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[OOC] Pokemon: Luminous Dawn


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Hey guys, I'm really sick and not able to RP so I'll be taking a break for a few days. If the hosts want they can bunny Brendan and Titan. It's too bad because I really wanted to bitchslap Mio.

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  On 3/12/2016 at 11:22 AM, Chimchain said:

Hey guys, I'm really sick and not able to RP so I'll be taking a break for a few days. If the hosts want they can bunny Brendan and Titan. It's too bad because I really wanted to bitchslap Mio.

Aw that sucks, I recently am just getting better from being ill, guess I passed it on to you via cyber space. XD I could always write up a post for Brendan if you'd like, unless the hosts want to do it themselves.

Also, quick question that popped into mind. Would there be instances in the rp when a pokemon will evolve during combat, kind of like in the anime? Like if the pokemon is one level from evolving and they're in a gym battle/boss battle/life threatening situation would they be given a chance to evolve in the middle of a fight to give them a sort of adrenaline boost? And would they be able to learn a move once they evolved that could possibly turn the tide of battle.

(For example, Chimchar was level 13 in the middle of a Rock gym battle and the whole fight's been pretty close but the opponent is trying to finish the fight by using rock throw and it seems like a direct hit would end the fight right then and there. Suddenly Chimchar starts evolving right before the rock makes contact, causing him to be able to learn mach punch. Using his last burst of energy and newly learned move, Monferno now uses mach punch to counter the rock throw by smashing through the rock that was speeding right towards him.)

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Yes, there will be plot-related evolution. Usually I'll talk to you about it beforehand or give you a relatively obvious cue, so don't worry!

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It's good that we're asking questions, but are we asking the right questions?

It seems odd to me that Stratos would have Boss Hog think about Invaders eating all of the berries...

Stratos, Jory, one quick question directed at you two: In this RP, is it currently Berry Season?

Edited by K_H
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Different berries have different berry seasons just like different fruits and plants have different growing seasons.

Currently in this area, the season for the berries that commonly grow in this area have passed, but the bushes were all picked clean even before it ended.

Long story short how the boss usually runs stuff is that he has everyone forage during the berries bloom cycle and collect more than they need to feed themselves so that they will have some to stockpile away for those months where little grows.

But with the influx of foreign species thanks to a certain incident that threatened to destroy hoenn and the world at large...

Look, tldr- when new and invasive species moves to a place in droves it tends to effect the entire ecosystem in some negative way, shape, or form- whether it be introing a new predator that hunts a certain nativery species to extinction in the area, to effecting the plants and food supply due to overgrazing and the like.

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Also, I'd just like to address the subject of battling real quick:

In this RP, Pokemon will not die from normal battles. I really can't stress enough that the point of this RP is not to rip out the throat of a level 2 Patrat then spend the next 5 pages figuring out how to heal it. Wild Pokemon flee when they can no longer battle. They heal naturally over time.

Point being: next time someone says a Pokemon is built for battle, it is not abuse. It is a factual statement. Worrying about every bump and bruise on a Pokemon is pointless. When Jason said the wild Pokemon shouldn't be healed, it's a statement of fact. They are wild and may react unpredictably if they wake up somewhere they don't recognize.

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I just want to beat boss hog already so I don't have to worry about Patrats anymore.

Will pokemon be able to die in the rp. I don't mean npc pokemon since I'm guessing there will be some instances where a mon will die in the story. But will one of our parties be at risk of dying at any time? (For example our starters/pets)

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You will ALWAYS have the opportunity to return your Pokemon before it takes fatal damage in a battle. Your Pokemon will never be outright killed. However, if you decide to take your Pokemon past its breaking point that's in your hands. Remember, most people will not outright murder others. They'll stop without using lethal force. When it comes to our villains, well... Mrs. Incredible said it best:"Remember the bad guys on the shows you used to watch on Saturday mornings? Well, these guys aren't like those guys. They won't exercise restraint because you are children. They will kill you if they get the chance. Do not give them that chance."

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Hey all, my computer is on the fritz and I'm not sure when I can get it replaced or fixed. I should still be able to post, but since mobile is... mobile, they'll most likely be more along the lines of quick replies to major events rather than the lengthy, lovingly written blow-by-blows I'm sure y'all just adore.

don't worry about me vanishing or anything, just wanted to give a heads up.

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You can be put on the EXP share if needed, just like Brendan is while chim is out battling illness.

Regardless, we move on now. The update is up. I mean what I said at the very bottom about potions not being enough to revive a fainted member, and this applies to all other healing items in the future unless they are explicitly made for reviving (IE, Revives and Revive Roots). You can medicate/regen/heal pulse away a party member's wounds as much as you like, it's not going to change the fact that if they're knocked out, FAINT is a legit status condition as far as I'm concerned, just like BURN or POISN, so that fatigue and exhaustion caused by it will still stick with them and still render them unable to battle until the status is removed either via healing machine or Revive/Revival Roots. This is to prevent the abuse of potions and other typical healing items such as berries... because seeing folks just deus ex machinaing their way through tough fights by pulling out hyper potions and giving their fallen partner a few sprays and having them get up as if good and new and in top fighting condition like nothing happened and they never fainted is not something I want going on here.

So let me reiterate to make sure folks understand.

Just like in the games, FAINT is a status condition here, just like Burn, Poison, and Paralysis are. And just like Burn, Poison, or Paralysis, you need the proper medical items or move in order to heal them (for FAINT, these are Revives, Max Revives, Revive Roots, etc.) or by getting them treated at a pokemon center or healing machine. Either that, or you can wait for a long while and it will start cure itself naturally. This will take a substantial amount of time for the pokemon to recover on it's own however.

Unlike Burn, Poison, and Paralysis however, FAINT is impossible to heal via moves like Refresh, Heal Bell, Aromatherapy, etc.

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To alleviate confusion I quickly sketched how the scene is playing out between Rascal, Apollo, and Ol' Blue eyes. (At least how I see it, feel free to explain if you saw it some other way.)

Blue eyes is using revenge towards Meena, who is in front of him (symbolized by him letting out a punch forwards). Rascal jumped into the air and is using pound with his tail, using his tail to smack blue eyes fist/hand/arm down while Apollo is coming from behind with flame wheel to land a direct blow on the Patrat's back.

I unfortunately got ninja'd on the post, when I initially started it Jory hadn't made his post yet and by the time I posted mine he had already posted his. I was tempted to rewrite it after I read his but decided to keep it as it is. The way i see it is that if Rascal pounds the Patrat's arm down to the ground succesfuly, it'll keep it occupied and unable to evade Apollo's attack which is coming right behind him. Hopefully smacking it right in it's back and catching it in a sandwich. I don't think Rascal would get caught in the crossfire if done successfully since he'll probably be able to jump away after the pound connects (using his' tail to bounce him off the Patrat) so Apollo should be able to land his attack without any problem. (Then again, this is how I see it.)

(P.S: Yes, I know the sketch is horrid. I just drew it really fast to give ya'll an idea of what I was seeing since I wasn't sure I'd be able to describe it well enough.)


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Double posting b/c it's my thread and I doubt any of you really care about that trivial $R crap anyway:

I'd like to elaborate on what I meant by "Rare" Pokemon in Acqui's player choice thread.

For simplicity's sake, in this RP a "Rare" Pokemon is any Pokemon that will have a statistical advantage over most of the Pokemon at that point in the RP. For example, if someone were to ask for a Hawlucha right now they would be required to go on a Side Quest to acquire it. Not all Trainers who go on a Side Quest will be given a "Rare" Pokemon; however, if you've asked for one I highly recommend going on what seems like the most complex quest. On Route 2, that's going to be a quest called "Pokemon Ranger, Defender of the Wild!"

Speaking of which,

if you haven't told me what Pokemon you want for Chapter 2 (Route 2, Striation Gardens/Dreamyard) you should probably do that now. Give me a list of 5. First come, first serve; there will be no duplicates this early on.

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Damn it, I wanted to have a team of all 6 infernapes.

Honestly just by the title of the quest alone it sounds pretty fun and I'm really looking forward to it. But how will we know if the pokemon we ask for qualifies as "rare" (I'm not amazing when it comes to poke stats and all that, I always just thought of rare as shiny/legendaries and that kind of stuff.)

Also, will we be catching/acquiring the pokemon of our choosing at the end of the quest as a sort of reward or during the quest, like in the middle of it.

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  On 3/21/2016 at 4:16 AM, Shadow Sketches said:

Honestly just by the title of the quest alone it sounds pretty fun and I'm really looking forward to it. But how will we know if the pokemon we ask for qualifies as "rare" (I'm not amazing when it comes to poke stats and all that, I always just thought of rare as shiny/legendaries and that kind of stuff.)

Also, will we be catching/acquiring the pokemon of our choosing at the end of the quest as a sort of reward or during the quest, like in the middle of it.

Good question! If you've asked for a "Rare" Pokemon, I'll be sure to point it out to you once you've sent in your request. At this point in the story, these are usually Pokemon that were designed to compete with fully evolved Pokemon in a single stage form. Pokemon like Scyther, Tangela, Yanma, and Lickitung fall into this category as well as conventionally powerful single-stage Pokemon like Skarmory, Heracross, and Tauros.

This does not exclude you from getting first-form Pokemon that evolve late; for example after Driftveil City, several (non-pseudo) Dragon pre-evos become available. The Pokemon you'll be able to acquire largely depend on environment. One of the reasons I like Unova so much is the variety of nooks and crannies that exist for Pokemon to inhabit.

All starters, regardless of generation or type, are classified "Rare." Any Trainer with under 4 Badges will be completely unable to encounter them in the wild; this means if you have 4 Badges and your friend only has 3, you need to go looking for it on your own.

To answer the last question you asked, it'll vary from quest to quest and Pokemon to Pokemon. It'll also depend on the decisions you make as a Trainer during these quests. Some Pokemon will be found randomly, some will be plot-related, some will ask to join you, and some will make you battle to prove your strength. There's no concrete mold as to how to acquire a Pokemon, so I'll do my best to keep you all guessing.

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Right now I'm going from the FR/LG habitat list for anything gen 1-3 and making it up based on where stuff if found for everything after.

  On 3/21/2016 at 11:04 AM, K_H said:

So, what would be reasonable for the environs for each place?

I'm not sure what you mean by this, so let me get you 2 different answers.

1) The next 3 environments are: Plains/Forest (Route 2), Urban (Dreamyard), and Garden (Striation Gardens)

2) Given that, here are a few Pokemon for each:

-Route 2- Nidoran, Plusle/Minun, Spearow, Pidgey- these tend to be regular Pokemon that you'd find in the tall grass on some of the wider routes

-Dreamyard- Purrloin, Meowth, Vulpix, Duskull- these tend to be derivatives of domesticated animals or scavengers; Shuppet, Duskull, and Drifloon are also available here

-Striation Gardens- Caterpie, Weedle, Wurmple, Scatterbug, Combee, Ledyba- basically Bug-types and some Urban types.

Keep in mind some Pokemon can live in multiple environs. For example, you can find a Vulpix basically anywhere that's not underwater or in the mountains.

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