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Nim's (Mis)Adventures in the Reborn Region (A Psychic-type Hardcore Monotype Run)

Lord Chespin

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Update #35: Teleport Spam

Well, like the Steelix, the Abra wasn't all that bad. Nim led with Shepherd, and I thought I was being smart by using a reflect type on it, allowing Shepherd to tank an energy ball; unfortunately, I was too clever by half, causing it to KO me with a dark pulse. Nim sent out Harry next, but he fell to a single dark pulse, so she sent out Ron to avenge him. Ron tanked a psychic and a shock wave, then set up dual screens and did chip damage with a psychic before falling to a second psychic. Dhalsim came out next, and while he tanked an energy ball he fired off a high jump kick, doing massive damage! He then fainted to a second energy ball, but not before he got off a bullet punch. Nim sent out Starman next, and he managed to tank an energy ball and end it with a signal beam! With that thing down, we can finally challenge Noel for real this time!

The team so far:

655.pngHarry (Male) - Lv. 52

308.pngDhalsim (Male) - Lv. 52

344.pngStarman (Non-binary) - Lv. 53

528.pngHermonie (Female) - Lv. 52

678.pngRon (Male) - Lv. 52

121.pngShepherd (Non-binary) - Lv. 52

Edited by Lord Chespin
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I've been sick most of this week. I see Ebony and Sheperd have replaced Elsa and Hermoine. I hope Hermoine makes a return as it's so awesome.

I'm sorry to hear you were sick, but I'm glad to hear you're feeling better! Don't worry about Elsa and Hermonie; they'll make their returns. I guess Ebony's your typical Mary Sue: she squeezes her way into the established characters and slowly pushes them out of the spotlight. I'll try to keep her in check, though.

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Update #36: Abnormal

Well, Noel was a right pain in the arse, but Nim beat him eventually. On TEH URN, Nim led with Ron, and he led with Cinccino. Cinccino missed a rock blast while Ron set up dual screens, and then Ron tanked a hidden power, a tail slap, and a bullet seed to do some damage with a psychic and alter the terrain with a misty terrain. Nim then swapped him out for Ebony, who tanked a rock blast and a bullet seed to take it down with a moonblast! Up next came his Pyroar, and Nim sent out Shepherd. Rather than take out Shepherd with a hyper voice or dark pulse, Pyroar decided to use hidden power, which allowed Shepherd to KO it with a hydro pump! After this, Noel decided to send out his most problematic Pokemon for me to deal with: his powerful Staraptor. Nim sent out Harry, and he tanked a double-edge to do some damage with a flamethrower. Noel then healed Staraptor with an ultra potion, allowing Harry to burn it with a will-o-wisp. Staraptor quickly pivoted out to Porygon-Z with a u-turn, but Harry just KO'd the Porygon-Z with a flamethrower; unfortunately, when Staraptor came out, Harry fainted to a brave bird before he could finish what he started. This was compounded by the fact that Shepherd and Dhalsim both fainted to a single hit from Staraptor. The tide started to turn in Nim's favor when Hermonie came out, however, as she set up a calm mind, tanked a close combat, and did serious damage with two charge beams; this not only took out Staraptor and made Noel use up his last ultra potion, but gave Hermonie a +4 stat boost thanks to simple! Noel sent out his Mega Lopunny next, but the poor thing fell to a single psychic before it could attack. All that remained was Noel's ace, Clefable, but the poor thing only got off a moonblast before fainting to two psychics! With Noel defeated, it's time to head out to Route 1!

The team so far:

655.pngHarry (Male) - Lv. 52

308.pngDhalsim (Male) - Lv. 52

282.pngEbony (Female) - Lv. 52

528.pngHermonie (Female) - Lv. 54

678.pngRon (Male) - Lv. 52

121.pngShepherd (Non-binary) - Lv. 52

Edited by Lord Chespin
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Update #37: Sweg Jackey

Well, Fern wasn't too bad, although it took me a second try to not get decimated by his Krookodile. On TEH URN, Nim led with Elsa, and he led with Ludicolo. Ludicolo fell asleep to a lovely kiss, and Elsa proceeded to set up a nasty plot and do some damage with a blizzard before the Ludicolo woke up and did crazy damage with a giga drain. Fortunately, she was able to fire off a psychic, taking it down! Up next came Fern's Scizor, and Nim sent out Harry. He tanked a bullet punch and took it down with a single flamethrower, so Fern sent out his Krookodile. Dhalsim came out next, and he managed to tank a crunch with just 14 HP left and took out Krookodile with a mighty high jump kick! Fern decided to stop messing around and sent out his Serperior, so Nim sent out Ron, who tanked a giga drain and a leaf storm to set up dual screens; sadly, he fainted to a second leaf storm. Harry came back out, and miraculously, Serperior missed a leaf storm, allowing him to KO it with a flamethrower! Fern sent out his Mega Sceptile next, and Nim sent out Ebony. Amazingly, Sceptile only used focus blast, which did minimal damage and let Ebony OHKO it with a moonblast! All that remained was Fern's Roserade, which only got off a single hidden power before Harry took it down with a flamethrower! With Fern down, it's time to explore Route 1!

..If I'm not back in two days, send help.

The team so far:

655.pngHarry (Male) - Lv. 54

308.pngDhalsim (Male) - Lv. 53

282.pngEbony (Female) - Lv. 53

124.pngElsa (Female) - Lv. 51

678.pngRon (Male) - Lv. 52

121.pngShepherd (Non-binary) - Lv. 52

Edited by Lord Chespin
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Hey! I was getting a little burned out with Rejuvenation, so I decided to pick this up again. Sorry to keep you waiting! Anyway...

I pretty much gave up on Rejuvenation after spending what felt like 10 hours worth of grinding...on Reborn Style. I mean I know I'm a bit spoiled after the Lucky Egg and Exp Share from Hardcore, but my god is it a pain to level stuff up in that game. Still...I don't know how you're not completely burned out of Hardcore given this is your fourth time running through (then again, I did change a lot from the first two playthroughs).

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I pretty much gave up on Rejuvenation after spending what felt like 10 hours worth of grinding...on Reborn Style. I mean I know I'm a bit spoiled after the Lucky Egg and Exp Share from Hardcore, but my god is it a pain to level stuff up in that game. Still...I don't know how you're not completely burned out of Hardcore given this is your fourth time running through (then again, I did change a lot from the first two playthroughs).

Well, I don't really know why. I guess it's because the challenges really help the game's replayability. Also, I'm not sure if you know, but you can get a Exp Share before the second gym in Rejuvenation. I'll PM you if you want to know.


Update #38: Cain's Last Stand

Well, Cain took a couple tries to get past that Gengar, but he wasn't too bad. On TEH URN, Nim led with Dhalsim, and he led with his Zoroark (disguised as his Nidoking). Dhalsim tanked an extrasensory and did insane damage with a high jump kick, only failing to KO it because of its focus sash. Cain tried healing it with a moomoo milk, but Dhalsim just took it out with a second high jump kick. Up next came Cain's dreaded Gengar, so Nim sent out Ron. Ron set up a light screen, but got stuck with Gengar's choice specs thanks to trick, so Nim swapped him out for Dhalsim. Dhalsim got off a bullet punch, but fainted to a psychic and a shadow ball, prompting Nim to send out Harry. He tanked a ppsychic ad took out the Gengar with a psyshock, then took out Cain's Mega Beedrill with a second psyshock! Cain decided to stop messing around and sent out his ace: Nidoking; Nim, meanwhile, swapped out to Shepherd. Shepherd tanked a sludge wave and did massive damage with a hydro pump, leaving Nidoking with only a sliver of health! Cain tried to heal it, but it just went down to another hydro pump! Up next came Cain's Samurott, so Nim sent out Hermonie, and she tanked a superpower to set up a calm mind. She then did some damage with a charge beam, but took crazy damage from a waterfall, missed a second charge beam, and fell to another waterfall. Luckily, Shepherd was able to come out and take it down with a psychic, leading to Cain sending out his last Pokemon: Muk. Shepherd did massive damage to it with a psychic, and it tried to fight back with a dig; Shepherd just healed his health back with a recover, though, tanking the dig and ending the Muk with a psychic! With Muk down, Gardevoir gets kidnapped, so I guess we better save her from El!

The team so far:

655.pngHarry (Male) - Lv. 56

308.pngDhalsim (Male) - Lv. 54

344.pngStarman (Non-binary) - Lv. 54

528.pngHermonie (Female) - Lv. 54

678.pngRon (Male) - Lv. 54

121.pngShepherd (Non-binary) - Lv. 54

Edited by Lord Chespin
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Update #39: Puny God

Well, I beat El with barely any effort. Seriously, it didn't even take me a minute (exactly 57 seconds; I counted). Anyway, I led with Ron, and El led with the pseudo-Arceus. The Ron set up dual screens and a misty terrain, but was eventually taken out by three shadow balls. I sent out Dhalsim next, and he tanked a judgement to instantly OHKO the Arceus with a high jump kick! With El down, it's time to finally fight Randomus!

The team so far:

655.pngHarry (Male) - Lv. 56

308.pngDhalsim (Male) - Lv. 56

282.pngEbony (Female) - Lv. 54

528.pngHermonie (Female) - Lv. 54

678.pngRon (Male) - Lv. 54

121.pngShepherd (Non-binary) - Lv. 55

Edited by Lord Chespin
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Update #40: Battle of the Minds

Well, Randomus took a couple tries, but ultimately, he wasn't as bad as he could have been. On TEH URN, Nim led with Starman and Draco, and he led with Exeggutor and Reuniclus. Starman and Draco teamed up to take out Exeggutor with a signal beam and a dark pulse, and Reuniclus did a surprisingly small amount of damage with a focus blast. Randomus sent out his Metagross, and (knowing that his Reuniclus wouldn't be able to do much, swapped it out for his Malamar; however, Starman took off a huge chunk of its health on the switch with a signal beam, only to get KO'd by a meteor mash from Metagross. Draco, meanwhile, did a small amount of damage to Metagross with a dark pulse. Nim sent out Dhalsim next, and while Malamar got healed, Dhalsim missed a high jump kick; it's 'kay, though, Draco made Metagross flinch with a dark pulse. Dhalsim then did some serious damage to Malamar with a high jump kick, and Draco did some more damage to Metagross with a dark pulse. Sadly, Dhalsim fell to a meteor mash, and Draco took serious damage from a dark pulse. Ebony decided to come out, and while Draco made Metagross flinch with a dark pulse, Ebony set up a calm mind and Malamar got healed again. Draco finally took out Metagross with a dark pulse, and Ebony OHKO'd the Malamar with a moonblast! Randomus sent out his Slowking and Reuniclus, and while Ebony and Draco almost KO'd Slowking with a moonblast/dark pulse combo, but it still survived, allowing it to set up a trick room while Reuniclus finally ended Draco with a psychic. Nim sent out Ron next, and he set up a light screen while tanking a scald and a focus blast; Ebony, meanwhile, took down Slowking with a moonblast. Randomus sent out his ace, Gossip Gardevoir, next, and it mega evolved before it promptly KO'd Ron with a psychic, Reuniclus, meanwhile, tried to take out Ebony with a psychic, but failed due to Ebony's raised special defenses. Harry came out to aid Ebony, and while Reuniclus missed a focus blast and got hit by a flamethrower, Ebony took out Gossip Gardevoir with a moonblast! Ebony then tanked a psychic and ended the fight with one last moonblast! With Randomus down, the lights go out, and Luna gets kidnapped by El. Onward to Seventh Street to save her!

The team so far:

655.pngHarry (Male) - Lv. 56

308.pngDhalsim (Male) - Lv. 56

282.pngEbony (Female) - Lv. 57

344.pngStarman (Non-binary) - Lv. 55

678.pngRon (Male) - Lv. 55

576.pngDraco (Male) - Lv. 56

Edited by Lord Chespin
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