Hey, the name's DespairSyndrome. I'm pretty new to the forums so cut me some slack ok? c:
Now, if you're like me, then you're officially A_PERSON_WHO_CANT_PLAY_GAMES_BLIND™. Welcome to the club.
And if you really ARE like me, you are a dirty lurkerprobably have readSophia's guide. If you haven't then I suggest you go read it because (and this is important).
Mostly because I am also a LAZY_SHIT™.
Now, a friendly disclaimer. This guide was meant to help people who cannot play without a walkthrough, and since no other walkthroughs get further then Sophia's, people are going to enter DEMON FORESTChrysolia Forest blind.
This guide is not for a completionist, and is only for someone who doesn't want to go into the story blind. I'll only cover the STORY and maybe some sidequests here and there but I'll mostly be skipping optional content (hence, the HORRENDOUSLY WRITTEN in the title).
If you're a PERFECTIONIST™, then you might want to readChubb's guide. As of the time of writing, he has only covered content up until Florinia's gym. Until he catches up to Sophia, you readers are stuck with meif you haven't already left. Feel free to read his guide and send mine to the gallows once he reaches this part of the game though.
Also worth noting is that I'll simply show the Pokemon of your opponents, without the levels or movesets. If you want those, again, read Chubb's guide, or take it a step further and read KUMA'S BIG BOOK OF BOSSES™ (Yeah, that's right. I trademarked someone else's content. Sue me. jk plz dont sue me.)
If you are a masochistthink reborn is for pussies are a HARDCORE_PLAYER™, then you're probably playing Pokemon Reborn HARDCORE. If that's the case, then this guide ain't gonna cut it. In fact, you'll need something Marginally Better-Written. And lucky for you, Lord Chespin's gotcha covered. Check out his Hardcore Reborn Walkthrough here!
Oh yeah spoilers, that too >w<, but if youre reading this you probably don’t care.
Continuing from where Sophia left us, we find ourselves at the exit of the railnet. Heather flies away, Cain chases after her and Charlotte asks you to head Northward.
This is the bit where you're supposed to be lost and confused because now you're on your own. You vs the Reborn World.
PLOT TWIST: You're not. Cause I'm here.
Your next step is to head Northward (if you haven't figured that out already). You'll be in Tanzan Mountain, there's not much for you to do here, since most of the other routes are currently blocked off.
At the first left, you can catch either a Lunatone or a Solrock, depending on which you got at the Grand Staircase. Continue up.
You'll run into a fork here. The left and right routes are blocked off, but remember this place, we'll be coming back later on.
Moving on, you'll find Charlotte by one of many paths. The other paths lead to dead ends, so follow hers into Tanzan Cove.
This place is fairly straightforward. Follow the path and you'll find Charlotte's house. Anna isn't feeling well, so since you're the one who's doing all the work, unsurprisingly, it is you that is tasked to go get the medicine from Spinel Town.
There's not much to do here. There's a bed upstairs where you can heal (praise the lord). Once you're done, backtrack out of the mountain. This time, follow the railway tracks East. We're gonna enter Chrysolia Forest.
⚫ ⚫ ⚫
Other names include but are not limited to: "DEMON_FOREST" and "20FPS FOREST" Because it runs at 20 FPS on my shitty toaster.
Don't let the size of this place fool you. It is actually fairly straightforward, there's only one route to take. Still, this place is so large and so laggy, that you'll probably get lost pretty easily.
Did I mention this place was straightforward?
Once you reach this dead end, you'll realized that YOU GOT JAPED BY THE GREAT PAPYRUS.Now, dear reader, you are probably confused as to where to go to now. My suggestion to you: Give up.
That's right.
But then, as you walk back from where you came from, the tree that is blocking your path disappears! And now, dear reader, you are probably thanking me for telling you what to do. Be grateful that unlike me, you didn't have to spend 20 minutes mindlessly walking around the DEMON FOREST.
This entire forest is in fact, a puzzle. Trees that block the path will seem to disappear and reappear without rhyme or reason. After awhile, it'll seem that you're walking in circles.
The solution to this puzzle? Walk in circles. I'm serious.
Do this and you'll eventually reach Spinel Town.
Welcome, ladies and mentlegen, to Spinel Town. As soon as you step in, you'll notice that random objects will randomly disappear and reappear.
Well, that doesn't concern us. Our goal is to simply get the medicine. Your next step is to walk into the Pokemart.
Or at least try to before the power of PLOT_VS_PLAYER™ makes it disappear for the sole reason of making your life harder.
The only thing left for you do now other than a few sidequests is to head to the large red building. As it turns out, the Pokemart appeared on top of the house. Anyways, you're invited in so make yourself comfortable.
Turns out this is the house of Serra, the DEMONIce-Type gym leader. You are also introduced to Bennett who, for some inexplicable reason, I hate more than Fern. Yes, ladies and mentlegen, you heard it here first. A character someone hates more than Fern.
Seriously. Bennett and his bugs can go burn in a hole. You might not hate him now, but you'll probably will later on in the game.
Anyway, Serra mentions Luna, a girl who claims that Serra is her mother. SPOILERS: She isn't. Apparently, Luna had already left, which is for the better probably (mostly because sharing a house with Bennett is probably akin to torture).
Serra mentions how Luna's real parents won't be likely showing their faces here anytime soon. Cue the part where Luna's real parent (probably) shows his face at the door.
Meet El. A FOLLOWER_OF_THE_LORD_ARCEUS™. That guy just reeks bad-guyiness.
After some small talk, El just invites himself in (Really?)
Anyway, now you have to fight Serra to advance the story. Head to the room at the back.
The trainers in this gym are completely optional. The trick to this gym is to use Rock Smash at the part of the room "where symmetry breaks". Shouldn't be too hard. Except it is. (?)
Something I should point out. On the third room, you are forced into a battle with Bennett, so I suggest you heal up before so. Anyways, first battle of this shitty guide wooooooo111
Pokemon are sorted according to level. I can’t write their levels cause I’m shit at formatting
Too lazy to transperify Bennett's sprite.
Anyway, Bennett's team is fairly straightforward. A decent Fire/Rock-Type should take him out no problem.
If you don't have a decent Fire/Rock-Type, then you have to watch out as Bennett knows how to take advantage of his field.
'Take advantage', as in equipping Brightpowder on half his Pokemon and spamming Signal Beam for DAMAGE_BOOST, then yeah.
Cheap bastard.
Anyway, after you hand is ass in, El will consider him Elite 4 material.
The LOSER is Elite 4 material. Has the Lord Arceus fried your brain so much that you fail to notice who came out on top?\
⚫ ⚫ ⚫
Anyway, after that little shindig, go back to heal your Pokemon and enter the next room where Serra awaits. Now, before you go in, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU BRING A SPEEDY/TANKY POKEMON THAT CAN BREAK HER FIELD.
I might wanna shave off that top half of her sprite. It's occupying a lot of unused space.
Serra is one of the toughest leaders so far, mostly thanks to her field and how much her team compliments it. If you don't destroy it, your attacks will never hit. Evasion boosting OP.
Destroying her field is your top priority and even if your lead dies doing it, it makes the battle hell of a lot easier.
If for some reason, you’re a masochist you don't want to destroy the field, let me tell you.
On all my playthroughs, I couldn't beat Serra without destroying the field first. Once that is over, it'll be a nice easy sweep, seeing as how many weaknesses Ice-Types have.
Only Lord Arceus knows what was going through Ame's mind when she created this demon field.
Truly an individual deserving the title of ‘Ultimate Despair’.
Anyway, after the battle, you’re given the Rime Badge, which increases to level cap to 55 and it also slightly boosts the Speed of all your Pokemon (this will be immensely important for upcoming battles). You’re also given the TM for Frost Breath, which isn’t a bad move.
Leave the room and you’re given a cutscene of Bennett casually selling out his crush to a creepy old man he doesn’t even know for a spot in the Elite 4.
After that, he leaves with a simple “Goodbye, mother.” Good for Serra, since he’s gone. Bad for us since we’ll be seeing a lot of him later on.
⚫ ⚫ ⚫
Anyway, the Pokemart is gone now. It should be at the fork between Tanzan Mountain and Chrysolia Forest now.
Before you leave, talk to this lady. Walk away and she’ll disappear. (LOL)
This little sidequest will net you an EXP Share.
Talk to this girl to initiate it. You'll have to find her missing furniture scattered across town.
Anyway, solutions!
You can find the bed in this house, there's a tree in the way, it'll disappear when you walk up to it.
You can interact with the TV from here.
This table can be found in one of the first apartment lots.
There's a house in the way, but it'll disappear when you walk up to it.
There's a room with a cabinet and a vending machine here in between these two pots. You can get up here via the musesum.
Also ez.
This bookshelf is in Benett's room. It is the Bottom-Left room at the 2nd floor of Serra's house.
Once you got everything, return to the girl for the EXP Share.
Once you’re done with the sidequests here, head back into Chrysolia Forest. You’ll find a house with a weird dude in it. He’ll trade you something a Trapinch (thanks, Chubb) for a Mothim.
Run around in circles until you leave and you’ll find the Pokemart near the entrance to Tanzan Mountain. Buy the Medicine, BUT DO NOT HEAD BACK TO ANNA JUST YET.
Instead go back into Chrysolia Forest and take the first North, you’ll find the lady that disappeared previously here. Give her the medicine. After that, meet her back at Spinel Town and you’ll receive a Dept Store Sticker!
Once that’s done, go and buy another Medicine and head back to Tanzan Cove.
Give the Medicine to Anna, and she’ll pour 500 of your Pokedollars onto her doll (This is why I don’t trust children). But Anna gets better anyway, and she decides to make it up to you by giving you a gym battle with Noel.
Despair Syndrome
Hey, the name's DespairSyndrome. I'm pretty new to the forums so cut me some slack ok? c:
Now, if you're like me, then you're officially A_PERSON_WHO_CANT_PLAY_GAMES_BLIND™. Welcome to the club.
And if you really ARE like me, you
are a dirty lurkerprobably have read Sophia's guide. If you haven't then I suggest you go read it because (and this is important).I WILL CONTINUE THIS GUIDE FROM WHERE SHE LEFT OFF.
Mostly because I am also a LAZY_SHIT™.
Now, a friendly disclaimer. This guide was meant to help people who cannot play without a walkthrough, and since no other walkthroughs get further then Sophia's, people are going to enter
DEMON FORESTChrysolia Forest blind.This guide is not for a completionist, and is only for someone who doesn't want to go into the story blind. I'll only cover the STORY and maybe some sidequests here and there but I'll mostly be skipping optional content (hence, the HORRENDOUSLY WRITTEN in the title).
If you're a PERFECTIONIST™, then you might want to read Chubb's guide. As of the time of writing, he has only covered content up until Florinia's gym. Until he catches up to Sophia, you readers are stuck with me
if you haven't already left.Feel free to read his guide and send mine to the gallows once he reaches this part of the game though.Also worth noting is that I'll simply show the Pokemon of your opponents, without the levels or movesets. If you want those, again, read Chubb's guide, or take it a step further and read KUMA'S BIG BOOK OF BOSSES™ (Yeah, that's right. I trademarked someone else's content. Sue me. jk plz dont sue me.)
If you
are a masochistthink reborn is for pussiesare a HARDCORE_PLAYER™, then you're probably playing Pokemon Reborn HARDCORE. If that's the case, then this guide ain't gonna cut it. In fact, you'll need something Marginally Better-Written. And lucky for you, Lord Chespin's gotcha covered. Check out his Hardcore Reborn Walkthrough here!Want to tell/ask me something? Here's the Discussion Thread.
Anyways, without further ado, onto the guide!
Oh yeah spoilers, that too >w<, but if youre reading this you probably don’t care.
Continuing from where Sophia left us, we find ourselves at the exit of the railnet. Heather flies away, Cain chases after her and Charlotte asks you to head Northward.
This is the bit where you're supposed to be lost and confused because now you're on your own. You vs the Reborn World.
PLOT TWIST: You're not. Cause I'm here.
Your next step is to head Northward (if you haven't figured that out already). You'll be in Tanzan Mountain, there's not much for you to do here, since most of the other routes are currently blocked off.
At the first left, you can catch either a Lunatone or a Solrock, depending on which you got at the Grand Staircase. Continue up.
You'll run into a fork here. The left and right routes are blocked off, but remember this place, we'll be coming back later on.
Moving on, you'll find Charlotte by one of many paths. The other paths lead to dead ends, so follow hers into Tanzan Cove.
This place is fairly straightforward. Follow the path and you'll find Charlotte's house. Anna isn't feeling well, so since you're the one who's doing all the work, unsurprisingly, it is you that is tasked to go get the medicine from Spinel Town.
There's not much to do here. There's a bed upstairs where you can heal (praise the lord). Once you're done, backtrack out of the mountain. This time, follow the railway tracks East. We're gonna enter Chrysolia Forest.
⚫ ⚫ ⚫
Other names include but are not limited to: "DEMON_FOREST" and "20FPS FOREST"
Because it runs at 20 FPS on my shitty toaster.Don't let the size of this place fool you. It is actually fairly straightforward, there's only one route to take. Still, this place is so large
and so laggy, that you'll probably get lost pretty easily.Did I mention this place was straightforward?
Once you reach this dead end, you'll realized that
YOU GOT JAPED BY THE GREAT PAPYRUS.Now, dear reader, you are probably confused as to where to go to now. My suggestion to you: Give up.That's right.
But then, as you walk back from where you came from, the tree that is blocking your path disappears! And now, dear reader, you are probably thanking me for telling you what to do. Be grateful that unlike me, you didn't have to spend 20 minutes mindlessly walking around the DEMON FOREST.
This entire forest is in fact, a puzzle. Trees that block the path will seem to disappear and reappear without rhyme or reason. After awhile, it'll seem that you're walking in circles.
The solution to this puzzle? Walk in circles. I'm serious.
Do this and you'll eventually reach Spinel Town.
Welcome, ladies and mentlegen, to Spinel Town. As soon as you step in, you'll notice that random objects will randomly disappear and reappear.
Well, that doesn't concern us. Our goal is to simply get the medicine. Your next step is to walk into the Pokemart.
Or at least try to before the power of PLOT_VS_PLAYER™ makes it disappear for the sole reason of making your life harder.
The only thing left for you do now other than a few sidequests is to head to the large red building. As it turns out, the Pokemart appeared on top of the house. Anyways, you're invited in so make yourself comfortable.
Turns out this is the house of Serra, the
DEMONIce-Type gym leader. You are also introduced to Bennett who, for some inexplicable reason, I hate more than Fern. Yes, ladies and mentlegen, you heard it here first. A character someone hates more than Fern.Seriously. Bennett and his bugs can go burn in a hole. You might not hate him now, but you'll probably will later on in the game.
Anyway, Serra mentions Luna, a girl who claims that Serra is her mother. SPOILERS: She isn't. Apparently, Luna had already left, which is for the better probably (mostly because sharing a house with Bennett is probably akin to torture).
Serra mentions how Luna's real parents won't be likely showing their faces here anytime soon. Cue the part where Luna's real parent (probably) shows his face at the door.
Meet El. A FOLLOWER_OF_THE_LORD_ARCEUS™. That guy just reeks bad-guyiness.
After some small talk, El just invites himself in (Really?)
Anyway, now you have to fight Serra to advance the story. Head to the room at the back.
The trainers in this gym are completely optional. The trick to this gym is to use Rock Smash at the part of the room "where symmetry breaks". Shouldn't be too hard. Except it is. (?)
Something I should point out. On the third room, you are forced into a battle with Bennett, so I suggest you heal up before so. Anyways, first battle of this shitty guide wooooooo111
LEIP LEPIDOA LODEPDOUCHEBAG BENNETTPokemon are sorted according to level. I can’t write their levels cause I’m shit at formatting
Too lazy to transperify Bennett's sprite.
Anyway, Bennett's team is fairly straightforward. A decent Fire/Rock-Type should take him out no problem.
If you don't have a decent Fire/Rock-Type, then you have to watch out as Bennett knows how to take advantage of his field.
'Take advantage', as in equipping Brightpowder on half his Pokemon and spamming Signal Beam for DAMAGE_BOOST, then yeah.
Cheap bastard.
Anyway, after you hand is ass in, El will consider him Elite 4 material.
The LOSER is Elite 4 material. Has the Lord Arceus fried your brain so much that you fail to notice who came out on top?\
⚫ ⚫ ⚫
Anyway, after that little shindig, go back to heal your Pokemon and enter the next room where Serra awaits. Now, before you go in, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU BRING A SPEEDY/TANKY POKEMON THAT CAN BREAK HER FIELD.
I might wanna shave off that top half of her sprite. It's occupying a lot of unused space.
Serra is one of the toughest leaders so far, mostly thanks to her field and how much her team compliments it. If you don't destroy it, your attacks will never hit. Evasion boosting OP.
Destroying her field is your top priority and even if your lead dies doing it, it makes the battle hell of a lot easier.
If for some reason,
you’re a masochistyou don't want to destroy the field, let me tell you.YOU'RE GONNA HAVE A BAD TIME.
On all my playthroughs, I couldn't beat Serra without destroying the field first. Once that is over, it'll be a nice easy sweep, seeing as how many weaknesses Ice-Types have.
Only Lord Arceus knows what was going through Ame's mind when she created this demon field.
Truly an individual deserving the title of ‘Ultimate Despair’.
Anyway, after the battle, you’re given the Rime Badge, which increases to level cap to 55 and it also slightly boosts the Speed of all your Pokemon (this will be immensely important for upcoming battles). You’re also given the TM for Frost Breath, which isn’t a bad move.
Leave the room and you’re given a cutscene of Bennett casually selling out his crush to a creepy old man he doesn’t even know for a spot in the Elite 4.
After that, he leaves with a simple “Goodbye, mother.” Good for Serra, since he’s gone. Bad for us since we’ll be seeing a lot of him later on.
⚫ ⚫ ⚫
Anyway, the Pokemart is gone now. It should be at the fork between Tanzan Mountain and Chrysolia Forest now.
Before you leave, talk to this lady. Walk away and she’ll disappear. (LOL)
This little sidequest will net you an EXP Share.
Talk to this girl to initiate it. You'll have to find her missing furniture scattered across town.
Anyway, solutions!
You can find the bed in this house, there's a tree in the way, it'll disappear when you walk up to it.
You can interact with the TV from here.
This table can be found in one of the first apartment lots.
There's a house in the way, but it'll disappear when you walk up to it.
There's a room with a cabinet and a vending machine here in between these two pots. You can get up here via the musesum.
Also ez.
This bookshelf is in Benett's room. It is the Bottom-Left room at the 2nd floor of Serra's house.
Once you got everything, return to the girl for the EXP Share.
Once you’re done with the sidequests here, head back into Chrysolia Forest. You’ll find a house with a weird dude in it. He’ll trade you
somethinga Trapinch (thanks, Chubb) for a Mothim.Run around in circles until you leave and you’ll find the Pokemart near the entrance to Tanzan Mountain. Buy the Medicine, BUT DO NOT HEAD BACK TO ANNA JUST YET.
Instead go back into Chrysolia Forest and take the first North, you’ll find the lady that disappeared previously here. Give her the medicine. After that, meet her back at Spinel Town and you’ll receive a Dept Store Sticker!
Once that’s done, go and buy another Medicine and head back to Tanzan Cove.
Give the Medicine to Anna, and she’ll pour 500 of your Pokedollars onto her doll
(This is why I don’t trust children). But Anna gets better anyway, and she decides to make it up to you by giving you a gym battle with Noel.
Edited by Despair SyndromeLink to comment
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