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The Redemption League - Command additions!


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Based coding god Swims has hooked us up bigtime with some very neat and useful commands for the public to use when League hours are active, so we don't have to worry any longer about you guys asking what queues look like, for starters.

He's also hooked us up with a challenge command!

The stuff you're going to find particularly useful will be listed down below.

The challenge command!

- We now have a challenge command! When we open League hours, you no longer have to post your challenge in bold text for us to see and make note of! All you have to do when League hours start up (which shows a notification as well), is simply type in /leaguechallenge -Leader name here- ! To make things simpler, it has been made so you can simply type in the Leader's name without the RLDR in front of it. Example; /leaguechallenge Olivia would automatically put you in the queue for a battle with Olivia!

- But wait, you didn't want to challenge Olivia, because she has a long queue? Not to worry! You can remove yourself from the queue by using /removeleaguechallenge to automatically withdraw from your current queue, enabling you to challenge a different leader!

PS: For all those thinking they can be smart and challenge Leaders they aren't qualified for (ie someone with 0 badges trying to challenge Haley/Venus/Elliot from the start), we will always have our badge sheet at the ready and we can also remove you from these queues if needed.

The queue command!

- There's more! Remember all those times I had to turn on modchat just to announce the queues and have that ugly prntscrn image up in the roomintro for people to view (a sometimes outdated) queue? No more of that! Simply use the /queue command and you can see the queue for yourself! You can still ask for any of the League staff members to broadcast it (which will always happen before the battles start regardless)!

I'll make sure to update the roomintro with this as well (and just give a quick tl;dr too)!

I'll catch you all back on the League channel for next weekend!

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Very slowly, the Redemption League brings back the good old days from the Reborn League... I love it! ^-^

The commands are also very useful too, because now we can bold without being mistaken for a challenge. XD AND we can switch gym leaders more easily without going through a tedious process! (Well, it might be a little tedious, but not as tedious as before.) Thank you so much, Dash and Swims!

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I'm going to miss seeing a wall of bold text every time challenges were opened.

I would like to challenge Olivia!

I'll be battling Haley!

I'd like to challenge Nick!

Ariel, I'll be challenging you!

Another round with Poison leader, Venus!

Elliot, it's time for another battle!

Haley, let's battle!

Nonetheless, it's a great change.

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But then when new people join after this update, we can be like

"I remember when we didn;t even have this system and there was just an announcement followed by a big text wall!"

And the statement will be met with a chorus of approval from all the people who are registered and don't have amnesia,

and all the new people will think "Aww man, I'm such a newbie.."

Even though they'll all be like 7 badges ahead of me..

It'll be awesome :D

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...is there any way to shorten these commands? i really dont wanna type a jumble of words each time i want to challenge someone, plus if you make a typo you have to click a button and etc. i would really like to see a shortened version of this, otherwise this is a great idea!

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...is there any way to shorten these commands? i really dont wanna type a jumble of words each time i want to challenge someone, plus if you make a typo you have to click a button and etc. i would really like to see a shortened version of this, otherwise this is a great idea!

You can always copy and paste lol, but its honestly not that long and you're only typing it once

Edited by Milotic
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The problem with making short commands is that it takes up space in the code that could be used for other things... /challenge for instance is already a command. I would rather have the commands do specific things and be easy to remember what they do than random acronyms. If there are any bugs... please pm me

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Long commands/variables are always a good thing; better to know what it is than to have /a through /z. Imagine how hard that'd be to learn, compared to /leaguechallenge.

Nice to see this happen, but it will be sad to see the hardcore wall of text that appears different for everyone go.

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