Bro?

Funny thing about Fern. I beat him once before this report, but then reset the game before saving... meaning I had to fight him again. (Sigh) Anyway, on TEH SECOND URN Nim led with Hermonie, and he led with a racist caricature Ludicolo. Hermonie got hit with a fake out right out of the bat, but survived and fired off an air cutter while tanking a water pulse, then fired off another one while Fern used a super potion. She knocked him down to a sliver of health with an air cutter and tanked a second water pulse; Fern tried using his other super potion, but at this point it was too late, as Hermonie managed to take it down with two more air cutters! Up next came Fern's Grovyle, so Nim sent out Neville, who tanked a pursuit twice to set up a nasty plot and fire off a psybeam, which actually confused Grovyle! it still managed to land a leaf blade, but Neville took it in stride and took out the Grovyle with another psybeam! Up next came Fern's Servine, and I kept Neville on the field. Neville got his health sapped by a leech seed and fainted to a mega drain, but at least managed to get off a psybeam before fainting. Nim sent out Flak next, and she dodged a leech seed and tanked two mega drains to fire off a volley of psybeams, one of which was a critical hit and the other of which confused it! Servine then proceeded to take itself down in confusion, prompting Nim to send out Harry while Fern sent out Ferroseed. Harry quickly took it out with two mighty embers, giving it only enough time to set up a single curse. All that remained was Fern's Roselia, so Nim sent out Ron. Ron got hit with a leech seed, but managed to set up a light screen and OHKO Roselia with a psyshock! With that done, it's time to challenge Florina! And, you know, hopefully not reset over the victory this time...

The team so far:

654.pngHarry (Male) - Lv. 25

678.pngRon (Male) - Lv. 25

528.pngHermonie (Female) - Lv. 25

517.pngFlak (Female) - Lv. 25

097.pngNeville (Male) - Lv. 25

325.pngChubb (Female) - Lv. 25

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Update #10: Darude Sandstorm

Well, Florina was almost as hard as Julia, but for some reason she didn't feel quite as bad. Maybe because it was I had a full team and thus more options, but I felt less soul-crushingly hopeless after each failure. Anyway, on TEH URN, Nim led with Hermonie, and Florina led with Cacturne. Hermonie landed an air cutter on Cacturne, but got confused by a teeter dance; despite this, she still managed to land a mighty critical-hit air cutter, ending the Cacturne and making it take one of Florina's super potions with it! Up next came Florina's Gourgeist, so Nim swapped out to Harry. Harry set up a fire spin before getting his fire spin disabled, then started spamming ember while Gourgeist got off a shadow sneak. Florina used up her last super potion on it, but it fainted anyway, leading to Florina's next Pokemon: her Grotle. Nim kept Harry on the field, and he did serious damage with two embers; sadly, he fainted to a seed bomb and a sand tomb. Nim sent out Chubb next, and she managed to tank a sand tomb to KO Grotle with two psywaves! Florina sent out her Breloom next, but it was kind of a joke; Hermonie came back out and took it down with a single air cutter. Florina decided to stop messing around and sent out her toughest Pokemon for Nim: her Tropius. Nim sent out Neville, and he managed to tank a leaf blade and poison the Tropius with a poison gas. He then set up a nasty plot while Tropius used fly, and did quite a bit of damage with a psybeam before Tropius set up another fly. Nim quickly healed him with a super potion, and he tanked another fly to fire off a psybeam. Tropius flew up high again, but Nim just healed Neville again, alowing him to tank the fly and end Tropius with a psybeam! All that remained was Florina's ace: Cradily. Neville managed to land a poison gas while it set up a sandstorm, but since he got overleveled by beating Tropius, he just loafed around while Cradily took him out with a giga drain and a rock slide. Nim sent out Ron next, and he stole the Cradily's leftovvers with a covet, set up a light screen, and got off a psyshock before fainting to a rock slide and two giga drains. Chubb came out next, but he failed to do any damage before fainting to a rock slide. Flak came out next, and tanked a giga drain while healing off the damage with a moonlight. Cradily set up another sandstorm while Flak fired off a psybeam, but then Flak fainted to a giga drain and a rock slide while feebly trying to set up a moonlight. All that remained on Nim's team was Hermonie, but despite being overleveled she obeyed Nim long enough to KO Cradily with a mighty confusion, ending the fight and earning Nim the Canopy Badge! With that over with, it's time to save the Jasper Ward!

The team so far:

654.pngHarry (Male) - Lv. 25

678.pngRon (Male) - Lv. 25

528.pngHermonie (Female) - Lv. 26

517.pngFlak (Female) - Lv. 25

097.pngNeville (Male) - Lv. 26

325.pngChubb (Female) - Lv. 25

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Update #11: The Reluctant Meteor

Well, I have to admit, Taka was pretty tough (albeit not gym-leader tough). Nim led with Neville, and Taka led with Lileep. Lileep set up an ingrain and fired off two ancientpowers while Neville set up three nasty plots, then confused Neville with a confuse ray after Neville injured it severely with a psybeam. neville injured himself in confusion and got smacked with a mega drain, but managed to snap out the next turn and one-shot the Lileep! Up next came Taka's Gligar, and Neville managed to get healed by a super potion just in time to survive a bulldoze and a knock off. Neville then managed to KO it with a single psybeam, and out came the PULSE Tangrowth. Nim healed Neville again, and tanked a giga drain; Taka, in a surprise move, swapped the Tangrowth out for Klefki, and it got smacked with a psybeam on the switch. Sadly, he fainted to a foul play after getting off one last psybeam (although he did make Taka use up his first super potion in the process). Nim sent out Harry, and he managed to do serious damage with an ember and tank a foul play. He then began spamming ember while Taka used up his last super potion and Klefki set up a reflect; eventually, Klefki fell. The PULSE Tangrowth came back out, and Harry set up a fire spin while tanking a knock off; he then started to spam ember again while Tangrowth used growth and finally took him down with a sludge bomb. Up next on Nim's side was Hermonie, who did some serious damage with an air cutter and barely survived a sludge bomb... only to faint from poison damage. (Sigh) Anyway, I sent out Ron next, and he managed to finally end the behemoth with a mighty psyshock! All that remained was Taka's ace: Chatot. I kept Ron one the field, and he set up a light screen while tanking a chatter. Sadly, even though he managed to land a psybeam, he got put to sleep by a sing. He survived a chatter and a hyper voice before finally waking up, and set up one last light screen before fainting. Nim sent out Chubb next, and she tanked a hyper voice to confuse Chatot with a confuse ray. Chatot then flew into a tree or something twice, injuring itself and allowing Chubb to take it out with two psywaves! With Taka down and the Jasper Ward('s remains) saved, it's time to save the Beryl Ward!

The team so far:

654.pngHarry (Male) - Lv. 28

678.pngRon (Male) - Lv. 28

528.pngHermonie (Female) - Lv. 27

517.pngFlak (Female) - Lv. 27

097.pngNeville (Male) - Lv. 28

325.pngChubb (Female) - Lv. 28

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Update #12: Neville X Hermonie Best Ship

Well, the Double battle against Taka and ZEL was pretty tough at first, but once I managed to play all my cards right I managed to breeze through it! Anyway, on TEH URN, Nim led with Harry and Neville, Taka led with Lileep, and ZEL led with Glaceon. Harry landed a fire spin on Glaceon and tanked an ice fang, and Neville set up a nasty plot while Lileep confused Harry. Harry, despite being confused, managed to land an ember on Glaceon, and Neville set up a second nasty plot while Galceon and Lileep teamed up on him with an ice fang and a confuse ray before Galceon promptly succumbed to fire spin damage. ZEL sent out their Jolteon next, and Harry and Neville both whacked themselves in the faces before Harry fainted to a thunder fang and an ancientpower. Nim sent out Flak to avenge Harry, and she tanked a double kick and dented Jolteon with a psybeam before getting confused; Neville, meanwhile, continued to injure himself. Neville was getting pretty worn down by this point, so Flak used her turn to heal Neville while Jolteon and Lileep ganged up on her with a charge beam and an ancientpower; luckily, Neville finally snapped out of confusion and did massive damage to Jolteon with a psybeam! ZEL quickly healed Jolteon, but it was no use, as Neville knocked it back down to the red with a psybeam while tanking an ancientpower (Poor Flak KO'd itself in confusion)! With Flak down, I sent out Ron next, and he set up a light screen and tanked a charge beam while Neville ended the Jolteon; sadly, Ron got confused by a confuse ray from Lileep. Despite this, he still managed to land a charm on Umbreon; Umbreon countered with a feint attack, and Neville managed to do chip damage with a headbutt before getting confused. Ron injured himself in confusion, as did Neville, and Umbreon did some serious damage with a feint attack as Lileep set up an ingrain. Things didn't get much better the next turn; Neville got hit with a yawn and hurt himself, while Ron got hit with an ancientpower (although Ron did land a charm on Umbreon). Ron fainted the next turn to a feint attack, but was at least able to land a charm before fainting; Neville, meanwhile, was able to land one last headbutt while tanking an ancientpower before falling asleep. I decided to stop playing around and sent out the ace up my sleeve: Hermonie, who had learned calm mind! Hermonie set up a calm mind while Neville slept and Umbreon and Lileep got off a quick attack/mega drain combo on Neville; she then set up another calm mind while both Umbreon and Lileep confused her with a confuse ray and Neville kept sleeping. Hermonie injured herself the next turn and got hit by a feint attack the next turn, but Neville then managed to wake up, tank a mega drain, and do some damage with a headbutt. Fortunately, the next turn, Hermonie managed to land a mighty air cutter on both Umbreon and Lileep, and Neville did some more damage with a headbutt while just barely tanking a feint attack and a mega drain. Hermonie then fell asleep, but was woken up by Neville with an awakening and ended Umbreon with a mighty air cutter while Lileep, rather than target Neville and go for the kill, tried to hit Hermonie with a mega drain. ZEL sent out their Espeon, and Nim healed Neville while Hermonie ended Lileep and seriously injured Espeon with a mighty air cutter! Espeon managed to land a psybeam on Neville, but he survived it (although he did get confused). Taka's Gligar came out, but it and Espeon fell to an air cutter! Taka then sent out the mission keystone, the PULSE Tangrowth, but the poor thing went down to a single air cutter/psybeam combo. Taka's Kelfki came out next, and while it was able to set up a reflect, it took massive damage from a psybeam and an air cutter. Taka tried healing it, but it still fell to a mighty air cutter/ psybeam combo. All that remained was Taka's Chatot, but it fell to a mighty air cutter before it could even attack! With that done, the mysterious overseer of the PULSE-Tangrowth project is revealed... and shock-horror, it's Corey, the gym leader I was going to fight! Let's bring him to justice!

The team so far:

654.pngHarry (Male) - Lv. 29

678.pngRon (Male) - Lv. 29

528.pngHermonie (Female) - Lv. 30

517.pngFlak (Female) - Lv. 28

097.pngNeville (Male) - Lv. 30

325.pngChubb (Female) - Lv. 29

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Update #13: Miasma Mania

Well, I have to admit, Corey was a lot harder than I expected! Maybe it was because he had a bug/poison type and a poison/dark type, but I had to grind up my team to beat him. Anyway, on TEH URN, Nim led with Hermonie, and he led with Qwilfish. Despite this, Hermonie managed to take the Quilfish down with a single confusion! Up next came Corey's Swalot, so Nim quickly healed Hermonie up with a super potion while Swalot got off a shadow ball. Hermonie then knocked it down to the red while tanking a venoshock, followed by both sides using a super potion on each of their respective Pokemon. Hermonie then annihilated it with a confusion, leading to Corey sending out his Nidoqueen. Hermonie got off one last confusion before falling to an ice punch, and so Nim sent out Ron, who outsped the Nidoqueen and took it down with a psyshock! Corey decided to stop messing around and sent out his Scolipede, so Nim sent out Harry, who tanked a poison tail and got off an ember. The Scolipede launched a rock tomb, and I prepared for the worst... but to my amazement it missed! This let Harry KO it with another ember, resulting in Corey sending out his Skuntank. Nim sent out Ron, and he set up a miracle eye while tanking a night slash. He fell to a second night slash, but was at least able to get off a psyshock before fainting. Nim sent Harry back out, and he just barely survived a night slash to KO Skuntank with a psybeam before succumbing to poison damage. All that remained was Corey's ace, Crobat. Nim swapped out to Chubb (now a Grumpig!), and he confused it while it set up a nasty plot. I pretty much thought the battle was over by this point, but Crobat managed to injure itself, and Chubb managed to tank a venoshock to do massive damage with two psybeams, even confusing the Crobat the turn it snapped out of confusion! Chubb succumbed to poison damage, so I sent out Neville, who took out the Crobat with a psybeam while it injured itself in confusion, ending the fight! And so, Nim gets... jack-diddly squat, except for a front-row seat to Corey's suicide.

Rejuvenation spoilers:

...Actually, considering both Nim and Corey die and come back as minions for some unknown entity, I guess they have more in common than I thought. At least Nim doesn't get turned into a Pokemon...

The team so far:

654.pngHarry (Male) - Lv. 33

678.pngRon (Male) - Lv. 32

528.pngHermonie (Female) - Lv. 32

120.pngSheperd (Non-binary) - Lv. 31

097.pngNeville (Male) - Lv. 32

326.pngChubb (Female) - Lv. 32

Edited by Lord Chespin
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How did you KO Skuntank with Psybeam I thought it was immune to psychic moves thanks to it's typing?

Also congratz on beating Corey. He is one of the hardest people to beat in Hardcore IMO

Hey, thanks! I set up a miracle eye on it, which negated its dark-type immunity. You never know when that might come in handy, y'know?


Update #14: Turn on the Dark

Well, Aster and Eclipse weren't all that bad. Nim led with one of her newest team members, Draco the Gothorita (yes, I know I said that I would name her Gothitelle Ebony, but it turned out to be male and had good IVs, so I decided against it), Victoria led with Emboar, and Aster and Eclipse led with Solrock and Lunatone. Lunatone got burned by a fire punch while both Solrock and Lunatone set up rock polishes, and Draco managed to corrupt the field into a Dark Crystal Cavern with a mighty dark pulse, doing enough damage to Lunatone to KO it from burn damage! Up next came Aster and Eclipse's Rhyhorn, and while it set up stealth rock Solrock got off a heat wave; luckily, Draco and Emboar managed to take it down with a dark pulse/fire punch combo! Out next came Aster and Eclipse's Magmar, and it confused Draco while Emboar whiffed a sucker punch, Rhyhorn did some considerable damage to Draco with a dragon rush, and Draco did some damage to Rhyhorn with a dark pulse. Poor Draco fainted to a fire spin the next turn, but Emboar was at least able to fire off a mighty sucker punch on Magmar and tank a dragon rush from Rhyhorn. Nim sent out Shepherd the Staryu, another one of our new teammates, and while xe took some damage from a fire spin xe and Emboar were able to fire off a mighty brine/arm thrust combo, ending the Rhyhorn! Aster and Eclipse sent out their Electabuzz next, and it managed to take out Shepherd with a shock wave while Emboar got trapped in a fire spin; fortunately, Emboar did serious damage to Electabuzz with a fire punch, so the turn wasn't all bad. I sent out our final new team member, Ginny the Mr. Mime, and she tanked a fire spin and damaged Magmar with a psybeam while Emboar took out Aster and Eclipse's Electabuzz with a fire punch! Aster and Eclipse sent out their Milotic next, and while Magmar got off a fire spin on Emboar, Ginny and Emboar did some serious damage to Milotic with a psybeam/fire punch combo before Milotic shuffled Emboar out for Victoria's Hariyama with a dragon tail. Aster and Eclipse tried healing Milotic with a super potion, but Ginny and Hariyama managed to KO it with a knock off and a psybeam! All that remained was Aster and Eclipse's Magmar, and while it did manage to take out Ginny with a feint attack, Hariyama was able to seriously injure it with a brick break, allowing Hermonie to swoop in and KO it with an air slash! With that done with, it's time to find a doctor for Shelly!

The team so far:

575.pngDraco (Male) - Lv. 34

678.pngRon (Male) - Lv. 34

528.pngHermonie (Female) - Lv. 34

120.pngShepherd (Non-binary) - Lv. 34

326.pngChubb (Female) - Lv. 34

122.pngGinny (Female) - Lv. 35

Edited by Lord Chespin
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Update #15: You're Not My Mom, You Can't Tell Me What To Do!

Well, Victoria wasn't too bad, but Nim was using a team that was super-effective against everything she had, so... yeah. Anyway, Nim led with Ron, and Victoria led with Scraggy. Ron set up a miracle eye, then tanked a high jump kick and ended the Scraggy with a psyshock! Up next came Victoria's Poliwrath, and while Ron managed to seriosuly damage it with a psyshock, it shuffled him out for Chubb with a circle throw. Chubb damaged it with a psybeam while Victoria healed it with a super potion, and then hit Victoria's Gallade with a psybeam on the switch when Victoria swapped Poliwrath out for it. Chubb tanked a shadow sneak and confused it with a confuse ray before getting off one last psybeam, but fell to two brick breaks. Luckily, Hermonie was able to do much better, tanking a shadow sneak and doing serious damage to Gallade with three air slashes, taking it down and making Victoria use up her other super potion! Victoria sent her Poliwrath back out, and Nim sent Ron back out, who took it down with a mighty psyshock! Up next came Victoria's Hariyama, so I sent out Ginny, who stole the Hariyama's sitrus berry with a trick and tanked a brick break and a knock off to do massive damage with a psybeam. Victoria quickly swapped Hariyama out for her Emboar, though, but Ginny took it out with two psybeams before it could even attack! All that remained was Hariyama, and while it was able to KO Draco with a knock off, it wasn't able to beat Hermonie, who took it down with an air slash! Onward to Shelly!

The team so far:

654.pngHarry (Male) - Lv. 35

575.pngDraco (Male) - Lv. 34

678.pngRon (Male) - Lv. 35

528.pngHermonie (Female) - Lv. 35

326.pngChubb (Female) - Lv. 35

122.pngGinny (Female) - Lv. 35

Edited by Lord Chespin
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