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[IC] Pokemon: Luminous Dawn- Chapter 1- A Bright Future!


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Outside - Brendan

When the group reached the battlefields, Brendan was focused on the young kids. He had listened to their introductions out of respect, but he was far more curious to see which Pokémon they had gotten. Titan was standing next to him without moving an inch, just like in the lab. Even when Brendan was circling around and studying his Roggenrola from every possible angle, the rock type hadn’t moved. But he did follow closely behind to reach outdoors.

Before he could see the kid’s Pokémon, Brendan noticed Jason coming over. He chuckled slightly when he accepted the brown-haired boy’s challenge. “I think I’ve heard the same thing so I’ll accept. And don’t worry about going easy on us. We won’t go down without a fight!”

The Roggenrola at his feet gave a small nod in appreciation and hopped over towards the first battlefield.

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Outside - Jack

Jack was just about to move in Hugh's direction when Mio challenged him. In response, Jack nodded and spoke.

"All right, that sounds good. But first, we should probably register our Pokemon in our Pokedexes."

Jack then knelt down and scanned Lara and Leonidas into his Pokedex, their profiles showing up onscreen. Jack nodded, and then walked over to the nearest Battlefield.

"How does a Single Battle sound to you, Mio?"

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The girl shrugged at Katie's question, looking at her with curiosity. "I mean, I suppose we can't force you to. However, you don't want your first battle with your new partner to be on unfavorable terms. Right now you have an opportunity to gain some experience and even maybe learn a move. As a veteran Trainer, I wouldn't recommend passing that up. Heck, if anyone challenges me I'll be battling them with my new Pokemon. But the short answer is no, you don't have to battle."


The new Trainer ran enthusiastically to the far side of the field that Brendan had picked, his Treecko hopping from foot to foot eagerly. Once they reached the battleground, Gomez stood in the field. "We're ready when you are, Brendan!" Jason shouted down the field.

A battle has started between Amateur Jason and Amateur Brendan!

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Outside- Mio

At Jack's suggestion, Mio nodded and kneeled down, letting Meena and Loam jump safely to the ground. He let his Pokedex scan them, taking the moment to breathe deeply.

He stood back up as soon as the Pokedex had finished, moving over to the battlefield where Jack was standing. Meena stretched, seemingly nonchalant, but Mio could tell she was excited. A Poochyena or Shinx were much more suitable opponents than one measly Patrat.

"Singles sounds good." Mio glanced at Meena and Loam, wondering which he should send out first. It didn't even take a second before Meena made the decision for him, padding out in front of her trainer. Mio smiled ruefully and shrugged, while Loam stared at her teammate with unabashed awe.

A battle has started between Amateur Mio and Amateur Jack!

Edited by genderlesshawke
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Outside- Alecks

Both he and Apollo looked at each other surprisingly "Uh.. I guess we got turned down?" Alecks scratched the back of his neck, not knowing what to do when someone doesn't want to battle. His partner seemed far from happy, he still held on to his shoulder but it was obvious he wanted some action. Apollo was trying to intimidate Roy, obviously feeling cheated out of his chance of facing a rival. He looked around at Bianca, not sure what he was supposed what else to do now that the others already choose their battling opponents.

"Well, Apollo is yearning to show off...maybe we can battle you instead, Bianca? Same terms as before?" he muttered somewhat awkwardly, some of the steam he had moments before being blown away by being rejected so quickly.

Edited by Shadow Sketches
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Bianca whirled to face Alecks, face lit up with glee. "I'd love to!" she cheered excitedly, scrambling over to the nearest empty battlefield. She grabbed her new Poke Ball and stared hard at it, willing her Pokemon to hear her. "C'mon! It's our first battle together and I just know you're going to be amazing but even so I want you to try your hardest and do your best and heeeeeere we go!" she finished, twirling and throwing her Poke Ball in a practiced motion onto the field. In a bright flash of white, a Snivy burst from its Ball. The small Grass-type snake looked condescendingly down its nose at Alecks and his Chimchar, beckoning them to fight. "Your move first, newbie!" Bianca shouted.

A battle has started between Researcher Bianca and Amateur Alecks!

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Alecks gazed at the Snivy in wonder "Woah! It look so cool!" He said in awe, he quickly took out his pokedex and scanned both Apollo and the Snivy. Apollo giving his trainer a withering look, slightly annoyed that he was giving the other pokemon so much attention. Alecks scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment "Heh sorry Apollo.." he muttered, taking a slight pause before pumping his fist slightly. "All right! Come on Apollo, let's show them what we're made of!" Apollo mimicked his trainer's actions, pumping his fist in the air with determination. Alecks quickly ran to the battlefield Bianca choose with Apollo on his shoulder.

Once Alecks got into position, Apollo jumped down into onto the battlefield gracefully, landing on his feet as he growled slightly at the Snivy. Both he and Alecks got the fire in their eyes back, looking forward to their first battle as partners. "Ok Apollo, they might have the advantage in experience, but we have the type and passion advantage!" Chimchar yelped a reply to his trainer, both of their blood pumping through their veins excitedly. "Now go Apollo, move forward and use Ember!"

Apollo ran forward towards the Snivy, once he got a close enough distance he jumped in the air and lets out small bolts of fire from his mouth midair, aiming straight towards the Snivy.

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"I'm an experienced Trainer! It's going to take more than just an itty bitty head-on attack to beat me!" Bianca said cheerily. "Snivy, use your speed to slither out of the way, then use Vine Whip!" The Snivy moved with startling agility through the rain of Embers, coming out mostly unscathed. Then she fired two long, thick vines from her neck, attempting to catch the quick little Fire monkey in a binding hold. "Wow! You're so cool, Snivy!" she cheered, encouraging her Pokemon.

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Lara looked at her Trainer, and nodded. She then headed out onto the field, and then waited for Jack to give her a command, which he did.

"All right, Lara, use Bite."

Lara then started to run towards Meena, teeth gaining a dark aura around them as she did so.

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Mio took a sharp breath as Jack's Poochyena dashed forwards. If he was remembering correctly, Poochyena generally hit harder than Meena could probably take. Which meant the strategy for this fight should most likely be guerrilla-style.

"Meena, get behind her and use Growl!"

Meena waited til the last second and leaped forwards, landing just behind Lara. She jumped backwards before letting out a horrible yowl, hopefully reducing the Poochyena's raw power.

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Outside- Katie

Katie nodded happily. Why on earth would her first battle be unfavourable? Wasn't it a common occurrence to fight wild encounters? Katie was sure she could pick up the basics fairly easily. Maybe watching someone else fail first would be more beneficial anyway. Who knew? The whole point of this experiment was to find out anyway.

First things first though, with Alecks now embroiled in a battle with Bianca, Katie stepped away to the younger children. She beamed at them all, making a point to include Hugh despite her feeling it didn't matter. "Hiya kids. How you doing? I'm Katie, it's nice to meet you."

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Jack saw how Meena dodged and then used growl, but didn't look surprised.

So that's how you fight, huh? Two can play at that game.

Jack then smiled, and gave Lara a command.

"Lara, aim a Sand Attack just behind you, and then get out of there to avoid being hit!"

Lara responded by kicking up her back paws, flinging dirt at Meena's face in the process. Once that was done, she ran back over to her Trainer's side of the field, ready for the next move.

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Outside- Tara

Tara's eyes lighted up when professor Juniper spoke about the battles. Finally she would be able to test herself in a real battle. Her first impulse was to ask Alia to battle her, but the longer she waited, the less confident she became to battle her friend. What if she wasn't able to battle well? What if the older kids would make fun of her?

However, when two battles started, her interest was sparkled again. Itching to get into battle, she was just about to ask Alia, when one of the older girls approached their group. Her name... Tara couldn't remember the adolescents introducing themselves to them. All the more reason for her to be surprised when the girl introduced herself as Katie. "Uh, h-hello," she said unsurely, before pulling herself together. "I mean, hello! I'm Tara! Nice to meet you too!"

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"Huh?" Hugh took his eyes off the two battles going on for a moment, only then noticing katie."Oh, hey..." Then his attention was back on the action. There was no need to introduce himself again afterall. Besides, it would probably be a better idea to watch some of their rivals than chat, see how they acted and reacted in the heat of the moment. It was a competition afterall... not like that was the part that really mattered though.

"Battles, huh? guess it's alot different than watching it on TV... and probably even more different when you're actually evenly matched with the other person and not trying to pit the family Lillipup up against a Magneton..." He shook the thought away almost as soon as it came. It was a mistake to think about last year again...and he knew it. He looked down at the capsule in his hand, gripping it tight as if it offered some type of reassurance... it was funny, he hadn't even opened it and met the occupant, had he? And yet here they were... about to brawl. Completely Just like..."No...no. It doesn't matter, what matters is that we're gonna get stronger, together... no matter whatever you happen to be inside there. This isn't going to be a repeat... I won't let it be."

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Outside- Katie

The young woman stood up straighter and put her hands on her hips, she almost pursed her lips in concern, but she managed to keep the smile in place. It was disconcerting how focused the children were on the battles. The two that had responded seemed surprised, as though they weren't expecting someone else to not be focusing on battling or watching a battle.

Katie brushed back her blonde hair from her eyes as she spoke, an effort towards getting a better view of the kids faces. "You guys seem real interested in the battles." Everyone did. Katie didn't quite understand why. Sure, battling had always been a big thing but in her experience it clearly wasn't everything. The breeders and pokemon musicals in the world attested to that. So why was a first battle so important?

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Outside - Alia

Alia rubbed her eyes for a few seconds before looking at Katie. "Oh, hello." She felt really bad for looking so un-presentable at the moment, staying up all night was a bad idea it seemed. "I'm fine, if a bit sleepy at the moment....I'm not too interested in having a battle at the moment, if you're looking for one by the way...kinda afraid I'd fall asleep in the middle of it..."The mere thought of that happening...she'd never hear the end of it.

"I haven't even met the pokemon inside of this Pokeball here...so battling right now wouldn't be the wisest idea, I guess. I'm more in this for traveling the region than becoming a strong trainer per se."

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Outside- Hugh

"I just think battling is the fastest way to get stronger" The boy said idly. Given the fact his eyes were still on the field, he probably was barely paying attention at this point. It wasn't like it was to actually spite the older trainer or anything, it was just... most of his thoughts probably were genuinely elsewhere. "You battle, you lose, then you learn from it and you go back and try again. Then you keep trying. Then you win... and then you grow. And then eventually you start winning alot more often than you lose. That's how it supposed to work... so that's what me and my partner here are gonna do."

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Outside- Katie

Now Katie frowned. Hugh really was creepy. What the hell was a kid like him needing to get stronger for? "And what about having fun? Enjoying yourself like Alia here? Just, travelling with a friend?" At least one of them wasn't as enthralled with the battles as everyone else seemed. That was nice. Made her feel like the next generation wasn't all bloodthirsty.

Roy hadn't been paying much attention for the past few minutes. He had started watching the battles, made a few faces to distract the annoying monkey, gotten bored and then followed his new trainer. She was talking to the littler people. The littler boy had responded and his trainer had frowned. Roy didn't like this boy. He began glaring. Katie didn't notice. Much.

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Outside- Hugh...

If Katie was already creeped out by a mere case of obvious distraction, then the boy's next response probably didn't help...

"I don't know..." He shrugged, still looking at the fight. "I guess we'll probably end doing that along the way too or something... I just already know what I'm gonna really focus on though." He had pulled out his pokedex and began scanning the capsule in his hand at this point... completely oblivious to the little Fighting type glaring at him from the ground.

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Mio swore under his breath as Lara landed a direct hit with sand attack. Meena pawed at her eyes furiously, before spinning around to squint angrily at her opponent. She couldn't see much through the grit in her eyes, and it made her angry.

Hissing, Meena slunk forwards.

"Meena! Don't get flustered!" Mio called. "Move in quick and try for a scratch, but if you miss get out fast!" He gritted his teeth. Meena was definitely faster than Lara, but it didn't mean anything if her attacks couldn't connect.

Meena managed to shake off most of her frustration at Mio's command. She sprinted towards what little of Lara she could make out, zig-zagging to try and confuse her opponent. When she was just out of what she thought was Lara's range, Meena faked left before speeding, hopefully, behind Lara. She pushed forwards hard with her back legs, propelling herself further than normal and raked her claws in Lara's direction.

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Apollo squealed in surprise as the vines connected to his legs, wrapping themselves around his legs tightly and smashing him down from the air. He grunted, annoyed that he had gotten trapped in the Snivy's vines. He started to struggle and flail frustratingly as the vines didn't loosen up.

"Don't worry Apollo, things aren't over yet!" Alecks tried to cheer his partner on, the Snivy moved faster than he had though. But he had already gotten an idea "Apollo, use Ember and set the vines on fire!" Apollo nodded as he understood what his trainer was going for. He spit out fire towards the middle-point of the vines, the fire landed on target and set the vines aflame. Slowly the flames licked up the vines towards Snivy.

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Meena would've been on target had she aimed a little bit further downwards, but her eyes had been obstructed by grit, making her aim a little off. The fact that she aimed a little too high caused her to just barely avoid hitting Lara's head, and instead fall onto the ground just in front of the Poochyena. Jack then spoke again.

"All right, Lara, Howl and then Bite."

Lara gave off a spine-chilling howl, restoring her resolve to fight back to the pre-growl levels, and then sprinted at Meena, who was hurrying back to her own side of the field. As Lara chased the Meowth, her teeth began to become surrounded with the dark aura again.

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As Meena missed, Mio ground his teeth together hard. He had to think of a way to get in a good hit, or Meena wasn't going to last. She came sprinting back to him, but Lara was hot on her heels.

And then it hit him. The problem was how to communicate his plan to Meena without Jack or Lara understanding. In a fit of desperation, he called out.

"Meena, scary face!"

Somehow, Meena managed to give him a scathing look, as if she was calling him a lot of rude words for "stupid." Mio shouted the command again, praying she'd understand. He pleaded with his eyes as she hurtled towards him, and despite all the sand and dirt clouding her vision, she saw and understood.

Meena skidded to a halt just in front of Mio, and whipped around to face the oncoming Lara. Lara's jaw, covered with dark energy, clamped down around Meena's foreleg. She hissed in pain, but she knew precisely where the little beast was. Mio didn't even finish the word "scratch" before she had swung hard with her other paw, claws gleaming.

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As soon as Mio said 'scary face' the first time, Jack was a bit confused, and pulled out his Pokedex. However, once he looked at the Learnable Moveset for a Meowth, he started to catch on to what was happening, and only had time to speak three words after Mio repeated the command, yelling to Lara just as she had connected with Meena's foreleg.

"Lara, watch out!"

In response, Lara looked upwards, and saw Meena wind up for a Scratch. In response, she let go of meena's foreleg, darted back a short distance, only being hit on her snout as a result. She then quickly attempted to clamp her jaws down on the Meowth's now-exposed paw, the dark aura returning to her teeth again.

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Meena yowled in triumph as her claws connected with Lara's snout, but her celebration was cut short by another command from Mio.

"In again!" He shouted. "Scratch!"

With visceral pleasure, Meena shoved her uninjured paw into Lara's mouth, taking the bite with nary a wince. She ignored the pain in her other limb, using it to slash violently at Lara's head. Mio winced. Meena was being far too reckless. Her irrepressible bloodlust was clouding her judgement; Mio felt lucky she was still listening to him. He reached for a potion, but realized that if he healed, Jack was free to do the same. Meena was taking hard hits to get in damage, he couldn't let that be in vain.

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