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What's your phobia?


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Acrophobia and taphophobia(i have to actually look up this word, i have fear for being buried alive, ever since i had nightmares about it when i was little, Ryan Reynold's movie Buried is my worst nightmare comes true)

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I'm afraid of Heights. However... it being a rational fear since it can bloody kill you... it's not a phobia. ;)

If we're gonna talk rational fears, I am afraid of walking down the sidewalk on busy streets to a certain extent. No panic attacks or anything, but it still makes me nervous. And with good reason, I walk home during rush hour along the busiest non-highway road in the city

TL;DR Busy roadways are dangerous

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Melissophobia, aka the fear of bees. I'm not allergic or anything, but I have a completely irrational fear of bees, wasps, hornets, and anything beelike. If I see a bee of any sort flying around near me, you can count on me to flip out and sprint away. I realize that bumblebees and honey bees are pretty docile as a whole, and I'm much better around them than say a wasp, but I'm still not getting anywhere near them and it's still likely that I'd freak out if one was near me. Other than that, I don't have any real phobias. If I find a spider in my room, I'll just pick it up in a napkin or tissue or something and take it outside. Heights aren't bad either. Just bees.

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Melissophobia, aka the fear of bees. I'm not allergic or anything, but I have a completely irrational fear of bees, wasps, hornets, and anything beelike. If I see a bee of any sort flying around near me, you can count on me to flip out and sprint away. I realize that bumblebees and honey bees are pretty docile as a whole, and I'm much better around them than say a wasp, but I'm still not getting anywhere near them and it's still likely that I'd freak out if one was near me. Other than that, I don't have any real phobias. If I find a spider in my room, I'll just pick it up in a napkin or tissue or something and take it outside. Heights aren't bad either. Just bees.

*Clears throat* NOT THE BEES!

It had to be done :P

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Melissophobia, aka the fear of bees. I'm not allergic or anything, but I have a completely irrational fear of bees, wasps, hornets, and anything beelike. If I see a bee of any sort flying around near me, you can count on me to flip out and sprint away. I realize that bumblebees and honey bees are pretty docile as a whole, and I'm much better around them than say a wasp, but I'm still not getting anywhere near them and it's still likely that I'd freak out if one was near me. Other than that, I don't have any real phobias. If I find a spider in my room, I'll just pick it up in a napkin or tissue or something and take it outside. Heights aren't bad either. Just bees.

You're better off than I am. Whenever I see an insect flying around that has that signature yellow and black, I kinda freeze up or run for the hills…except the hills have more bees!

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hoo boy. Big crowds are what really get to me, but even more specifically i can't stand having people behind me, and when adults/people i don't know/don't like touch my back. Everywhere else is normal levels of "um, what are you doing" but when people touch my back I seize up. At restaurants I have to have my back to a wall or at least a booth or I start panicking lol.

Other than that, Parasitophobia, which is the fear of parasites, and I'm terrified of syringes... which makes getting my blood drawn real fun.

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Thantophobia, in a way. I am not, as a rule, dependent or affectionate. Neither am I myself afraid of death as a state. However, I am deeply afraid of losing those few I truly care about. That number being small enough to be counted on one hand exacerbates this, regardless the amount of philosophy, wisdom or what-have-you I can posess.

I do not have any other phobia. I am not sure if what I do have can even be called one, but it is enough to cause me discomfort at times.

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