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Worst Pokemon for a Pet

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We all love Pokemon that we cannot deny, and I am pretty sure one hundred percent of us would seriously snatch up a Pokemon in real life if given the chance. And as amazing as all of them are, some of them would make TERRIBLE pets. So what do you think? Also I think legendary Pokemon should be kind of obvious. Having Satan (Girantina) or God (Arceus) as a pet would be awful.

So anyways, in my opinion, Muk/Grimer would be on of the worst. They would make your home a mess just by moving around.

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You can probably add psuedos to that list along with like 80% of water types since most of them need to be underwater to live. Weezing would probably suck a bit since itd just shoot gas out all day.

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Misdreavus would make the list of worst pet, as its pokedex entry states 'It likes playing mischievous tricks such as screaming and wailing to startle people at night' or 'The pokemon apparently uses its red spheres to absorb the fearful feelings of foes and turn them into nutrition'. It cant help it as its food source comes from people's fear, now imagine it living in the household with people who have heart attacks or with babies.

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Magcargo's body temperature is approximately 18,000 degrees F. Water is vaporized on contact. If this Pokémon is caught in the rain, the raindrops instantly turn into steam, cloaking the area in a thick fog

Idk I mean sounds terrible to me.

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what if it possesses a fucking table lamp aND JUMPS IN THE BATHTUB WITH YOU

or possess the toaster and burns your toast- oh god no

dude it could LITERALLY possess anyTHING and make your life 10000000000000000000% harder than it already is and laugh while it's doing it >:[

though I still love Rotom <3

but I certainly wouldn't wanna have it as a pet

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you people want to know who will be the worst pet magikarp imagine youre siting in the toilet doing your business and holy shit a 3 foot long karp evolved into a 21 foot sea serpent out to eat you for every time you forgot to feed it or try to flush it down the toilet,

Now the best pet to have be gardevoir now all the perviness aside no one will mess if you have a gardevoir with you itll throw all your enemies in a black hole if anyone messes with you and it dosent come with the Physical problems of most types its human like in behavior so no need to train it or worry in leaving it home alone that itll make a mess or anything it can see any foreseeable future events that may harm you and stop them in advance it knows teleport so lessens the travel cost psychic to move things around to difficult for you and all the bragging of youre awesome gardevoir online now who dosent want a gardevoir

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  On 1/18/2016 at 7:40 AM, Ice said:


Magcargo's body temperature is approximately 18,000 degrees F. Water is vaporized on contact. If this Pokémon is caught in the rain, the raindrops instantly turn into steam, cloaking the area in a thick fog

Idk I mean sounds terrible to me.

magcargo is as hot as the sun and we should all die because of the existence of one of them

next to that, there's darkrai as worst legendary because you will literally never sleep without eaten dreams or nightmares anymore

worst pet non-legendary pet (that hasn't been brought up yet) would be garbodor, because let's be real, that thing makes your house smell like shit

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  On 1/18/2016 at 6:25 AM, mde2001 said:

Giratina is the worst including legendaries because it is kind of the devil.

But but but


In all seriousness, any Pokemon with a weather-altering ability is a strong candidate for worst pet IMO. Want to play with your pet? Hope you enjoy a drought/rainstorm/sandstorm/hailstorm in your living room!

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Just a couple of reasons why the "cuter" Pokemon don't make the cut

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By far, though... this is prolly one of the worst. It's 1.4m, and 88kg, so reasonable enough for indoors, buuuuut...

It is not satisfied unless it is rampaging at all times. If there is no opponent for Tauros to battle, it will charge at thick trees and knock them down to calm itself.

Have fun with the lawsuits and property damage!

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So basiclly any poison type, water type, ghost type, fire type that has flames coming out of his body without commands, I bet rock types, pokemon bigger than the average height of a human being, psychic pokemon (let's be real if the pokemon is smarter than a human why should he/she care about us), legendarys (most), pseudos (and Slaking), fighting types with short temper (Primeape, Mankey for example), Absol..., electric types such as Electrode, Rotom.

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